After hearing Michelle's words, Chen Luo held the gun for about two seconds. On the surface, it seemed more stable. This scene made Michelle look at him.

Without touching Michelle's eyes, Chen Luo moved the gun and pointed to the only person walking on the field.

”WHATAREYOUDOING?” Fisher asked Chen Luo angrily and surprised when he saw his gun pointing at him.

”Bang! " Unfortunately, Fisher could not express more emotion. His first sentence opened. The penetration of the bullet announced the end of his life.

Fang Shiren has been watching quietly, trying to find an opportunity to rescue Luo Yi, but you can't deny that Michelle's blackmail position is almost perfect. The consequence of doing it is that Luo Yi will die faster. He attaches importance to this task, but he also attaches importance to the life of his teammates. Not only does he think so, but so do Zhao Zhuo and Qin Yang.

There was also a trace of smoke on the painted black tube of the gun, which was the smoke rubbed by the bullet when it was fired at high speed. This shot made Fisher die in peace and made him go to hell. He couldn't understand why the man who should have saved him killed him. And Qin Yang didn't think that the people over there to which Chen Luo belonged were not saving people, but killing people.

”"Captain..." Lin Tao's voice was like choking. He whispered only one sentence.

”Go. " After Chen Luo fired the gun, he didn't care about the surprised eyes of the people, and ignored the disheartened eyes from his men.

”OK "Michelle's" all right "took a funny winding sound, deliberately lengthened the ending, and then dragged Luo Yi out like a dead dog. As for the others, they chose to give up. Only one prisoner is enough.

”You can't go! " Jon, who had been playing the role of a bystander, finally spoke, his face was gloomy and sad, "Captain Chen, I really didn't think you would be one of them. What you did is unforgivable." Speaking later, Jon was suddenly excited. He waved. Several FBI agents and state police officers behind him raised their guns and aimed at Chen Luo and Michelle in front of him. Nearly 50 guns were pointing at them. If they did shoot, all three of them, including Luo Yi, would die and become a hornet's nest in an instant.

Michelle's gun hit Luo Yi's head again when Jon spoke. He thought that the No. 2 special forces player of the fourth team of Luo Yi Tang was forced to kneel down and even hit his head by the barrel many times. He had a fire in his heart, but he had to bear all this in silence. Qin Yang's eyes clearly told him: you want to live.

”What, you want to keep us? " Michelle smiled, but Chen Luo remained silent and handed over the right to speak to the blonde killer.

Qin Yang quickly walked to the front of the 50 guns and blocked the focus behind, "no, we'll let you go, as long as you ensure the safety of my teammates. If he dies, you'll die. If he doesn't die, you can leave alive." Qin Yang's face was flat, and the words behind him were murderous.

”Qin, you can't do this! " Jon came up and said, looking annoyed.

”The rest of you stay here and translate for me. " Qin Yang didn't care much about Jon's obstruction, but said to Qiao Yang, who had safely returned to his side at this time.

”I want to ensure the safety of my teammates. " This sentence is aimed at Jon's obstruction.

Michelle gets a guarantee and takes Luo Yi out of the hotel door. Chen Luo walks carelessly without paying attention to the guns pointing at him all the time.

Qin Yang, Fang Shiren, Zhao Zhuo and Qiao Yang walked out of the hotel behind him.

Finally out of the depressed place, Chen Luo seemed to relax. He gently exhaled. This scene was seen by Qin Yang.

”We want a car. As for the hostage, when we are thirty kilometers away, it will be returned to you. " Michelle said so, but her body had already squeezed into a police car and pressed Luo Yi in. Chen Luo took a look at Qin Yang and then got into the car.

Zhao Zhuo couldn't help rushing forward, but he was stopped by Qin Yang's cross arm.

”Captain? " Zhao Zhuo expressed doubts.

”Luo Yi can live. " Qin Yang said faintly.

”Impossible. " Zhao Zhuo, a big fool, seems to be suddenly enlightened. He even sees that Michelle will not let Luo Yi go.

”I said, "if Luo Yi can live, he won't die." Qin Yang turned and left. The posture was like the end of the matter. Luo Yi's life and death had nothing to do with him.

Michelle and others who got on the bus whistled all the way, and there was almost no obstacle in the whole process. The cars on the whole night market Avenue gave way to the police car with bright red flashing lights. They accelerate madly without scruples.

When Michelle was driving wildly, her eyes stopped occasionally in the rearview mirror. If someone was chasing her, it was what he wanted.

For a long time, on a bridge, Michelle took the lead in getting out of the car, and then dragged Luo Yi out. The dark barrel was aimed at his eyebrows, revealing a charming cold smile, "goodbye."

On such a night, the cool wind blows and wrinkles Luo Yi's slightly messy hair. Michelle's face smiled, but it looked like another dimension giving devil. He stared at Chen Luo standing in front of him and wrapped his hand around the barrel of the gun.

”What, you want to protect him? He must die. " Michelle said.

Chen Luo replied coldly, "I don't have this one in my deal with you." This sentence clearly passed into Luo Yi's ears, "and you promised to let him go at that time, and now you want to kill him. It's bad for your reputation to say it, Miss Michelle."

”The killer doesn't pay attention to the so-called commitment and only cares about interests. " Michelle said.

”I promised to work for you on the premise that there were no casualties in my team. " Chen Luo's chest blocked Michelle's gun, held the barrel tightly with one hand, and looked at the blonde's big eyes.

”Forget it. Anyway, I'm just a murderer. " Michelle withdrew the gun indifferently.

”You go. " Chen Luo's voice clearly came from Luo Yi's ear.

Chen Luo untied the rope for him, and then left with Michelle. They jumped down and landed on a submarine already prepared, and finally disappeared into Luo Yi's vision.

Michelle, with blonde hair, led the way. Behind her, Chen Luo, dressed in black, kept up.

At this time, the corridor where they were walking was a dark place without even street lights. At this time, the night time was already five o'clock. At this time, I'm afraid all the night owls had fallen asleep.

There was no one to describe the corridor that Chen Luo passed through at this time. It is not the kind of lane in Tianjing Hutong, because this lane is more fashionable, but even if it is fashionable without the trace of ancient years, it shows an unspeakable desolation.

They walked in a certain direction without haste or delay.

Chen Luo knows that the woman in front of her is just a deal with that group of people, and her identity as a guide is only temporary. Almost all killers exist because of interests. Chen Luo received information training in this field a long time ago.

And what does he want? He just traded with that group of people, but the woman in front traded money, while he traded life with that group of people.

In such a quiet atmosphere, Chen Luo couldn't help thinking of the origin and course of the event. He was silent, didn't say a word, his head was low, his eyes were still staring at the floor and fell into meditation.

During the period when Guoan team and the fourth team led by Qin Yang collectively settled in the hotel, he still belonged to the side of justice. When the phone number belonging to Jon called, everything changed. He had to choose to stand on the hostile side of Qin Yang and others, just because he had to do it for a reason. What he never dreamed of was that in his opinion, the FBI agent Jon sent by the American government to help them transfer their tasks smoothly would be one of the black hands.

”"Deng Deng Deng" Michelle gently knocked on an iron gate, and then a password activated lock device popped up in the groove of the gate. All this interrupted Chen Luo's meditation. He looked up and looked ahead. An old and mottled Castle covering a wide area appeared in front of him. Before that, he had no idea how he came to this place.

At that time, he and Michelle got on the speedboat, drove a distance of about 100 nautical miles and landed. He was asked to get on the car by a man in black who had been waiting for a long time, and was asked to put on an eye towel. Until they arrived at the dark lane, they were uncovered and let him go with Michelle.

Michelle entered a series of numbers and paused. Then the rusty door that looked very old slowly opened, revealing a "gap" for the two to enter side by side.

The two men flashed into the room. They had no spare time to see the environment on both sides of the road. They purposefully walked towards the house in the center.

”Zhiniu ~ "the vicissitudes of life wooden door was pushed open, and Chen Luo followed Michelle's body into it.

It was still dark outside, but when entering the house of the ancient castle, it was suddenly two different environments.

The light of the candle is light orange, and the warm color of the candle makes people relax their vigilance for the first time. No one wants to destroy the tranquility. Although the house is old, such a house seems extremely comfortable. No one will exclude living in such an environment.

At the turning point of his eyes, there was an old man sitting on the brown sofa with the same warm color. He was leaning on a wooden stick with a length of about 40 cm. Even though there were two young men standing beside the old man, Chen Luo was not the first to notice the two handsome young people. He knew who was the real leader.

”I brought you the man. " When Chen Luo was looking at the old man carefully, Michelle said, "where's the money I want?" Speak very directly. This female killer really exists for benefit.

”Why, it's not that I don't give it to you. " The old man seemed to be keeping his eyes closed and talking to one of the young people around the old man with his back against the armrest of the sofa and one leg slightly tilted. The young man's face is the most pure English face. You will not hesitate to think about it at the first glance. The pale face is not the performance of a sick child, but a temperament like a vampire.

”Miss Michelle, come and have a seat. " The vampire man smiled and made an invitation.

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