Subconsciously, Lin Tao nodded. At this time, the three national security team members no longer look down on Qin Yang's captain status, and have completely regarded him as the leader.

”Tell them who we are. If you have a way, you'd better??? " Qin Yang was about to go on, but one of the police officers stood out. He shouted in surprise.

”Oh, my Qin, what happened! " Jon expressed surprise. His eyes first focused on the pool of blood in the elevator, and then focused on Qin Yang.

”It's good to see you. " Qin Yang smiled back. Lin Tao nearby almost didn't want to translate for him.

Jon nodded to Qin Yang, then said to the policeman around him, "I'm from the FBI. Can you invite your leader to see me?" In order to show his identity, he took out his ID card again. He took it out once when he came in before.

”"OK" seems to be the respectful way of the police officer at the team leader level, and then whispered to the phone on his shoulder. This is not what Qin Yang and others are concerned about.

”I think I brought you a nice gift. " Qin Yang gave Jon the feeling of silence. When he first saw Qin Yang, Jon looked at him. Qin Yang's eyes felt like the eyes of a snake in an attack state, a cold-blooded animal. He didn't expect that this "child like" young man in his eyes spoke quite like a big general. He was more used to talking to Chen Luo because Chen Luo was kinder and talking to him made Jon happier.

Qin Yang moved his body to get out of the way. Behind him was Fisher, whose face was not completely good, and a blonde foreign girl.

The people present did not pay more attention to Fisher. Although the man with a big nose can be regarded as a handsome man in western aesthetic eyes, it can not be ignored that the people present are basically men, so there is no doubt that the blonde woman can attract people's attention.

When Jon's eyes touched Michelle's eyes, his pupils shrank slightly. Then he smiled and said to Qin Yang, "is she?" Interrogative tone.

”According to her own account, she is a famous killer. " Qin Yang replied faintly.

”Oh, "Jon suddenly," where's captain Chen Luo? Why don't you see others? "

”He's in... " Qin Yang was about to say it, but a voice sounded earlier than him.

”I'm here. " This is Chen Luo's voice. At least in Qin Yang's impression, Chen Luo's voice is like this. The only difference is that this is an English sentence. This person understands Yanhuang language, but what he says is in English.

”The deal between us is still valid, but there is an additional condition. He is ours. " Michelle changed her lovely appearance of being caught in the elevator. At this time, she smiled very charming. She stood beside Qin Yang and spoke with a faint smell of roses. Then she slowly moved her body and walked towards the man who spoke in the eyes of everyone.

During this period, no one came to stop all this. The whole hall was a little quiet, and Michelle's footsteps were heard.

”"Bang" Qin Yang's head seemed to be knocked by something, and then exploded suddenly.

He couldn't figure it out. What's more, he didn't think that the other party was not a person changing his appearance, but two, but??? But why, why was Chen Luo replaced. When was it? Is it when they arrange their own time and go back to their room? Impossible. When the gunfire started, Qin Yang determined that Chen Luo was standing next to him.

How? Qin Yang couldn't figure it out. In a moment, his thoughts flew far and far, thought of many, and then his eyes slowly shifted to the maker of the voice.

Qin Yang's heart trembled fiercely. The other party's face was still that face. There was no doubt that it was Chen Luo's face. In his hand, a pistol was against a man's head. It was Luo Yi.

Because of Luo Yi's restrictions, Zhao Zhuo, Fang Shiren and others nearby were also coerced.

”His words of "Chen Luo" and "Luo Yi" solved Qin Yang's question, but the fact was a little cruel like a dream.

”Who did you say he was? " Qin Yang confirmed, but his voice was not cold and trance.

”I said! He is Chen Luo! " Even though he was pointed at by a gun, Luo Yi still dared to shout. He roared and told Qin Yang the fact. " I can tell you clearly that he is Chen Luo! No one else! "

In this life, roaring is almost roaring, angry and more depressed. Luo Yi didn't think that his own people would betray them, nor did he think that Chen Luo had any reason to help the hand hidden in the dark.

What is their mission this time? Isn't it OK to take people to America? Isn't the task very simple? It's ridiculous why things have developed to this point. Even Luo Yi is wondering if he is dreaming.

In such a big hall, many people stood still, and no one knew why. Many state police officers didn't speak or act because they saw the anger of the yellow man and Jon was presiding over the scene, so they didn't act rashly.

Jon is the only one who has action in the field, and the action appears on his face. It is a sneer hidden from outsiders. It looks like a poisonous snake, with vague eyes.

”Why? " Qiao Yang, who usually works as a translator, speaks. He is the least noticeable role. His job is to translate. Only a few people know his identity, and only Chen Luo knows his responsibilities in this task. Even Qin Yang was not told of Qiao Yang's real identity.

Qiao Yang was in the stairwell. When everyone tried to go downstairs, Chen Luo suddenly asked him when he started to fight with his own people, but at that time Chen Luo chose silence and said "don't talk nonsense".

Now, he asked again, in front of Qin Yang and all the national security team members.

”"Captain" Lin Tao only felt his voice was very uncomfortable. Even the murmuring title was very difficult. Several national security team members wanted to ask why from Chen Luo. They all imagined that this person was a fake, not their captain, but a person who was the same as Michelle who tore off the human skin mask before. With a crash, he became a person.

But Chen Luo's answer dashed only a glimmer of hope in all people's hearts. "I'm Chen Luo," he seemed to know everyone's doubts, "I'm on their side."

Qiao Yang closed his eyes and felt sad.

Qin Yang breathed a sigh, but he made another consideration in his heart.

”I see. What conditions. On what terms will you let them go? " This is Qin Yang's problem, leaving aside Chen Luo's identity.

”No, he's not our captain, he's not! " Lin Tao shouted. When Qin Yang said the word "conditions", it represented that the two sides were already completely hostile, and he didn't give up his last meaning and hope.

”I've been with the captain for eight years. If the captain is one of them, how can I hide in the NSA for so long? Moreover, this task is randomly arranged. We selected our eighth team, which can't be fake at all. The most important thing is that the captain had the opportunity to do it before, but he didn't. why did he do it at this time! He's a fake! " Lin Tao is unwilling.

But Qin Yang didn't seem to hear it. He continued to say to Chen Luo, who was standing beside Michelle, "do you want him?" Qin Yang pushed Fisher out.

”Captain Qin! " Lin Tao shouted.

”"Ka" Qin Yang's hand almost didn't use time, so he raised it flat and pointed his gun at Lin Tao's head. "If you talk again, I'll kill you!" The tone is very flat. At this time, Qin Yang was very calm. When Fang Shiren saw Qin Yang's expression and tone, he inevitably remembered the situation of seeing Qin Yang for the first time.

Fisher's face, which was pushed out, had a subtle change and a trace of complacency, as if things should happen like this. He knew he would be rescued because there were too many senior people who had important relations with him. If he was sent to the FBI, he would probably be forced to ask a lot of things, That kind of situation is intolerable to many big men who hide behind and don't stand up.

Although such a rescue was a little unexpected, fortunately, he was able to return to his 800 square meter villa to live a natural and unrestrained life. Now he has begun to fantasize about holding a blonde, blue eyed and big breasted woman, tasting red wine and delicious food, and enjoying all his wealth. This is his life, this is the wonderful life of Fisher.

Qin Yang looked at Fisher walking towards Chen Luo without the slightest intention of blocking. Even the luster in his eyes was an indifferent state, like a sculpture standing in place without any thinking. Many people present watched quietly. They were at a loss and didn't know what they should do.

Jon's head was only slightly raised and looked almost coldly at everything on the court.

”Sir, "whispered an agent next to him, interrupted by Jon's slightly raised hand.

”It's their business. We haven't taken over the criminal yet, have we? " There was an indifferent and cold smile on Jon's mouth. If Qiao Yang heard it, he would translate it smoothly, but now he is captured by Chen Luo.

At this time, two people in the tense field did something. One was Luo Yi, who was quite silent. He put his head on Chen Luo's muzzle, stared at Chen Luo sharply, and shouted in a low voice as if to swallow him: "you have the seed to kill me now." He knew it was because he was kidnapped that Qin Yang couldn't do it. As a soldier, he couldn't tolerate his own reason that the whole team couldn't complete the task successfully.

”Qin Yang, what are you doing! Have you forgotten the rules the team leader told us? " Luo Yi's brain hit Chen Luo's muzzle and shouted to Qin Yang not far away.

”You are really not good. As a prisoner, what is it like to shout here? " Blonde Michelle came to Luo Yi with a smile. What she confided was fluent Chinese. The barrel in her hand points to Luo Yi's head. With Chen Luo's gun, there are two guns in the left and right directions against Luo Yi's temples on both sides.

”He can't die yet. We need him out of here. " Chen Luo's voice is so low that people can't understand even the slightest idea in his heart.

”I know. " Michelle seemed to have worked with Chen Luo for many years and nodded, "now you can do it. I'll take care of him for you." At this time, Luo Yi is threatened to kneel down, and Michelle's gun goes deeper against his forehead.

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