At this time, the people around stood still and looked at the good play. They saw Rogge walking with Qin Yang in the center of the scene. Although they couldn't understand Rogge's extraordinary communication with him, they could still guess something through Rogge's expression and action.

Andy Li listened to Rogge muttering and didn't understand what he meant. She could only grasp Qin Yang's sleeve, and then finally couldn't help saying to Rogge, "can you tell me what's going on?"

When Rogge saw Andy's question, he changed it to English and said, "he's in big trouble today. We're in big trouble today. We???" When Rogge was going to tell Andy the whole story, someone broke into the quiet place for a long time.

”Who seriously injured the eldest brother's son. " One of the brothers of eludes who received the news arrived, and the appearance of this man immediately surprised the people around him to make way automatically.

The visitor is a big bald head, more than 1.9 meters tall, and his body is full of muscle bumps, but he has a great sense of visual impact at the first sight.

”Not good, "Rogge recognized the man by listening to his voice. This man was the best one under eludes - nicknamed Shapi.

”Go! " Rogge didn't know whether he regarded himself as Qin Yang's gang. Without saying a word, even if he had seen Qin Yang's terrible skills before, he still had the idea of running away. He grabbed Qin Yang's hand and plunged into the crowd. He wanted to escape from life and ran away with this Yanhuang people who he knew tonight. No, he couldn't even be familiar with.

Rogge grabbed Qin Yang's hand, but Qin Yang grabbed Andy Li's hand. He wouldn't let a girl calling for help stay in this place of right and wrong. In fact, Qin Yang's deeper concern is that he is afraid that tonight's action will be cancelled. Now there is such a big noise. If Jon recognizes it, he is afraid that he will scare the snake. Qin Yang with such an idea also has the heart to leave. It's just that he doesn't leave like Rogge, but goes out in a fair way. But there is a gap between reality and ideal.

The three men ran away with oil on their feet right now.

Ignoring the situation at the scene, di Shapi saw that he was able to beat people among the people who reported. When he saw him, he immediately ran away. At first, he felt a burst of pride and felt powerful and domineering. Then he woke up and shouted, "follow me!" Then he ran towards Qin Yang with his bare hands.

”"Emergency escape" Rogge ran out of the tavern with Qin Yang, and then didn't forget to look back and say, "run, we'll die if we're caught."

Qin Yang didn't reply. He was almost running with andili in his hand. Fortunately, andili's figure was medium. In the eyes of Westerners, it looked small. This is no difficulty for Qin Yang.

Rogge ran with Qin Yang. He also knew that he had something to do with Qin Yang. He took Qin Yang with him. At least when he was in danger, a thug could resolve it, so he did so.

”Get in, get in. " To Qin Yang's surprise, Rogge was not much older than him, but he was a man who could afford to drive a luxury car. Although Qin Yang couldn't recognize the brand of the horse as a symbol, looking at the bright red appearance of the sports car and the gorgeous lines, he immediately knew that Rogge's family background was not simple.

Without the slightest waste of time, Qin Yang placed Andy Li in the co pilot's position, and he jumped onto the no seat area of the rear car, squatted and bowed down.

In such a short time, Rogge had sat in the driver's seat, started the car at one go, quickly adjusted and sped up.

In fact, there was still a distance for Shapi to catch up with in the rear, but Rogge was too afraid, so before Shapi could catch up with the field of vision and touch their overall body shape, Rogge drove Qin Yang and Andy Li to escape.

Shapi looked around, stood still and thought carefully. He didn't intend to catch up. Instead, he waited to go back to the tavern and asked people to describe the faces of the people who had caused an accident and injured Er Shao tonight, so that his task was not a failure.

Those people did not expect to escape like this. Shapi was a little helpless, but he would never send it to that person. He believed that his boss, eludes, would start to find those people and settle the account at the latest tomorrow.

”Oh, my God, "Rogge drove quickly on the avenue of the night market, looked at the situation behind him through the rearview mirror, confirmed that Shapi pedestrian didn't catch up, and finally breathed out.

Rogge stopped talking nonsense, but said to Qin Yang, "where are you going? I'll take you back. After tonight, we'll treat it as if we haven't seen each other." He put a finger in front of his forehead and twisted a pinch of hair around it. It must have become a natural habitual action. At this time, Rogge seems to have the ability to seduce his sister. Unfortunately, Qin Yang didn't know this, and Andy Li looked at Qin Yang and didn't pay attention to Rogge.

”I have no place to go. You can put me anywhere. " Qin Yang said faintly that the sports car had only two seats, and he squatted on the hood in the back.

”Ah?! " what? The two questions and two voices are the same, both after Qin Yang said something, but one is Yanhuang Mandarin and the other is English.

”I have no place to live here. " Qin Yang continued to answer calmly.

”Oh, "Rogge glanced at Andy, then said nothing, but focused on his posture.

”What did he say? " Andy asked Rogge.

Rogge rolled his eyes, reluctantly became an interpreter and said, "he said he had no place to go and asked me to put him anywhere and let him get off."

When Andy heard the speech, she became quiet in an instant.

”Alas, where is your home? I'll take you back. " Rogge looked ahead and asked Andy in English.

Andy Li looked a little stiff, and then, as if she had made some decision, calmly welcomed Qin Yang's face, "then go to my house." I didn't hear Rogge's question.

Next to Rogge, he was a little out of control, "I Kao, this girl is too open. Is that good? Ignore me! " The heart is very angry.

As the invited object, Qin Yang didn't understand Andy Li's words, but he knew that Andy Li was talking to himself.

”She asked you to stay at her house. " Rogge was depressed and had to act as an interpreter again. In this way, he was like a man and a woman who talked about love in high school.

After listening to Rogge's words, Qin Yang was stunned at Andy Li's decision. For a moment, he couldn't find words. He stared at Andy Li's flashing dark black eyes. It was a pair of extremely dark eyes. It was because of the special pure black that her eyes were flawless.

Until this time, Qin Yang finally completely read Andy's appearance: her hair is black and her eyes are black, but her face has many characteristics of Westerners. The eyebrows were thick but not thick, and the two glances on the eyebrow bone set off her beauty even more. Her beauty is implicit, so you can't treat her as an ordinary western girl. Even from the perspective of oriental aesthetics, such girls are impeccable.

Quiet as a virgin - most of these words are used for Oriental beauties, but Qin Yang wants to put this word on Andy when he sees the whole face of Andy.

Rogge had noticed this for a long time, and that was the reason why he was very depressed. "Why didn't you invite me, Kaokao?"

”Please come in, "after Andy Li unlocked the lock and entered the house, she looked a little restrained. It seemed that Qin Yang behind her gave her a lot of pressure. Although half of her blood is American, her temperament is not the American girl in the eyes of Oriental people. This is from her mother, Japanese, a woman with classical Japanese temperament. Many people, including Qin Yang, thought Andy Li's mother was Chinese.

Qin Yang just smiled and nodded behind him. He couldn't understand Andy Li's fluent and flawless English, so he had to smile. Only in this way could he resolve the embarrassment. Suddenly, he felt a big head. He didn't know why he accepted the proposal to come to Andy's house. He couldn't help smiling bitterly and soon withdrew.

Andy Li seems to be a little self-centered. In fact, she pays attention to Qin Yang's reaction all the time. Seeing that after she finished speaking, Qin Yang didn't have a little reaction behind her, she turned around a little confused and wanted to know why Qin Yang didn't return a word, not even a "um".

Qin Yang, who listened to Andy Li's introduction in the rear, didn't expect the two to walk well one by one. Suddenly the girl would turn around.

At that moment, Qin Yang first came into contact with Andy Li's pure black eyes, such as the world's brightest black gemstones, round and shiny, which brought inexplicable touch and ups and downs of heartstrings.

Andy turned around simply once, but they were ambiguous because they were in the narrow corridor in front of the door.

They can even hear each other's breath at this moment.

”Sorry, idon'tknowhat did you say, "Qin Yang instantly opened the distance between the two and was a little at a loss. He had no experience in getting along with women, so he showed his embarrassment." IONLY??? KNOW??? ALITTLEENGLISH???” He expressed his helplessness and explained. He didn't speak very fluently and intermittently, even with body language,

”I'd better go. " Qin Yang was suddenly a little helpless. He couldn't tell what he felt. The only thing in his heart was that he might be too frivolous. The girl just politely invited him to his house. He actually promised. Now there is a problem in their language communication and such an embarrassing situation, which seems that he is a little out of line. After a few words, he still chose to say it in inflammatory yellow language.

After leaving this, Qin Yang turned to open the door and wanted to leave the house. In fact, his initial attitude did not quickly agree to Andy's request, but Rogge encouraged him at that time, and because of Andy's sincere eyes at that time, he thought about it and agreed.

”No, "Andy Li hung her head and showed the girl's reserve, but when she looked up, she saw Qin Yang's intention to leave. For a moment, she couldn't help holding Qin Yang's hand." you can't go. You're my life-saving benefactor, I??? I haven't repaid you yet. " He still spoke English. Qin Yang couldn't understand it, but he stopped and vaguely heard each other's meaning.

When he turned around again, Qin Yang calmed down a lot. His face was calm, but he smiled bitterly.

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