Andy Li suddenly released Qin Yang's hand and said, "ah, I see. You wait for me here, wait for me." Andy Li flashed a bright light in her eyes, as if she remembered something. She suddenly walked away and walked towards the inner room. She expanded her voice and shouted, "aunt he! Aunt he! "

This burst of shouting rang out throughout the room, and then a slightly old female voice returned, "I'm here, miss."

Qin Yang's eyes followed the answering voice, looked up and saw an old woman with half silver hair in the attic answering with a smile upstairs. However, when Qin Yang's eyes looked at Aunt he, the woman's eyes with multiple wrinkles suddenly smoothed down, and looked at Qin Yang, an outsider with a look thousands of miles away.

The main frame design of the house is a typical European classic. The whole interior is paved with a hard black wood produced in the American forest.

Qin Yang hasn't seen such a great scene, so he doesn't have much appreciation for this expensive house, but Zhang Ye looked around and did it. The room gave him great visual and sensory comfort.

Andy Li saw aunt he, then jumped to Aunt he who came downstairs, reached out to Qin Yang and introduced her to Aunt he. " He is a friend I know today. "

Aunt he nodded politely. Her eyes were still looking at Qin Yang, but she didn't bring any discomfort to Qin Yang. However, the aunt he in Andy Li's mouth made Qin Yang a little curious, because this woman was the first Oriental he had come into close contact with since he stayed in America. She has an obvious Chinese face.

”Aunt he, I can't speak Yanhuang language. We have difficulties talking to him. Can you act as an interpreter for us? " Andy Li looked at Aunt he with a look of respect. This is a bit of putting the cart before the horse. As a young lady, she would respect being a nanny so much.

Aunt he nodded and asked Qin Yang, "are you from China?"

Qin Yang nodded naturally.

”Since you are Chinese, you can't speak English? Do you know where this is? " Aunt he's eyes flashed doubt, more doubt.

”I have my reasons. " Qin Yang answered calmly.

”Why did miss invite you to our house? " Aunt he is a little aimed at Qin Yang.

”I helped her. " Qin Yang began to feel a little happy because he met a person with the same hot and yellow blood as himself in a foreign country, but he was soon destroyed by the tit for tat questioning of the old woman. His eyes were cold, but his face was still floating with a smile.

”Aunt he, what did you tell him? " Seeing something wrong with the atmosphere, Andy Li eagerly took aunt Lahe's hand and asked.

”Nothing, miss. I'm just asking him how he came to America and what he has to do here. " Aunt he, with a sneer on her face, was very kind when she faced Andy Li. But Qin Yang couldn't understand their communication.

”Oh, "Andy nodded.

”You helped my lady what? " Aunt he turned her head, and the kind smile gathered again. The "face change" in the twinkling of an eye was very natural, which made Qin Yang wonder: the word "this woman" can't hang up with the nanny at all. The identity is suspicious.

Qin Yang was defeated. He had no desire to explain for a time. Aunt he asked this reason, but it was more because of the unique humility of the Chinese people.

When you save others, you will shout in the street: I saved people, I saved people.

”What? Can't answer? " Seeing Qin Yang's words, aunt he immediately confirmed her guess and said to Andy: "Miss, how many times have I told you to be vigilant when dealing with people outside? He helped you. Didn't he arrange it in advance? Maybe he approached you on purpose. " Painstakingly stroking Andy's head.

”No, no, no, it's not like that. Yi saved me. Without him, I might have been??? " Andy Li responded greatly and explained, "aunt he, you don't know the situation at that time. If you know, you will know how important Yi was to me at that time. Without him, I might even have died."

Andy Li's violent reaction was much more than aunt he expected. She didn't expect that she would have such a violent reaction when she saw a big girl from childhood. She looked anxious, and her eyes were stained with a few tears. She spoke a little eagerly, and her consciousness seemed to return to the scene at that time.

She let go of aunt he's hand and suddenly ran to Qin Yang with a small step. Unexpectedly, she grabbed Qin Yang's arm, looked at Aunt he and said, "he saved me, he saved me." His voice was a little hoarse because of his inner grievance.

Aunt he was a little distracted at first, and then quickly reacted. She was very worried in her eyes, "Miss, I know, I know, don't do this, don't do this." After saying that, she had no intention to "interrogate" Qin Yang. She hurried to Andy Li's side, stroked her head, pulled it to her side, patted Andy Li's head gently, and said in a low voice, "aunt he is bad, aunt he is wrong, I know, I know."

The color of doubt in Qin Yang's eyes is more serious. I don't know why the girl who was quiet and polite suddenly became so abnormal.

”I'm very grateful that you saved my lady. Since the young lady wants you to stay, you can stay. I'll arrange a room for you later. You can find a seat to sit down first. I'll talk to you later. " Aunt he's hand is still gently patting Andy's head, comforting her and saying gentle words to her.

At this time, Andy Li was very abnormal. The palm of one hand tightly clasped aunt he's arm, while the other hand tightly grasped Qin Yang's corner of clothes. Her eyes seemed to be looking for something without focus at this time.

”Um. " Qin Yang answered, then gently pushed aside Andy Li's hand, took off his heels, and walked into the house behind aunt he and Andy Li.

After a while, aunt he appeared in front of Qin Yang again, holding a cup of warm milk tea in her hand.

”When you come to this country, do as the Romans do. We don't have tea here, so please make do with it. " Aunt he's attitude towards Qin Yang at this time is much better than before.

Qin Yang took it with both hands, nodded and said, "you're welcome."

”Can you tell me the scene of saving my young lady at that time? " Aunt he sat opposite Qin Yang, looked at him and said.

Qin Yang took a sip of milk tea and then said, "here's the thing???"

For about half an hour, Qin Yang was telling aunt he about the situation at that time. During that time, he was not impatient. He carefully told what he knew at that time, but simply said that he went to the "red tavern" to find Jon as looking for someone.

”I didn't think much at that time. I just did it easily. It's not a great kindness to say. " Qin Yang concluded.

Aunt he suddenly stood up, bowed to Qin Yang and said, "I suspected you before. I'm really sorry. Thank you for saving my miss." The tone is sincere and abnormal.

Qin Yang also stood up, held the old man with both hands and said politely, "it's not a big favor. You're already grateful to me if you let me stay overnight." He knew what he should say to avoid the cumbersome things later, and helped up aunt he who bowed.

Aunt he smiled, but this was a heartfelt smile, "there are not many polite young people like you in my hometown now." She stretched out her hand and motioned Qin Yang to sit down. Qin Yang nodded and sat down with aunt he first and then.

”What is your hometown? " Qin Yang wondered.

”Nature is the kingdom of China. " Aunt he said.

Qin Yang had nothing to be surprised at, which was taken for granted in his heart.

”Miss's father is a Native American, while her mother is Japanese. " Aunt he explained to Qin Yang.

When he heard the word "Japanese", Qin Yang showed a green tendon in his palm vest with a milk tea cup, and finally whispered, "Japanese." People in this country have a special meaning for Qin Yang, who is half a soldier.

Aunt he's eyes saw the scene of Qin Yang holding the cup's fingers tightly, and said faintly, "you must not be an ordinary person?"

Qin Yang was suddenly surprised. He didn't know why the old man opposite said, "why?" He pretended to smile and looked calm.

”As far as I know, the most sensitive people to the word 'Japan' are soldiers. " Aunt he solved Qin Yang's doubts.

”Well, "Qin Yang listened, took the cup to his lips, took a shallow drink, and covered up the essence in his eyes.

”It's all over, "aunt he suddenly sighed.

”It won't pass. One day, they will pay the price. " Qin Yang's tone revealed a chill, "why do you work for a family with this identity?" This is Qin Yang's puzzle. Now he sees that Aunt he inevitably wears a trace of colored glasses.

”Just because her mother is Japanese, so you have a prejudice against me? " Aunt he, who has lived for more than half a century, can always see the bottom of a person's heart. She is not deeply aware of other people's psychology, but is used to too many worldly wisdom.

Qin Yang held the cup silently.

”You young people know something about that era, and I came from that era and have more experience than the young people of your generation. " Aunt he took a sip, lifted the cup and drank milk tea.

”Life is really wonderful. If it weren't for Andy's mother, I might have died. " Aunt he smiled nostalgically, and the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes appeared again, indicating that she was actually very old, although she looked like 50.

”I just want to say that from the perspective of a country, they Japanese are wrong, but hatred should not be blind. We Chinese people should maintain a normal attitude towards ordinary people, "aunt he said." you must come to America with some responsibilities? "

Qin Yang's state of mind was still immersed in aunt he's sentence "hatred should not be blind". Unexpectedly, he was attracted by this sentence for a moment. He nodded noncommittally for Aunt he's seemingly asking a question, and whispered "um".

After that, Qin Yang suddenly woke up and looked at Aunt he with a little surprise.

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