”Hehe, "aunt he smiled kindly," you are a soldier, I guessed. "

”Aunt, you are really not easy? " Qin Yang smiled bitterly and became more and more curious about Aunt he's identity.

The whole room is quiet. It's a different kind of silence. In such an atmosphere, Qin Yang's heart relaxed unconsciously, and his tense nerves have been relieved because of his conversation with aunt he.

”I wasn't an ordinary person before. Just treat me as an ordinary person now. " Aunt he kindly said that she only slightly changed her identity. As for more, she wouldn't reveal it.

”By the way, what's your name? I don't even know your name yet. " Aunt he asked Qin Yang kindly.

Seeing the look in aunt he's eyes, Qin Yang was suddenly a little stunned, because from Aunt he, he saw the shadow of his deceased grandmother.

”Qin Yang. Qin Shihuang's Qin, the book of changes's Yi. " Qin Yang said with a smile.

”Oh, I'll call you Xiao Yi. " Aunt he said.

Hearing this kind address again, Qin Yang's heart suddenly felt sour. It was a kind of light pain, which didn't make him frown, but made his eyes a little sour. It seems that it has been four years, and he doesn't know how long he hasn't heard this familiar title. It is a heavy memory, buried in the memory, unwilling to recall, but very concerned.

”Yes, "Qin Yang said with a heartfelt smile.

”My young lady's mother died when she was very young, and because his father was mixed in the officialdom of the United States, I was the only old man to take care of her daily life. " Aunt he somehow talked about this topic to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang nodded and listened carefully to the old man.

”In fact, in addition to the monthly living expenses and tuition fees, Andy's father also gives her a lot of pocket money every month. " Aunt he continued, "but even so, Kevin is not a good father. I know all about him. Even Andy's mother died early because of Kevin's incompetent father. " Aunt he said, with anger on her eyebrows.

”You know, Andy Li is a bitter child, "aunt he suddenly said to Qin Yang after sighing.

Qin Yang nodded as if he understood.

Aunt he shook her head and fell into her own memory, "you don't know," denied Qin Yang's nod. Qin Yang could only smile bitterly. In fact, he really didn't know.

”Because of her mother's early death, Andy was very unhappy in her childhood. She hid in her house to do her homework after school and seldom went out to play with her classmates. " Aunt he's eyebrows are sad.

Qin Yang listened to Aunt he continue to tell the story about Andy Li.

”Her childhood was not happy. At the age of ten, the doctor detected that she had autism. " Aunt he said.

”So now? " Qin Yang asked.

”The disease has been treated to some extent, but it has not been completely cured. " Aunt he said anxiously, "just now you saw Andy like that, which is a sign of relapse. Fortunately, she was restrained just now."

Qin Yang suddenly realized that Andy Li's previous extreme reaction was due to the girl's mental illness.

”It is precisely because of this kind of disease that Andy Li didn't like to talk to people when she was a child. She was always very autistic. For a long time, she lived in her own world. "

”The doctor said that to treat her mental illness, the most important thing is that she can take the first step, that is, take the initiative to talk to strange classmates. Making friends is the first and most important step in treating her autism. "

”Through the doctor's efforts, her disease has been slowly treated. In this process, she has gradually learned to accept others, get along with others and make many friends. " Aunt he said here, but she turned to Qin Yang, "therefore, friends play a very important role in her heart. Almost at the request of friends, she will try her best to help."

Qin Yang nodded, "aunt he, you tell me this???" Now he can call aunt he harmoniously.

”Andy has never been to a place like the bar, but what happened today is in the bar. " As far as I know, there is a very naughty girl among Andy's friends. Her name is Julie. If Andy went to bars and other places by herself, I wouldn't believe it. If there was a reason for her to go, it must be Julie. " Aunt he's speculation is basically the same as the fact.

Then Aunt he continued, "among Andy's many friends, Julie is her most valued friend, so if Julie proposes to go to the bar, Andy will certainly not refuse."

”Er, "Qin Yang answered.

”Xiao Yi. " Aunt he hid the hostility in her eyes, and then said to Qin Yang kindly, "can you do me a favor?"

”Huh? " Qin Yang wondered.

”Help me stay with Andy for a few days. " Aunt he made a request.

Qin Yang's mind suddenly exploded and asked, "why?"

Aunt he explained, "because you are her first heterosexual friend."

This sentence brought an inevitable shock to Qin Yang, "she didn't have heterosexual friends before?"

Aunt he replied, "No."

”She and I are not friends yet. " Qin Yang said.

”Yes, why not? Didn't you see Andy's reaction just now? I've never seen her so protective of a heterosexual. Even her loving father doesn't have such treatment. "

”Ah? " Qin Yang had a headache. He opened his mouth in amazement and elongated his chin.

”How's it going? " Aunt he looked forward to it. In fact, this can not be regarded as careless consideration. Aunt he who had this idea also thought about it. At present, Andy's condition may relapse at any time, and she is likely to return to the previous state. At that time, she will be in trouble. Most importantly, he had never seen Andy Li care so much about a heterosexual. Faintly, aunt he had a bold guess. Although she didn't believe in "love at first sight", she was extremely sure that Andy Li's heart had been branded with the shadow of Qin Yang. After all, when Andy was dying, Qin Yang appeared in her world like a God, which brought her hope and rebirth. Such a thing may be an incredible thing for an ordinary girl, but it seems very normal for Andy, who has a history of autism.

It is under such various factors that Qin Yang has become an indispensable opposite sex in Andy Li's life. No matter what the future is, but now Qin Yang is absolutely of great significance to Andy Li.

”No. " Qin Yang almost refused aunt he's request without much thought.

This almost thoughtless refusal immediately made aunt he's face not very good-looking. Her face turned into cold ice when Qin Yang gave the answer.

When Qin Yang saw aunt he's suddenly cold, he knew he was afraid of offending the old man. Then Qin Yang explained, "you said before that I came to America for a mission. If you guessed right, don't you know my difficulties?"

Aunt he thought about it and was relieved, but still with a trace of expectation, "what about after completing the task?"

”There is no time, "Qin Yang said, but he took out the ticket left by Qiao Yang." the plane ticket two days later, after the task is completed, I must return home. There will be other things waiting for me. "

”That's really??? " Aunt he sighed and expressed regret, "well, I won't talk to you anymore. Go to bed early. You must be tired." Aunt he knew the reason why Qin Yang refused, so she had no objection. She smiled and said to Qin Yang, "I've arranged a room for you. I'll call you tomorrow morning."

”Thank you, "Qin Yang said, then got up and followed aunt he to the room arranged for him.

Before that, Andy Li had been comforted and fell asleep by Aunt he. She didn't know anything about the conversation between the old and the young in the hall. Maybe she was in her wonderful sleep at this time.

”Aunt he, aunt he "the sky hasn't completely lit up. Only a touch of fish belly white can be seen through the window, but aunt he, who is falling into sleep, hears a weak voice shouting at herself.

When Aunt he opened her eyes, she immediately saw Andy blinking a pair of big black eyes and looking at herself with some expectation in her eyes.

”Andy, why are you up so early? What's the matter? " Aunt he got up, looked at the sky outside the window and asked suspiciously.

Andy looked down a little embarrassed, and then whispered, "I want to make breakfast for Yi. Teach me, aunt he." Cast a pleading look.

”Ah?! " Aunt he, who had not fully awakened, was a little surprised by Andy's words.

Seeing aunt he, who had taken care of herself for many years, showed a surprised expression, Andy's white face turned red and whispered, "Yi saved me. I want to make breakfast for him. Thank him." The earlobes have been infected with ruddy.

Aunt he hugged andili in her arms a little distressed. She remembered the child's sad childhood, stroked her head and said, "OK, aunt he taught you to make breakfast and cook noodles for Xiaoyi."

”Um. " Andy nodded happily, then stood up and whispered, "let's keep our voice down and don't wake Yi up." Then he showed the naive smile of a child. At that moment, he was like an angel, clean as a child who didn't know the world.

Aunt he had a little worry in her eyes and soon recovered. Andili's condition undoubtedly relapsed, but fortunately it was not fully triggered. I'm afraid it takes good cultivation to return to normal these days.

Who would have thought that this usually cheerful girl in school turned out to be such a fragile person.

When they came to the kitchen, they didn't make much noise. Looking at Andy Li's cautious and afraid of waking Qin Yang, aunt he can only smile helplessly. The child's performance seems to regard Qin Yang as a treasure.

”Andy, you go and cut the green onions. I'll boil water and make noodles. " Aunt he smiled and said to Andy Li. Then she put on her apron and began to get busy.

The kitchen has everything. Because Aunt he is from the kingdom of Yan Huang, she will occasionally cook noodles for Andy Li at breakfast. There are several piles of pasta in the low-temperature box, but there will be no lack of materials.

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