Andy Li sometimes helps aunt he, so it's nothing to cut vegetables.

”Aunt he, will Yi like noodles? " Andy smiled happily and asked aunt he while cutting onions.

”In the kingdom of Yan and Huang, pasta is a common breakfast. Didn't I tell you before? " Aunt he pretended to be dissatisfied.

”Oh, I forgot, hee hee. " Andy Li stuck out her tongue lovingly, carefully cut her own onions, and soon cut them and stacked them in a side dish.

Aunt he's best at beef noodles, which is also Andy's favorite type of breakfast. After dealing with the water, aunt he turned and walked to the refrigerator. Her sight just glanced over the table in the hall.

A white note was neatly stacked in the corner, which made aunt he wonder. She walked over and opened the note on the table.

The above few short words made aunt he's face not very good-looking, followed by a burst of worry.

”Aunt he, I have something else to do, so I left without saying goodbye. Thank you for your hospitality. Thank Andy for me. " A few words, the corner of the note was also marked with the word Qin Yang. Such behavior is extremely polite, but aunt he is not happy at all because of Andy.

”Andy, don't do it. " Aunt he walked to Andy, who was happily cutting other ingredients, and calmed her mood.

”Huh? Why? " Andy, who didn't know everything, was still cutting things. She tilted her head and asked in doubt, and then devoted herself to cutting vegetables.

Aunt he took a deep breath and said, "he's gone. He doesn't need to make breakfast anymore."

”Deng. " The slender knife was fixed on the chopping block. Andy seemed to be fixed. She couldn't speak for a moment.

”Andy, don't do this. Aunt wo will be unhappy like you. He's gone. He'll come to see you later. " Aunt he comforted and quietly walked to Andy Li. She knew that the child was in a sensitive period, otherwise it wouldn't be like this early this morning.

Andy Li was like a child who made a mistake. Her mouth was a little flat before she knew it. Her voice asked hoarsely, "why did he leave? Did I do anything wrong?" Children with autism are far away or indifferent from their friends. The first thing they think of is their own mistakes, rather than the mistakes of each other. Aunt he knew this for a long time, but when she saw that Andy was so sad because of Qin Yang, a life-saving benefactor who was only a few sides away, she would still be distressed.

She hurried to Andy's side, hugged the girl in her arms and gently patted the girl's back. "Qin Yang is busy. Unlike you, who are a student, he wants to go back to his motherland. He doesn't have much time to accompany you." The heart is bitter. She saw the child when she was young. In her heart, she had long regarded it as her granddaughter. How could she not be distressed.

”Um. " Andy Li replied in a low voice. The whole face was completely buried in aunt he's arms. She didn't want aunt he to see her crying.

”Aunt he, can I go to Yanhuang country? Will you teach me Yanhuang? " Andy Li was silent for a long time, and then her voice weakly reached aunt he's ear.

This question completely stopped aunt he. She didn't expect Qin Yang to leave such a deep shadow in Andy Li's heart.

Just when andili felt sad because of Qin Yang's departure, Qin Yang himself, as a party, came to Jon's house early.

He got up at five in the morning. It can be said that he left without saying goodbye before dawn. However, as a party concerned, Qin Yang did not know what a deep impression his identity as a "life-saving benefactor" had left on Andy Li. When he climbed the wall of Jon's house and broke into someone else's private house without a license, two women had "affection" for him. One is the woman who hates him. Naturally, she is aunt he who loves Andy Li. Because Qin Yang made Andy sad, she "hates" him; The other woman is Andy, a girl with autism who has an incredible feeling for him. Unfortunately, Qin Yang didn't know. This shows that this person has a "wolf heart and dog lung".

Qin Yang, who broke into the private house, had no scruples after climbing over a wall. He in black was equivalent to half a transparent man when he was neither black nor white.

Generally, when thieves break into private houses, they bow their eyebrows and waist with a sneaky appearance. But Qin Yang had no such consciousness at all. When Jon entered the inner yard of his house, he even walked with a straight waist, but made no sound.

Even if there is a loud noise, it doesn't matter. One reason is that Jon doesn't have the hobby of keeping rabies. Another reason is that Jon was crazy at a woman's house last night and didn't come back until two o'clock in the morning. After the war, Jon didn't know exactly how many seconds, minutes or hours it was. At this time, even if he was awake, he didn't have the strength to catch the thief. Besides, he was still lying in bed like a dead pig.

Jon's home is a nouveau riche standard house in America. I don't know how an FBI deacon could have such leisure to get such a luxurious house.

Two sides of the house are French windows, and the other two sides are made of reinforced stone bricks.

Qin Yang, who was prepared early in the morning, soon came to his long planned position. He reached out and touched the window, but found that there was no gap to open, which was expected. He didn't expect Jon to buckle the gap of a window he deliberately left that day. In this way, he will take other measures.

Taking out a pistol with a silencer already installed from the inner pocket of the black windbreaker, Qin Yang shot at the lock of the window without hesitation. Seconds on seconds, the shot was not glass, but the edge of the lock. It happened to be in the middle, and there was a slight sound, and then the window automatically moved to open a gap.

After firing the gun, Qin Yang blew away the light smoke from the muzzle, took advantage of the situation, opened the window and door with his two fingers, and dodged into the house.

Qin Yang took action two days ago. That day, I was lucky to meet a landing window that was not closed. After Qin Yang went in, he had a general understanding of Jon's house layout.

After entering the house, Qin Yang touched a wall and turned on the light along a position. Suddenly, the whole hall lit up, which seemed a little dazzling, but Qin Yang soon adapted to it. He didn't seem to break into a famous house. Instead, he came to enjoy it. He walked calmly towards Jon's sleeping room.

The door wasn't locked, and Jon wouldn't think his door needed to be locked. America is a harmonious country. Thieves rarely happen. Once they happen, they are often accompanied by homicides. As an FBI staff member, who would break into Jon's house without eyes?

Qin Yang wandered to Jon's bed and looked coldly at Jon lying on the bed like a dead toad.

What surprised him was that the goods actually had the habit of sleeping naked. The house had a low heating, which led him to sleep naked with his whole ass. half of his body was exposed, and the other half was covered by a layer of thick and thin sheets.

Although Jon is a little over one meter eight, he really doesn't have a good figure. You can't see his stomach in his clothes, but when you sleep there, you can see that there is still a lump of fat on his abdomen.

There was a faint smell of wine in the room, which Qin Yang didn't like.

He took a chair beside him, pulled it to the bedside, turned on the light in the room, sat down and kicked Jon's huge, funny looking ass. Qin Yang can't blame him because the meat is so white and tender that he has the impulse to kick it. In fact, anyone who sees such a white meat will want to kick it. Some people have bad psychological interests and may kick more. Qin Yang has been very kind. He didn't go on with a kick.

I don't know if Qin Yang's foot stimulated Jon. He actually moaned "Oh," and then turned around. A lump under his crotch was shrunk into a big shape in front of Qin Yang.

”COMEON,BABY。” Just when Qin Yang was on the verge of collapse, Jon said this in front of Qin Yang like a rogue flirting with a good family woman.

It's a woman. I'm afraid I ran away. But Qin Yang was a man. His face didn't change much. He put out his foot and kicked directly at the lump at the root of Jon's thigh.

”Oh, shit! " This time, Jon woke up completely because of the unbearable pain. His first move to get up was to cover his crotch, and then he scolded with a very tangled expression. This is described by a very appropriate word in Yanhuang state, which is called egg pain.

Qin Yang gave Jon a sense of propriety, which not only made him miserable, but also didn't destroy his organs, so that he can continue to rely on that thing to harm miss in the future. Ordinary people can't do it properly.

When Jon woke up and howled because of Qin Yang's foot, a dark barrel was stuffed into his mouth, and the sound stopped suddenly.

Jon, sitting on the bed with his lower body, calmed down and looked at the man who put the barrel of the gun in his mouth with a dead face.

”Qin Yang! " Jon shouted wildly in his heart, but his mouth could only be vaguely surprised.

”Yes, it's me! " Qin Yang didn't speak English, but was treated in authentic yellow language. He took back the gun in Jon's mouth, wiped the quilt next to him and wiped his saliva.

Jon only frowned when he saw what Qin Yang had done, and then looked at Qin Yang with an unknown look, "I don't know what you said?" It uses pure English.

”You can't speak Yanhuang? " Qin Yang and Jon have the wrong head and mouth. They don't talk on the same topic at all.

”What did you say? " Jon continued to wonder.

”It's wonderful that you can trade with Chen Luo, but you can't speak Yanhuang language. " Qin Yang said faintly.

When Jon heard Chen Luo's name, a trace of panic inevitably flashed in his eyes, and Qin Yang was caught staring at him.

”Hehe, "Qin Yang smiled.

”What are you laughing at? " Jon was puzzled and innocent, still in English. Then he seemed to think of something, pretended to be very angry and said, "Qin, do you know what your behavior is? This is a crime, a crime! " The sound behind began to increase, as if with confidence.

”"JOJO!", Because the pistol is equipped with a silencer, the sound of the gun is very small, just like the painless sound of mosquito bites.

But the effect was remarkable. Jon shouted on the spot, "ah! You madman! What are you doing! "

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