In half an hour, the three ate breakfast in a quiet atmosphere. The weight was not much or many. It was just enough for the three to eat. Aunt he obviously took into account their appetite.

Originally, he wanted them to stop in front of the door and avoid seeing them off, but seeing Andy's sad eyes, Qin Yang still asked them to go to the airport with him.

The nine o'clock passenger plane in the morning takes only an hour to take a taxi. Even if the traffic is heavy, it is only about seven o'clock after breakfast, so there is enough time.

At the airport, the flow of people is not too large, but there are many. There will be no fewer people at any time when international flights are put.

Qin Yang didn't bring much. It can even be said that all his items were empty handed. When Qiao Yang and his party returned home, he didn't change much. The only thing he wore was a windbreaker. Andy bought it for him a few days ago. It's a gift before leaving.

Andy Li didn't show much emotional change on the way to see off until Qin Yang wanted to accept security inspection and she and aunt he couldn't follow up. The girl showed her reluctant feelings.

Airport farewell, men and women hug, such scenes can be seen everywhere in any international airport.

Andy Li doesn't know how to tell her feelings. She can only throw herself into Qin Yang's arms, hold him tightly, feel the powerful heartbeat from his heart and keep tears silently.

Qin Yang gently put his hands around Andy Li and said nothing. At the moment, I'm afraid the best way to express his feelings is such relative silence.

”Yi, you must remember to come and see me. " Andy buried her head in Qin Yang's shoulder, and tears unknowingly soaked his shoulders.

”I will. " Qin Yang whispered in Andy Li's ear.

”Well, "Andy sobbed in response, and then in Qin Yang's surprised eyes, she kissed him on the cheek. It was very light but very strong. The light was the lip print, but the strong was the feeling that was difficult to give up.

After kissing goodbye, Andy took the pendant off her neck. It was a cross Star Pendant. It was pure silver without a trace of sundries. It was very precious. In Qin Yang's puzzled eyes, Andy put it on his neck.

”I like you, Yi. " After leaving this, Andy Li hid her face and went away without staying for even half a second. She was afraid that she would be reluctant to leave if she stopped. Only in this way could she expect something in her heart. She always remembered the "promise" given to her by Qin Yang.

Aunt he took a complicated look at Qin Yang, then waved goodbye to her, and followed her closely. She wanted to take care of Andy Li.

Qin Yang touched the pendant given by the girl. His mind was full of the shadow of a mixed race girl with pure black eyes, which suddenly made his mood low. He didn't know when to meet again.

With a trace of unspeakable feelings in his heart, Qin Yang turned and left and entered the security checkpoint.

At nine o'clock, there were a few white clouds over Washington's International Airport, and a trace was drawn in the sky.

For Qin Yang, this trip to the United States is more sad than happy. Although it is a short few days, it has experienced a lot of life and death. There is also a girl who he doesn't know whether he can give the future. She has a strong attachment to him. Everything, let him feel unforgettable but incomparable loss.

He lost a comrade in arms. Although he met only once, he gained a love, although he was not sure. And those lost will eventually lose and those obtained will eventually get. It's no use thinking too much. He comforted himself so much——

When the passenger plane across the Pacific arrived in Yanhuang country, the sky here was only dawn. It was still some time before dawn, but there were countless taxis outside the airport.

Qin Yang walked out of the airport easily, told the driver a place, and silently looked at the scenery outside the window.

When the driver heard the name of the place reported by Qin Yang, he didn't plan to be cruel. He judged the identity of Qin Yang from the place.

About 40 minutes' drive, Qin Yang paid the fare and then entered the base. There is the word "Military" on the sign standing next to it. This place was where Qiao Yang told him when he came back, so when he got off the plane, he thought of looking for Qiao Yang at the first time.

A guard stood upright and looked straight ahead. Instead of looking at Qin Yang, he stretched out his hand to stop him and shouted, "no one is allowed to enter the important military area, no one is allowed to enter."

Qin Yang said, "I'm arranged by chief Qiao Yang. I hope you can inform me that Qin Yang wants to see me."

”Report, someone is looking for instructor Qiao Yang at the gate. His name is Qin Yang. " The guard carried out his duties meticulously, with quick movements and a very responsible attitude, said to the telephone pinned on his shoulder.

A "wait a minute" response came from the other end of the walkie talkie, and then I heard the answer, "let him in."

”Yes! " The guard shouted and said to Qin Yang, "please come in." His eyes are always facing the front.

When Qin Yang heard the speech, he passed the flower beds and corridors and occasionally focused on the security soldiers patrolling around.

In front of an office building, Qiao Yang in military uniform had already waited outside the door, waiting for Qin Yang's arrival.

Seeing Qiao Yang's figure, Qin Yang quickened his pace and soon came to Qiao Yang. He didn't know how to call Qiao Yang at this time, because Qiao Yang is a soldier in military uniform. He used to be a translator, but now a tall military rank appears in front of him.

”Sir Joe, I'm back. " Qin Yang thought about it and shouted.

”Just come back, "Qiao Yang showed a kind smile. He was really happy to see Qin Yang. He immediately grabbed Qin Yang's arm and took it inside." come on, let's talk inside. It's really hard for you. "

Qin Yang entered the building with Qiao Yang's particularly friendly attitude.

They sat in Qiao Yang's office across a seat.

Qiao Yang put a handful of tea into the teapot with his two fingers, then poured it into warm water, put it aside temporarily, smiled and said to Qin Yang, "before, I was still worried about you. Why didn't I come back according to the agreed air ticket time? I'm afraid you might have an accident. Now that it's OK, you can always return safely."

Qin Yang smiled, but his heart was covered with a layer of haze. He didn't know how to speak to Qiao Yang.

”The members of the fourth team with you have accepted new training tasks and followed the instructor, so I'm afraid you won't get together in a year. " Qiao Yang didn't even ask Qin Yang about his task. He just said this to him like a nag.

”Why? " Qin Yang was surprised when he heard Qiao Yang's news.

”A year later, it's time for you to graduate. At that time, your superiors will arrange a task for you. As long as you successfully complete it, your team will be completely arranged into the list of special teams and become one of many special combat teams in Yanhuang country. " Qiao Yang patiently explained to Qin Yang.

”"Oh," Qin Yang nodded clearly, and then asked, "then I???"

”Oh, you, we have other arrangements. " Qiao Yang looked at Qin Yang with deep appreciation in his eyes, which Qin Yang didn't want to accept.

”The task of our team was not successfully completed, which is my responsibility as captain. " Qin Yang lowered his head sadly and said, with a strong sense of shame in his tone.

Qiao Yang shrunk his smile and patted Qin Yang on the shoulder. "The failure of this mission is not your fault, it is all because of the accidents during the period. This is what I didn't expect. You don't have to feel guilty. "

”I also reported the situation of this task to my superiors. I don't know what they think, but I will say what I see. In terms of attitude and action, your whole team let me see the four words' heavy responsibility '. You've done a good job. It is important that I inform my superiors of the speculation I discussed with you, and they will also depend on the situation. Although I am not from the special war military region, I can still talk about some things. " Qiao Yang spoke highly of the fourth team led by Qin Yang and appreciated the ability of each team member.

”What about Chen Luo and his family? " Qin Yang is a little bitter about this problem.

”Chen Luo's case is still under investigation. His family has been in place. You don't have to worry too much. We have nothing to do but remember the dead. " Qiao Yang said sadly.

”Mr. Qiao, "Qin Yang knows that Qiao Yang's military position must be not low. He didn't know his identity before. He may also shout Qiao Yang's real name, but now he will shout an officer respectfully. Whether it's out of courtesy or the relationship between superiors and subordinates, he should do so.

”Huh? " Although Qiao Yang was in a confused tone, he already guessed what Qin Yang was about to say. He never asked because the task was not assigned by the organization, but Qin Yang did it in his own name. He had no right to ask about the "private affairs" of his subordinates, so he would not deliberately ask about it.

”Failed. " Qin Yang could not hide his loss, and his tone was particularly decadent.

Qiao Yang's heart trembled uncontrollably when he was ready for what Qin Yang said. He did not expect that even Qin Yang, who was brave and resourceful in his eyes, could not find out the behind the scenes.

”Really? " As soon as Qiao Yang said this, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became more and more heavy. "Judging from the fact that the other party can plot against Chen Luo, the forces behind them must be quite good. It's enough for you to have this heart to avenge Chen Luo. You should not blame yourself too much whether you succeed or fail. "

”I found the man behind the scenes through Jon's line. " Qin Yang has condemned himself in his heart and will not easily forgive his mistakes. Sometimes he is such a paranoid person.

”Who? " Although Qiao Yang didn't care much about the incident in his previous language, he inevitably had a strong desire for knowledge when Qin Yang said he found the behind the scenes.

Without paying attention to Qiao Yang's excessive tone, Qin Yang said, "the Barak family."

Qiao Yang was extremely shocked when he heard the name. Qin Yang didn't know much about some international forces because he had just joined the army, but Qiao Yang had a clear list of some super powers in the world.

The Barak family is a very famous black organization - one of the three families of black hell. The Barak family was even the ruling family in black hell five years ago.

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