This organization can even be compared with a large organization like the Mafia that infiltrates the world. How many organizations in the world can be compared with the Italian mafia? Yamaguchi formation, Japan? Or Hong Gang?

There are few organizations comparable to the Mafia in the world, but black hell is definitely a competitor that can not be ignored by the Mafia.

Modern follow-up gangs almost follow the Mafia. It can be said that the Mafia exists as a "Godfather" in the eyes of many gangs in the world.

The reason why he was so surprised was that Qiao Yang knew what the power of the Barak family had reached. When you think about it carefully, Qin Yang can return safely after finding out that the behind the scenes culprit is the Barak family, which proves Qin Yang's ability.

Qin Yang has been paying attention to Qiao Yang's look. In his eyes, he first saw that Qiao Yang's eyes suddenly showed an extremely shocked light, then quickly converged and went away, and finally fell into a deep meditation.

They were silent for a long time.

I don't know how long later, Qiao Yang took the quilt in front of him, took a sip and said, "things are far more complicated than we thought. At first, I just speculated the object of suspicion to some gangster forces in the United States. I didn't expect it to be Barack." Qiao Yang looked more dignified than ever before.

”Qin Yang, that's it. " Qiao Yang put his eyes on Qin Yang, with a faint reminder in it.

”This matter is no longer a personal problem. This is an issue to be considered by Interpol. I want to report the situation. At that time, the top is likely to send someone to deal with it. Your priority now is to receive your training. I'll see you in a year. " Qiao Yang said, but he sincerely extended his hand.

Qin Yang held out his hand in doubt and shook hands with Qiao Yang.

”In fact, the reason why you were made another arrangement was that a person specially asked us. That person must be very familiar with you. " Qiao Yang said to Qin Yang with a smile.

The person Qiao Yang said was not particularly familiar to Qin Yang, but soon a figure flashed in his mind. He was a little excited and asked, "is it the old man in my family?"

Qiao Yang nodded, "yes, it's your master, Shangguan Yunlong."

At this time, there was a knock on the door in Qiao Yang's office.

”Please come in. "

”Chief, the man you want to see is here. " Qiao Yang's assistant stood at the threshold and didn't come in. After saying a word, he stepped aside and came out alone behind him.

This time, Qin Yang felt a stronger sense of vicissitudes than before, which was the feeling brought to him by Hu Zha. In his impression, it was the first time to see Shangguan Yunlong now with such a beard residue. His eyes became more and more profound and elusive, and even Qin Yang felt a faint sense of alienation.

When Shangguan Yunlong looked at him, he didn't have too much feelings, which made Qin Yang feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

The assistant invited Shangguan Yunlong into the room, then gently closed the door and left.

”Senior officer, I brought you the Qin Yang you wanted. " Qiao Yang hurried to Shangguan Yunlong and shook hands with him warmly.

”Thank you, sir Qiao, "said Shangguan Yunlong politely, but there was no smile on his face, which seemed a little rigid. He turned his eyes to Qin Yang and said to him, "Qin Yang, come with me. I'll train you in the next days."

The news was like a thunder to Qin Yang. He didn't expect Shangguan Yunlong to train himself this time. In the past few years, Shangguan Yunlong, a master, almost handed him over to someone or an organization, and then disappeared silently. Unexpectedly, his master acted as the coach in this training. This made Qin Yang not only surprised, but also somewhat surprised. In his mind, his master has always been an unfathomable master. Now he is surprised to have the opportunity to be taught by his master.

After a short period of amazement, Qin Yang moved to Shangguan Yunlong and followed him.

”Then, sir Joe, we're leaving now. " Shangguan Yunlong came and went quickly. After saying goodbye to Qiao Yang, he took the lead in walking out of the door, and Qin Yang quickly followed.

Qin Yang always believes in his master unconditionally, because he knows that the master has never hurt him. And at the most difficult time of his life, it was the master who showed him the way. Even in Qin Yang's mind, Shangguan Yunlong is his half father, both teacher and father.

Shangguan Yunlong, who occupies such a position in Qin Yang's heart, will do it without hesitation even if he is asked to go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire.

For many times, Qin Yang hoped that his master would personally train himself. Because in front of the master, he will work harder to do his best. Only Shangguan Yunlong can give him unreserved trust and stimulate his full potential. This can be seen from the fact that the master spent only three months to let him learn hundreds of boxing a few years ago.

Qin Yang thought that this training with the master might have more stringent requirements, and it might be harder than any previous training, because he is an adult, has experienced sharpening, and knows that the more sharpened the sword is, the sharper it will be.

But when Shangguan Yunlong took him to an ordinary taxi and came to a suburb, everything around him was the familiar mountain scenery, he was at a loss.

”In the next time, we will live here for a month and start training about you. " Shangguan Yunlong said these words with his back to Qin Yang, and then walked into the small hut.

Qin Yang returned to God and followed Shangguan Yunlong.

After Shangguan Yunlong entered the room, he didn't sit down, but took out a chair and walked outside. Qin Yang naturally followed closely.

”Qin Yang. " Shangguan Yunlong didn't call Qin Yang Xiaoyi as usual, but directly said his name. On this point, Qin Yang had already prepared. Since it was determined that his coach was his own master, they had a simple relationship between superiors and subordinates, and there was no question of whether they were close or not.

”Yes. " Qin Yang stood up and responded.

”Today is your day of worship. Let's make do with it. " Shangguan Yunlong stroked the armrest of the seat with one hand and spoke to Qin Yang with his side face. Then he straightened himself on the chair and faced Qin Yang.

This scene made Qin Yang a little at a loss. He had doubts in his heart, but more puzzled.

”Master, aren't we already teachers and disciples? " Qin Yang asked.

”Without your kowtow, how can we be regarded as teachers and disciples? " Shangguan Yunlong looked like he didn't know Qin Yang at all. His expression was a little terrible.

Qin Yang was silent and seemed to suddenly understand something. Because of Shangguan Yunlong's performance today, he couldn't help thinking of the rejection when he first worshipped guanyunlong as a teacher when he was a child.

”Uncle Shangguan, please be my master. "

”Not now. You can't be my apprentice. "

”Why? "

”Because you are still young, you don't understand what the word "master and apprentice" stands for. "

The scene of his childhood clearly appeared in front of Qin Yang, which made him suddenly sigh: time passed so fast that he had grown up unconsciously.

”"Bang," Qin Yang knelt on his knees in front of the sitting Shangguan Yunlong.

”Today, when you Qin Yang entered my seat of Shangguan Yunlong, you were my disciple of Mohism. "Shangguan Yunlong's eyes were completely focused on Qin Yang's head." although the ceremony was simpler and there was no tea or ancestral tablet, I recognized you as a disciple. "

”Master. " Qin Yang said, and then kowtowed respectfully. There were three in total. His forehead touched the ground every time and made a kowtow sound.

Shangguan Yunlong deserved it. The cold expression on his face finally showed a smile when Qin Yang officially kowtowed to his teacher.

”The 61st generation of Mohist disciples, Qin Yang. " Shangguan Yunlong stood up, stepped forward and touched Qin Yang's head.

”This is your identity and the school you should remember all your life. "

”Um. " Qin Yang replied respectfully.

The palm of Shangguan Yunlong's hand on Qin Yang's head has not been put down, which makes Qin Yang dare not look up to see what's going on. The only thing he can do is to bow his head and stand by.

”Get up, "for a long time, Shangguan Yunlong seemed to take a long breath and stepped back to let Qin Yang stand up.

”I've only taken you as an apprentice in my life, and it's also the last Apprentice in my life. " Shangguan Yunlong looked at Qin Yang as if he were looking at his own child. At this moment, he became the "Shangguan old man" Qin Yang knew.

Qin Yang looked at his master and saw Shangguan Yunlong, who had never shown much emotion, with tears in his eyes.

”Today is finally coming, "said Shangguan Yunlong with a bitter smile. He seemed to pour all his sad past into his intestines, regardless of whether it was bitter or wine. His eyes had never shifted from Qin Yang, but Qin Yang could feel that his master's mind had flown away.

”Do you know Mohan? " Shangguan Yunlong asked himself, "this is where your master grew up. It raised me and taught me."

”The Mohist School in the spring and Autumn period is today's Mohist school. Our ancestor is Mozi, and it has been passed down to this generation for 61 generations. " Shangguan Yunlong looked at Qin Yang and said, "you are the latest generation of disciples of Mohist and the candidate for the next generation of Mohist giants."

Qin Yang listened carefully. Shangguan Yunlong knew that the disciple was puzzled, but he was not in a hurry to explain anything.

”Our Mohist disciples are all over the world and shoulder various national missions. A big reason why you become a special combat team member is because of the particularity of Mormon. "

”The children of the Mohists would like to abide by the last words of their ancestors, love each other, not attack, and do not advocate unjust wars. At the end of the spring and Autumn period, Mohist disciples established the Mohist school, and many Mohists were born. Mo Tu, who did not seek fame and wealth, only defended their homes and countries for all countries in the world, saved many dawn people from the flames of war and avoided the expansion of many flames of war. This is a rule formed by the disciples of Mormon in ancient times. "

”He is already a disciple of Mohism. Then you have to work for your country. That's why I arranged for you to enter the special operations military region. " Shangguan Yunlong slowly told the story.

”Your master, I've been wandering for most of my life. I live a fearful life, which is despised by the people of Mohism. "

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