When Shangguan Yunlong said this sentence, his tone was very calm, but it sounded earth shaking to Qin Yang.

”I am a traitor and a sinner of Mormon. " Shangguan Yunlong's expression at this moment was suddenly lonely, showing a look of pain.

”Master, "Qin Yang couldn't help whispering.

”Do you wonder why I still call myself a disciple of Mohism since I have judged Mohism? " Shangguan Yunlong looked at Qin Yang and asked.

Qin Yang was silent.

”You'll know later. " Shangguan Yunlong did not intend to tell Qin Yang the truth, but took out a thing from his underwear and handed it to Qin Yang.

”Qin Yang, I'll give this thing to you now. You'll be the candidate for the giant of Mo men in the future. "

When something completely wrapped by a black cloth towel appeared in front of Qin Yang, he looked at Shangguan Yunlong in shock.

This is what Qin Yang looked like when he first met Shangguan Yunlong a few years ago. Qin Yang was an orphan and was picked up by Shangguan Yunlong. Raised! Qin Yang was only sensible at that time! I was still in high spirits when I heard what the master said about "Mo men". If you think the master is a legendary Wulin expert who can fly over the eaves and walls, then Mohist must be a big sect. Until later, Qin Yang knew that the so-called Mohist was just made up by the old man in order to fool him. The whole Mohist was only the old man, oh, no, plus Qin Yang!

The giant is the leader of the Mohist sect. He commands the Mohists all over the world with a black token. The token is owned by the giants of previous dynasties and cannot be handed over to others unless the successor of the next generation is determined. It is passed down from generation to generation as the leader's keepsake. The token that commands the ink disciples in the world is called the giant order.

However, few people know that Mozi's giants not only need this token to be the leader, but also need another thing worn by Mozi, the first generation of ancestors, to really command the world's ink disciples and become the true leader of Mozi.

To sum up, the establishment of Mohism was not built by Mozi himself, but by his disciples and the second generation of ancestors. Only the second generation of ancestors regarded Mozi as the first generation, so there was the saying that the ancestor of Mohism was Mozi.

The giant order was made by the second generation of ancestors, and the other giant Keepsake is what Shangguan Yunlong presented to Qin Yang at this time.

Qin Yang didn't know how important the things in front of him were to the people of Mohism. He was surprised by what Shangguan Yunlong said earlier: "you will be the giant candidate of Mohism in the future". That's why he was really surprised.

Qin Yang was a little frightened at the moment. He didn't know why Shifu entrusted him with such an important task after meeting him today. On the surface, he accepted that his master was a traitor of Mohism, but in his heart, he was extremely sure that there must be some difficulties that his master was unwilling to mention. Because he was raised by Shangguan Yunlong. How could a master who was willing to patiently teach him how to be a man and carefully teach his martial arts be the most despised "traitor" in the school stereotypes of all ages!?

You can say he is emotional, but Qin Yang is such a person. He can let thousands of people point at him, but he can't hurt or even doubt his relatives. In this life, he has only two relatives, one is grandma, the other is the master Shangguan Yunlong.

Shangguan Yunlong advanced the things in his hand again, frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice, "what's the matter? Don't want to accept the entrustment of being a teacher? "

Hearing this, Qin Yang was even more frightened. He quickly lowered his head and said, "where is the master's order? I should abide by it." At the end of his speech, he stretched out his hands and slowly took the objects on the palm of Shangguan Yunlong's hand and displayed them on his head.

Shangguan cloud flashed in the longan, which made Qin Yang stand up.

Under the sign of Shangguan Yunlong's eyes, Qin Yang untied the black cloth wrapped around the object inside.

Qin Yang thought that the thing given to him by Shangguan Yunlong would be very valuable. At first, when he glanced at it, he roughly judged that it might be a weapon or a cold weapon such as a short sword. Because the outline formed by the fast black cloth is a vertical strip shape.

However, when the things were handed over to him, he doubted his visual judgment at the beginning with that touch. This may be a stick, but there are few cold weapons similar to sticks in my mind.

This is a ruler with a length of two feet and three inches, which is not even one meter in today's international units. As a ruler, the length is neither long nor short, just a more comfortable length.

Such a ruler is a little shorter than a sword or a knife. It can't be used as a normal cold weapon.

However, the more people do it, the purpose is: the ruler is black all over, without any impurities, and even a trace of wear has not been found. The single color makes the ruler look simple, but it is extremely noticeable. The more you look at it, the more you will feel that the ruler is not simple.

Especially when Qin Yang took it over, he felt the heavy weight. It was not the weight of an ordinary ruler. The weight of the ruler reached the level of 15kg, that is, the weighing unit used by the Yan and Huang kingdom was 30kg!

In the eyes of outsiders, this is just a black ruler, but when you see it closely, you will find that this is a martial ruler different from any ordinary ruler.

It is generally a strip-shaped cuboid, but the four edges of the ruler surface have been deliberately polished, resulting in the edges being flattened, so it won't hurt your hand. The dark color covers up all possible carved lines. It is a ruler without any patterns, as if it were an integral whole. If the ruler is decorated with some veins, it will be a kind of damage to the ruler. Jade needs to be carved, but the ruler in front of us doesn't need any carving. If it is like this, it should be like this.

It has been inherited for more than 2000 years, which is what Shangguan Yunlong entrusted to Qin Yang.

”It is the treasure of the shockwave sect of Mohist. Outsiders call it the ink ruler, but in fact its name is Shouzhuo. " Shangguan Yunlong looked at the ruler in Qin Yang's hand. His eyes were full of nostalgia. He couldn't help thinking of the scene that his master taught it to him that day. His heart was sad and hurt. I didn't expect that things are different now. I became the "traitor", and the ruler was passed to his only disciple in his life through his hand.

”Qin Yang, I can only teach you for one month. In one month, it will be the time to test your studies. Whether you are qualified to inherit my mantle at that time depends on your understanding. " Shangguan Yunlong unconsciously touched the ink ruler in Qin Yang's hand, then took a deep breath, let go and turned to Qin Yang and said these words.

”Yes, master. " Qin Yang has made all preparations. He once studied 100 boxing techniques under Shangguan Yunlong for three months. He knows the harshness of Shangguan Yunlong in teaching martial arts.

Since the master said for a month, the professor in this month will not be a simple teaching. Maybe in terms of training volume, what Professor Shangguan Yunlong taught is much worse than the training content in the special operations military region, but in terms of difficulty, I'm afraid the hell training without ten layers of skin can't match the harsh requirements set by Shangguan Yunlong. Shangguan Yunlong taught him that he never pursued more and less quantity, but higher and lower quality, which was the most difficult thing Qin Yang felt.

It's good news for him if you want him to train day and night like an ox and horse, but that's never what Shangguan Yunlong asks. He often asks Qin Yang to understand the essence of a martial arts in a very short time. This is the most important thing. It's right that diligence can make up for weakness, but Shangguan Yunlong's limited time understanding is more terrible than any training.

If you fail, he will not punish you or give you any room for negotiation. A month is a month. He will not give more time. Even if he exceeds this time by one minute, he will be judged as a failure. After the failure? Then you Qin Yang will no longer be my Shangguan Yunlong's disciple, and Mohist is not your school, that's all.

What Qin Yang doesn't know is that this is the selection condition of Mohist giants, which is thousands of times more stringent than other internal disciples. To become giants, you must show far more understanding and talent than ordinary people!!! It is precisely for this reason that there are only 19 candidates worthy of the title of "giant" since the second generation of ancestors, and even Shangguan Yunlong does not have this qualification.

At this time, Qin Yang still didn't know how difficult the situation he was about to face would be.

The next morning, Shangguan Yunlong and Qin Yang got up early.

In this place, which is similar to the mountain forest and wild land, there is a sense of isolation, which is also the intention of Shangguan Yunlong. He hopes that Qin Yang will have a quiet environment when he practices martial arts. Only in this way can Qin Yang's comprehension ability be tested objectively, and only in this way can Qin Yang learn something.

Shouzhuo returned to Shangguan Yunlong's hand again. He carried his hands and slowly paced to the center with an ink ruler.

Qin Yang knew what Shangguan Yunlong wanted to teach himself yesterday.

He thought it would be the unique skill of Mohist school or the move routine of this ruler. The only thing that surprised him was that Shangguan Yunlong taught him not the ruler method, but the sword method! This was a big surprise to him.

Shangguan Yunlong first stared at the ruler in his hand, then turned to Qin Yang and said, "I want to teach you only three sets of swordsmanship."

Qin Yang nodded calmly.

”The best time for you to learn these three sets of swordsmanship is within ten days. There are more important tasks in the next twenty days. " Shangguan Yunlong said, then put the ruler straight in front of him, and keep the whole arm horizontal and parallel to the ground.

Qin Yang felt a little puzzled about the three sets of swordsmanship mentioned by Shangguan Yunlong. He didn't know why it was three sets of swordsmanship instead of one? It seems that the number of three sets of swordsmanship is not large, but Qin Yang, who has long been involved in Yanhuang martial arts, is clear: a set of swordsmanship often contains hundreds of "moves", and the change contained in a "move" may have several "moves". If a "move" is an action, the action contained in a set of swordsmanship is based on 100. It requires the scholars' extremely strong memory ability and comprehension ability. This is the difference between physical sword and killing sword.

”The three sets of sword techniques of Mohist were created by three giants. Among the giants of all dynasties, there are only these three sets of sword techniques, nothing else. "

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