While Qin Yang listened carefully to Shangguan Yunlong's narration, he was shocked by the master's words.

”There are only three sets of sword techniques left over by Mohist school?! " It was a secret that surprised and curious him.

The predecessor of the Mohist school was the Mohist School of all schools of thought in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. Qin Yang had expected this, but the school that has inherited for more than 2000 years has only three sets of swordsmanship as the unique school of the school, which is really a little strange.

According to the normal situation, if a generation of giants create a set of sword techniques, there are dozens of martial arts, but there are only three. Even if a set of martial arts is bred with five generations as a unit, the output will not be so thin.

The Shangguan Yunlong didn't say it, but Qin Yang would think for himself.

Which sect can compare with the Mohist school with two thousand years of inheritance? I'm afraid there are few. One indicator of a martial arts school is the number of unique skills.

The nature of Mohism is very different from that of modern and even previous ancient schools. In a sense, it is an organization. Of course, you can also say that it is a school. It contains a large number of martial arts. It is not the kind of school that starts with a unique skill. Each of the Mohist disciples has his own best martial arts, which is basically learned from other sects, and this is the biggest difference between Mohist and other sects. It embraces all rivers, but it has stood in the form of a sect for more than 2000 years.

The three sets of swordsmanship are all of the two thousand year old Mohist school, which must be said to be very surprising news.

”The first set of swordsmanship is called "righteous war." When Qin Yang was deep in thought, Shangguan Yunlong began to teach formally with a ruler in his hand, and Qin Yang's eyes were locked on Shangguan Yunlong at this moment.

”This was created by Mozi in his later years, "the voice of Shangguan Yunlong seems to come from nothingness without source, so that Qin Yang can clearly hear it, but he can't feel that Shangguan Yunlong has spoken.

When Shangguan Yunlong's arm swung up, the ruler was motionless, and an extremely strange scene appeared in front of Qin Yang.

”"Heaven is not benevolent, but people are benevolent," said a formula. With the arc circle, Qin Yang seemed to see an elderly man dancing his sword leisurely. All the artistic conception was like this, which made him see a bleak and unspeakable sadness. There was another ambivalent emotion mixed in that Saran's sword technique.

The body is relaxed, but inexplicable. Qin Yang can feel the helplessness mixed in this sentence.

Great sage Mozi, the ancestor of Mohism, advocated "universal love and non attack", opposed the "war of injustice", visited the princes all over the world all his life, and had the same heart of "great benevolence" as another sage ancestor who traveled around the world.

Compared with the wise ancestors who traveled around the world, Mozi's literary talent may be a little inferior, but he is almost proficient in war, military strategy and organ strategy. He was a real all rounder, and his achievements in martial arts made later people look up to him.

Even such a great sage who has gone far in all aspects will feel powerless about the war years at that time.

It was precisely because he realized the smallness of his personal power that Mozi accidentally realized this sword technique.

Even though Da Xian was weak, he never gave up advocating the world of great love.

It is the death of a heart in front, which is made in the hands of Shangguan Yunlong. It seems to really bring people into a devastated world, as if they have returned to the era of constant war and endless flames of war.

”The serial connection of the sword of "destroying the world and destroying the spirit" is very slow, but it is seamless and impeccable.

There seems to be a special power in the sword technique. It is a kind of magnanimity that can fill it. Looking at the moves of Shangguan Yunlong, Qin Yang's mind has begun to show his own opinions, as well as the spiritual force deeply embedded in it.

He forgot everything, and there was only Shangguan Yunlong dancing his sword in front of him.

”"Abandon hatred and stop fighting" and "the world's Great Harmony" and "sword edge" sweep straight down. It's dazzling. It's a straight sword, but the flash of light is a strange curve.

The sword shadow began to change from a simple one to more than ten. At this moment, Shangguan Yunlong seemed to be expressing his emotions.

He twisted his wrist and swept sideways. The fallen leaves of a sword were like splitting the air. As soon as he retreated, he brought up a violent sword wind.

The flying leaves, but more sword light, no trace of dead leaves, and more sword shadow flickering like a cold wind blade. At this moment, Qin Yang was even attracted by this wave of floating.

This is Da Xian's mind, cherish the world and read the people. Born in troubled times and unable to bring happiness to the people they love.

It seems that someone is sighing: the power of one person is limited after all??? But I never wanted to give up.

”A righteous war. " Qin Yang unconsciously read out the name, from which he realized the meaning he understood. His heart was calmer and he was more immersed in the moves danced by Shangguan Yunlong.

Righteousness is justice, and war is not necessarily war. The "war" in the hearts of our ancestors is not only a challenge to the insurmountable Tianfeng, but also a spur to our hearts. We always maintain a high heart and do not lose our will due to setbacks.

Although the artistic conception before this sword technique is sad and lonely, it is a kind of vigilance, and the later moves are like a slap in the head.

Suddenly, Qin Yang's eyes seemed to be suddenly enlightened. He saw a belief. Through the ruler and the sword technique, he seemed to return to the past and see the old man. The old man is kind to explain the great principles of the world with himself.

Qin Yang's heart was filled with admiration, and he couldn't help feeling the feelings and will of a generation of ancestors.

This "sword" was waved with a ruler, but it spanned more than 2000 years and came to Qin Yang. This sword is the "general decision" of the three sets of sword techniques he learned for thousands of years.

”Remember? " Shangguan Yunlong ended up with an ink ruler on his back and looked at Qin Yang seriously.

”Remember the moves. " Qin Yang replied seriously.

”Yes, "Shangguan Yunlong never doubted Qin Yang's memory ability, because he had been shocked a long time ago, especially after teaching Qin Yang's hundred boxing skills for three months, he would not doubt Qin Yang's memory ability in martial moves.

”Then let's learn the second set of swordsmanship. " Shangguan Yunlong didn't give Qin Yang a chance to breathe, but what he said frightened Qin Yang.

What's this??? Shifu doesn't want to teach all three sets of swordsmanship in one day.

To tell you the truth, Qin Yang has already felt the difficulty of the general decision just now. The difficulty refers not to the moves, but to the artistic conception. For martial arts practitioners, it is not difficult to remember a fixed move routine. It is rare to disassemble the moves to form effective lethality. Only when you master the moves, which can be disassembled and used freely, can you learn this martial art. The same set of martial arts exerts different lethality on different hands, which is determined by personal understanding. The same trick can be simplified, deepened, simplified or complicated, depending on the timing.

At present, Qin Yang has a deep memory, but what he lacks is actual combat and thinking.

What did Shangguan Yunlong do? He did not give Qin Yang time to think and ponder. After teaching the first set, he immediately taught the second set, which undoubtedly brought a great test to Qin Yang's study. What he can do now is to memorize what he has taught before, then adjust his mood and deal with the next second sets of sword.

”The second set of sword technique was created by the second generation of ancestors of the founder of Mohism. This sword technique is called weak water 3000. " Shangguan Yunlong briefly introduced it, and then shouted, "watch it."

Qin Yang first remembered the word "water", but the rest didn't think much, because he was attracted by the sword technique of Shangguan Yunlong.

Yes, he has never been so shocked by a set of swordsmanship.

Shangguan Yunlong is retreating to dance the sword, but the retreat is very slow. If you don't pay attention, you will even ignore this phenomenon

The ink ruler was straight, but the dark weapon gave Qin Yang a feeling of fish in the water. An unspeakable sense of strangeness opened a new door to his martial arts.

The swing of the arm drives the swing of the ruler, and the folding force of the arm realizes the high-frequency vibration of the ruler. Then the slow swing of his arm caused the high-speed folding effect of the ruler. If he hadn't been paying attention to the master's moves in one form at the first sight, Qin Yang might be confused by the phenomenon at this time, so he thought it was an electric ruler with high-frequency vibration.

This is the best description of this set of swordsmanship. Shangguan Yunlong retreated ten steps in five minutes. Although it was only ten steps, the span of these ten steps was extremely large, reaching a distance of 30 meters. If the previous micro steps will not attract people's attention, then these ten steps are extremely shocking.

The sword moves changed as much as 20 moves in one step. Countless sword shadows were created in a distance of three meters in one step. The moment he jumped into the air, he seemed to see a shiny lake. Qin Yang's eyes focused on the shadow of Shangguan Yunlong's sword. He was completely attracted.

Looking at Shangguan Yunlong's sword dance, he couldn't help thinking of the name of the sword technique pointed out by Shangguan Yunlong - "weak water 3000". I'm afraid the "three thousand" refers to the sword technique that has changed so much. It's almost the ultimate sword technique. You can't imagine that the sword technique without half a trace of hostility would suddenly show such sharpness.

The word "sharp" refers to the cold awn brought by the sword edge, not the momentum of the sword dancer.

From beginning to end, Qin Yang didn't feel the murderous spirit of Shangguan Yunlong.

Although the sword technique is "fierce", the user doesn't have any mood fluctuation.

At this time, the feeling of Shangguan Yunlong to Qin Yang is the "calm" lake. He is neither sad nor happy. You can understand him as the gurgling stream.

The tenth step was still, but Shangguan Yunlong stopped. A very amazing sword appeared very disobedient and out of place because of the sudden stop. It made people choke, like angry, but they couldn't breathe out.

”Three thousand weak waters. Have you ever understood the meaning of the second generation of ancestors? " Shangguan Yunlong looked at Qin Yang and suddenly asked.

Qin Yang subconsciously shook his head. He really didn't see anything. At this time, he was still frightened by the subtlety of this sword technique.

Shangguan Yunlong breathed a sigh and said, "I didn't see it when my master taught me this set of swordsmanship, but you should have the same question as me at that time. Why did you retreat?"

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