The master's words directly hit Qin Yang's heart. He really wanted to ask, "why do you want to return?" Why does a person who can create such a profound sword move retreat? He can kill any enemy with this sword technique, but this sword technique has been retreating.

”Yes, my master asked me this question at the beginning. I thought for three days and nights and didn't get a reasonable answer. " Shangguan Yun longan showed a little color of memory, and continued: "the second generation of grandmaster was amazing and gorgeous. He didn't have the great talent of the first generation, but his martial arts attainments are amazing. He is the strongest martial artist in the history of our Mohist school, and this weak water 3000 is also the only martial art he left to our Mohist disciples. This is not a simple sword technique. " The last sentence of Shangguan Yunlong was a change of subject, which gave a definition to this set of swordsmanship. He took the ink ruler to his chest and took a deep breath.

Qin Yang saw a flower in front of him, and Shangguan Yunlong began to move.

In five seconds, Qin Yang just started to look at it with the doubts left by Shangguan Yunlong, but at the fifth second, Qin Yang's heart trembled.

He suddenly understood why the master said that the second generation of ancestors was the strongest warrior in the history of Mohism!

Because there are two choices in this "three thousand weak water"!

Retreat, because I can't bear to kill, so I have this guard. It can be said to be airtight. I can even fight back and kill on the way! When Shangguan Yunlong used this sword technique again, retreat was no longer retreat, but advance.

Because we have something to protect, we have this attack, which can be described as a raging wave.

At this time, the Shangguan Yunlong showed his sword technique against his will. Qin Yang, who has always remembered this sword technique, couldn't help but overlap all these with the previous sword moves one by one. The same moves, but the head and tail were reversed.

What is "weak"? What is strong?

Weak is not because you can't defeat, but because you don't want to kill creatures.

Finally, Qin Yang understood the profound meaning of this sword technique. Like its name, the focus of this sword technique is not the "three thousand" changes that are approaching the extreme, but the meaning of "weak water".

Ten steps back, the same ten steps. Ten steps of defense, the same ten steps become an attack. This is a set of sword techniques called "miracles", which was created by the second generation of ancestors who first created Mohism.

Compared with Mozi, the founder of the first generation, the second generation is undoubtedly more proficient in martial arts. This set of sword techniques alone is enough to make him invincible.

And this sword technique, which is deeply hidden, is the most powerful sword technique of Mohist school, which few people understand, "implicit" - "three thousand weak water"!!!

Shangguan Yunlong granted all his to Qin Yang, and even risked the great of the ink gate to teach Qin Yang the implicit true meaning. The head of the Mohist school who has always been trained in "three thousand weak waters" can count the ten fingers that can understand the true meaning of this set of swordsmanship. Shangguan Yunlong is one of them!!!

This sword technique needs to be understood by yourself, not taught by your predecessors. However, Shangguan Yunlong actually abandoned the rules of Mohism and gave this sword technique to Qin Yang.

Now Qin Yang feels that his brain is not enough, because Shangguan Yunlong really plans to teach all three sets of swordsmanship in one day.

This is a great challenge for him. He is confident that he can remember the moves of the three sets of swordsmanship, but he can't deeply ponder the three different artistic conception.

Sure enough, when Qin Yang guessed that the three sets of swordsmanship should belong to three different artistic conception, Shangguan Yunlong officially began to teach the third set of swordsmanship.

”Bully style - Sky killing "is the name of the third set of swordsmanship.

The name alone has made Qin Yang feel a strong hostility. Moreover, Shangguan Yunlong has long ceased to be "as good as water" in the previous two sets of swordsmanship. At this moment, both qi and God have climbed to the highest peak. Martial arts people pay attention to Qi, which seems a little ethereal to ordinary people, but there is such a saying in Wulin.

To some extent, the momentum of the martial artist is enough to make the two equally divided to win. Shangguan Yunlong told him this a long time ago.

At this time, Shangguan Yunlong undoubtedly promoted his essence, Qi and God to the peak.

”"Killing in the sky" was created by the 27th generation of giants. Such a killing sword should not exist in the inheritance of Mohism, because it runs counter to the "fraternity" advocated by Mohism. It is a sword technique born purely for fighting and killing.

If one word is used to describe this sword technique, it is "killing creatures".

However, combined with the background of the times at that time, Qin Yang felt that the birth of this sword technique was very necessary.

Because when Mohism was handed down to the 27th generation of giants, it happened that the form of Mohism was at the most dangerous time. Without this sword technique, there would be no Mohist inheritance for more than 2000 years.

He was forced to kill in the sky. The reason for killing people in the world is that someone must take this step at that time.

For many years, the disciples of Mohism have kept a low profile and are considered "bullying" by other sects. The disciples of Mohism always fight until the end. This is the ancestral motto left by the great sages of Mohism. Because of "fraternity", we can't do the killing.

But there was such a man who stood up at the most dangerous time of Mohism, which made all the other sects in the world turn pale.

Because of his strength to turn the tide, because he bears the world's reputation, but also because of his world-renowned killings, Mohist did not disappear in the dust of history and annihilate under the encirclement of various sects.

”The "three thousand weak water" also has an attack, and the attack can be called peerless, but it can only be called "fierce". After all, the second generation ancestor left affection when he created this set of sword technique and didn't want to kill. Therefore, it is easy to see that there is a clear "let" potential at the junction of some moves of "three thousand weak water".

"Sky killing" is different. It is a sword technique born for killing. There is no relaxation, no reservation, and no ridiculous pity. The world is forcing you. Do you still have to bear it?

At that time, the twenty seventh generation giant told the world with the birth of this sword technique, and his answer was "no!"

If you force me, then why should I bear it again? If you want to hurt me, then what do I want that ridiculous pity for?!

So there was the name of "sky killing".

Qin Yang saw a Wei'an figure who was not afraid of the world's reputation from Shangguan Yunlong's stormy sword technique. He doesn't care about being called "devil" or dying under the siege of the world sect. What he cares about is how the disciples of Mohism think of him.

After listening to the introduction of Shangguan Yunlong, Qin Yang even felt unworthy for the twenty-seven generation Giants: he saved his sect at the cost of his life, but was expelled from the Mohist sect after his death to apologize to the people all over the world.

The twenty seventh generation of giants loved their "home" and gave everything for it. He never forgot that Mormon was the place where he was raised. He will never forget that when he was begging all day and thought he would spend his life in such a muddle, his master, the 26th generation giant, took him in and gave him the warmth of "home".

From that day on, he vowed: life is the man of Mormon, death is the ghost of Mormon. An orphan has a "home". Only those who have experienced displacement will understand and understand his mood.

In order to protect, he can give up everything, but what is the result? But you have to be expelled.

Qin Yang couldn't help feeling it. He didn't understand why the master told him the story, which was no longer his problem. He remembered the twenty-seven giants and engraved it deeply in his heart.

Shangguan Yunlong dances his sword like a wild dragon and soars into the air like a dragon. The shadow of the sword is like a huge wave and the blade is like thunder. This is a domineering sword technique. It's only for killing and guarding. Kill all those who should be killed and kill all those who deserve to die.

”"Ba style" is not the strongest sword technique, because the "three thousand weak water" created by the amazing and gorgeous second-generation ancestors has been famous for thousands of years and has a superior skill. But this "Ba style" is also a unique sword technique of Mohist origin.

The murderous spirit is too strong and the killing opportunity is too strong. This is a sinful sword technique in the eyes of other sects, but it is the most powerful sword technique for Qin Yang's spleen and stomach.

He admired the boundless sea of Mozi, the founder of the first generation of Mozi, and the amazing talent and gorgeous of the founder of the second generation of Mozi, but they were all "looking up" and did not have other superfluous feelings. The twenty-seven generation of giants made him feel like a "fellow man". What he most appreciated and recognized in his heart was this "bully" sword technique.

For the first time, Qin Yang saw the luster of the sword.

The sharp edge with dazzling cold light made Qin Yang's heart rise to his throat.

The sword out of the scabbard can kill. The sword drinking blood is the reason for the existence of this weapon. This is Qin Yang's understanding of this "hegemonic style".

Before, he thought he hated blood, because when he was very young, Shangguan Yunlong asked him a question: do you like tai chi or dragon claws. His answer was Tai Chi. Even for a long time, he had an instinctive resistance to blood. Until he had nothing, until he lost his grandmother, he worked hard to overcome this shortcoming because of the unknown hatred buried in his heart.

Today, the "sky killing" performed by Shangguan Yunlong once again points out a direction for him: killing can sometimes be guarding, but it only depends on one's will. No right or wrong, no justice or magic.

Shouzhuo, the ink ruler that would have shocked Qin Yang, was diluted by his thoughts. When he saw the cold light flashing in his eyes, he finally understood why Shangguan Yunlong would teach him swordsmanship instead of the ruler method that the black ink ruler should have.

In ten days, he practiced day and night until he could no longer be ripe. Qin Yang lived up to the expectations of Shangguan Yunlong and learned the fixed routines of the three sets of swordsmanship well in ten days, but that's all.

In addition to teaching Qin Yang three sets of Mohist swordsmanship, Shangguan Yunlong never taught another half point.

Sending Qin Yang to canfeng is to temper his heart. Only when his heart is strong can he have the foundation to become a strong man; The purpose of giving Qin Yang to fan Shihua is to exercise his bones. Only when he is strong can he have the foundation to learn higher martial arts.

Now Qin Yang is far from his expectation. Shangguan Yunlong doesn't have an accurate estimate in his heart. The only thing he did was to trust his disciples and teach him everything, because he had no time. Some things had been left for so many years and he had to do them.

This day finally came. Shangguan Yunlong handed the ink ruler back to Qin Yang.

”After that, it will be your life. The ruler will survive, destroy and die. "

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