The reason why rock flow is rock flow is precisely because of its majestic Kendo, and the "Dao" in this sword "Dao" is a perfect combination of strength. Again and again, bear the sword that cuts down with the strength of your whole body. You can't get away. Once you get away, you will not die or hurt. This is the horror of rock flow.

This is a seemingly unsolvable dead end! Black robed people think so, but expect the youth to have their own solution.

From the confrontation of the first sword, the youth fell into the "potential" of Okada Zuo Fu. At the beginning of the second sword, Okada's "Qi" will have a rapid improvement. It can't be touched, but it actually exists.

Once they fall into that dead circle, the controlled people may even be killed by cutting weapons. However, the young man's ink ruler is extraordinary. He will never make a decision, but it will crack his tiger's mouth, fall off his weapons, and finally fail.

A sword weighs more than a sword. It's like a rock falling down. You can imagine the weight it bears.

If the two swords in front are still in a visible range, the next few swords are a little dazzling. It takes extreme concentration of others to distinguish the shadow of the sword.

Much faster! This is the feeling of everyone, including the disciples of Zuo Fu Okada. It is the first time to see the teacher show such fierce swordsmanship.

”Hey! " Takeo Okada soared in vain. When he waved his sword, he couldn't distinguish the shadow of the sword. Only a bright light shone in everyone's eyes.

As always, the young man raised it. This is the 19th time.

With the same action and different means, the youth used to hold it with one hand, but this time there was a sudden two hand grip.

”Keng! " The sound shook people's ears and distinguished the results that people expected to see.

”I lost. " Okada Zuo Fu took back his sword, still holding his hands, slightly hung his head and said sincerely. Although the young man on the other side didn't understand Japanese, he knew that the other side was admitting defeat.

”Teacher. " Several students on one side couldn't help shouting, but they were stopped by Takeo Okada.

”Yes. " The young man gave the other party a gift, and then turned and left.

”What's your name? " Although Zuo Fu Okada and the young man talked about swords and Taoism for an hour, he didn't even know each other's name.

The man in black came to the young man, acted as an interpreter and spoke in his ear.

”My name is Qin Yang. I'm in school today. " The young man turned and said so, and then left without looking back.

Okada Zuofu heard the name, but he deeply remembered it in his heart. When the figure was about to completely walk out of the Taoist hall, he didn't know what he thought of. He shouted, "your sister will have a war with you. I look forward to you meeting." Then he seemed to think of his amazing and gorgeous sister and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

”What have you got, "said canfeng hoarsely, hiding her body under her dark robe.

This is not a high-end hotel, one room, two beds, two men, so simple.

Qin Yang took a cool bath, walked out of the bathroom, rubbed his wet hair with a white towel, paced to his bed, sat down at will and replied, "it's a little enlightening." With this sentence, there was no following. His eyes glittered, but soon faded, and his hands continued to dry his hair.

Canfeng took out a book with a black shell from her chest, twisted a pen, gently scratched a pen, and removed a name inside. It was the name of Zuo Okada, who was also the only name killed by one stroke on the whole page.

”There are many sword masters in Japan. This is your first goal. It's good to get a little inspiration. " Compared with the past, can Feng's attitude towards Qin Yang is no longer so cold. One teaches and the other studies. They have little conversation, but they can see each other's thoughts from each other's words and deeds.

”Go to sleep. " After Qin Yang dried his hair, he said such a sentence to canfeng, and then he lay down on the bed with his upper body and only a bath towel wrapped below. It is unknown whether he wore underwear or not. In fact, sleeping naked is a good habit, but I don't know if Qin Yang has this habit.

Can Feng hey smiled, then took off her robe, revealed a vest, lay on the bed and turned off the light in the room.

The whole room was suddenly quiet, only a faint breath could be heard, which needs your heart to listen.

Qin Yang, who closed his eyes, seemed to accept all this safely.

I don't know how long it has been. It's getting late.

The moment I closed my eyes was about eight o'clock, and now the moonlight has become more and more bright. Unfortunately, there are fewer people watching the moon.

The war in the daytime is still vivid. Qin Yang is not so much sleeping with his eyes closed as thinking with his eyes closed. It was about ten o'clock that he really fell asleep.

Hearing the existence of another person's breathing in the hazy, Qin Yang's consciousness suddenly woke up and his body was very sensitive to stand up.

”Don't move. " Although Qin Yang didn't understand this Japanese sentence, the blade on his neck was enough to express the meaning of the speaker. No, what is on the neck is not a blade. It should be suffering. Those who use such tools as weapons are also in Japan. Almost everyone on earth knows that they have a name called ninja.

Qin Yang was obedient and did not move again. Instead, he sat on the bed, spread out his hands, relaxed and expressed his willingness to do any cooperation.

As for canfeng, she had already woke up and was also restrained and let go by another.

Qin Yang's Yu Guang glanced at the situation of the disabled Phoenix. First, there was a flash of fun in his eyes. He turned his head with interest, looked at the disabled Phoenix, and then turned back to look at the masked ninja in front of him.

”Come with us. " The Ninja holding Qin Yang may be the leader of the two. He said this and walked to the window with Qin Yang.

The entrance of the two ninjas sneaking into the hotel is the window of this room. They can sneak into this five storey room silently. The skill of the two ninjas is still worthy of recognition.

Qin Yang stood up, but the bath towel around his lower body fell off, fell to the ground, and then showed his side as a man.

”Sorry, "Qin Yang seemed to be a little shy. The Ninja holding him stared at him with a wary face. The pain in his hand was unconsciously pressed for a few minutes, and suddenly a bright red line was drawn on Qin Yang's neck.

”Can I change my clothes and go with you? " Qin Yang asked.

Canfeng acted as a translator in good time and relayed Qin Yang's meaning to two ninjas who could only speak Japanese.

”Baga, "the ninja who kidnapped Qin Yang disagreed with Qin Yang's seemingly reasonable request, because his master asked them to take people there, and did not say that he would not accept shirtless or even * * men.

So Qin Yang pinned a bath towel to his waist to cover his private part. Forced by the ninja, he "hugged" and slid down a nylon rope.

Such behavior is quite incomprehensible in Qin Yang's eyes. Since you want to take people away, why are you so sneaky? It's better to go in and out of the gate. It shows your domineering and arrogance. So Ninja sometimes likes to play mystery, either climbing walls or windows. It's like a theft, and it's also called "Ninja".

Originally, Qin Yang thought about how the two ninjas brought him and canfeng to their master, but he saw a pair of black cars parked on the roadside, which were particularly inconspicuous under the cover of the night.

”"I still have to take the bus," Qin Yang thought a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that the two ninjas would fly away with them and blink for hundreds of miles. He didn't expect to take a car. After all, it was the first time to contact the business of ninjas. Qin Yang would more or less compare reality with that in film and television.

When Qin Yang and canfeng were stuffed into the back carriage, their hands had been tied back. This knot is a special knot method popular in the ninja world. People who don't know the secret can't break free.

After more than an hour of sulking, Qin Yang was finally able to see the "dark" again. His eyes were covered with a layer of black cloth and was kidnapped into a luxury house.

The sound of stepping at your feet is particularly clear, and the floor must be particularly precious, otherwise there can be such a good sound of footsteps. One of the two footsteps behind him should be canfeng. Qin Yang thought so.

Soon, Qin Yang was taken to a closed room. He could only guess with his own feeling.

When the two ninjas left, they loosened their ties and removed the black cloth from their eyes. At present, the light is a little dazzling, although it is not very bright.

Cold eyes came from all directions, which made Qin Yang feel a little cold with only a bath towel covering his lower body.

Canfeng walked silently to Qin Yang, and he was like a suffering father and son, at least from the back.

Among the five pairs of eyes, the front is opposite to a pair of extremely serious and dignified eyes. Qin Yang is naturally attracted by such eyes.

”Do you come to Japan for any purpose? " The middle-aged man staring at Qin Yang said a fluent Yanhuang language, which was an absolutely supreme tone.

”Yamaguchi group, "one side should have nothing to do with him, but can Feng told the identity of the five people sitting in front of them at this moment.

”"Oh," the middle-aged man looked at Qin Yang at first, but soon put it on the disabled Feng who said the name, "you actually recognize me." A little surprised, but that's just a little.

Canfeng smiled, and then stopped talking. It seemed that Qin Yang was the master of the country. He was just a pawn.

”Can you bring me a suit of clothes and trousers? "Qin Yang's words were very light, sincere and serious, because she saw the only woman among the five staring at his crotch, which even made him feel like breaking the bath towel immediately.

The woman looking at his crotch has an unspeakable flirtatious charm. Her face is unusual and her figure is also very good. The faint smile looks very emotional and provocative. As a vigorous and handsome guy, Qin Yang's provocation to mature women is really unbearable, so he has this request.

”Just talk to me and answer my questions. " The first of the five refused Qin Yang's request in a word.

The woman suddenly stood up, walked to Qin Yang and stretched out two white, tender and slender fingers to tear away Qin Yang's bath towel and let him * * in front of people.

Qin Yang grabbed the bath towel in a hurry, "Miss, I'm a minor."

When she heard this, the woman giggled, "I want to see." her voice was so soft that it could melt half a kilo of human bones.

Qin Yang reluctantly compromised, not because of the woman's sweet words, but because a gun suddenly pulled out by the woman was aimed at his forehead.

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