The bath towel slipped down. In front of Qin Yang * * people, his face was ruddy for a moment, like an apple. He met such a brave woman for the first time and such a "color" woman for the first time. He wanted to shout, "how can you guys let a woman bully me? Do you have any eggs? "

The woman stared at Qin Yang's crotch. This time there was no shelter at all. Qin Yang wanted to die in shame.

”Tut Tut, that's awesome. "The woman didn't say big or long. He used the adjective awesome.

”Enough! " Qin Yang burst out and held the palm of the hand that the woman wanted to touch, "I feel bad about you." His face appeared unnaturally.

With Qin Yang's violent drinking, several people in black rushed in outside the door and surrounded Qin Yang and canfeng with a cold face.

”Tut Tut, what a big temper. " The sexy woman looked into Qin Yang's eyes, then swung a slap and scraped it, "pa", crisp and loud.

”I just want to touch it. Why are you so angry? " The woman giggled, raised her arm, moved to Qin Yang's chest and stroked it gently.

Qin Yang's eyebrows just wrinkled for a moment, as if it was irrelevant. He was bitten by a mosquito. Looking at the corners of a woman's eyes, he smiled. The other party's gun is on his temple. God can't dodge at such a distance. Even though Qin Yang has avoided this situation countless times, he still falls into this completely passive scene.

At the beginning, Qin Yang really didn't expect that a woman would suddenly come to him and pull his bath towel. When he shifted his attention, the woman seized the best opportunity and put the gun on Qin Yang's forehead. This is very successful for women, because Qin Yang is not used to being held against his head with a gun, or this kind of situation where he will be shot in the head as long as he annoys the other party with any small action.

”When I ask you something, you'd better answer it well, "ignoring the recklessness of women in front of people, the middle-aged man sitting in the middle speaks." what do you want to do when you come to my country to challenge Kendo martial arts school? "

Qin Yang's tone was very calm. He let the woman in front of him touch here and there, looked at the questioner and said, "I've heard that Japanese Kendo is famous all over the world, so I came to ask for advice, hoping to lose."

”Hum, "the man listened to Qin Yang's last words, but he was a little angry in his head," seeking defeat? It's different from what I thought, but I think too much. " The man raised his tall glass and tasted the red wine in the glass.

”You're great? "

”At present, there is no master who can interest me in your country. " Qin Yang narrowed his eyes and smiled. He looked very kind. Can Feng next to him observed all the performances of Qin Yang, but he was very satisfied with Qin Yang's way of doing things. He watched Qin Yang grow a little. Now he finally cultivated a disciple who spoke and did things very in line with his appetite. He felt that this was God's compensation for his one arm. Sometimes even he couldn't see what Qin Yang was thinking.

In the past, Qin Yang was a sharp and semi hidden sword, which gave people a cold feeling. Such a person may be a good jade in some people's eyes, but he is extremely stupid in canfeng's eyes. Now? Now Qin Yang is a sword in the sheath. You never know when it will come out of the sheath. This is the real way to do things.

”Oh? " Not only did the man look at Qin Yang again, but the others also focused on Qin Yang, with sarcasm and anger. They all understand the implication of Qin Yang. He is implying that there are few experts in their country.

The woman restrained her behavior and sat back in her seat. Then Qin Yang stood in front of five people without covering up. If the bodyguards around him were counted, it should be a public display.

”Can I pick up the bath towel? " Qin Yang looked at the middle-aged man and asked for his advice, which he had to do. Otherwise, he would only eat bullets.

”Well, "the leading man of the five nodded, but the woman seemed to lose interest. She hid in the sofa, lit a cigarette and looked out of the window as if there were no one else.

Qin Yang picked up the bath towel and surrounded his lower body. He said a little eagerly, "if you can, I want you to give me a suit of clothes."

The man looked at Qin Yang, stared for a while, and then said, "give him your clothes."

A bodyguard standing behind Qin Yang looked numb, took off his clothes, then withdrew his pants, stood with only a pair of colored shorts, and threw his clothes and pants beside Qin Yang. The executive ability of this organization is really terrible.

Qin Yang was not vague. He put it on immediately. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he finished sorting. After all, he was not so open in front of strangers. He couldn't let go of his heart and hang his face.

”What I say now, you answer. "

”"Yes," Qin Yang said, fully cooperating.

”Which way? "

”There is no way. " Qin Yang said, afraid that the other party thought it was a gang, explained, "I'm not in your way." When canfeng said the name of "Yamaguchi group", Qin Yang had a judgment in his heart and understood the meaning of the other party's words.

”Purpose? "

”I said before. "

”I don't believe it. "

”Then I can't help it. " Qin Yang said helplessly.

Then the man cast sharp eyes and looked at Qin Yang without blinking.

Qin Yang looked at him fearlessly.

The room was quiet for a long time. The middle-aged man sighed, "I really think too much."

Qin Yang was silent and didn't answer or interrupt.

Until the head of the middle-aged man finished questioning, the people next to him spoke.

”Chief, can we take them away? " A thin looking man with dark eyes inquired of the man in the middle.

”Send them away. " The man called the team leader nodded in agreement.

Two of the other three were indifferent, but one of them looked at Qin Yang as if he saw Xinxi's prey.

”Slow down, he left me one night. " It was the only woman among the five who spoke.

The other four men all showed strange expressions and looked at Qin Yang.

”Yes, "said the group leader after a dull atmosphere.

Canfeng always stood in place like a piece of wood, as if all this had nothing to do with it. Even when he heard the word "take away", he remained calm.

Qin Yang's hand holding the bath towel relaxed because of the woman's words. He even thought: do you want to make a face for her tonight.

The idea came out very naturally, even without thinking. It was really because of the strange eyes of those men and the desire of women when they looked at him.

”What an energetic woman, "Qin Yang thought, shivering in his heart.

But he really didn't like this kind of thing, and even didn't expect it at all, because a woman was not his favorite, or even a woman with countless faces, which made him have a kind of cold rising in the bottom of his heart, as if he had been contaminated by some dirty thing. Since ancient times, there have been many BT in Japan. This sentence is not only used to describe Japanese men, but also used to describe Japanese women.

”I don't want to die. If it can be solved peacefully, can we be spared? " Qin Yang said earnestly.

Although Qin Yang had a good idea and a low attitude, it can be seen from the silence and eyes of the five people that they didn't hear Qin Yang's words at all, and even looked at Qin Yang and canfeng as if they were looking at two dead people.

”That's a pity. " Qin Yang felt sorry and shook his head. When he looked up again, the bath towel in his hand had been scattered, like a fishing net.

At the same time, there was the crippled Phoenix behind him. He and Qin Yang started at almost the same time point.

The bath towel spread out in the air, white and flawless.

Qin Yang pulled a corner of the bath towel and then moved. Almost the white towel spilled out. Others had already flashed in front of several people who had been blocked from their sight. Among them, minefield suddenly ran, who was called the team leader, bore the brunt.

However, even in the face of such a crisis, the middle-aged man still looked at ease. He took a slow sip of the cigar between the index and middle fingers of his right hand, and the smoke spewed out with his exhalation.

At this time, the silent man sitting next to mine field suddenly ran jumped up and closed the bath towel that seemed to cover a very wide area with one hand.

Qin Yang seemed to have expected. He hid his foot behind the bath towel and touched the man's outstretched claws to decide the victory or defeat.

The man couldn't bear Qin Yang's foot. He was in a hurry and suffered a lot. He couldn't help but hum and retreat two steps. This retreat was tantamount to handing over the whole initiative to Qin Yang.

Not to mention the bodyguards nearby, even the whole room can't stop Qin Yang's impact.

The crane in the air, like wind and electricity, swept down the hall legs, and all the people in black fell to the ground.

I don't know when Qin Yang had a pistol in his hand. The man had stood in front of mine field suddenly ran, and the dark and cold barrel had been put on his forehead.

”Do you want to discuss it? " Qin Yang didn't laugh, but his tone was not too strong, as if he were talking to minefield Huran.

The people around also stopped their movements with great interest.

At this time, canfeng, who was inconvenient with one hand, took back his leg and one hand, released the two bodyguards tightly locked in his throat, and then stood beside Qin Yang without saying a word.

”If you kill me, you'll never get out of this room again. " Mine field suddenly ran seems to want to use his own composure to break Qin Yang's psychology. When someone speaks with a gun against his head, he doesn't forget to sip the cigar in his mouth, then clip it between his fingers, put it down, and look at Qin Yang indifferently.

”Bang! " One second before the well field, Qin Yang vowed to speak. The next second, Qin Yang spoke with facts. A bullet flew past the tip of the well field's ear, penetrated the wall and nailed it on it, emitting light green smoke.

”My life is not as expensive as you. If you scare me so much, I can easily get angry. "

The men of several minefields around him stared at Qin Yang with a surprised and angry face. Only the woman seemed to know nothing and sat on the sofa in her original position. There was a flicker in Qin Yang's eyes for a moment, just because of the trance of women's performance.

The atmosphere in the room once solidified for a few seconds. The low head of inouda thought about it and asked, "what do you want?"

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