In that case, he is bound to fulfill his grandmother's last wish, which is also a wish in his heart, not for anything else, but for grandma's knowledge under the spring.

Han Tieyi once told him that only by obtaining the formal qualification of special combat soldiers can the state ban on his study be lifted. At least for Qin Yang, who has no background and no money, there is only such a way.

And he worked hard for it every day and never wanted to give up. He is not stupid, but what he recognized is so cute.

”Well, that's all we're talking about today. I hope you can do a good job in review and consolidate your study. Now that everyone has signed up for this evening shift, I believe everyone has a heart to study hard, so I won't say more if it's superfluous. " The math tutor in the last class on the podium said such a paragraph and left the classroom first.

At this time, it's already ten o'clock. There are three classes every night. The main remedial contents are English, mathematics and science.

In a sense, the evening class of Qinyang daily is not an adult class, but a cram class, and it is a cram class of senior one.

He has completed the content of junior high school by himself, and because of different regions, the content of knowledge he learned at the beginning is deeper than that of Tianjing. Therefore, he actually had contact with some high school knowledge in junior high school, which is undoubtedly a lucky thing for him.

When Shangguan Yunlong first introduced him to the special war military region, he already handed over all his data to fan Shihua for processing, so the location of his registered permanent residence and archives are included in the national capital Tianjing. If he wants to enter the University, Tianjing is his examination point, and his study will start here.

Compared with those boys and girls aged 15 or 6, Qin Yang's face looks a little "old". After all, he is a person who has entered the ranks of adults, and his experience is more than that of ordinary adults. Because of his mature and stable mind, he doesn't pay much attention to anything except learning in this class.

Some boys or girls in the cram school also wanted to make friends with him, but they were defeated by his silence. After that, no one wanted to play with him. In the eyes of other students, Qin Yang is a typical nerd student. He doesn't want to come out when he gets into book exercises one day.

Everyone left the classroom early, but Qin Yang stayed. Ten o'clock is the end time of the last class. One thing he does after class every day is to do dozens of minutes of exercises to continuously improve his grasp of knowledge. Dozens of minutes may seem short to some people, but it is abundant for a person who fully focuses on one thing. This is especially true in learning. If no one bothers and is eager to learn knowledge, these tens of minutes are precious.

It's the best learning state to be able to learn without floating and impatience, and Qin Yang is such a person.

The last bus is at 11:00 p.m. it's enough to have more than ten minutes to walk and ride.

He tries his best to find time to study every day. When his English starts low, he gets up early. If he didn't understand some knowledge points deeply enough, he took notes and wrote exercises. Time is squeezed out. This sentence is very right. Whether you believe it or not, it is a golden word.

The so-called pressure to learn is better than seeking to learn, pressure to learn is better than letting them learn by themselves, and desire to learn is better than letting them learn by themselves.

Many parents have a long cherished wish to have their children become dragons and their daughters become phoenixes, but they ignore the saying that interest is the best teacher for students. A student is pressed to learn. Even if he gets proud achievements, his achievements will not be too high. They can get high scores. However, in the face of all kinds of hardships in society in the future, he will show disadvantages, and even it is not as good as a child who drops out of school early.

Only when students are eager to learn, their achievements are real, not illusory castles in the air.

Qin Yang knows what's wrong with him, and he will make up for what's wrong. In this process, he enjoys the power brought by learning and can apply it to his real life. This is "never too old"; The true meaning of the old saying "learn old".

What is learning for? It's for use. Qin Yang's use is to transform knowledge into his own capital to survive in the world, so he is eager to learn.

At this point, Qin Yang has an advantage that many people don't have, which everyone can have, that is, the desire for knowledge.

People with this complex, even if they are stupid, can make remarkable achievements in learning together. Although his starting point is lower than that of some senior one students, he is too much higher than all senior one students in terms of mentality. With the passage of time, the gap between the two will become more and more obvious, but they don't know it.

If thirst for knowledge is a silly "nerd", Qin Yang is happy to be called a "nerd".

He breathed a sigh and stopped his pen. Qin Yang picked up his books and notes, quickly sorted them out and walked out of the classroom.

Although the night was dark, the red light and green light in the city never decreased. When looking at tall buildings from a distance, Qin Yang felt that the scenery was very beautiful.

When Qin Yang walked out of the gate, the uncle in charge of the building started the safety door with a numb face and blocked the floor.

Walking on the lonely street, Qin Yang had an unspeakable peace in his heart.

When he arrived at home, it was more than 11:30. Qin Yang simply took a cold bath and lay in bed with his eyes closed. This was also a few times when he could really sleep.

His one-day life is so simple: work, eat, study, and then calmly wait for the military region's recall order.

At 6 a.m., Qin Yang began to wash his clothes after he published an English newspaper. Then he dressed neatly and walked out of the house.

Breakfast was settled in the steamed stuffed bun shop not far downstairs. A vegetable bag with fresh vegetable stuffing, a sugar bag with an appropriate amount of sugar, and then a cup of freshly ground soybean milk. His breakfast cost about three yuan. Although he didn't eat very well, he didn't feel ill treated.

One yuan for the bus and 40 minutes for the bus, I came to the supermarket, put on my work clothes and start the day's work.

Such a life seems quite boring to some people, but Qin Yang feels very down-to-earth. From the first day of such a regular life, he likes such a life. Although it is a little regrettable that this time is not a few years or even more, half a year is also good, which is enough for him.

Only in such a regular life atmosphere, living like an ordinary person, can he really feel that he is a living person, an ordinary person among all living beings.

He spent the past few years as a memory in constant training. The hell like life has come. Isn't this life enough to describe satisfaction?

Many people have not experienced Qin Yang's experience, so they can't understand Qin Yang's mentality. Only those who have lived that life like him know how happy it is at this moment.

”With this greeting, Qin Yang began his day's life. The lines of the sun fell on his soft face, like a trace of rain in spring, across the fresh air, and could smell the fragrance of the soil. The smile on the corner of his mouth is like a child, only happy, without any burden and depression, as if he had forgotten everything.

But the clear people know that this forgetting is only temporary. When that day comes, the time of assembly comes, he will get out of this secular world and no longer play the ordinary cashier.

Before the new year, Qin Yang left without saying goodbye. Left a letter, the key also entrusted Xiaomei to Aunt Xu's hand, and because of gratitude, he didn't want to say goodbye to Aunt Xu. If he did say goodbye at that time, maybe he would miss, miss the feeling of being at that home and the warmth of having relatives around him. So he didn't meet aunt Xu. Even if it hurt her a little, he still didn't want them to meet and say goodbye.

In the winter of this year, the snow in Tianjing was very heavy and lasted for a long time.

In the past six months, Qin Yang felt that he had been very satisfied. The only regret is that when everyone was eating New Year's Eve dinner, he didn't accompany his aunt. He just left a letter and a little gift when he left.

Walking in the street at midnight, Qin Yang with a suitcase walked alone. The snowflakes fell and withered, scattered all over the ground. The cold hit the face, and the cold wind drill ran into the neck with its collar.

Occasionally, several pairs of outrageous couples are still making romance and walking past him. On snowy nights, especially when some couples like shopping, they need to be warm because it is cold. In order to be warm, they will naturally walk close to their bodies. They are romantic and emotional. Movies seem to guide the masses.

”Didi! "

Qin Yang walked forward in silence, trying to find a taxi to reach his destination. At this time, the sound of car whistle sounded behind him.

Qin Yang could not help turning his head. He glanced at him at random, and then unconsciously checked for several seconds. When the other party spoke, he realized who the driver was.

”Hey, young man, would you like a ride from your brother? " Fang Shiren said with a handsome smile, staring at Qin Yang.

Then Qin Yang smiled, went to the car, opened the door and sat in.

”You're very emotional. You're still driving a convertible sports car in such a cold day. "

Fang Shiren raised his left hand, stroked the bangs on his forehead, shook his head and farted, "there's no way. If you don't open the convertible, how can those little aunts see my handsome face and charming smile."

”Hehe, "Qin Yang smiled and looked very happy." before, I thought you talked like farting all day. I didn't expect to see you for only a year. You are deeper than before. "

When Fang Shiren heard these words, his face suddenly looked ugly. "Boy, you speak better. OK, am I farting? I'm smart. "

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