Qin Yang showed a serious attitude and looked at him again. "It's better to have a smooth voice."

”Cut, it's boring to talk to you. It used to be like this, but it's still like this. " Fang Shiren looked disdainful.

”You're wrong. If it were me before, I wouldn't talk so nonsense to you. Now I start talking nonsense to you, which means I'm spoiled by you. "

”Since I've broken it, do you want me to take you to play, miss? " Fang Shiren showed a squint of color.

”Let's drive, "Qin Yang looked ahead and didn't bother to talk nonsense with the baby.

”Tut Tut, I can see at a glance that you are still a baby. " Fang Shiren glanced at Qin Yang's lower body and started the car.

It's exciting for an open sports car to drive on an open road, because it's still snowing in winter. Qin Yang felt cold, and it was cold in his bones, but fortunately his body didn't tremble involuntarily.

Fang Shiren's long hair covering his neck, driven by the madness of the black sports car, danced to death. When outsiders looked at the two speeding cars, they would naturally regard it as a madman.

In fact, Qin Yang thinks so.

”How about it? Isn't it very emotional? " Fang Shiren, whistling in the wind, didn't forget to shout to Qin Yang around him for fear that he couldn't hear clearly at the high speed of racing.

”Cool your head. " Qin Yang didn't scold too hard. He almost roared close to Fang Shiren's ear.

”Oh, I understand. " Fang Shiren said something wrong to the horse, and then the speed of the car soared to 300 yards.

”Your uncle! " Qin Yang couldn't help roaring. He grabbed Fang Shiren's neck with both hands and shook it, but he didn't exert too much force to avoid affecting his driving.

”Hahaha, I'll take you for a good ride today. " Fang Shiren ignores whether Qin Yang can stand it or not. Now his blood is surging and his blood is boiling. For him, this "little wind" is a small thing. Just get used to it.

After running at high speed for half an hour, the car finally came to the secret tunnel leading to the special war military region.

”Are you not afraid to be caught by the traffic police and revoke your license? " Qin Yang said angrily to Fang Shiren when the car finally recovered its normal speed.

”Who told you I was licensed? " Fang Shiren looked at Qin Yang suspiciously.

”???,” Even if the wind around is not particularly strong, Qin Yang still feels a little messy. Finally, he extended a thumb to Fang Shiren.

”Ha ha, I'm very strong. Just know that. Don't say it. " Fang Shiren was elated.

”Let's get down to business. "

”You said, "Fang Shiren took the steering wheel and stopped talking nonsense.

”Have Zhao Zhuo and Luo Yi arrived yet? "

”I don't know, but I didn't tell you until they told me. I must have arrived earlier than us. "

The car drove along the winding underground road and finally came out of the underground passage. When it was exposed to the sky, the familiar big iron gate and the soldiers standing guard could be seen in front of us.

Fang Shiren stopped the car in front of the gate and showed his identity certificate, as did Qin Yang. With the approval of the guard, the sports car drove in.

Qin Yang got off first, while Fang Shiren found a parking space to park.

It's different from what you think. Qin Yang thought Zhao Zhuo and Luo Yi would wait for him at a specific place, but unexpectedly, it was not his teammates who were waiting for him and Fang Shiren, but Chu Yan, the leader who had led them.

The woman's figure is great. Even in a military uniform, she can still vaguely see the perfect body arc. But when the team leader met his two teammates again, he didn't show a smile or too many expressions.

”I've been waiting for you for a long time. " They refer to Zhao Zhuo and Luo Yi.

”They have gone to bed. They will get up at six tomorrow morning. The task will start tomorrow. I will tell you the details tomorrow morning. Now you are the same. Go and sleep for me. "

”Yes! "

”Yes! "

Qin Yang and Fang Shiren responded in unison.

They walked towards their bedroom, and their backs went farther and farther, but Chu Yan didn't leave immediately.

Her eyebrows are frowned. From the beginning to now, or from knowing their assessment tasks, she has always had a bad feeling.

”Why give them such a task, "Chu Yan whispered, looking at the back of Qin Yang and Fang Shiren.

In her eyes, the fourth team is an excellent team. All four people are excellent, especially Qin Yang, the temporary captain.

However, the assessment task arranged by the superior for them this time was very worrying. Even as a soldier with the creed of obeying orders, she wavered.

”You should be able to do it, "Chu Yan looked at the back of Qin Yang and Fang Shiren, then turned and left.

”Your task this time is to bring Dr. Qian back to China. " After explaining the importance of Dr. Qian to the country for nearly half an hour to five people including Qin Yang, Chu Yan made his last concluding speech.

Everyone stood upright and marched in a "yes" posture.

”The organization has completed the household registration formalities required for your transit. Everything depends on yourself. After the task is completed, you will be officially incorporated into the system of the special operations military region and become a member of the special corps. " Chu Yan's eyes swept over and excited the public.

”Qin Yang, do you have any questions? " Chu Yan saw Qin Yang raise his hand like a child to ask questions.

”Report, sir, is it all up to us to decide this operation? "

”That's right. "

”Is there no one else with us except the five of us? "

”No. "

”We can't speak North Korean. Why don't you equip us with an interpreter? "

”Because you will only contact people in the embassy and will not have superfluous exchanges with other northern Korean people, "Chu Yan looked at Liu Zhongnong." moreover, there is a super hacker around you. I don't think you will encounter other technical problems. "

”Excuse me, sir. "

Chu Yan could not help but frown when he heard that Fang Shiren had a problem, "he said."

”Why did you give this boy to us? "

”Fang Shiren, he is your teammate now. I hope you can regard him as a companion who can entrust life, rather than call him 'this boy'. "

”Yes, sir. " Fang Shiren said with a serious expression.

”What else to ask, Captain Qin. " Chu Yan put her eyes on Qin Yang. She always felt that Qin Yang still had doubts in her heart.

”I want to know the level of this mission. "

”This is a secret. You don't need to know the level of the task. You just need to complete the task. " Chu Yan didn't know where Qin Yang knew about the task classification of the special war military region. When Qin Yang asked this question, she was surprised, but she didn't show it on her face. Besides, she didn't want to give everyone a blow. Because this is a mission with difficulty reaching s level, the highest level mission limited in the special operations military region!

Qin Yang was silent. After a while, he said, "I have no doubt."

”OK, let's go. "

Chu Yan led the way, and the others followed. Each of them carried a military suitcase. There were no clothes in it, only classified guns.

Canfeng once revealed some rules of their mercenary world to Qin Yang, and some of these rules are applicable in the killer world and some in the military world. It is an applicable rule to divide tasks into levels, whether in the mercenary world, the killer world or the military world. It's just that they define different levels under the task.

Qin Yang once heard from can Feng that the top line of the task level applicable to the mercenary world and the killer world is level 3 s, while the military world always defines the most difficult task with level S. even if there are difficulties and ease in level s tasks, they will only use s instead of three s to distinguish.

The lowest level in the military is level E, which is followed by the first few letters of English, namely e, D, C, B, a and s.

Only from the analysis of letters, we can see the difficulty of grade s. It breaks away from the front letter sequence, and the word "super" from English exists alone, meaning "super" and "super". Once the task level accepted by the special combat team reaches s level, it means that there is a great risk of death in this team.

Qin Yang asked Chu Yan this question because he vaguely felt that the task was very unusual.

If you simply take Dr. Qian back to work as a bodyguard, the difficulty of this task may not be much greater, but the anxiety in your heart reminds you that this task is unusual, so he asked this question. He was eager to know, not asking casually. Unfortunately, Chu Yan seems unwilling to disclose.

This time, under the leadership of Chu Yan, Qin Yang and others did not go to the International Airport. The country they wanted to go to this mission was the Northern Dynasty, a country bordering the Yanhuang state, and a developing country that tried to follow the model of the rise of the Yanhuang state. They once referred to the political, military and even economic system of the Yanhuang state.

Qin Yang's transport to * * this time was an airplane, but the plane was not an airliner, but the private plane of a famous businessman in the Yan and Huang countries.

Before that, Qin Yang had never even heard of such a person. He hardly read newspapers in recent years. Even in the past six months, he didn't buy a TV, even second-hand. So I'm not very familiar with this person.

However, when Chu Yan brought five people to the legendary characters, Qin Yang still felt the shine in the eyes of Fang Shiren and Luo Yi.

Lin Guodong, a name that contains the expectations of his parents, hopes that his son can become a pillar of the country. As one of the most successful businessmen in the world, Lin Guodong realized his parents' expectations in his continuous struggle all his life.

Who is the richest man in Yanhuang?

The guy surnamed Lin Guodong is a man who has not yet entered the ranks of 40. At the age of 36, he now has a wealth of more than 10 billion, including real estate. He is one of the few businessmen in Yanhuang country who is cited as a model by foreign fashion economic magazines; He is a successful model of Yanhuang people in the field of Commerce and the pride of all Yanhuang businessmen; His companies have an excellent reputation. The number of giant ships in his hands is amazing. If he is listed in the world's top 500 companies alone, his family has three places. Even if they are ranked lower, it is a feat.

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