Few domestic economic magazines can get on the table, and once they are a little famous, Lin Guodong will be published on the cover. As for foreign countries, they are regular visitors.

With such fame and wealth, he can be said to be an elusive legend in many people's hearts.

Qin Yang and his party are taking his private plane today. How can they not be surprised to know his identity.

Lin Guodong, who shook hands with Chu Yan, was about 1.8 meters tall. Although he was not very tall, his shoulder width was very wide, which made him look extremely majestic and tall. Since the word "majestic" is used to describe it, he naturally does not have the "big stomach" owned by rich businessmen, which is very rare in Qin Yang's view, because most people who are officials and do business will have a little stomach after passing the threshold of 30, but Lin Guodong is the exception.

”Mr. Lin, I'll trouble you this time. " Chu Yan said respectfully to Lin Guodong.

”Where, I feel honored to serve my country. " Lin Guodong exchanged greetings.

”Get on the plane. " Chu Yan greeted Qin Yang's five people, and then they got on the plane one by one under the arrangement of the plane service personnel.

Lin Guodong arranged a separate section for the five people in Qinyang, which was only used by the five people, and also facilitated their action discussion.

Almost after Qin Yang and others sat down, the plane set sail. Chu Shiyao, as the reporting officer of the task, will not go with him. This fact has made a good decision when the task was issued.

After sitting for two minutes, Qin Yang spoke, opening up the dull atmosphere at this time.

”I'm very happy to get together with you again. In order to welcome Comrade Liu Zhongnong back, let me introduce myself first. "

”Qin Yang, the current leader of the fourth team. " Qin Yang raised his head and motioned Fang Shiren to speak.

A little listless, squinting like falling asleep, Fang Shiren was patted on the shoulder by Zhao Zhuo behind him and suddenly woke up, "Oh, xiaozhuozi, did you grow up eating spinach? It's troublesome to shoot people with less force. "

Zhao Zhuo smiled foolishly, "I can't help it. I'm born with divine power."

”Tut Tut, brother Huan, I think you don't have all the hair under you. You dare to call yourself brother. Ha ha, it's a big joke. " Fang Shiren sneered.

”You didn't grow up. I'm black below. I don't know how dense it is. "

”Stop, "Qin Yang stared at Fang Shiren, who did not laugh loudly, stopped Zhao Zhuo's stupid words, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

Fang Shiren is a chatter. Qin Yang knows it. In particular, he likes to tease Zhao Zhuo. It's nothing if it was like this, but Zhao Zhuo, a living treasure, always likes to quarrel with Fang Shiren. He can't win the fight. He has to fight with people. Sometimes he doesn't know that he has fallen into Fang Shiren's trap.

”Zhao Zhuo, please introduce yourself to Liu Zhongnong. "

”Hei hei, my brother's name is Zhao Zhuo. He's tall and powerful. He's talking about me. " In his words, he was proud and could speak better than before. Qin Yang had to affirm him. Anyone who nags with Fang Shiren will be infected with the problem of being talkative. Zhao Zhuo, who is not very talkative, is a typical representative. Now his mouth has a lot of oil cavity.

”Luo Yi, "the only constant is Luo Yi, who covets Qin Yang's current position as acting captain. He will say how to express one thing in the simplest way.

”A melancholy Prince wandering among the people, a natural and unrestrained prodigal son who fascinates thousands of girls, my name is Fang Shiren, and Fang Shiyu's life is me. " Fang Shiren stroked the hair between his forehead, revealing a faint smile. It seems that he has experienced many vicissitudes, and his eyes contain inexplicable scars.

”What is Fang Shiyu's life? I'm Zhao Yun's life. " Zhao Zhuo couldn't help interrupting.

”Zhao Yun, your size? Don't defile brother Zilong in my heart. " Fang Shiren rolled his eyes.

Qin Yang was helpless and said to Liu Zhongnong, who looked a little stiff, "two living treasures, Haihan."

”Um. " Liu Zhongnong nodded, and then saw the fierce eyes of Zhao Zhuo and Fang Shiren. He immediately shook his hand and explained, "no, no, I mean I know you and didn't admit that you are living treasures."

The atmosphere was once cold, and several people in the room couldn't help feeling unfathomable because of Liu Zhongnong's words: This is the real master. Curse is invisible. The innocent expression may have stabbed you in the back. If you turn around and see him around you, you won't doubt that he stabbed you.

”Welcome Comrade Liu Zhongnong to join our team. As far as I know, you seem to have always been part of our fourth team, but you lost your trace during the task of later training. " Qin Yang looks at Liu Zhongnong and looks forward to the other party's answer.

”Yes, I used to belong to the fourth team like you, but I was assigned to the southwest base for intensive training in the later training. So I haven't had a chance to work with you. "

”Do you know anything about this mission, "Qin Yang asked attentively.

Liu Zhongnong reluctantly said, "no, when I was assigned to the team, I was just told to provide technical support for you. Nothing else. "

”Oh, I think too much, "Qin Yang laughed it off, then said to the people and began a formal conversation.

”First of all, let's clarify the goal of this time. Our task is to go to the Northern Dynasty and bring back the doctor surnamed Qian, and the place to receive Dr. Qian is the Yanhuang Embassy in the Northern Dynasty. "

”What do you want to say? " Then Qin Yang gave the right to speak to everyone.

”I don't think the task is so simple, "Fang Shiren said, his cynical face disappeared, but he looked serious.

”Because this is the test given to us by our superiors. Only by passing this test can we be included in the system of the special operations military region as formal special operations members. " Qinyang compensation description.

”Yes, because of this, the task will not be so simple. "

”You're talking nonsense. " Although Zhao Zhuo's brain is indeed a little simpler, he can't really treat him as a fool. He is not vague about some things that should be known and clear.

”Luo Yi, what do you think? " Qin Yang consulted his teammates. Naturally, Luo Yi cannot be ignored.

”No, you're all finished. " Luo Yi looks at the scenery outside the window. It seems that the outside attracts him more.

”Zhong Nong, what about you? "

”I didn't. I'd better tell you, captain. " Liu Zhongnong waited eagerly for Qin Yang to express his views.

”Well, let me tell you my opinion. " Qin Yang straightened his body and did not refuse. He would not escape the responsibility he should bear.

”When the team leader gave us this task, I had a few doubts. Through these doubts, I was very uneasy about this action. "

”The first is the team leader's expression. Her expression has not shown a smiling face since issuing the action instruction, and her eyebrows are always frowned. Even in the previous trial task, the team leader has never had such an expression. I think this means that she is not sure whether the task is successful or not. "

”The leader who knows the strength of our team best is the leader. After each of us has been tempered for a year, she still has such an expression, which shows the difficulty of the task. "

They nodded in agreement. They also saw what Qin Yang said, but this kind of analysis is generally led by the team leader.

”The reason why I asked the team leader about the difficulty of this task was because I wanted to test my guess. If the team leader told me the difficulty of this task, it may be a good thing for all of us, because it means that even when we know the difficulty of the task, the team leader is still full of confidence in US and believes that we can complete it. But she didn't tell me, and my guess is that this mission makes her have no confidence in us. "

Before he finished, Qin Yang continued, "the reason why I have so many complex ideas is that this task is unusual everywhere. In my opinion, the embassy is a very safe receiving place. There is even no chance of accidents. Our task is to pick up people from the embassy and send them home. Does this seem too simple, and it is not in line with my above guess. "

”If the task is difficult, it may be reflected on the way home. However, when the team leader got on the plane, he told us that Mr. Lin would buy the tickets for us. We just need to be informed to go to the airport at that time. This is also the most unusual point. "

”Where? " Seeing Qin Yang's sharp eyes, Zhao Zhuo couldn't help asking, where is the 'unusual' Qin Yang said?

”The captain's meaning is: since it is arranged that we take Mr. Lin's private plane to the Northern Dynasty, why not directly arrange for us to take Mr. Lin's private plane back home. " Fang Shiren solved his doubts. Qin Yang would not miss anything he could think of. Even Luo Yi fell into a deep thought.

”I think maybe our superiors made it more difficult for us, so we didn't make such an arrangement. " Fang Shiren said when the atmosphere fell into a short disconnection.

”I don't think so. " Luo Yi put forward the opposite view.

Everyone's eyes were on him.

”You should remember our previous trip to America. " Luo Yi touched his chin and followed his train of thought. He didn't care about the people's expressions. "Through the last lesson, he told us that the tasks we performed were real, rather than organizing deliberately arranged exercises."

”Since there is death in the task, the organization cannot ask us to die for no reason. Naturally, it will not deliberately complicate the task, but simplify the task as much as possible for the life safety of the team members. "

When Qin Yang heard this, his pupils suddenly widened. It seemed that he suddenly realized something in Luo Yi's words. That terrible guess made his heart stop for a moment. But no one found out.

”Therefore, I don't think it's realistic for Fang Shiren to say that the organization deliberately arranges so in order to increase the difficulty of the task. "

”Yes, you're right. " Fang Shiren rarely refuted Luo Yi's opinion. You know, when talking about action, Fang Shiren made fun of or teased Zhao Zhuo, but for Luo Yi, they both appeared in a confrontation of one positive and one negative, one black and one white.

”This is the end of the discussion, "Luo Yi seemed to have something to say, but Qin Yang stood up and interrupted him, and Luo Yi stopped talking. No one heard Qin Yang's voice a little hoarse when he said this.

”No matter how difficult the task is, I hope we can successfully complete the task this time. " Then Qin Yang stretched out his hand and glanced at the other four people.

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