”Top one. " Fang Shiren stood up, loosened his shoulder and put his hand on it. Then Zhao zhuohan smiled and put his big palm on it, followed by Liu Zhongnong. Finally, Luo Yi couldn't hide from the hot eyes of the people, so he had to put his hand on it.

”Everything is going well! "

”Yo! Yo! Oh! " The crowd shouted with one voice.

For the Northern Dynasty, most foreign people's understanding of this country is limited to that it is a country, and I'm afraid they won't have a deep understanding of its humanities and customs unless they are foreign businessmen who often go to and do business in the Northern Dynasty and have close contacts with the local people.

This is a country whose name may be known by many people, but when asked for details, it is rare for a few people to tell the specific situation. It is known to the world, but it is mysterious to the world.

Compared with China, the pace of economic transformation in the Northern Dynasty was slow. They are backward. Although they are not as poor as most African countries, they are also a developing country. Perhaps they have realized the profound truth that "backwardness should be beaten". They have a strong will to become a "powerful country", ranging from the country's top leaders to three-year-old Yayu children. This is a country eager to rise, even more eager than China.

As two countries that forged a deep friendship of comrades in arms in the 1950s, China has much support for what the Northern Dynasty said and did on the world stage, and the Northern Dynasty's protection of China, the big brother, is also very useful.

Today, the place where Qin Yang and his party perform their tasks is the capital of the Northern Dynasty.

When getting off the plane, Qin Yang thought Lin Guodong's duty was to send them to the airport of the Northern Dynasty, and then the two passers-by did their own things. But unexpectedly, Lin Guodong proposed to organize him to send them to the Embassy in northern China.

Therefore, after receiving the certificate inquiry of the local airport personnel of the Northern Dynasty, we went through the armed entry procedure for half an hour. Qin Yang and five others got on the car arranged by Lin Guodong in advance.

Liu Zhongnong carried a bag with a laptop in it. The weapon he wore was only a pistol. After all, his focus of work was not combat. Qin Yang, Fang Shiren and other four people were holding a gun bag.

With Lin Guodong's repeated explanations, two soldiers of the Northern Dynasty were arranged to follow the crowd. In essence, the people of this nation believe most in themselves and will not rely too much on external help.

After half an hour's drive, Qin Yang finally got off the bus and looked up at the red flag waving. As soldiers, the five people all paid a military salute according to the same standard.

I don't know what kind of person Lin Guodong was organized and arranged to do these things. Qin Yang didn't play the role of captain in the whole process. It seems that the five of them were brought to the North Dynasty by Lin Guodong, the "parent".

After a period of procedure handling, Qin Yang and his party were qualified to see Ambassador Zhang Jinhui of the embassy.

However, it was not the ambassador who came out to take charge of this aspect, but major general Hong Demu of the Ministry of armed forces.

Hong Demu is about 1.75 meters tall, and his figure is not very big, but he gives people the feeling of being very vigorous. There is a sharp edge between the opening and closing of his eyes. Even if his face is full of laughter, it is still difficult to hide the murderous spirit of his body.

He is nearly 50 years old, but even so, he still gives people a feeling of manhood, like a man in his thirties. He can see the vicissitudes of life from his face, but it is difficult to see the knife marks carved on the years.

”I have received instructions. You have worked hard. "

”It's not hard. It's your job. " Qin Yangjing gave a military salute and replied that as the leader, he naturally became the person to talk to Hong Demu, and the other team members stood behind him with a solemn face.

Lin Guodong went through all the formalities and handed over six tickets to Qin Yang. He went to do his own things. He looked like a businessman who successfully completed the task entrusted to him. If he did what he should do, he wouldn't stay any longer. Moreover, the above entrustment to him is indeed so far. As for the later things, Qin Yang will be fully responsible from now on.

At this moment, Qin Yang felt unprecedented pressure. When Dr. Qian, who had heard his surname, appeared in front of him, the task began, which also represented that all actions would be undertaken by him on the way back to his country.

Dr. Qian, who only knows his surname, is probably in his early 60s. It may be because he has been engaged in mental work all year round, which makes him look older than his actual age. The doctor engaged in research work was not very happy. He had a very stiff facial expression. When he saw Qin Yang and five other members of the special team who came to pick him up, he didn't show too much emotion. It seemed that he was used to this kind of thing.

Hong Demu said to Qin Yang, "Qin Yang, this is Dr. Qian."

”Hello, Dr. Qian, "Qin Yang smiled and held out his hand.

Although Qian Bo is a person who doesn't like to talk and has a dull expression, he won't do anything impolite. He simply shook hands with Qin Yang and said in a low voice, "hello."

Through a simple handshake, Qin Yang couldn't help looking more at Dr. Qian. He found that the old man seemed a little afraid of the cold and his neck shrank badly, making his neck difficult to be seen. Although it's winter, the indoor temperature is also very warm. It's not so afraid of cold. He shrinks his neck like that. Qin Yang attributes it to a disease.

”You will be responsible for this operation. I believe the special team organized and arranged is trustworthy, so I won't make other staffing arrangements to drag you down. I hope you can go well all the way. " Hong Demu said, patting Qin Yang on the shoulder.

The weight of this sentence made Qin Yang feel very heavy, especially when he walked all the way, it made him look like he was in a trance. Somehow, he remembered the bad guess again. It was the idea he tried to get rid of, but he couldn't get rid of it.

”The general is assured that we will successfully complete the task and safely deliver Dr. Qian to the embrace of the motherland. " Qin Yang saluted and answered.

”Well, then it's not too late. Let's go. " Hong Demu returned with a military salute.

Fang Shiren and Luo Yi are close to both sides of Dr. Qian, while Zhao Zhuo, who is more than two meters tall, lays the groundwork behind Dr. Qian. Qin Yang, as the acting captain, is one person in front, rather than combatant Liu Zhongnong, who is responsible for driving and other matters. In the process of escorting Dr. Qian, the formation will remain unchanged until reaching the destination.

Just as Qin Yang and his party kept this formation and walked out of the embassy, a middle-aged man sitting in a chair with a newspaper looked at this side. At this glance, he didn't confirm who was surrounded by Qin Yang, so he turned on the communication device and bowed his head.

”Dr. Qian was taken away. "

After hearing the news, there was silence for a long time. Then he said, "after all, it's not from our country." there was a faint sigh, but then he immediately changed his tone and was resolute. "It's also our chance to leave people to me at all costs. Since he is not our man, we will make him a man of our country. "

The voice over there paused for a moment and then said, "I allow you to call all the forces of the military headquarters on the premise that the friendship between the two countries cannot be destroyed."

”Yes, I understand, chairman. " The middle-aged man answered with a resolute look in his eyes.

Qin Yang and his party arrived at the airport around 11 o'clock. Unexpectedly, this time period is a small peak period. They are human figures who go through various formalities at the airport.

He arrived at the airport half an hour in advance and didn't encounter any obstacles on the way, which seems a little unusual to Qin Yang. It seems that everything is going too well.

Just when they were protecting Dr. Qian to accept the security check of the special channel, they were intercepted by the police on one side.

”Sorry, you can't get on this plane. "

Qin Yang did not speak, but took out the national special writ he had been carrying and displayed it in front of the other party. It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand the northern Korean language, but he believes these policemen can see what it is. They should still have common sense.

The policeman standing in front of Qin Yang didn't have much expression and said coldly, "please come with me."

”He asked us to come with him. " Just as Qin Yang frowned, Dr. Qian behind him stood up in time to act as an interpreter. This makes Qin Yang wonder whether the reason why the organization has not arranged translation for them is that Dr. qian can act as such a position.

”Why? " Qin Yang didn't look at the police who stopped them. He was facing Dr. Qian.

Dr. Qian asked the policeman knowingly, and all he got was a series of simple answers.

”Their superior officer wants to see us. "

”What if it doesn't? "

Dr. Qian conveyed Qin Yang's meaning again, then looked at Qin Yang, the leader, and said, "then they will take some special measures against us."

Qin Yang suddenly smiled. He knew that the task was not so simple, but he didn't expect that it would start at the airport.

The members of the fourth team heard something unusual from the dialogue between Qin Yang and Dr. Qian, and their eyes also saw several soldiers in military uniforms gathered towards them, and they also had guns.

”Yes, "Qin Yang seems to have figured out something. He actually agreed to this seemingly reasonable but actually rude request," I'll need them to explain to me at that time. "

In this way, six people, including Dr. Qian, were half coerced to the security section of the airport.

There were seven soldiers escorting Qin Yang and his party, surrounded by five, and two were on guard at the end. Such behavior aroused the nerves of the fourth team to a certain extent, because they were coerced like prisoners.

”Please come in. " The leading soldier opened the door of the guard room, then the six stopped and signaled that Qin Yang and his party could go in.

The first person to enter is naturally Qin Yang, the leader, and then Fang Shiren. Dr. Qian enters as the third person, followed by Liu Zhongnong, followed by Luo Yi and Zhao Zhuo. They ensure the safety of the people they want to protect from beginning to end, and the formation is also very targeted.

Until everyone entered the room, the door behind him was closed from the outside. Through the window glass with one-way view, seven people outside were still waiting by the door with guns.

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