In addition to Dr. Qian, the hands of Qin Yang and other five people are back handcuffed, which is tantamount to completely limiting their upper body movements. Even if the lower body can play, it may not be able to go against the sky. Moreover, the enemy still has guns, which makes the situation of Qin Yang's five people very passive. Therefore, it is inevitable to be beaten.

However, Luo Yi is not included because he doesn't like to talk and participate in unprovoked right and wrong. In his opinion, Zhao Zhuo is a little naive, Liu Zhongnong is a little stupid, Fang Shiren is a little funny, and Qin Yang is a normal person. Only this captain is normal, and he feels that he has no grievance in obeying the captain. Although he wants to kick Qin Yang down all the time and run up to be the captain himself, he is indeed inferior to Qin Yang in terms of their comprehensive ability, so he is convinced, but not fully convinced.

Qin Yang winked at Luo Yi, and then kicked him out. He kicked the soldiers of the Northern Dynasty who were going to disturb his whispered conversation with Fang Shiren. Where was the most painful step to greet him?

Yes, Qin Yang kicked in the crotch and did his best.

This foot is like wind and thunder. It is powerful and heavy. It can be called a model in straight kicking and a must kill skill in kicking.

Canfeng taught him to be cruel. Although he was kind to some people, he would never be vague about what he should be cruel when it was related to his life.

It was at the moment when the first person fainted with pain, Qin Yang just kicked the right foot in the crotch, and the falling speed of 20 meters per second split on the second person's head.

”Click! " A crack broke his neck.

The first person was kicked. Although the egg was broken and the whip was broken, there might be a glimmer of vitality. Living is better than dying. However, the second person's neck was broken. I'm afraid it is impossible for the flat magpie to be reborn. The vitality completely disappeared in only 0.4 seconds.

The last third party, Fang Shiren, arranged it. When he saw Qin Yang's hand, he had a soul in his heart. He kicked people three meters away and pasted them on the door. " Bang Dang! " The sound of is very violent.

The three people who beat Zhao Zhuo turned their attention and looked at Qin Yang. At this look, they immediately found that the situation was bad and wanted to shoot.

But Luo Yi, who has been sitting silently, suddenly broke out.

Luo Yi is a freak, which is not only reflected in his character, but also in his strange cartilage. He can twist his shoulders and turn into positive binding in the process of his hands being tied back, and the visual effect is absolutely thrilling.

This is precisely the reason why Qin Yang is so comfortable, because there is Luo Yi in their team, which ensures that they can escape successfully at any time when they are bound, as long as there is Luo Yi.

Therefore, when Qin Yang winked at him, Luo Yi knew that it was time for him to act. He turned his shoulders in half a second, locked the neck of a person in front of him with handcuffs in half a second, and then breathed out in half a second. His crisp technique in the killer world is definitely the best hanging technique.

But this is not over. While Qin Yang straightened out the two one after another and Fang Shiren laid down one, he ran to his second goal.

It doesn't matter if your hands are tied. It's a big deal that your hands are turned into one punch. Luo Yi waved his hands out and skillfully used the iron handcuffs between his wrists. He was like a boxer with an iron fist buckle. He hit the man's temple heavily. His strength can be seen from the blood spitting out by the other party. This is a fight to death.

Just as Luo Yi still wanted to subdue the third person, he found it was too late, because the only standing enemy had clamped the machine gun under his arm, and the shooting took only a moment. Even Qin Yang and Fang Shiren over there are a little too late.

But no one showed a look of fear, because they saw a giant body standing behind the man.

With a height of more than two meters and iron muscles, Zhao Zhuo's body always gives people a strong visual impact. Some women who like strong men will be crazy for him and scream for him, because his great figure always gives people a strong sense of security.

”Fuck you, NND. " Zhao Zhuo turned his head to head. His thrown head was like an iron whip, and he hit the other party's head with a very violent color. Liu Zhongnong, who had little combat effectiveness, couldn't help his teeth when he saw this scene. He couldn't stand it. He closed his eyes and turned his head bag.

So far, all six soldiers were lying on the ground with three deaths and three dizziness.

Luo Yi walks in front of Fang Shiren and puts his hands in front of each other's mouth.

You can't imagine that Fang Shiren, who usually has so many mouths, has a silver needle in his mouth. Why didn't he cut his mouth.

Fang Shiren dexterously stuck a silver needle on his tongue and took five seconds to open Luo Yi's handcuffs. It was at this time that the car stopped. It seemed that the two soldiers in the cockpit had time to see what happened in the back compartment.

Luo Yi gets rid of the shackles and skillfully opens the handcuffs of everyone one by one.

Fang Shiren loosened his hands and feet and said, "I didn't expect that the quality of their handcuffs in the Northern Dynasty was so poor. They unlocked it in five seconds. They still used their mouth."

Zhao Zhuo gathered up the big face and said with a smile, "why don't you try chrysanthemums?"

Before, he boasted that the child was great and tall, and suddenly became very obscene.

”Get out! " Fang Shiren roared.

”Click, squeak ~ ~ "the door of the carriage was opened. Qin Yang shook out with his arms hanging two steel cables of the shed, and the feet of his legs almost stepped on the cheeks of the two soldiers who came to check the situation.

”Ah! "

Regardless of the pain of the two people under the foot board, Qin Yang directly stepped on the people and fainted. The foot board was like a spark. After confirming their fainting, Qin Yang loosened his feet and gave up his body.

”Where have we been? " Fang Shiren raised his head and asked curiously.

”On the outskirts of Pingxiang, the Northern Dynasty dealt with the desert of death row prisoners. " Dr. Qian got out of the car and looked at the wilderness surrounded by a layer of barbed wire. He couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

”They're really going to kill us. " Zhao Zhuo said with understanding.

”This is necessary. If we don't die, it will be difficult for them to deal with the relations between the two countries. " Qin Yang said faintly, but he clearly understood the difficulty of the task in his heart.

”What shall we do next? " Liu Zhongnong couldn't help asking Qin Yang.

”Return home. "

”How? " Luo Yi asked.

Qin Yang understood Luo Yi's meaning. From the attitude of the officer at the airport, it can be seen that they are bound to win over Dr. Qian in the Northern Dynasty, so all their return routes are blocked. They will never allow Qin Yang's fourth team to send Dr. Qian back to Yanhuang.

”Take the land route, "Qin Yang said." Zhongnong, you are in charge of our route arrangement. " It seems that at this time, Qin Yang also understands why the organization will equip them with Liu Zhongnong, a computer expert.

”Well, I can apply for permission to use satellites in the special operations military region. Leave it to me. " Liu Zhongnong showed a firm look.

A small military truck was driving on the highway and galloping with its maximum horsepower.

The driver of this car has gone crazy because he ignored all the traffic rules in this damn country. Nothing but crazy acceleration.

It was already dark at this time, but it was very far away from the hot and yellow border. They are still on the highway, which shows that they have not even gone out of Pingxiang of the Northern Dynasty, because if they are closer to the border between Yanhuang and the Northern Dynasty, the poorer the area they encounter should be.

Just three hours ago, Qin Yang and his party had been notified by the military of the Northern Dynasty as terrorists, and had not yet reached the level of wanted. Because the faces of the six of them were not published, they were only announced on the state television of the Northern Dynasty in the form of news.

What they want is only an excuse to mobilize military forces, and they have no intention of causing a diplomatic battle between the two countries.

”Yes, captain. " With a global wireless notebook, Liu Zhongnong finally connected to the organization's information department to communicate with people there.

Qin Yang bullied himself to the notebook and said to the computer, "Hey, this is the fourth team. I'm Qin Yang."

”What can I do for you? " A young voice came from the notebook. It sounded like it was in its twenties.

”I asked senior colonel Yao of Chu division to listen to me. "

There was a half silence, and finally came the man's voice, "wait a minute," and then there was no sound.

”Beep! Beep! Beep! "

”Captain, "Fang Shiren's voice came from Qin Yang's wireless device pinned to his ear.

When the party was bound, the handbags of the five people were regarded as dangerous goods and confiscated, which were kept by the six soldiers escorted, and finally returned to the hands of the five people in Qinyang. In the bag, there are not only guns prepared by the organization for them, but also a set of wireless communication devices. Therefore, five people can talk and contact within a radius of one kilometer.

”What's up? " Qin Yang waited patiently for the situation in the notebook. Fang Shiren's message made him ask.

”The thing I'm most worried about is that it happened. There's no oil. " Fang Shiren's voice showed deep helplessness, less the usual foolishness.

”Get off and change. " After a little consideration, Qin Yang said his plan, and all understood that it was helpless to do so.

”Hello, is that Qin Yang? " When everyone got off and began to stay away from the military card, Yanhuang finally waited for a letter. This is Chu Shiyao's voice.

”Team leader, we need assistance. "

Then there was a long silence, perhaps three minutes. This time period was too long for Qin Yang, because in his concept, Chu Shiyao had always been a person who spoke and did things neatly, and would not be like this.

”When you started this mission, I said, "there will be no assistance from the organization. Everything depends on you." Chu Shiyao's voice was very stable, but Qin Yang could hear an imperceptible vibrato in the woman's voice, which was faint and inaudible. Maybe he was too sensitive.

”I seem to understand the difficulty of this task, "Qin Yang said suddenly, and there was silence.

”This is an operation without any assistance. Everything depends on ourselves, isn't it? " Chu Shiyao still didn't speak, Qin Yang confirmed again.

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