Qin Yang took a deep breath, then pressed the "call" end button and no longer contacted there.

”Captain, "Liu Zhongnong held his notebook and gave Qin Yang a stable dialogue platform during his fast walk. Looking at Qin Yang's expression, he couldn't help shouting.

Their party, including the 60 year old Dr. Qian, was supported by Luo Yi and Zhao Zhuo to walk quickly.

At this time, there are not many cars on the expressway. Even at night, there are not many cars.

The six people were walking continuously, walking along the end of the highway like infinity.

For more than ten minutes, no car shuttled past them.

Dr. Qian was a little out of breath during the continuous fast walking, but he still kept walking with his teeth clenched.

Qin Yang and others are very clear that perhaps since they chose to escape, the intersection of this expressway has been blocked. After all, the vehicle they used all the way is the military card, the car that held them at first.

And being caught up is just a matter of time.

Fang Shiren occasionally looked back and did so more than ten times.

”Dada dada! "

Anyone with a slightly better ear can hear the sound of the helicopter's propeller turning.

When the party turned their heads and looked, they saw a helicopter patrolling the road, under which three military vehicles roared.

”Enter the forest. " Qin Yang's face was gloomy. After saying this, he grabbed Dr. Qian's arm and jumped into the forest beside the expressway, regardless of the high-growing thorns and plants.

The one who pursues and the one who escapes is the real escape. Qin Yang and others also officially launched their escape journey.

”They found their trail. They are trying to run into the mountain and ask for the transfer of troops from the 16th and 17th districts. " An officer sitting in the co pilot's seat picked up the microphone and said.

”Yes, the troops of the 16th district will arrive immediately, and the troops of the 17th district are being transferred. "

Before Qin Yang found them, the officer had seen them first. He saw much more at the top than Qin Yang and others at the bottom.

”Captain, why don't we try to return to the embassy, "Zhao Zhuo pushed aside the shelters with his body, and one opened the way in front, while Liu Zhongnong and Dr. Qian were escorted in the central position, one to provide a good communication environment and the other to protect their life safety. They are walking towards a hill. The notebook shows their waiting position.

”They meant to kill us. They must have been prepared for our return. We can't take this risk. " Qin Yang said.

”But we were ordered to escort Dr. Qian back. Why should they stop it? We can reason with them. " Zhao Zhuo thought straight and said straight.

”Xiao Zhuozi, "Fang Shiren interrupted and shouted.

”Huh? " Zhao Zhuo wondered.

”You're in charge of opening the way. Don't talk so much nonsense. "

Dr. Qian hasn't spoken since he said a few words with Shen Yanchun, an officer of the Northern Dynasty. He just looked at the words and actions of Qin Yang and others from the perspective of a bystander. At this time, too, he had no intention to speak. He followed Qin Yang and others numbly, and then numbly accepted the pursuit of the northern military region.

Qin Yang, who broke into the dense forest, didn't know whether his party had thrown off the pursuers in the rear, but as long as their body didn't reach the extreme, they kept walking towards the depths of the mountain. Only in this way, their whereabouts were the most hidden. Since the main road can't go, they have to go wild.

”"Hiss" Zhao Zhuo in front suddenly whispered, but he didn't stop.

”What's the matter? "Qin Yang heard Zhao Zhuo's painful cry.

”It's all right. It's just a cut in the neck. The forest is so fucking numb. " Zhao Zhuo spat and was very angry.

If you have good eyesight, you can see that there are many scratches on Zhao Zhuo's neck, one in the East and one in the west, and a trace of blood exudes. One of them covered almost the whole neck, shed blood and was wiped out by the palm of his hand. As for the arms and other places, they were not scratched because of the long sleeved trousers.

”Stop, "Liu Zhongnong stopped and suddenly issued a password. The crowd stopped and wondered why Liu Zhongnong suddenly stopped.

”Captain, we need to remember the route here. If we go deeper, the signal will be interrupted. The current network is very weak. " Liu Zhongnong said facing Qin Yang squarely.

”OK, everyone remember the route we're going to take next. " Qin Yang shouted in a low voice, and then let everyone gather around. They all remembered the route marks in their notes.

”Ma GA! " North Korean.

”Bang! " Machine gun sound.

The rear pursuit army of the Northern Dynasty had arrived. When Qin Yang and others fled, they rushed forward quickly. This mountain forest is under the jurisdiction of the 16th military region. If any army knows the most about this forest, it must be the army of the 16th military region.

Within half an hour after Qin Yang and others rushed into the forest, all the troops of the 16th district and 1000 elites entered the forest. This is a pursuit battle with great power difference. Six people are against one thousand, and seventeen troops who are about to block the road ahead are waiting to step into the deep forest. In fact, six people are against two thousand!

”Now I think we've been surrounded. If we still gather together to escape, it's only a matter of time before we catch up. " Qin Yang gathered all the members of the fourth team with both arms and said solemnly.

”We should be divided into two teams, one as bait to attract the enemy's attention, and the other as an escort to protect Dr. Qian. Do you understand? " Qin Yang confirmed the plan and said.

”I see. " The other four, including Liu Zhongnong, answered.

”I, Luo Yi and Fang Shiren will stay. Liu Zhongnong and Zhao Zhuo will protect Dr. Qian as an escort team. " Qin Yang seems to have already determined the people of the first team and the second team in his mind.

”No, I'll stay, "said Zhao Zhuo with a look of reluctance.

”I'm the captain. You follow my orders. " Qin Yang's tone contained anger.

”It is precisely because you are the captain that you can't have an accident. You protect Dr. Qian and I'll stay. " Zhao Zhuo frowned and said that this time it was rare that he didn't obey the orders of the captain Qin Yang.

”Captain, I think only one person is needed to escort Dr. Qian, and I should stay in the first team. " Liu Zhongnong raised his hand and also made his own voice.

Qin Yang looked at Liu Zhongnong's young face and couldn't refute him for a moment. Indeed, the person who escorts Dr. Qian is the most suitable one, and if he is the most powerful one, it will not only reduce the enemy's attention, but also attract the enemy to the greatest extent. A team of four attracts more attention than a team of two. The enemy's priority pursuit must be a team of four.

”Fang Shiren, you escort Dr. Qian away alone. " Qin Yang finally considered and affirmed Liu Zhongnong's suggestion and chose to let Fang Shiren leave with Dr. Qian.

Fang Shiren's face was calm and terrible. He stared at Qin Yang for a while and finally nodded. He felt it was unnecessary to waste time on this matter. Wasting one more second would give his teammates more danger. Since everyone didn't want to be the person who escorted Dr. Qian, only he came.

”Go now! " Qin Yang said.

”Come on, old money. " Fang Shiren shouted to Dr. Qian, pushed the old man who was a little stupid, and took a step to leave.

”You must all live. " Fang Shiren's voice seemed to be choked.

Qin Yang took Fang Shiren's punch in the chest and couldn't help smiling, "we won't die."

”That's the best. " When Fang Shiren finished, he dragged Dr. Qian to run away. At this moment, he fully opened his horsepower, fled at all costs, and ran away with all his strength. Never once had he worked so hard, as if he had inexhaustible strength to vent.

After taking a look at the direction where Fang Shiren and Dr. Qian disappeared, Qin Yang said a word: "San."

Luo Yi and Zhao Zhuo both understand the meaning of this word. In the past six months, they did not lack drills in the jungle, accounting for almost half of all their training content. In a sense, special combat soldiers belong to the jungle, because only in the jungle can they complete the seemingly impossible enemy of one hundred.

Liu Zhongnong knew what Qin Yang meant when he saw the two men leave one after another. Although he was not a fighter, he did not lack the training needed by some special combat soldiers, but there were differences in quantity.

Qin Yang took off the coat he had been wearing and revealed a small vest. His fingers poked away the suitcase in front of him. He had no way out.

”Crackle! " The thunder came suddenly and the weather changed suddenly. It was still calm before. At this time, there was a roar, and then the pattering raindrops began to fall.

This is a good thing for Qin Yang and others fighting in the jungle. It seems that the weather is on their side.

The soil under our feet was diluted and soft by the increasing rain. Many pits soon became puddles under the erosion of heavy rain.

Everything is quiet.

Jungle search is not easy, especially when the weather suddenly gets worse. And it's still night.

All the troops in the 16 districts, with 12 people as a unit, scattered in a net, and then swept in-depth layer by layer, launching a carpet search.

There are many dense plants, falling all over the ground, not high or low, and covered with thorns. It is easy to block the eyes of soldiers in the Northern Dynasty. They had to pull away and move on.

The part of the people equipped with military dogs is the 17th military region. The main character of their 16th military region is to drive away, reducing the escape route of the six people, and then oppressing them to the 17th military region, which has been waiting for a long time.

Three soldiers in camouflage and military boots, armed with machine guns, explored into an easily hidden depth. They wore lighting torches on their heads.

The barrel of the gun swept through the long branches and leaves of the plant. The two people put their heads forward. One person behind them stood in a good posture, holding a gun in his chest and would shoot at any time.

”Ah! " A cold light flickered in the face, and the soldiers who leaned forward didn't even have time to respond, so they saw a dark face. At the last moment of their life, there were a pair of white eyes full of killing intention.

The cut throat erupted like a fountain, sprinkling wildly outside.

Qin Yang appeared in the dark in front of the three people, suddenly appeared, like a ghost, and instantly cut one's neck. With a knife and a gun in one hand, he didn't even give his comrades in arms a chance. The gunfire appeared at the same time as the cold light.

”Bang! "

”Ah!! " When the third person behind saw this scene, he was surprised. The machine gun fired indiscriminately, regardless of the body of his dead comrade in arms who suffered all his anger.

”"Da Da!" Qin Yang pushed a corpse, then quickly walked around, and the moon bent and cut his throat.

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