The process of solving the three people was very rapid, but it also alerted the search soldiers in a certain range because of the sound of gunfire.

Qin Yang started his first gallop in the jungle. He ran towards the identified gap with a machine gun on his back, a dagger and a pistol in his left and right hands.

He wanted to tear a hole and find a way out from the body of the soldiers in the 16th district who formed a blockade and kept compressing. All this is not because he really wants to kill a path of blood, but because he wants to make the enemy have the illusion that their escape route is to return.

It was Qin Yang's action that affected the action of the whole fourth team, and the screams of death sounded in several places.

The team leaders of their respective units realized what they had done and shouted out. No matter how hard the wind and rain was, they roared with red eyes.

The fastest shuttle in the jungle is not the cheetah, but the bobcat.

In addition to acting as a temporary sniper, Liu Zhongnong saved his life in a high tree somewhere, Qin Yang, Luo Yi and Zhao Zhuo rushed out.

The three of them confused the enemy's audio-visual with their own flesh and blood, and created vitality for Fang Shiren with their lives.

But they didn't know what was waiting for Fang Shiren. They just saw the enemy they could see in front of them, and then went to kill them. Even if they couldn't finish killing them, they still had to kill them.

”Me??? I'm running??? I can't run. " Just as Fang Shiren kept searching the route according to the memory in his mind, Dr. Qian behind him was exhausted and had no extra strength to run again.

”Well, let's go and stop running. " Fang Shiren's face was covered with sweat and rain.

At this time, they were all wet and running for their lives in the jungle.

”In fact, you know, we can't get out of here. " Dr. Qian stopped completely and said to Fang Shiren's back.

”What did you say? " Fang Shiren's voice showed a sense of fatigue, but it was very calm. It seemed that no matter how big the wind and waves could not lift his fluctuations and the waves in his heart.

”We are against the forces of a country. Do you think we have hope to escape back to our country? " Dr. Qian smiled bitterly at the corners of his mouth, and then the whole person sat on the ground as if he had collapsed. No matter how dirty the ground is, he and Fang Shiren are filthy, and people are no longer like people.

”Why not? "Fang Shiren suddenly turned around and stared at Dr. Qian with bloodshot eyes.

”My captain and teammates are fighting for time behind us. Even if there is only a glimmer of life, we have to escape. " Fang Shiren came to Dr. Qian and dragged the old man up.

”Hehe, in fact, I sympathize with you. You don't even know my true identity, so you fell into a crisis with me. " Dr. Qian pushed Fang Shiren's hand away, took a step back and opened a distance with Fang Shiren.

”If you want to escape, you can escape. I give up and don't want to run any more. Without me, you have a better grasp of escaping. "

”Taking you back is the task of our trip. Not taking you back means that the task has failed. For soldiers, task failure is more serious than loss of life. " Fang Shiren pulled Dr. Qian's arm and walked up.

”But what if your mission goal was wrong from the beginning? "

A flash of lightning cut through the sky. In the dark sky and silent jungle, I could hear some strange birds screaming.

Looking at Fang Shiren's surprised eyes, Dr. Qian suddenly looked up at the sky, untied the collar around his neck, and then tore off his "face". A mask made of imitation leather rubber was carried by him and presented in front of Fang Shiren.

Fang Shiren didn't speak at this time. He didn't know what to say to express his state of mind at this moment.

”I'm not Dr. Qian, "the young man with a young face took off the false mask and felt a trace of guilt for the team." I'm Dr. Qian's assistant. "

”I want to know everything. "After a long silence, Fang Shiren's eyes seemed to lose their look, as if his world collapsed in an instant, and his body exuded a shocking silence.

Tianta has been silent and silent, but she doesn't want to show too many flaws. As Dr. Qian's assistant, he knows a lot about Dr. Qian's habits. He knows it clearly, whether it's some daily moves or the way he usually talks to people.

It was because he saw what the team did all the way that his heart became more and more painful, which made him ask himself from time to time whether they were right to do so.

When should the story start? From when you accepted the disguise? Or when Dr. Qian was closely guarded by officers of the Northern Dynasty?

The rain pattered and couldn't pour out the guilt and irritability in Tianta's heart. Inexplicable mood, unspeakable sadness.

”Dr. Qian was sent by China 15 years ago as the chief designer of weapons in the new century of the Northern Dynasty. At that time, there were about 30 scientists with him. " Tian TA sat on the ground again and began his narration. This time Fang Shiren didn't care.

”This is a secret military transaction. Not many people know about it, or few people are qualified to know it. China only provided talents. They provided raw materials, labor and experimental sites in the Northern Dynasty. The new weapons eventually developed by the two countries account for half of the share. "

”This year is Dr. Qian's retirement age. He applied to the state for job transfer, and then returned home, hoping to spend his old age with his family after retirement. The state also approved it. But the north side has encountered obstacles. "

Fang Shiren's eyes looked into the dark forest, but Tianta knew he must listen very carefully.

”The reason is that Dr. Qian knew too many military secrets about the Northern Dynasty and could not be recalled to Yanhuang. For a time, this became the gunpowder point of the friendly relations between the two countries. China has sent diplomatic envoys to negotiate Dr. Qian's return, but the results are not ideal. "

”Since then, Dr. Qian's degree of custody has been increased, and his physical and mental freedom has been greatly limited. Dr. Qian, who is already an old man, expressed a strong aversion to this, but the country is also helpless. "

”This matter has been delayed for two years. "

”That is, recently, the Northern Dynasty has relaxed, saying that Dr. Qian is allowed to take his family to the Northern Dynasty, and the Northern Dynasty ZF will deal with the nationality transfer of Dr. Qian's family. But Dr. Qian refused, and our country also expressed some disapproval. "

”In fact, I know that the reason why Dr. Qian applied to return home is not just because he wants to be reunited with his family. " Tian TA said here, but stopped for a while, and then continued to talk.

”Dr. Qian has almost all the research and development materials of new weapons in the northern military. Some things are not even in Yanhuang country. This is why the state is eager to recall Dr. Qian. I'm afraid the scruples of the Northern Dynasty also lie in this. "

With all that said, Tianta suddenly raised his head, stared at Fang Shiren and said, "what they value is not Dr. Qian, but the R & D materials that Dr. Qian has."

”What role does the embassy play? " Fang Shiren's expression was still full of death. He seemed to ask casually.

”Dr. Qian frequently went in and out of the embassy not long ago, which made the Northern Dynasty suspicious. But they may not want to destroy the friendship between the two countries, so they did not take tough measures. Instead, more personnel were mobilized to monitor near the embassy. "

Tian TA answered, "I don't know when this negotiation began. All I know is that later, my superiors came to me and??? "

Fang Shiren raised his hand and stopped Tianta from going on. When he heard this, he wouldn't have been unaware of the organization's plan.

”You gave up your life from the beginning, "Fang Shiren did not look at Tian TA, but took steps towards the direction where he fled here at first. He wanted to go back to Qin Yang and find his teammates.

Until Fang Shiren left, there was no life. There was only one him covered by the rain in the whole dark night. Tianta whispered, "we are all the people selected to sacrifice for the country???"

He knew, and Fang Shiren, who had heard all this, knew.

Sometimes, knowing the truth is not a good thing, because the more you know, the more places you will feel sad.

They are bait, from the beginning, that's the truth. They are those who have been abandoned, and perhaps those who are destined to face death.

”Wheezing! " Qin Yang can't even control his minimum breathing rate now. His palm has been completely stained with dried blood. Fortunately, he was not shot. As a soldier, if he is shot, it means that he is not far from death.

With his back against a big tree, Qin Yang wears a night vision on his face, which is why they can win so much time and occupy the temporary upper hand.

He didn't feel alone. In the dark place he couldn't see, his companions were fighting desperately. Although such behavior seemed a little stupid in the eyes of the enemy, they were just insisting on doing what they thought was right.

Qin Yang still has a little worry about Fang Shiren who has left. In his opinion, the situation of Fang Shiren and Dr. Qian who have escaped first is not optimistic.

”Ah! " There was a roar before death, which sounded very clear to Qin Yang, but it was an extremely distant panic. It may be the killing of Zhao Zhuo and Luo Yi. Qin Yang can't help hiding his body more.

He killed countless people. Even in Qin Yang's subconscious mind, it seemed that the dagger in his hand was blunt. The shredded meat fell into the groove of the dagger and infected the blood of dozens of human lives.

The rain stopped, but the moon hadn't come out yet. Qin Yang couldn't help looking up at the covered sky and the lingering dark clouds.

Even he had to admit that after harvesting more than 70 lives, his body was exhausted to the extreme. Perhaps jungle warfare gives full play to their advantages, but the enemy is not necessarily a dead pig who will be slaughtered. They will run, fight back and cooperate.

It is a very exhausting thing to separate the teams and run and escape in order to lure the enemy. What's more, in the case of continuous and high-intensity concentration at any time.

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