It was a dark night and there was no light. At least there was no light that warmed people's hearts in Qin Yang's eyes. There was no resentment, only the desire for survival sublimated to the extreme in his heart. He wants to be alive and everyone in his team is alive. Then go back to your country and become an official special combat team member.

But from this long battle, Qin Yang realized that it was almost impossible. The circle surrounding them had shrunk smaller and smaller, and the enemy of the uniform color uniform that could not be killed made people feel hopeless. Even though he was trying to deny it, he still felt powerless.

This is not the world of God. There are no demons. There are only flesh and blood people.

Qin Yang, Luo Yi, Zhao Zhuo and Liu Zhongnong can only kill as many people as possible and save their lives as much as possible. It's a bit like surviving, but they must not say the word "give up".

After a rest, he smoothed his breath. Qin Yang galloped again. He began his hunting game by covering himself with dense plants. He is not a hunter in a strict sense, but a hunter struggling in a pile of animals.

”Whew! " Qin Yang saw a galloping figure flash before his eyes. With the night vision instrument, he could see the familiar figure and the person on his back. Then, with a little hesitation, he rushed out and followed.

”It's me. " Qin Yang clasped the dagger stabbed by the man with one hand, avoided the sharp edge on the blade, and then shouted at him.

With a gentle breath, Luo Yi hid himself in a pile of miscellaneous clothes again.

Qin Yang's vision did not focus on Luo Yi, but on Liu Zhongnong lying on the ground.

”Captain. " Liu Zhongnong was pale and half of his upper body was rendered by bright red blood. Perhaps under the action of rain, the blood infected on him spread a lot.

”What's the matter? " Qin Yang asked Luo Yi and looked at Liu Zhongnong with a trace of sadness in his eyes. He knows that some things always need to be faced.

”Zhongnong was shot, "Luo Yi's voice showed a trace of fatigue. Although it was not obvious, anyone who listened carefully would find it.

”Have you handled it? " Qin Yang bent down to check Liu Zhongnong's injury.

Luo Yi didn't answer.

Liu Zhongnong held Qin Yang's wrist, very light, but very firm. Qin Yang didn't uncover his clothes again. He saw the rotten meat.

”Captain, you go and leave me alone. " Liu Zhongnong looked at Qin Yang and said with a smile, "there's not much time. Let's go."

Qin Yangding stayed in place for a long time without answering. He forcibly pulled Liu Zhongnong's arm onto his shoulder, "let's go together."

”No, you let go, "Liu Zhongnong's expression was very rare and severe. He pushed Qin Yang away. Even if he touched the wound and made the passage of blood more and more rapid, he still wanted to do so.

”You go, go. " There was no shouting and no superfluous expression. Liu Zhongnong staggered back step by step, leaving tears in his eyes.

In fact, he has never been strong. In fact, he has just grown up.

He is good at computers, but he is not good at talking. Sometimes, Liu Zhongnong feels that he is still a child. When he meets something he can't handle, he will show a helpless expression. When he meets death, he will also be very afraid.

No one is not afraid of death, neither is Liu Zhongnong, but he conquered the fear of death in the last period of his life.

No one knows, in fact, Liu Zhongnong can not participate in this action, because his role has long been valued by the state, and he is already a member of the special war military region without a test. The task was ordered by the superior, but more was Liu Zhongnong's own will.

He wanted to say, "I'm a member of the fourth team." with a trace of pride, he integrated into the group.

I haven't been training with you for a year. Do I have to fall behind again? Liu Zhongnong once thought so. From the beginning to now, he has never forgotten that when he was selected, he was designated as a member of the fourth team. He has a sense of belonging to this team, more than anyone else. It is precisely because of this sense of belonging that he stubbornly and resolutely applied to participate in this task. But Qin Yang, they don't know. In Liu Zhongnong's view, teammates don't need to know.

”You wait for us here. When you finish killing them, I'll come back to pick you up. " Qin Yang only said such a word and turned around. I don't know when a dark ruler appeared in his arm, two feet and three inches, black and clean.

Shangguan Yunlong once told him, "when you think it's really necessary to use it, then you can really use it."

In this era when cold weapons are gradually forgotten, how much faster can a sword be than a bullet? Is it a few tenths of a second, or a second or two?

I'm afraid in most people's minds, the sword can't be faster than the bullet. In fact, there are people in the world who draw the sword and look around and exceed the bullet speed.

You can escape bullets, but sometimes you can't escape the blade? Therefore, cold weapons are still the favorite of some people, because they have a position that can not be replaced by hot weapons.

It's a smooth feeling to the extreme. As long as you have the speed of drawing the sword, you have the right to kill.

The sword marks in the night are not the marks of a martial ruler. They are the marks of a sword. It's frightening to look at them and touch the dark blade that makes people die.

It's not white, only black. Even in this night environment, you can't even notice the track it has crossed. You can only look at it like an invisible line passing through, and then you can see the same black land. At that time, you feel that you still have ideas, but you lose everything at the next moment, leave the world forever and announce the end of life.

Sometimes people's sorrow is reflected here: if life is fragile, but human beings can last for three days and three nights with one breath, they can't escape the end of death in the end; If life is not fragile, human beings will be destroyed by even a small accident, and there is no chance to give last words to the world.

What is the meaning of ink ruler? Qin Yang didn't know that Shangguan Yunlong was just ignorant. If the founder of Mohism really didn't want to dominate the world by force, why did he have the highest martial arts attainments? If you firmly believe that war can be resolved by language, why do you have this zongmen town treasure that guards and kills coexist.

It is called Shouzhuo. Shouzhuo is the defense of the meaning of protection, and Shouzhuo is the clumsiness of the meaning of stupidity.

When the front is not opened, it represents guarding, and when the front is opened, it represents killing.

Two feet and three inches is a ruler, but it is also its handle, the handle of a sword. In fact, Qin Yang knew the name of this sword long ago. It has a strange name - Wufeng.

If there is no front, why can it even cut off steel forged guns? The extremely smooth hand feeling and the head cutting without stagnation make it difficult to control. A slight pull down is the cross-section of the body.

No front is not no front, but its front is too deep, and once it is revealed, it will make most people feel terrible.

Three feet and three inches is the blade of a sword, and few people know that the blade is hidden in the handle.

”I want to kill everyone. " This is a terrible belief and a glimmer of hope that Qin Yang had to face despair. No one has the same expectations as him. In fact, he doesn't have to run any more, nor does he have to wave the blade that is always up to five feet and six inches to harvest the enemies in uniform clothes.

Obsession makes the exhausted body have the power to fight again. Even though such power may be unlimited, the enemy can always kill it.

When there are no bullets, you change your knife, but how long can it last?

The red eyed Qin Yang held the sword tightly in his hand. When he saw an enemy, he killed an enemy and a group of people. Although he didn't have a gun, he still had a sword, and this is a more agile way of killing.

A cold sword became his most trusted combat partner.

Master said you are strong, so I believe you can bring me hope. This is Qin Yang's belief in this sword.

It was not until his body first tried the taste of bullets that Qin Yang realized that his blood was hot. The blood on his palm seems to tell him that you are still alive and you are not dead.

I don't know how many bodies lie under my feet, and I don't know where I am now. I can't participate in redundant thoughts in my mind. He's still running. He's still running, even if his body can't bear the pain and seems to be decaying.

Anyone here? Where's Luo Yi? Where's Zhao Zhuo?

Perhaps it was because he ran too far away that he could not feel the breath of life around him. Even the plant was dead.

With his eyes covered with blood red, Qin Yang stopped, turned in circles and looked around.

Someone seems to be calling him. Listen carefully. It's like saying, "I'm here. Come here." Then his legs supporting his body softened and he could no longer stand up. The whole person fell on the ground, confused and blurred his vision.

I vaguely smelled the familiar smell in my nose. It was a person who seemed to have appeared in my memory. It was just too tired to think more. It seemed that thinking more would exhaust all my life and never wake up again.

”You have to live, captain. " The voice seemed to see through all, even life, showing a calm.

But Qin Yang didn't have the strength to look up. Who was the person who said this to himself——

”"Boo, boo ~ ~" boo, boo ~ ~ "

Tianta also didn't know how long before he finally heard his long-awaited voice. Groups of Northern Dynasty soldiers found him with guns and surrounded him in a narrow area.

He had a pistol ready in his hand, and I didn't know where he got it.

With a relieved smile, Tianta pulled the trigger in front of everyone and pulled it down accurately towards his forehead.

After crossing the green river, we can reach another country - Tianjing, the capital city of China, and ushered in a burst of happiness.

Dr. Qian successfully returned to his country. He was brought back by an ordinary looking old man.

There is a story that few people know. The protagonist of this story is a father and son. Dr. Qian is the son, and the father is an ordinary looking old man, who is the old man standing in front of the headquarters of the special war military region.

The son is young but disabled. The father is old and his eyes are hard to use. All the way back to China from the Northern Dynasty, the father brought his son back in a wheelchair.

No one knows that the man who plays the young son is actually an old man, and the man who plays the father is actually a young man.

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