The story is not long, and there is nothing to look forward to. It is very simple to return home, return to the embrace of your motherland, and never separate again. It will be a lifetime after taking root. No one wants to leave their home. Dr. Qian has been away from home for too long. When he returned home, he also experienced a deep fatigue.

”Is this a dream? " This kind of thought inexplicably appeared in his mind. Qin Yang's eyes didn't dare to open completely.

There is light, the smell of soil renovation, and you can touch the real soil on the ground. All this is not fake.

When Qin Yang really opened his eyes to look at the world, he didn't have any happiness, nor did he have half a silk of joy for the rest of his life.

Although his body hurt, he still supported himself to get up. Then he found several bodies lying beside him, all soldiers of the Northern Dynasty, lost their lives and covered with blood.

He wore the same clothes as these soldiers of the Northern Dynasty, and a hat covered his eyes before that. Similarly, his body was covered with blood.

It's dawn. What day is it? Suddenly Qin Yang wanted to know that he had slept for a few days, but all this was a futile idea.

”Luo Yi! Zhao Zhuo! Zhong Nong! " Qin Yang shouted hoarsely. Then he took a step to look for the people in his mouth.

He walked so slowly that the blood on his skin had coagulated. He felt that someone had treated his wound. It was because of this that he didn't lose too much blood and die. It was also because of this that he suddenly felt so lonely.

”Luo Yi! "

”Zhao Zhuo! Little Zhuo! " Qin Yang called Zhao Zhuo's nickname for the first time. In fact, he liked the name Fang Shiren gave Zhao Zhuo because it was very kind, but he didn't call it much. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to call it.

”Zhong Nong. " Although such a loud scream made him cough up blood, he was still shouting. Even if it would lead to danger, he was still shouting.

Under a tree, Qin Yang finally stopped walking. He stopped and looked at the neatly lined bodies lying under the tree. No, how could it be a corpse? It's not a corpse. Qin Yang tried to get rid of the lingering thoughts in his mind.

He ran past, struggling with his already fragile body.

A total of four bodies, their respective expressions still carry the madness of fighting to the last minute.

There are Luo Yi, Zhong Nong, Zhao Zhuo and Fang Shiren who shouldn't have been here.

His palm unconsciously touched their faces, starting with a cold, lifeless, yellow skin is pale.

Grandma told him when he was a child, "boys should not shed tears easily. They should bleed without tears."

Qin Yang always remembered that he didn't cry even when he had nothing and felt particularly helpless, but now he is speechless and full of tears. Tears mixed with the dried blood and reddened his face again.

They are comrades in arms and have long been brothers in Qin Yang's heart. But why are they all dead, but he is alive? Does God have mercy on him? Or did these four brothers trade their lives for his independent work??????

Twenty six middle school is a very famous private school in Tianjing. It is famous because of its amazing enrollment rate.

The surprising enrollment rate is that when it is high, it can surpass the famous first-line middle schools such as Aoki and Tianjing, but when it is low, it is difficult to be among the top ten in the city. However, no matter what, No. 26 middle school is a high school with a good reputation.

This middle school accommodates many rich children, perhaps to balance the bad effects brought by some rich dandies, so it also introduces many elite students. Most of these elite students are from poor families and are attracted by the generous scholarship system of No. 26 middle school.

Because of the concentration of two "elites" with very different family backgrounds, there were two different factions in No. 26 middle school.

One represents the "childe school" which is rich and difficult to discipline, and the other represents the "student school" which is poor and hard to study.

Of course, the separation of factions does not mean that the rich children are all those who do not read, and the poor children are all those who read. There are always exceptions, but they are only a few, and it is these few that have created the strangeness of No. 26 middle school.

September is the opening time of Yanhuang unified school. The students promoted to senior three have made full preparations in the summer vacation and started a sprint for the university dream.

In August, the new senior three students entered a state of preparation, with all kinds of tutors and tutors coming. This year will be a hot year for senior three students, and it will be a significant turning point in their life.

The sun began to heat up in early June, and September was hot. Like all high schools, No. 26 middle school welcomed his 32nd senior three freshman.

The formal courses started much earlier than the first year of senior two. When the freshmen were still excited about leading new books to a higher grade one, the third year students had already started classes.

However, the classroom of class 214 in senior three is an exception, because the arrival of a class change student forced the students of this class to spend more than ten minutes to welcome the new student.

There are 48 seats in the class. None of the students ask for leave on this new school day. This means that if the new students want to sit in the classroom of 214, they may have to do some special treatment.

Forty eight seats are the best. Both the front, rear, left and right spacing are extremely comfortable.

Head teacher Jiang Aiguo is a teacher who likes to laugh very much. All the students in class 214 have been from the high area to the present by the head teacher, and their understanding of the old class is not a day or two. Sometimes the more brilliant he smiles, it means that he is more angry, but sometimes he smiles like a flower, which also means that he is in a good mood. Whether he is happy or angry requires you to draw a conclusion by combining your heart with reality.

But today, the whole class was puzzled because they couldn't guess why the old class smiled amiably when leading the student into the classroom. This is different from the smile they usually see belonging to the old class.

Is this happy or not?

After they first looked at the smile on the old class's face, they all focused on the shift students in front of them.

He was wearing a simple, gray t-shirt on his upper body and casual pants between black and blue on his lower body.

He is not the kind of Prince Charming expected by many girls, but his face is pretty. Although not the kind of beautiful man loved by everyone, such a handsome face, coupled with the very symmetrical body shape and height, can also be reluctantly included in the list of handsome men.

He was about one meter eight. His hair looked a little messy. A pinch of bangs in front of his forehead didn't completely cover his eyes. He could see that pair of slightly melancholy eyes. Then the untidy hairstyle showed an unspeakable sense of depression. It seems that his heart is not in this classroom. Although he looks at everyone without squinting, several girls still see that he is absent-minded. And this is what careless boys can't realize.

Male students who think they are naturally handsome and infatuated with girls don't pay for their lives naturally don't care about such a person, but they think they are not handsome enough. Male students who have a little low self-esteem about their appearance naturally have the meaning of comparison, and then mutter a few words in their heart. One of the exceptions, the boy, was staring at the face of the student in charge. His red hair looked different and prominent. The students around him seemed to be afraid of it.

”Students, I'm very glad that new students have joined our collective this semester. Everyone applauds and welcomes them. " Jiang Aiguo smiled and took the lead in clapping his hands, and then the students at the bottom clapped their hands.

”Then, classmate Qin Yang, let me introduce myself to you. " Jiang Aiguo lowered his voice and said to the shift students next to him.

”"Oh," the student answered, then stood in front of the stage, looked at the people below, and said in an unusually calm voice that didn't seem very excited: "Hello, I'm Qin Yang." Then he turned around, took a piece of chalk from the podium and wrote his name on the blackboard.

”Qin Yang's Qin, Qin Yang's Yang. Sixteen strokes, one stroke and one word, are fair and neat, but they don't show the spirit that a man should have. Men write with heavy spirit, and these two words can be seen, but they lack a little crazy meaning. Jiang Aiguo looked at these two words carefully and thought about the information brought to him by the font.

”Pa Pa! " The following students gave the student another round of applause.

A new student from class 214 of No. 26 middle school came. The news didn't spread immediately. But the red haired boy in class 214 was very impressed by it. He remembered that summer, the supermarket cashier who looked very similar to the face of the shift student beat him and his friends, which was a shame for him, and most importantly, he believed that sister Xiaoyao would be interested in the shift student.

”What did you say? " Sun Xiaoyao just finished playing basketball. He stopped under a big tree sweating and poured a bottle of energy drink into his mouth. Although this is a bold and unrestrained action in practice, sun Xiaoyao's action is not a little vulgar, but with a kind of heroic beauty.

Her long braided ponytail still hangs at the hip tip, as if how time passes, and the length of her ponytail is always the same. The white short sleeved Sweatshirt highlights its perfect posture. There is no doubt that the pink inside can be seen. The two pure white belts on the shoulders make the male animals uncontrollable. And a pair of light gray casual pants with a little tomboy fun, wearing a pair of red and white double clip Nike tennis shoes.

Where such girls stand is as dazzling as stars, so boys playing or passing on the basketball court can't help casting their eyes here.

Gathered around her were several equally good-looking girls, and Chen Xiao, as the only boy, stood respectfully in front of sun Xiaoyao.

”It's true. I'm sure I won't be wrong. It's the guy who beat me in the supermarket. " Chen Xiao clenched his teeth and said angrily, "I didn't expect that this boy was also a student. I thought he was a young man working outside that day. Cut. "

After showing a deep contempt, Chen Xiao said to sun Xiaoyao, "sister Xiaoyao, let's find some people to take care of him."

”Well, "Sun Xiaoyao handed the energy drink to a girl nearby, and then said thoughtfully," we are not his opponent. "

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