The people were angry: "Why?"

The panda hugged the bamboo in his arms and said: "It’s very simple, my master defeated me, you guys, but there is no!"

There is another reason why this is not where they can come!

Panda is very principled!

It jumped and twisted somewhere on the stone in the hall. After a few twists, the hall shone with a sparkle of light, and a circle of dark transmissions lit up at everyone's feet. This transmission array was also available 100,000 years ago. It can break through the restrictions of the palace under the sea and send them directly to the shore.

"You will only be in the way of staying here, so let's go!" The pandas started the transmission and sent them all away.

It is also a death for these people to stay here. It is better to send them away early.

Not that it is so kind, it just doesn't want to look at these idiots!

The transmission array flashed, and those who yelled at them were sent away!

The world is quiet!

Those who stayed, only Lu Yiqian and others, Qi Yan, Qiu Di.

"Master, listen to you, I have left six people." The panda said slyly.

The fire fox saw it on the road, and he was happy to sneak up and climb to its round head, holding it, and the tail was shaken and shaken.

The panda's head turned and turned, regardless of the red brocade that was pulled on its head.

According to the demon red guide, Lu Qianqian entered the fifth hall of the fourth hall of the third hall.

The guardian beast of the Three Great Halls is only three dogs, nine hundred and fifty stars. The fourth hall is a gryphon, a thousand stars. The five halls are a beautiful snake, one thousand two hundred stars. The strategy adopted by Lu Yiqian is to use the three dogs in the third hall of the front and the pandas to fight against the lions in the first three halls, and to deal with the beautiful snakes with the Warcraft of the first four halls!

I have to say that Lu Yiqian’s play is shameless, but the effect is one-on-one!

The Warriors of the Three Great Halls were upgraded to the next level, the three-headed dog reached 1,100 stars, the lion's 1200 stars, and the beautiful snake reached 1,300 stars, except for the first contract. For a long time, there was an adaptation process, and the rest of the World of Warcraft was quickly on the road, so these three levels, although they were shocked, but no danger!

Jun is pitifully walking alongside, and the two hands are twisted and twisted. It is very wronged.

Before the contraction of these Eudemons, his star rating is extremely high. After the contraction of these Eudemons, his star rating will be back.

Therefore, he is very depressed.

Lu Yiqian noticed that his little mistake was wrong and asked, "What happened to you?"

Jun Zun immediately stared at a pair of purple big eyes, tears swirling inside: "Hey, master, I am so weak now, can't protect you."

Lu Hao was so clear, and for a long time, he was worried about that, she paused: "How much can the star reach when the purple dragon matures?"

Xiaozheng blinked his eyes: "Three or three thousand stars."

Lu Yiqian touched his head: "Is this right? You are still a young boy. When you grow up, it is better than them, right?"

The little guy looked at his face and threw himself into the arms of Lu Yiqian: "Master, you are so good!" I took the opportunity to touch the master's thigh, hey, feel good.

Lu Yan’s mouth was pulled, and the collar of Jun Zun was mentioned, and he threw it out!

This little color ghost!

After three passes, in accordance with the guidance of the demon red, Lu Yiqian will have to challenge the sixth level.

"Master, play the sixth level, you have to be careful." Beauty snake is an angel face, the devil's body of Warcraft, the light emitted by the eyes can turn the enemy into a stone: "He and I belong to the snake family, but he is not We can handle a few of them."

The setting of this level, the beauty snake still knows some, one to five off World of Warcraft strength is almost the same, but the sixth level of Warcraft strength will be several levels higher, seven to eleven levels and weaker, the twelfth level is the strongest!

The sixth level is definitely a big pass!

Lu Yiqian snorted and said: "Let's go."

Death came up to hold Lu’s hand: “Master...”

Since entering here, she feels that the reaction of death is a bit strange, holding his hand back: "Don't be afraid."

She doesn't know why she wants to say this, is it comforting him? But what else in the world is what the **** of death is afraid of? There is no such thing... After saying this, the **** of death is obviously relaxed.

The sixth hall is like a paradise, the huts of bamboo trees, the sound of the piano, very beautiful.

When I come here, I will have an illusion that it is not heaven and earth, so quiet and serene.

Sitting on the stone bench in front of the hut, there was a blue-haired man. He was playing with a low-browed eyebrow, and he was so sloppy.

Lu Yiqian was a little surprised. This sixth-level gatekeeper is really elegant and infinite. It is really unexpected. He is actually a Warcraft only guarding!

The man played the piano, and if he didn't notice the arrival of everyone.

Cyan hair, blue coat, a piano with a deep red rhyme, a face with a peach face. After the wind blew, the bamboo rustled and the peach blossoms fell.

The man who made Warcraft, with such a touch of demon, hooked people very much.

A song is over, and Lu Hao is applauding.

A good song!

The man looked up gracefully, and his face was more beautiful than the three-pointer. He was beautiful and demon. His eyes were blue. When he saw Lu Qian, he did not shout and scream, but his face came out indifferently. He is very long and he is extremely elegant every step of the way.

This is a man who is very particular about clothing, food, housing and transportation. If it is a human being, it must be a royal aristocrat. No, his temperament is much better than that of the prince!

He walked extremely gracefully, and his blue eyes were on the land. They said, "You want to go?" He asked easily, as if to ask, have you eaten?

"Master, don't look at his eyes." Beauty snakes, snakes can be confusing people, is a very magical creature: "He is only a nine-tailed snake, the means is much better than me."

However, Lu Qianqian has seen his eyes, his eyes are like the ability to take away the soul of the people.

Fortunately, she is used to the extreme color, but also the spirit of attack defense is also quite high, the psychedelic light of the eyes, in any case can not reach her eyes.

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