This is a little temptation, she understands that this person is a sly character.

He is up to two thousand stars, but he did not use brute force when Lu Haoqian came in, but he was unconsciously trapped in a trap. Such a person is the most difficult to deal with.

He has launched the attack silently!

For such a existence, the Seven Miles are strange, he even asked: "How come there is a person?"

His beauty is more lethal to women, and Qiu Di has been fascinated by him. As long as he hints at the autumn flute, he will take his mind and let her not hesitate to raise the butcher knife to the people around him.

The gap in the power gap is insurmountable, and he makes good use of confusion.

Qiu flute slammed out the round moon scimitar and rushed toward Lu. She looked confused and apparently still struggling.

"Yes, it can resist my confusion." The sound of the snake is not too slow, as elegant as his appearance.

The beautiful snake pulled the autumn flute and tried to help her unravel.

However, don't think that the nine-tailed snake is so capable. Two thousand stars are the most invincible presence in his plane, standing at the top of power. I can't imagine why such a existence is also willing to keep the level.

He has nine tails, who are good at confusing, vocal, magical, good at killing, layout, and the real strength is unknown.

Lu Yiqian’s brain is running fast. The white seal is here, it is obvious that the person who pulls these powerful World of Warcraft from all planes must be extremely powerful, and the deeper the understanding, the more jealous of this person who has been hidden behind the scenes!

This is a powerful enemy!

But she made up her mind to help him, and there is no reason to back off!

White is extremely painful. Think about it. No matter who is reaching a very high level, it is sealed by as many as nine, and only one tenth of it is not. How will it be painful? Go crazy. But on the other hand, he never showed a hint of embarrassment. The more such a man thinks, the more people will admire him. The more he thinks, the more he will be.

He was lucky enough to meet him!

So, be sure to win!

The beautiful snake helped the autumn flute to resist the attack of the nine-tailed snake. The spirit of the autumn flute was exhausted and fell to the ground.

Lu Yanqian’s eyes suddenly became cold.

But now she can't reveal any flaws, she waits quietly for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to fight back!

This is a snake, if it reveals a little flaw, she will lose!

The snake nodded with satisfaction and seemed to be quite satisfied with Lu’s performance. He rolled a long sleeve and rolled up the guqin on the stone table.

It's now!

Lu Yi is one hundredth of a second and fits with the beauty snake soul. The panda weaponizes, the five beasts bless, and launches the shocking world to decide the twenty-fifth style: the fire is broken!

Thousands of fire-colored dragons, like the thunder, rushed toward him like lightning, with a thunderous thunder, huge momentum!

Since he is good at mental attacks, he uses physical attacks to deal with him!

The nine-tailed snake is not afraid, and the hand is playing the piano. When the three sounds are heard, the sound waves are rippling, and the fire dragon hits a place, exploding the dazzling spark!

At this moment, the side, the three-headed dog and the griffin will bite from another angle.

The nine-tailed snake gracefully turned back, and the piano slammed into the ground, and a sound wave reversely attacked the two beasts. The two beasts mourned and were knocked down and crushed many stone pillars!

Too strong, it is the previous five beasts joining hands, even his body can not be close!

The gap is more than 700 stars, the gap!

How to do? The three beasts fell to the ground, and the blessings were weak. If you don't want to do anything, wait for the second kill. Two thousand stars of Warcraft, the king of the gods, and Lu Yuqian is only equivalent to the middle-level gods, it is the five beasts, just entered the king of the king. A **** of the king, killing hundreds of gods below, but only a few seconds!

Kick a big iron plate!

The nine-tailed snake stood up and asked gracefully: "Is it still playing?"


She swayed and jumped over the nine-tailed snake.

"Useless!" The snake swayed the strings and a burst of sound came from the ground.

Lu Yiqian stepped on the pace like a cloud, stepping toward him step by step, near, slender waist and twist, a storm hit the clouds.

The nine-tailed snake Hengqin telescopes, breaking the shoulders of Lu Qianqian. She rolled on the ground, less than two meters away from him.

The nine-tailed snake probably didn't think she would be so close to herself, and she was slightly stunned.

"All things are born!" Lu Yiqian eyes are as bright as stars.

Two hundred giants waved their giant fists toward the nine-tailed snake. At such a close distance, they did not escape.

All of this is calculated, and the shoulder injury is in exchange for this violent blow. Every step of her calculation is accurate!

When the nine-tailed snake understood it, the four hundred giant fists had already waved!


The ground collapsed to a depth of 100 meters, but in appearance, it was only two meters square.

This is how powerful the power, Lu Qianqian's strength is further.

Only, can this full blow be successful? Is the Nine-tailed Snake so easy to lose?

Lu Yiqian did not believe that she was ready.

The ground shook, the boulder rolled, and a cyan figure picked up from the ground. When it fell, it was still elegant, long hair like silk, hand-held piano, feet... has been replaced by nine giant tails.

The nine-tailed snake picks up the hair: "Great, you are the first person to force my prototype out."

At this time, he is more charming, more sinister, and the kind of demon that belongs to the snake is faithfully displayed.

"Do I have to reward you well?" The nine-tailed snake has a magnetic voice: "Let you die, how?"

Lu Yiqian cold and cold: "Take your skills to say this again!"

The nine-tailed snake brows slightly wrinkled: "Isn't that cute."

Raising the hand and playing the piano, the sound waves layered one after another, the momentum is vast and overwhelming, where the sound waves pass, the stone homogenizes the powder.

Lu Yiqian quickly jumped up, extremely flexible and backed away, and his body was extremely beautiful, with a deer. In many battles with Hess, she is very good at avoiding. However, if the sound waves attack too fast, the angles are varied and smashed, and the snake tails of the nine-tailed snakes are continuously shot, the speed interval is only one thousandth of a second? This is not counting, this evil-stricken snake attacked and said: "Oh, cute, don't hide!"

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