The sword energy flowed down like a torrential rain, bombarding the bodies of those stone monsters. In an instant, there were hundreds of stone monsters, whose bodies exploded and turned into countless gravels, falling downward.

I thought that Lin Yi could use Wuwang Sword to deal with these stone monsters, and then escape.

But after some entanglement, Lin Yi found something was wrong. Although the stone monsters were broken up by him, the broken stones were assembled together at a very fast speed, and they were reborn as new stone monsters.

Lin Yi was startled. These stone monsters are actually immortal. They can't be killed at all. Even if Lin Yi can use the power of the Wuwang Sword to kill them, the stone monsters will be reborn soon, wasting Lin Yi in vain. easy power.

Lin Yi frowned. These stone monsters were somewhat similar to his blood baby's body. They were also immortal bodies, and they could also be reborn after being shattered.

The difference is that these stone monsters are inherently indestructible, formed by using a special force in this cursed land without the power of Xuanyuan, and Lin Yi is an indestructible body formed through cultivation.

In mid-air, Lin Yi kept slashing out the Wuwang sword, and the sword energy flew across. In a short time, thousands of stone monsters had been destroyed, but at the same time, thousands of stone monsters were resurrected, and they rushed upwards endlessly , surrounded Lin Yituan.

All around, those terrifying yellow sand storms became stronger and closer, as if they were going to sweep Lin Yi into them and tear them into pieces.

Lin Yi knew that going on like this was not the way to go, he finally understood why so many masters in Shadow didn't want to get entangled with these stone monsters, it was a waste of energy.

In the cursed land, the power of the universe is precious. If it is spent on these stone monsters, it will be a dead end when all the power of the universe is exhausted!

At this time, the best way is to take a risk and rush out to avoid these stone monsters.

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, flew up quickly, and kept sweeping out the Wuwang sword, please sweep out a path in front of him.

Those stone monsters, relying on their immortality, were not afraid of Lin Yi's attack at all, and attacked desperately, like a swarm of locusts, a large golden area formed a vast ocean, and drowned Lin Yi.

Lin Yi is like a small boat, he can only brave the wind and waves, and forcibly carve out a way out.

Fortunately, Lin Yi can use the Xuanyuan spiritual power stored in the black tower to supplement the consumption in the universe, so there is no need to worry too much about this. Lin Yi swung the Wuwang sword and forcibly rushed out for five hundred miles The distance, and further forward, is the huge yellow sand storm.

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, it seemed that he could only fight once, and he had to leave this place as soon as possible.

Thinking about it, Lin Yi suddenly released the most powerful cosmic power, condensed on his body, and then flew up suddenly, the speed reached the limit at once, and rushed into the storm forcibly.

This yellow sand storm is even more terrifying than the one seen from the outside. There is actually a very strong suction force in it. After Lin Yi entered, his speed dropped sharply, as if he had fallen into a quagmire, being sucked by the force in the storm, constantly sink.

"Not good!" Lin Yi kept releasing the power of the universe, trying to counteract the suction, but the storm was too powerful. After Lin Yi's power reached the limit, his speed became slower and slower, and then he made a mistake, and his body was crushed. The storm sucked into the center and fell extremely fast downward.

In Lin Yi's ears, he could only hear the speeding sound of the yellow sand, and the rumbling loud noise, which was constantly suppressed, and the surrounding area had already turned into darkness.

At this time, no matter how powerful the cosmic power Lin Yi released, he couldn't stop his fall and could only change with it.

Soon, Lin Yi fell to the bottom of the storm. There were no monsters here, but an ancient magic circle, which suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yi.

The magic circle appears to be very old, and even cracks have appeared, but the power fluctuations in it are still obvious and powerful.

"This is..." Lin Yi frowned, and approached the past. The age of this magic circle must have been very long, but the power still exists, and its strength is beyond Lin Yi's imagination.

However, Lin Yi has never seen this kind of magic circle, this kind of power, as if the rules belonged to another world, very strange.

Lin Yi walked slowly around the magic circle. Although this place was the center of the entire storm, the terrifying power of the storm could no longer be sensed, and there was only a strange tranquility.

"Could it be that under those yellow sand storms, there are all such formations?" Lin Yi guessed, "It's really strange, this should be a space isolated from the outside world, once connected to each other, it must be an extremely powerful formation! "

Lin Yi stretched out his hand and lightly touched the stone statue of the magic circle, and felt a strange wave, which directly spread to his universe.

Lin Yi estimated that the birth of those stone monsters should also be related to this magic circle. The reason why the stone monsters are immortal is that they are not real creatures at all, but are created with some kind of power, so they can be found in the cursed land. survive.

Now it seems that these magic circles should be the source of power.

At this time, Jiukong in the black tower seemed to sense the strange fluctuation, and he left the cultivation state directly, and said, "Lin Yi, have you entered the battlefield?"

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and replied: "Senior, this place is called the Land of the Cursed. It is said that in ancient times, it was a big battlefield. It seems that it should be the place that Senior said!"

Jiukong chuckled, "It's rare for future generations to remember it. This is the center of the Wuwang Realm. It used to be a place with beautiful mountains and rivers. But later, when the northern and southern realms fought, this was the most direct battlefield. Everything was destroyed. Destroyed!"

"North and South Realms?" Lin Yi frowned, never heard of this term.

"That's a saying from ancient times," Jiu Kong explained directly, "The Wuwang Realm in my era was divided into two major realms, the North and the South, opposing each other, and wars continued. The civil war in Paradise will continue for a long time!"

As he said that, Jiu Kong paused, "Stop talking, tens of millions of years have passed, by the way, the magic circle you encountered now should be left over from the wars of ancient times!"

"Then how should I go out?" Lin Yi asked.

"It's very simple," Jiu Kong smiled slightly, "If you break this magic circle, the other connected magic circles will naturally have no effect, and you can naturally leave this place easily. After tens of millions of years, no matter how powerful the magic circle is, There must be only 10% of your strength left, you should be fine!" "Okay!" Lin Yi nodded.

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