According to the method Jiu Kong said, Lin Yi flew directly and landed on the magic circle, and then stepped on it suddenly, the sudden force shook the whole magic circle, and it trembled immediately.

One after another beams of light rushed out of the magic circle suddenly, there were more than a dozen of them, very dazzling.

These golden light beams are obviously the core power of the magic circle. Lin Yi made a decisive decision and slashed out the Wuwang sword in his hand. The sword energy entangled with the golden light formed an extremely strong sword in an instant. of rolling pressure.

This magic circle, after tens of millions of years, has less than 100% of its energy left, so it cannot withstand the attack of Wuwang sword at all.

After a few strokes, most of the dozen or so beams of light had been cut off by Lin Yi.

"It really works!" Lin Yi kept tossing and slashing with his Wuwang sword. Almost all of the storm was filled with flying sword energy, and its power increased with each level.

Finally, under Lin Yi's bombardment, the last few beams of light became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely. There was a bang in the entire magic circle, and then cracks opened one after another.

Without hesitation, Lin Yi cut off the Wuwang sword and smashed it hard on the magic circle, "Boom..."

The huge magic circle immediately shattered into pieces, turned into countless fragments, fell downwards, and was directly buried in the yellow sand.

In an instant, the shaking of the surrounding world stopped suddenly, and the endless yellow sand storm above Lin Yi's head also became weaker and weaker, and soon stopped.

The surroundings fell into silence again, and the other yellow sand storms also lost their energy due to the split of the magic circle. What is even more surprising is that those extremely ferocious stone monsters are all stagnant on the ground at this time, unable to move one by one, and completely turned into lifeless stones. It seems that without the energy supply of the magic circle, these stone monsters are also It's just an ordinary stone, but once it has the power of the magic circle

, these stone monsters are immortal.

The surroundings have regained their tranquility, the ground is covered with yellow sand, and the wasteland spreads for thousands of miles, with no end in sight.

Everything came to a standstill.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, flew up quickly, and continued to fly north.

Just now, Lin Yi spent several hours here, and he couldn't catch up with those shadowy people. Even because the distance was too far, he couldn't even sense Yunji's breath at all.

Lin Yi kept transmitting voices to Yunji, but he didn't get any response. Ordinarily, the voice transmission between him and Yunji would not be affected by the distance, but helplessly, Yunji was sucked into the universe by the shadow person. It is difficult to feel something when a space is isolated.

"You have to catch up with them as soon as possible!" Lin Yi gritted his teeth, and hurried to fly north.

While flying, Lin Yi used the black tower to replenish his cosmic power, and his speed was kept at the limit.

Fortunately, in the cursed land, Lin Yi didn't encounter any more troubles. Even if there were some weird occurrences, they didn't threaten Lin Yi. It took Lin Yi two days to finally leave the area of ​​the cursed land and enter a grassland. The situation here is completely two extremes from the cursed land. His eyes are full of lively creatures, and Water and grass, and the people living here are nomadic tribes one by one


Lin Yi did not slow down, and still flew forward at the most extreme speed. On the grassland, many people saw Lin Yi's figure, but they only saw a black shadow. In the blink of an eye, this shadow disappeared Lin Yi disappeared without a trace, Lin Yi's speed was too fast.

A day later, Lin Yi finally saw a human city sitting on the ground.

"Could it be that the shadow people are here?" Lin Yi quickly fell down, and soon saw the name of this city: Futu City.

This floating city is not suspended in mid-air like those floating cities of the Holy God Empire, but is still located on the ground like the ancient city. The Futu City is definitely not as prosperous and huge as the Holy God City, and it is not even as good as some ordinary floating cities in the Holy God Empire. However, because the Futu City is the only big city in this area, it is also very popular. The number of businessmen and practitioners is very large, so it is also obvious

It was very lively.

What is very special is that Futu City is an unruly city. Because of its special location, it does not belong to any empire or any force, but is a completely spontaneous and independent existence.

In Futu City, there are many great forces, but none of them can rule Futu City.

Of course, under this kind of death, there is chaos and order.

Lin Yi entered the Futu City, but he was not in the mood to watch this foreign city, but immediately released the power of the universe to search for the traces of those shadow masters.

If you can't find it, it will be really difficult for Lin Yike. The shadow group is very mysterious. Once you lose this opportunity, it will be extremely difficult to find their lair.

What's more, Yunji is in the hands of Shadow, and even Yueya is likely to be taken away by Shadow, so Lin Yi has to be anxious.

Lin Yi could only use the most stupid way to keep flying along the streets of Futu City, and at the same time use the power of the universe to investigate carefully, hoping to find the traces of those shadow masters as soon as possible.

What Lin Yi was most afraid of was that the shadow people never came to Futu City, or left long ago. For Lin Yi, it was the result of losing a bet.

However, this Futu City is a must pass after leaving the cursed land. Lin Yi feels that the chances of finding a shadow master here are still very high.

Soon, it was night, and Lin Yi was still searching. At this time, most of Futu City had been scouted by Lin Yi. Unfortunately, Lin Yi was getting more and more disappointed. He didn't have enough time for this day. any discoveries.

Suddenly, Lin Yi heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from the front, and the murderous aura also spread.

In such an incurable place as Futu City, fighting is quite normal. Whether it is a big force or a small force, it is commonplace to fight each other.

Lin Yi was not interested in this kind of thing, and was about to avoid it, but at this moment, a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, rushing in this direction.

Lin Yi checked slightly, and found that this white shadow was a woman in white, very young, but obviously, this woman was seriously injured, her face was pale, and her body was covered with blood.

"Catch her!"

"We must not let her escape!"

"This girl, she can't run far!"

... There were seven or eight of the pursuers behind, chasing up like mad dogs.

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