Uplifting Journey

Chapter 200: Parallel world with 6 troops

The accident happened only in an instant.

程 When Cheng Bin began to dissect the spiritual information contained in the monster Chakra, the monster who could not even move Chakra, was bound into a block, and opened the cycle of reincarnation again.

Cheng Chengbin only felt that Chakra, who had been locked up by him, suddenly burst into endless energy, blasting the monster's body and almost flattening a small piece of the continent.

At the same time, the time and space around the eye of the monster's reincarnation were severely distorted, while Cheng Bin virtualized and evaded the torrent of energy while controlling the remaining body to penetrate the channel of space jumping. Cheng Bin had only time to interfere and tore off most of his tissues. But let its core teleport away.

"Chakra really has hidden function interfaces that have not been exposed ..."

Wu Chengbin frowned and analyzed the monster's jumping point in space, and found that it was a remote corner of the continent.

I was too late to pay attention to the plume that would be unable to gather when he was blown up for a while, Cheng Bin launched a space jump and followed the monster after him.

Because of the monsters' interference, Cheng Bin re-squeezed into the space a little slower.

As soon as completed the space jump, Cheng Bin saw the monster collapse and condense in mid-air, turned into a slap-shaped strange seed, and quickly fell to the ground.

"This shape is exactly the same as the seeds that were displayed by the original skeletons and passed through their laboratory ..."

程 In Cheng Bin's observation, below is the ruins of a barren and broken ancient city. Underneath, there is a network of collapsed tunnels that resemble a giant tree root system.

Relevant memory was triggered. Combining the geographical environment with other data, Cheng Bin's heart moved--

Isn't this one of the possible places in the ancient city of Loulan that he kept asking Bai to collect information after he came to the planet of Naruto?

楼 "Loulan? Dragon veins? Could this monster ..."

Thinking of a piece of matching information that he provided before entering the world of Naruto, Cheng Bin's eyes sank, and the ordinary ordinary black pupil instantly transformed into two scarlet nine hook jade reincarnation writing chakras-this is an addition when analyzing the monster Chakra before reward.

Xi Chengbin Chakra worked fiercely, and the spacetime around the strange seeds he was staring at began to distort and isolate. Numerous seal runes appeared as if they were engraved in space, blocking them layer by layer.

But just like before, the monster seeds completely suppressed by the seal burst out of great power, broke through the time and space imprisonment and landed on the ground covered with sand.

"This way of working out of thin air," Cheng Bin solemnly glanced over some of the data exposed when the seed broke free of restraint, "different from the previous work of Chakra ... it's a bit similar to the idea ..."

The extremely large Chakra erupted from the ground, forming an ever expanding Chakra vortex around the seeds, disturbing the surrounding space and time while forming a thick shield.

While drawing and transforming this huge chakra flood towards the seeds, while exploring the various new interfaces exposed by the seed chakras, Cheng Bin looked at the underground structure and cavity shaped by the root system, and he couldn't help thinking: "There are so many chakras hidden Is the so-called dragon vein here the place where the planet of Naruto once planted a **** tree? The possibility is not small ... "

在 At this moment, the rotating chakra torrent focused on the seed at the speed of light. The seed immediately broke, and the fragments were infinitely decomposed and refined until they disappeared.

In the moment that Cheng Bin was holding back, the whole world seemed to tremble, and suddenly there were countless ghosts.

The chaotic ghost disappeared in a blink of an eye, and Cheng Bin was suddenly shocked by the huge amount of information feedback from the Chakra Edition panorama.

Cheng Bin, who had passed back to God, had a complex face. He glanced around with a little curiosity about the Loulan ruins and the vast Gobi that did not seem to have any abnormalities. Then he turned his eyes to the starry sky above him.

"Although it still looks like the Ninja continent here, neither Chakra Network nor Bai can connect, and ..."

The moon is scarlet, and it also maps to the same pattern as reincarnation.

"Are the parallel worlds? That is the eye of the moon that reads infinitely. It seems that the time here is very late ..."

Through space connection and light refraction, the general situation of the entire planetary system was fed back to Cheng Bin. He unexpectedly found that the mother star of the skeleton was still intact in orbit, and the super-giant wood monster above was sleeping from sleep. Waking up to wake up.

"Although relevant information was added to the match before entering Naruto, I did not expect to encounter parallel world crossing in this form ..."

In a certain version of Naruto's data, the protagonist Fang has traveled across time and space to a parallel world that is similar but different in time and development. Cheng Bin is quite curious about this and naturally did not rule out this matching information.

Sweeping the unrecognizable ninja world, Cheng Bin turned his eyes to the southeast, where there were ten-tailed Chakra reactions and some familiar people.

"Across the parallel world, the connection with the ontology of qi is not interrupted ... Is this a new ability of qi, or is the parallel world here in Naruto different from the world that it crossed before?"

Cheng Chengbin reached out his right hand and aimed at Gobi. A large amount of Chakra rose from the ground and the siphon generally disappeared in his palm.

After excavating a large number of chakras buried in the place where the sacred tree was planted, after full conversion and absorption, relying on the huge chakra base number, Cheng Bin constructed a seal engine that allowed chakras to self-replicate in the body, making up for leaving chacha. Consumption issue after carat transmission network.

"I didn't expect that the monster actually had the ability to actively cross the world ... I'll see what happens here first."

整理 After sorting out the data that was roughly explored, Cheng Bin sent a message to the ontology immersed in the neutron star warfare research, and then teleported in the direction of the ten-tailed Chakra response.

Uh ...

The location of the Daloulan remains is somewhere outside the borders of the country of wind, and it is not too far away from the NLG construction unit that is carrying out the plan to open the mountain.

Amazing mutations and shocking Chakra responses came from the direction of Loulan ruins, and the construction team naturally could only temporarily stop working.

初步 After the initial investigation, the team quickly transferred these teams, which were recently promoted from ordinary people to worker ninjas, to the base camp with divine power, and soon returned to the site with a Ninja leather army composed of professional combat ninjas.

"What the **** happened over there?" I looked at the neatly dressed Ninja combat troops, and Nagato looked diligently at the soil.

"You don't have a lot of new skills, so let's retreat first," took a look at Nagato and Luo Sha, the chief supervisors of the two ninjas who came to the foreman, and he couldn't help sighing. Can you feel it? Chakra sources are constantly increasing, and each chakra source is comparable to the sum of tail beasts, if you want to fight ... "

Nagato stared with reincarnation and took the soil for a moment: "Let's run away? Are you looking down on my fairy eyes?"

"No," with a subtle look at the reincarnation of Nagato ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then he tilted his head to indicate the Ninja Coalition Ninja unit that was preparing before the war. Since the start of the new village construction, I have been focusing on studying and researching combat-related elite troops. You and I can ignore the combat effectiveness. "

Under the gaze of Nagato, the fighting forces there suddenly changed subtly, and there was a complete coordination and resonance.

With the exponential increase in the total amount of chakras, the dazzling chakra flames ignited on each ninja, followed by the flame robes decorated with gouyu and nine dark seeking jade.

In front of the Ninja unit, which has all opened up a six-way mode, and everyone has a reincarnation, under the flame of Chakra, the boy leader who is slightly childish, quickly adjusted the Chakra connection network of the entire unit.

With the attack command issued by the pocket, nearly a thousand six immortals instantly disappeared at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Nagato and Luo Sha were stunned.

Uh ...

边 The edge of the asteroid belt that was just erased, Cheng Bin could not help but be shocked when he received the message passed by Qi.

"I also said that slowly cracking Chakra, and then exploring the secrets of the parallel world of Naruto, I did not expect that the monster could actually cause interference in the parallel world, and could also carry out parallel space-time traverse with the support of Chakra. There are many deep secrets of Chakra. "

After sensing the situation on the split side, Cheng Bin turned his attention back, and the panorama focused on the planet Naruto, covering the location of the Loulan ruins that the previous split was drawn into.

惊人 At this moment, amazing changes have taken place in that place.

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