Uplifting Journey

Chapter 201: Big BOSS Wholesale with Metal Meteor

Under the huge Chakra vortex, the ancient city of Loulan, which has a little bit of artificial construction, has been preserved. At this moment, it has been crushed.

The cricket was crowded by monsters with a length of kilometers.

There are a large number of monsters, each with ten tails, tapered hills with spikes, and a huge reincarnation on the head.

怪物 The dumplings of these monsters usually appear out of thin air, and they are even layered on the crushed Loulan ruins. The vast chaotic waves of Chakra are accompanied by endless earthquakes and spread far.

When the six troops led by Badou came to the vicinity, they saw such a spectacular scene.

"Consistent with the ten-tailed Chakra in the database. Are these monsters really ten-tailed?"

Even though he is confident in his own power, the members of the six units still feel shocked in the face of this wave of horrible monsters stacked up to cover their vision.

If you let these monsters move freely, let alone say that as long as one comes with a few rounds of tail beast jade, the entire Ninja continent will probably be flattened.

After relying on the local Chakra network to coordinate with each other, the six ninja forces quickly acted. The elite who mastered the space technique took their teammates to teleport out in all directions. Hundreds of ninjas surrounded the monster cluster around the vast area. And mobilize Chakra while touching the ground with both hands.

"Enchantment Heiyang array."

无 Under the support of countless deformed and stretched Taoist jade, a circle of black flames ignited above the earth, and quickly extended towards the sky and the ground, forming a cylindrical semi-transparent pale black enchantment.

The enchantment above is not closed, on the one hand, it reduces the pressure when the internal enemy attacks the enchantment, on the one hand, it facilitates the six troops to make subsequent attacks ...

大量 A large number of ten-tailed monsters attracted attention by the enchantment did not hesitate to injure themselves by accident, and shaking their heads was a round of super-sized tail beast jade banging on the enchantment.

The infinite rays of light filled the space within the enchantment instantly, evaporating a huge amount of earth and stones, and pouring up the enchantment all the way to the sky.

When the enchantment was unstable and volatile, the six main forces connected by Chakra were combined with their hands at the same time, and the huge chakra echoing in their team suddenly disappeared.

In the space above the Naruto planet, a precisely calculated position, a metal sphere with a diameter of several tens of kilometers was formed from a hollow structure, and suddenly accelerated along the violently twisted space toward the opening of the black sun array extending straight below.

Cheng Bin, who had recently shifted her eyes near Pu mother star, blinked at the huge meteorite that was shaking the earth, and could not help but admire the boldness and fruit of the six troops:

"How dare you do it, if there is a problem with the enchantment, aren't you afraid to smash the Ninja continent? If you accelerate further, this meteorite can penetrate the crust and create a great extinction ..."

Under the effect of space distortion similar to the Vientiane Tianyin, the huge metallic asteroid that has been turned several times by gravity is embedded in the black sun array like a trajectory, and is accurately guided downward to the large number of ten who are trying to destroy the enchantment. Falling down, the front end glowed red light in the intense compression and friction of the air.

Perceived the imminent threat above his head, the number has increased, and the ten tails have looked up to the sky, and then a large number of tail beast jade deformed by the enchantment have been squeezed up in the explosion, followed by a variety of reincarnation. Space-time attack of writing chakras.

Twenty-six troops were a little closer to the enchantment. While a large number of Daoyu continued to integrate into the enchantment, they worked hard to guide the use of force to offset the interference of Shiwei in space and time.

Although those tail beast jade stripped the meteorite iron red, it could not stop this huge metallic asteroid from landing.

At the moment when the meteorite fell to the ground, the six units controlled the operation to change.

The part of the original translucent light black nostalgia near the ground, together with the closed part of the ground, suddenly turned into pure black like Taoism.

It should have penetrated the mainland and shattered the crust, causing meteorites to explode in an endless magma, and it was done silently in a solid black light curtain.

Only by pouring straight into the sky and piercing the dazzling beam of light across the starry sky can we reflect the terrible energy aftermath caused by the impact of a meteorite.

The Taoist jade chakra, who can convert all matter and energy into a quantum vacuum, is lifted back into a semi-transparent black sun array, leaving only a regular cylindrical pit.

A large number of ten-tailed monsters who could easily kill the original Ninja are easily forcibly wiped out by two techniques of the six troops.

However, before the relief of the troops slowly recovering Chakra reserves, the abnormality appeared again.

The black space crack suddenly appeared, and spread rapidly in all directions, and the black sun array was instantly torn by the broken space.

The space where the reaction speed has been strengthened in a targeted manner is transferred to the ninja in time to transfer the companion who maintains the formation.

Between the fissures in countless spaces, the scarlet rays, which are usually densely lit by stars, flashed into the circle of reincarnation writing.

At this moment they are desperately squeezing from the fissures of the unstable space toward this place. A large number of ten tails are shattered and crushed by the twisted space-time, but still a small part of the injured or injured ten tails have successfully arrived.

的 Ten-tailed clusters that spent a lot of sacrifice to cross the river of space are constantly squeezed into the world, forming an overwhelming woody ocean.

"Abominable ..." After testing the reincarnation's influence on these ten tails, the leader of the six troops gave a loud whistle, and his heart became cold.

The monster clusters of this size that are still increasing and cannot be controlled by reincarnation are no longer able to cope with the current forces of the NLG.

In the face of a large number of enemies, it is better to use targeted virus infection, but this kind of thing requires a long development time, and it is not necessarily effective for Tomi.

Relying on the ten-tailed chakras to construct six immortal patterns, and to use this ultra-high-quality chakras as a base for ninja forces to fight, it ’s clear how terrible the mysterious black box such as ten-tailed chakras ~ www .readwn.com ~ Although the instinctual use of the ten tails is not as efficient as the new ninja in terms of efficiency and control, its chakra function will not let the water out--

Dominate time and space, control the presence or absence, interfere with celestial bodies ...

It is no exaggeration to say that within the power support range of the ten-tailed chakras, it is entirely possible to achieve what they want, and it is completely okay to eliminate the virus if they are conscious.

Except for relying on absolute force for physical strikes, there is no other way to make tricks.

"Do you want to retreat?" With a bitter smile, these monsters that are constantly increasing, I am afraid that it only takes a day to plow the entire planet aside ... And the constant unstable space cracks that are constantly spreading are also a big trouble.

Relying on the space technology that has not yet been popularized, the NPP is not without exploration of other planets in the planetary system. Some environmentally acceptable planets have also established primary bases. In an emergency, some people within the control area are transferred. It can be done.

But it is impossible to evacuate all life on the entire Ninja continent.

At this moment, a figure appeared out of nowhere around Dudou.

"Master Cheng Bin?"

No Chakra response ... is it the ontology? Looking at the man next to him, he slumped first, then relieved--

The deeper the Ninjas in the Ninja Federation, the deeper they got in touch with the new chakra system, the more they learned, the more they understood the source of the system—Cheng Bin, how terrible it was.

As the knowledge and ability of the new system stand in the first echelon, he has full confidence in the adult's strength.

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