Uplifting Journey

Chapter 211: Whose home? Intelligent atom that devours the sky

Cheng Bin noticed something wrong just before Naruto's main world appeared.

He made a sudden brake, anchored the new mini subspace in the main world, and stayed in this subspace to explore the situation of the main world carefully.

The results were amazing.

At the landing point of the previous space transfer, Cheng Bin could observe a layer of time and space full of regular changes, which was obviously a man-made thing.

After a little observation and analysis, Cheng Bin figured out the role of this space-time layer.

"Is there some kind of monitoring and interference mechanism to deal with space-time shuttles?"

This is the proper meaning. After all, when the Ninja Revolutionary Union was first established, in order to prevent the threat of collisions caused by random space jumping and the enemy's direct access to the core hinterland, a set of space transfer application and approval mechanisms had been built around Bai This space-time layer seems to be an enhanced and upgraded version in this regard.

"But it should be difficult to maintain such things, then this range"

Cheng Bin adjusted his relative space-time position, and tried out the space-time layer covering the vast range of Naruto's main world. Compared with the data he didn't lose, he understood that the monitoring mechanism of space jump just covered the planetary system of Naruto. Most of the planetary rings.

"Sure enough, just beware of unknown shuttles inside the core."

After finding out the general situation, Cheng Bin thought about it and found a place where there was no monitoring layer and entered the main world of Naruto.

As soon as he entered the world, Cheng Bin suddenly froze. He stared blankly at the void, and began to exchange a lot of information with an existence.

Although Cheng Bin avoided the monitoring layer, the landing point was still very close to those planets.

So it didn't take long for Cheng Bin to show up, and it was discovered by the human hand specially deployed at the edge of the space jump monitoring.

In the blink of an eye, in front of Cheng Bin, a young woman wearing a red coat with black background and brilliant blond hair, with a simple pair of long ponytails, was teleported in front of him.

I saw this heroic woman looked at Cheng Bin, and then stared at the dead fisheye and said formulaically:

"No id, illegal traversal? I'm a field member of the Nirvana General Administration of Space and Time. If you come to this world for serious reasons, please take a trip with me to complete the verification and registration procedures, otherwise, I will follow the law. Arrest you. "

"Are you Xiao-style uniforms?" Cheng Bin, who didn't respond to the other party's words, looked back from the void and looked at the young woman in front of him strangely.

He looked at the three pairs of beard-like lines on the other side of his face, and could not help recalling the nine-tailed Zhuli boy he had seen before, and then said with some uncertainty: "Are you Naruto?"

The woman's temples had blue muscles, and when she was touched by mildew, she gritted her teeth and said, "I am Naruto from the 114 parallel subspace. If you dare to call me those idiots of Uzumaki Naruto, I will fight against the rules. You have to make **** out of your old man who writes reincarnation. "

Cheng Bin covered his face, for a while I did n’t know what to spit—a lot of information

Naruko, whose face was very unfriendly, flew around Cheng Bin, and then sneered embracingly, "Looking at you like this, wouldn't it be a visitor to the new parallel space not explored by Rengelian? Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you If you feel invincible in the original space, you will come out and do something, and I promise you will run into blood. "

It seems that it is not persuasive to rely on his mouth alone, Naruko mobilized armed support through his id authority.

A spiral-shaped sphere exuding vast waves of chakras, several kilometers in diameter, and spiral patterns emerged from Naruko's exclusive subspace.

In the gradually spiraling space-time ripple, Naruko landed on this asteroid-like weapon full of deterrence and called a preset program to create a string of barbecues out of thin air.

Reaching out to catch the hot barbecue, Naruko took a bite and chewed seriously while saying to Cheng Bin: "Did the void creature see it? This is an exclusive weapon of my own design. A trick like ten tails can be dropped in seconds. Oh, but this is the home of our league, and it's best to think clearly before you want to commit anything. "

Cheng Bin nodded subtly, "Well, thank you for your kindness, but when it comes to home, who is it?"

Naruko stunned, and then found in horror that the weapon designed and manufactured by her feet suddenly lost control. Chakra's interference in the weapon and the space-time restraint module were activated at the same time. She was completely restrained by her things in a blink of an eye. .

Suddenly, tiny twists appeared on the spheres covered with micro-runes, and a part of the material spiraled up, condensing a beautiful dark-haired girl in a white skirt on the surface.

The girl stood next to the stupid Naruko, bowed to Cheng Bin with her skirt corner and saluted: "Welcome back, creator."

"It's terrific, Bai, you worked hard this time," Cheng Bin sighed with some emotion.

Not long after entering the main world, he received Bai ’s low-key lurking messenger, and after receiving the soul algorithm authentication and Bai ’s active identification, he received a lot of permissions and information from Bai.

Relying on Bai's database, Cheng Bin, who has now separated from Chakra's embedded state, soon made up the part of his lost memory, but the traces of the modified memory and algorithm remain.

From Bai, Cheng Bin learned that five years have passed in this Naruto master world, and many things have changed dramatically.

Bai's power has also skyrocketed to an alarming level in the exponential increase in recent years.

When the ontology touched the quark, subspace, and logical space-time manipulation, it took time to upgrade the dialogue's carrier, the co-engineering nanocell, and transformed the original intelligent atom through thought.

The new atomic-level co-working unit, by uniformly manipulating interference electromagnetic force and strong and weak interaction forces, embeds basic intelligence and energy genes into the level of protons and neutrons. It can assimilate matter and self-replicate. It can also perform element reorganization and low efficiency. Mass energy conversion, if there is a certain base number to reconstruct the advanced unit, you can even manipulate space-time and open up subspace.

It can be said that except for the fact that virtual particles are not deeply hidden, vacuum zero energy can not be extracted, and high-dimensional space-time manipulation cannot be conveniently performed, what this co-working atom can do is not much different from Chakra.

With this super-intelligent atom, Bai Chen had silently eroded all the material of the entire Naruto planet before Cheng Bin went to other parallel spaces, replacing all normal atoms with intelligent atoms under his control.

After Cheng Bin left, he quietly expanded his power, using space jumps, sub-space shuttles, quantum communications, and other technologies to spill intelligent atoms to all places she could reach, including the vast starry sky and some stable and interconnected sub-regions. space.

Cheng Bin just looked at the power of Baizhang ~ www.readwn.com ~ and was stunned by the information returned by the entire Xinghe.

Except for the extremely harsh environments that can destroy the structure of intelligent atoms, such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes, almost half of the galaxy's material has been completely replaced by Bai. Even the more severe stars have a lot of advanced machinery composed of co-working atoms. The body lurks constantly assimilating matter to multiply itself.

Cheng Bin glanced at the bound Naruko, feeling the intelligent atomic information feedback from her body, for a while speechless.

It is no exaggeration to say that all living things in this environment eat, drink and breathe substances composed of co-intelligent atoms, and even their bodies are mostly composed of co-intelligent atoms. .

If there is no Chakra interference, and if Chakra's newly created material is still clean, and new parallel subspaces are constantly being discovered, there is one in the Ninja Federation. No one can escape the body and is gradually replaced and controlled by the co-working unit. The end.

Now Cheng Bin is fortunate that when she set Bai Bai's development tendency, she didn't be lazy, so that her personality and pursuit were more in line with herself, and she wouldn't get into a big deal without being restrained

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