Uplifting Journey

Chapter 212: Bai, I'm not a man anymore!

From the sub-space that was located a thousand miles away and was not discovered for a long time, Bo Feng Nazi is basically a cute new member of the Space and Time Administration.

Coupled with the lack of interest in the history of the NLE, she has no specific knowledge of Cheng Bin and Bai, whose image has not changed, and is full of questions about the status quo.

In a special society where knowledge and skills and work contributions determine the status of authority, in the early stages, it supported the Ninja Federation on the right track, and its knowledge and ability surpassed the total of Ninja Federation. .

Therefore, after Bai Chuan gave Naruko a lot of information and compensation, she pushed her into the space channel and kicked it back to the Space and Time Administration, and easily settled the incident of the so-called illegal intruder on the information network.

"Ordinary people ’s body, even after being transformed with Chakra support, is still too inefficient. After all, Chakra ’s initial research phase has already passed, and I do n’t need to maintain this body that is easy to connect with Chakra. Ah "

After communicating with the patient Bai for a while, Cheng Bin scratched his head distressedly, tangling for the fact that he could not keep up with Bai's thinking and learning speed.

After thinking about it, Cheng Bin simply lost his rhythm, organized his current soul algorithm, compressed and backed it up, and floated over to stand on the spiral sphere, beckoning to the white in front of him: "White, help me busy."

After receiving the soul backup data and additional information from Cheng Bin, Bai blinked and leaned over to embrace Cheng Bin's waist and abdomen.

After Bai released the information shield, Cheng Bin could sense Bai ’s perfect human body reproduced at the atomic level. He accidentally glanced at his eyes, and then gradually pulled all his high-density chakras away from the body and sealed them.

At the same time, the albino surrounding Cheng Bin turned into countless intelligent atoms that infiltrated Cheng Bin's body from the contact.

Feeling that his body was slowly losing control, Cheng Bin sighed, and then his consciousness fell into the dark abyss.

Cheng Bin intends to have Bai completely assimilate his body, try to rebuild the soul algorithm with the co-working intelligent atom as the carrier, and transform the soul consciousness into an intelligent program-like existence.

Because he wants to transfer and replace the carrier of consciousness, he does n’t have any thoughts at the moment, so he ca n’t easily and clearly manipulate this complicated and delicate process, so he must die once. This kind of thing that needs to be flexibly adjusted and transformed cannot be solved by default. Could you please white.

Anyway, Cheng Bin is not an ontology with unknown variables with information resonance, but also broke the ring in the modification of the soul algorithm. It is completely indifferent in these transformations, and it should be a follow-up spiritual experiment.

Although the human brain can perform complex parallel reflections at the bottom, at the level of subjective logical thinking, it can basically only perform single-threaded serial thinking. It is difficult to even say two different clear words in the mind at the same time. There is a fundamental difference between intelligent programs that have the resources to expand their thinking threads.

Since Cheng Bin wants to try the thinking mode of intelligent programs, Bai can't just pinch a virtual brain, and that's not much different from ordinary people thinking about connecting to the network.

Fortunately, the technical reserves have been abundant since the beginning of the journey. Bai, who has super high computing power, spent a little time to adjust the appropriate mode, allowing Cheng Bin to access the huge information of the co-working unit structure while maintaining the original soul algorithm. In the network.

Although it is not really a smart program, as long as Cheng Bin is willing to modify the algorithm, he will slowly adjust it later.

Cheng Bin in the space reopened his eyes and looked around strangely.

The huge spiral sphere floating in space suddenly collapsed towards Cheng Bin's body, distorted and sucked into Cheng Bin's new body.

"With the power of the basic unit, even white dwarf warfare can't be simulated? Although the 53 version of the smart atom is good, if you don't reconstruct large and complex units, communication, energy, and power are still a problem."

Cheng Bin, whose body density reached the limit of normal matter, mobilized intelligent atoms between thoughts to reconstruct a subspace interferometer, anchoring the small subspace he brought with him. An invisible mouth suddenly appeared beside him, and the excess material that could not be contained Suddenly the space window twisted and sucked in.

Attempting to manipulate the Chakra Seal Ball that he separated before, Cheng Bin found that Chakra could not recognize his thinking in this case.

Fortunately, previous studies have figured out the various interfaces of Chakra. It is not a problem to call Chakra indirectly through changes in material energy.

After experimenting with alternative implementations of various capabilities that were familiar in the past, Cheng Bin began to try other things.

However, just after trying to fully access the deep master database of the learning information network, Cheng Bin fell back.

Bai's collated database contains all the information she has been in contact with since it was born, and it also contains a large amount of data and knowledge accumulated by Cheng Bin all the way, which is astronomical in terms of quantity.

If we have approached this huge amount of information with the methods of human memory and thought manipulation previously studied, and rely on human-specific methods to remember and think, Cheng Bin should not be too stressed, but use a new perspective of the program to operate thinking, Downloading, importing and processing those huge amounts of data almost brought him down on the spot.

"Human way of thinking, while processing information of this size at the same time is completely unsuitable. The efficiency is too low and the personality and time concept of normal people can not withstand the baptism of intelligent programmatic speed information processing. It is almost unlimited time. It doesn't make much difference to stop Guan Xiaohei. "

Supported by the supercomputing power of the co-working network, after experiencing eternal alternative torture like a thousand years, Cheng Bin's spirit was so tired that he couldn't even maintain the human body's mental strength. He let his body in space turn into an intelligent atom. Dissipate, let the consciousness roam on the co-working network, slowly adjust its own ideas and thinking modes, disassemble its own soul algorithm at the physical level, and gradually convert the replaceable part into a program of normal structure.

After a long adjustment with Bai's help, Cheng Bin converted most of his soul algorithm into binary mode ~ www.readwn.com ~ barely used to thinking in the mode of intelligent programs.

"From the perspective of a program, it is convenient to observe the world from a logical and mathematical perspective and process a large amount of information in parallel. Ontology should consider modifying personality in this regard. This should greatly improve the ability. This is not the mind. Do you plan on what to do next? "

In a programmatic way, Cheng Bin slowly downloaded the relevant data of the Naruto world in recent years, while learning some of the knowledge and technology developed by Bai Xin, and thinking about many problems.

Although only partially transformed into intelligent programs, Cheng Bin realized the convenience of this state.

Not to mention, the communication with Bai has been much smoother, and just now, the scale of the power of thinking that can be mobilized at the same time has exceeded the previous n orders of magnitude. It is no problem to converge and instantly flatten a planetary system and extinguish the stars. .

Although for him and the ontology who pay attention to the depth of ability, the simple energy scale does not make much sense.

"Speaking of it, in Bai's record, the ontology hasn't returned to the main world of Naruto for so many years. Wouldn't it have been a surprise like me? Or would you just leave this side and return directly to the zero world? Alas, no As for it "

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