Uplifting Journey

Chapter 224: Super experiment before return

Thinking back to the beginning of Naruto, Cheng Bin's plan was just to find a way to break through the precision of analysis of qi, explore the phenomena related to space, study the principles and background of Chakra ...

But this road soared, Cheng Bin not only achieved the expected purpose, the extra gain was far beyond imagination.

Cheng Bin couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's a long journey ... the degree to which you mix private goods is more terrifying than mixing wine into the water to sell ..."

"How deep is the water in the world where mysterious power exists? This system has repeatedly reminded you, host, do you think that the risk of other Naruto worlds will be smaller?" After speaking, the system indifferently disperses the form.

Cheng Bin gave a snoring sound, and after thinking for a while, he opened two miniature space windows and sent a piece of information to the big snake pill and the split side, which roughly explained the situation of the world to the split, and described the big snake pill. Take a look at the risks of certain development directions confirmed by Skeleton, and solidify the mind on some smart atoms in the main space for marking and communication.

He then focused his attention and continued his four-dimensional space experiment interrupted by repeated interruptions.

Come back or something, wait until he finishes the experiment at this stage.

Uh ...

Cheng Bin, who has fully adapted to the programmatic thinking mode, did not stop the experiment at hand when he received the ontology information forwarded by Bai.

At present, his spirit is mainly on large experiments in other worlds that have no opportunity or resources to do. There is also a small part of the spirit that is studying the adjustment and modification of self-algorithms.

I still have a little spirit, staying in the corner of the Ninja Federation to promote the Chakra substitution experiment and observe the changes of the Ninja Federation that is close to the second division after the Dashe Wan incident.

"This world turned out to be the corner of a high-dimensional battlefield. Chakra's situation is known ... they are also unlucky from the beginning, but the contradiction between Chakra's interference and the development of civilization will always erupt as technology advances. It ’s okay to come out. If you drag it behind, they do n’t eat dry rice ... ”

In the starry sky nearly a million light years away from the Naruto planetary system, Cheng Bin was transmitted programmatically to this side through the co-working network. He is controlling a large number of co-constructed, planet-sized instruments carefully. Advance your own experiments.

He has done a lot of experiments under White Coordination during this time, including space jumps of large-mass objects that calculate distances in light years, observations of Hawking radiation and virtual particles in the black hole horizon, exploration of the core of the galaxy and dark matter, and so on.

Although he has not exceeded the harvest of the knowledge and theory he has accumulated so far, a lot of precious data obtained under extreme experiments have obvious benefits for the enrichment and improvement of existing technical capabilities.

And now the experiment that Cheng Bin is conducting, even in this series of dangerous experiments, it seems particularly dangerous.

实验 Medium-sized black hole collision experiment.

Cheng Chengbin and Bai chose between Xinghe and cooperated with a large number of manual adjustments to find a suitable pair of experimental targets.

Experimental preparation is difficult and the experimental process is dangerous, so Cheng Bin is cautious.

After all, even if it is a body with a powerful neutron star body, if it is distorted into a hole in the space and time, it will also bring the box lunch to kneeling, let alone him who is far inferior in quality to the body. .

Although he and Bai are both in the program state and the experiment fails, they will not die, but if a lot of precious data is not collected and the astronomical space-time interferometer surrounding the experimental area is destroyed, Cheng Bin is still very painful.

He ca n’t make these things fly across the distant starry sky, and use space jump to carry these high-quality instruments. They ca n’t extract the vacuum zero point energy. They do n’t know how many co-controlled planets must be burned to make up for that huge energy. Consume.

To this end, Cheng Bin and Bai Tong worked together to simulate the entire experimental process with the greatest degree of reality based on all current knowledge, and calculated the trajectories of black holes attracting, rotating, and colliding with each other, as well as the various possibilities of space-time changes and energy bursts later.

This even made Cheng Bin and Bai overwhelmed by the endless computing resources.

However, these preparations are necessary in order to keep the device as close as possible to the detection and delay the destruction.

In addition, one of the black holes also carries an accretion disk composed of a large amount of matter rotating around it. These materials are attracted and gathered by the black hole, but due to the ultra-high density of the inner circle, a high-energy environment is formed outside the black hole. The speed of black hole absorption, on the one hand, releases a large amount of energy and ejects it along the axis of the black hole's rotation, forming a super-strong gamma-ray burst.

Jain, however, can release a terrible storm equivalent to the sum of trillions of years of solar energy in a short period of time. The energy of a single photon is hundreds of thousands of times that of ordinary sunlight.

If the calculation and deployment are not properly calculated, the surrounding instruments are estimated to have not yet waited for the collision data of the black hole, and it will be wiped out by the torrent of gamma rays.

However, this super energy can reproduce the high-energy environment about one thousandth of a second after the Big Bang. This is also another valuable data source in addition to black hole matter and space-time structure.

漫 After a long preparation and waiting, an old black hole and a newly created black hole have already approached the distance that affects their operation.

外围 On the periphery of the black hole experimental area, on a metal starship the size of a planet and loaded with various sophisticated instruments, a regular circular black space door unfolded, and Cheng Bin's body came out of the black curtain.

For this kind of experiment, he will not be absent with his imagination and his ability to observe space-time far beyond split and white.

However, even after completing a four-dimensional experiment to build a layered subspace platform, his space-time interference ability has been raised to a higher level, but the neutron star body and the anchoring movement that are comparable in quality to a small planet are unobstructed but the space-time migration is difficult All the while, telephoto all the way to millions of light-years away, Cheng Bin was tired enough, and a large amount of material stored in the space was burned out.

Wu Chengbin had to find some stars halfway to add some gas ...

But hurry up and catch up 歹 is catching up.

"Hoo ... has it started?" Cheng Bin looked at the distant sky.

外 Beyond the distance measured in light years ~ www.readwn.com ~ A dark block of starlight is approaching celestial bodies with bright spiral apertures, and the light around them has begun to distort.

But Cheng Bin knew that it was just a past image. Whether it was gravity or electromagnetic waves, it would take a long time to propagate to a safer place outside the experimental area.

However, although the integrated four-dimensional detection panorama was strongly disturbed, the approximate outlines of the two black holes approaching quickly were also fed back.

At this moment, the metal ground around Cheng Bin was raised, and the split of the human shell program was reconstructed from the co-working unit. He looked at Cheng Bin and asked, "Are you planning to return after this experiment?"

Cheng Chengbin glanced at him and smiled strangely: "Why, do you want to stay here?"

"Well, stop joking, stay in the ruins of the high-dimensional battlefield to die?" Split sighed, "But now my situation is a little bit biased compared to my original intention. What do you think of how to deal with it? Can you accept the original booking method? "

"Let's talk later ..." Cheng Bin stared intently at the terrible celestial body that seemed far away in the distance.

他 In his observation of disregarding the speed of propagation, the two black holes have begun to distort each other, and continue to accelerate in a spiral shape ...

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