Uplifting Journey

Chapter 225: Anti-cosmic conjecture and black hole ejection

Although the two black holes are attracting each other, their speed is constantly increasing, but on the astronomical scale, the slow snail crawls about the same.

It took at least a year from the observation that the black holes twisted their trajectories, that they began to approach each other spirally, and that they eroded the core areas with each other.

This is also the case where the forming position and trajectory of the new black hole are adjusted by Cheng Bin and Bai.

Fortunately, neither the programmed split nor Bai has the concept of impatience, and Cheng Bin's ontology has deep control over the operation of his own thinking. As long as he does not want to, he will never feel irritable.

And the preparation work and the pre-experimental busyness during this period have not stopped, waiting for nothing is nonexistent.

Until now, black hole collision experiments have entered the most critical stage.

At this moment, Cheng Bin was standing in the empty starry sky, and the three experimental starships constructed by Bai and Bai were floating around him in a regular triangle.

Gravitational waves from circle to circle spread from the core of the experimental area to the surroundings, which are regular gravitational waves caused by high-speed spiral entanglement of black holes.

Relying on the neutron star battle body operating at full power to interfere with time and space, Cheng Bin let the four-dimensional platform he built semi-embedded in the main space, and integrated the curvature interference of three state-of-the-art experimental starships with Nianqi as the medium.

The terrible space-time distortion near the black hole that allows light to escape can be partially smoothed under the interference of space and time dominated by Cheng Bin, or the black hole's horizon is partially inwardly recessed, allowing them to protect themselves from being violent within a very close distance to the black hole Gravitational pull into the black hole.

However, Cheng Bin's ability can not protect too many experimental starships. Except for these three, which can collect various second-hand data, the others can only be far away, waiting for several months to obtain indirect data.

The first-hand data naturally came from Cheng Bin's four-dimensional detection.

However, Cheng Bin can conduct ultra-long-range exploration, and can only obtain the general situation of the black hole. In the super-temporal space-time distortion of the core area around the black hole that subverts the current knowledge system, Cheng Bin is also obscured in front of him and can't determine anything.

But standing on the subspace platform and observing the change of the black hole corresponding to that part of space-time in the high-dimensional space from the mathematical point of view in the fourth dimension, Cheng Bin also glimpsed something.

Especially at the moment when two black holes finally collided together, Cheng Bin was the first to observe the obvious phenomenon of three-dimensional to four-dimensional changes-at the corresponding positions of the black holes, the two were twisted and twisted in the fourth dimension and finally merged. The "line" flashed away.

The reason why is called a line is because the fourth-dimensional offset distance that connects parallel subspaces to the main space is also short like a point in this extended space-time structure.

"That's it ... black holes, I didn't expect to really make a hole in time and space ... No, it can't be called a hole, this thing can't pass any matter at all, but this time and space structure continues all the way ... "

Qi Chengbin's accumulated knowledge about subspace, fourth dimension, dark matter, etc., collided and collided in his thinking. A hazy vein gradually appeared in his mind with a large amount of data and calculations.

When developing subspaces, the farther the three-dimensional main space from the fourth dimension deviates from the ground state, the more terrifying the energy and time-space interference required. Cheng Bin thought that the parallel subspaces carrying planetary systems were already the farthest-shifted batches. But I didn't expect to go higher and farther.

As far as the climbing roller coaster crosses the limit of the apex, the factors hindering the movement suddenly change and fall, and fall towards the lower side of the other side.

"There is a second stable three-dimensional ground state in one world, and the main space is like two sides of a coin ..."

Wu Chengbin immediately thought about the lack of antimatter--

According to the currently observed physical laws, in the Big Bang at the beginning of the universe, the amount of positive and antimatter should be equal. In theory, the positive and antimatter will be completely annihilated in a short time.

But the reality is that there is a lot of positive matter in the universe that forms the stars and stars, but antimatter is difficult to find. It can be seen that during the Big Bang, the amount of positive matter was greater than the amount of antimatter.

This is not in accordance with the laws of matter embodied in the universe, so where are those huge antimatters enough to completely annihilate the entire current matter of stars?

"The ground-based three-dimensional space on the other side is anti-matter space, anti-universe ..." Cheng Bin was a little excited, and the new conjecture and data model were perfectly complementary to some of the flaws in his accumulated knowledge. Dark matter and so on should be the phenomenon that the two ground state spaces interfere with each other, as well as 'Chakra' ...

"This world camouflages the kind of thing that genuine Naruto world Chakra has. The main structure should exist in the fourth dimension. Only one end should be exposed in this positive space, and the other end should be on the opposite side. It will also be destroyed by black hole-level space-time distortion. No wonder the zero-point energy can be extracted from the quantum vacuum ground state energy level ...

"... if I could cross the door between the pros and cons ..."

Although he couldn't wait to verify his conjecture and theory, Cheng Bin remained patiently in the experimental area, and waited until the various data generated before and after the black hole collision were recorded by the three starships before he discarded the starships and jumped by himself. I ran ~ www.readwn.com ~ To make a space jump on the edge of the soaring black hole horizon, Cheng Bin thought it would be very difficult. After all, the degree of time and space distortion is beyond imagination, so he mobilized all the power of the neutron star body, and his heart also Made the plan.

But unexpectedly, Cheng Bin found that within the direct influence of the black hole, it was unexpectedly easy to jump back and forth into the short-term space of the fourth dimension. The troublesome process that originally required great energy to explode and manipulate the curling dimension was simply incredible.

Curious, Cheng Bin followed the spring-like sensation and tried to jump from the black hole to the farthest point. Then he was startled by the rapidly changing time and space, and almost stopped his feet.

After waiting for Cheng Bin to stop carefully and return to the three-dimensional space, he compared the star map a little, and suddenly found that he had fallen into the position of tens of thousands of light years outside the experimental area.

Wu Chengbin immediately realized the significance of this event: "It's several levels lower in difficulty and the consumption is so small ... Can a black hole be used as a Xinghai transportation hub?"

Although the black hole ejection is currently only a one-way ticket, as long as the landing point is controlled, a astronomical fast track can be set up between the two black holes.

“I just do n’t know if it ’s okay to make a small black hole temporarily ... if it ’s feasible, as long as I find a way to create a stable and controllable black hole environment, can I easily and happily swim in the galaxy?”

Cheng Bin, who is basically unconstrained in this world, complies with his own interest and curiosity, and immediately thought of trying to try these things.

The panoramic view swept through the wide starry sky, Cheng Bin found some real positions of suitable stars, and then selected a small star that reached the end of life and teleported it.

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