Uplifting Journey

Chapter 246: I support my wife, do n’t worry about it

Want to observe and experience the deified awakening triggered by human beings, is there an auditorium closer than the first machine and 碇真嗣 which is the core of awakening?

After Xun reached an agreement with Xun Wei, who integrated into the first machine, Cheng Bin began to tamper with their mother and son.

To prevent the ubiquitous Lilith soul fragments from detecting anomalies, Cheng Bin could not simply and ruthlessly replace the core components of the awakening. After settling the mother and child's souls, he used mindfulness to simulate their previous state. .

On this basis, Cheng Bin follows the operation of the simulated soul algorithm, makes biased choices in reasonable and reasonable algorithmic choices, and transforms the simulated soul incarnation into a shape that can meet his own needs and can be manipulated arbitrarily.

Anyway, the apostolic soul and Cheng Bin ’s thoughts do not completely control the underlying matter, and it is impossible to exhaust all the changes in the algorithm. Various conditions have occurred in so many reincarnations in Yun Xun ’s memory. Although the magnitude of the change will be unrecognizable when accumulated, it does not appear to be abnormal at all.

In this way, Cheng Bin easily went on the market with a shell named EVA Initial Machine and 碇真嗣, and logically participated in the core awakening drama of this world's infinite reincarnation.

Uh ...

Compared with the apostolic soul who did not react in the slightest, the students and teachers of 碇真嗣 in the Third New Tokyo Municipal No. 1 Middle School were quite moved by his changes.

The students in this special middle school are basically the descendants of the relevant staff of the third new Tokyo fortress and the qualified EVA.

碇真嗣 was brainwashed because he saw his mother being engulfed by EVA at NERV when he was a child, and his heart has an inexplicable shadow remaining. After that, his father, Wu Yuantang, was completely focused on NERV's work. Ignore his son's existence.

In this case, 碇真嗣 who was raised and raised alone, was extremely introverted and seemed weak and lacking in social presence.

But during this time, Shinji seems to have changed a bit.

Speaking a little more, expressions are a bit richer, and more participation in competitive exercise and collective interaction seems to be because of the excitement of classmates and friends and some soul chicken soup, began to actively work to change their autism situation all day.

These gradual changes are not very conspicuous. Everyone naturally adapts to the changes of Shinji. At most, they only occasionally recall the joke of the past, "it's almost like a person."

The teachers at Xizhong Middle School were very happy with this and provided a lot of help for the change of Shinji.

However, there are some noises in an organization that has been monitoring and protecting all potential drivers, because the human beings complete the religious connotation of the spiritual awakening, and apparently will participate in the EVA first machine. The scheduled drivers have obvious psychological defects for them. Language is more in line with demand.

However, after all, there is no solid theoretical basis for this kind of thing, and 嗣 真嗣 's father 堂 源 堂 is the commander-in-chief of NERV and a competent officer of SEELE. Considering his attitude, he cannot interfere with others because of such unreliable things. Son.

碇 Shinji's original introverted and autistic mentality looks like they are too lazy to change it, but people have become active because they drank a few sips of chicken soup in the soul ... and there is no need to do anything special for this.

In this case, 碇真嗣, who consciously lives brighter and brighter, took the first step that was taken for granted but deviated from the script.

The third new Tokyo underground NERV headquarters, built in a huge pyramid at the bottom of the hollow, in the independent office of the commander-in-chief.

"Who allowed him over?"

He maintained the posture of holding the elbows on the table and crossing his hands to cover half of his face. Wu Yuantang, who was in front of the commander's table, felt a headache looking at the latest news.

"A child wants to talk to his father who doesn't care about his family. Is there any problem? I heard that he came with the advice and help of the school teacher."

Dongyue next to her sister smiled and said, "Did you not leave him a NERV access card at the beginning? I remember that the authority was not low. It seems that the child has come out of the debris pile."

Wu Yuantang said indifferently after a moment of silence: "... drive him back."

"Don't be so ruthless?"

Dongyue shook her head. Compared to Wuyuantang, who seemed indifferent, he really liked this uncle's child. It was Aiwu and Wu: "Moreover, the time for the apostles to strike was approaching, and Li could not exert the true power of the first machine. If anything happens, is it really okay for an inexperienced driver to temporarily enter the pilot machine?

"If we lose the first battle, even if we survive in the end, I am afraid that the support of SEELE will be greatly reduced, and other organizations and the army are not easy to explain, and asked them to pin their hopes on an untrained 14-year-old He's really shameful. "

"... If you let Shinji get used to it in advance, when driving EVA to fight with the apostles, his mental stimulation is not intense enough to cause Yu Wei's reaction?"

Yu Yuantang, who was a little hesitant, paused afterwards and whispered: "In the final analysis, we have not directly confirmed whether 碇 wei in the first machine retained consciousness in the past ten years."

At least, Xun Wei in the first machine had no response to his husband.

Wu Dongyue sighed. If Yun Wei in the first machine did not react at all to her child's upheaval, their plan would be basically bankrupt.

In the EVA access experiment ten years ago, after Yu Wei was swallowed by the first EVA machine, Wu Yuantang began to look for a way to see him again after remorse.

Eventually, he proposed the Human Completion Plan, which was eventually approved and implemented by members of the SEELE organization, whose life span was close to the limit and depended on mechanical maintenance, and became an unknown part of the Apostolic Resistance Plan.

But SEELE ’s human completion plan is to make people return to Lilith. The soul is merged and complemented to form a complete and unified super life body, but the true purpose of Wu Yuantang is not the same. He hopes that he and Yun Wei can still be independent individuals. Meet each other.

Therefore, let the awakening of the first machine that incorporates Wei Wei, and himself fused with Adam as the key, to control the final choice of the deification and awakening, to reunite with Wu Wei and to become a **** and realize the original dream of Wu Wei ——

The next day, moon, and stars will die, and humans reach eternity through EVA.

This is doomed that Wu Yuantang will betray SEELE and compete for the key of God at the final moment.

Prior to this, Wuyuantang and SEELE had the same goal-to eliminate all apostles except Adam and Lilith, otherwise the plans on both sides could not be realized. Active apostles would pollute all humans The human soul usurps into the key of God.

However, it was not an accident that the original access experiment occurred in 碇 Wei ...

Dongyue glanced at Yuanyuantang. He was asked by his disciple, Weiwei, not to tell the truth of Wuyuantang too early. She volunteered to integrate into EVA, in order to be in the world ruled by SEELE, a strong religious organization. Grab the key to deification.

Although 化 Wei's ontology has disappeared into LCL, in theory, if I have a strong will, it is possible to change back from LCL.

So We are confident and have a high probability of retaining some consciousness in the first machine.

让 "Let Shinji sit on the first phone and see his synchronization rate with the first phone. You should also be able to confirm a lot of problems. You can't see him forever, right?"

Dong Yue, who knows Wu Yuantang very well, smiled. He knew that Wu Yuantang had shaken when he knew that his child came to talk to him. Although he treated his son coldly for various reasons in the past, this did not mean that he would Has no feelings for his son.

Wu Yuantang just felt that in a menacing game involving the apostles and SEELE, the son was too close to be exploited and hurt, and felt helpless because of long periods of non-contact.

This is awesome, just give it a step ...

Dong Yue, who was slightly touched by unknown forces, quickly persuaded Wu Yuantang, who was interfered by the same forces, so Yu Zhenxi met her father who had been away from home for many years.

After more than ten years of speaking, the father and son, who had not spoken a few words, had a dispute and confrontation, and soon reached an understanding under the coordination of Dongyue.

碇 Zhen 积极, who has recently been optimistic and optimistic, said that he finally understood the importance and greatness of his father's work related to human survival and forgiveness for his behavior of disregarding his family.

After learning some of the truth about EVA from Wuyuantang and Dongyue, I knew that the work related to the survival of mankind actually has his own copy of 碇真嗣, and was nervously and curiously led by the EVA qualified person's boss and war minister Gecheng Miri Go down to visit EVA.

They soon received 碇真嗣 's response to the first EVA machine.

碇真嗣 agreed to drive the first EVA machine, and the reason given by him made Wu Yuantang's heart tremble-this robot has a very kind feeling.

"Are you only responding?" Dongyue smiled. "It seems that the induction between mother and child is more reliable than the experimental data ..."

Wu Yuantang hummed softly: "I hope he can maintain his current attitude after seeing the enemy."

Uh ...

The pilot training plan for the first machine was put on the agenda, which made many NERV staff relieved. After all, their base now has two available EVAs, the zero machine and the first machine. If the EVA can be started at the same time, the combat power will be doubled immediately. This is of course a good thing.

The school invited Hiroshima, who was on an irregular holiday, and was hit by a large head of Ge Chengmi, and he started to read and learn the dictionary-related EVA driving knowledge and regulations.

一段 时间 After a period of theoretical study and targeted body adjustment, and after several more simulation cabin tests, 碇真嗣 was finally allowed to perform the actual driving control of EVA.

The cockpit insertion plug was transformed from No. 0 mode for Li Boli to the new No. 1 mode. The exposed hole in the neck of the EVA initial machine was opened slowly, and then the fixing device was retracted, and the insertion plug completely entered the EVA body. The neck armor was closed and closed.

The light in the cockpit that has not been fully connected to the EVA startup is dimmed. Through the LCL solution filled with plugs to obtain oxygen and other dimensions of biomass, he really tried to calm his nervousness. He followed the staff's instructions step by step, and soon The cockpit suddenly brightened, and the berthing area seen from the perspective of the first aircraft refreshed all around.

The sensory nerve access of EVA is completed, the next step is to wait for the release of the fixed device, and start to synchronize the neural connection to control the EVA to act ...

I was thinking about the true steps of the planning steps, but at this moment I heard a helpless complaint that seemed to be close to my ears-"It's really troublesome to finally come in ..."


碇真嗣 has not responded yet, immediately lost his consciousness.

At this moment, a few exclaimed sounds from the busy staff in the EVA command hall constantly reporting various test data-

同 "Similarly, the synchronization rate fluctuates greatly! The peak value is close to 95%." "The depth of the insertion bolt has increased abnormally!" "The mental state of the driver has changed dramatically!"

People suddenly became nervous, but after repeated verifications, they found that the condition of the first machine was still under control, the specific operation of inserting the plug was not blocked, and the abnormal situation seemed to be quickly recovering.

Seeing this, Wu Yuantang, who was sitting at the commander's position, was slightly lifted by the corner of his mouth. When he wanted to come, this should be the response of Wei Wei to his child, which shows that Wei Wei was in the first machine. The situation is better than expected.

But in fact, what happened in the first machine was completely different from what he thought. His wife and son were long transferred by Cheng Bin to raise him, and then replaced it with chanting simulation. What happened in the first machine was not mother and son. V. Deep affection, but Cheng Bin's radical soul transformation.

"Under the environment of the first machine ~ www.readwn.com ~ The contact between the soul of Xi Wei and Ji Zhenzhen is quite large. Compared with the little bit of guidance, this kind of spiritual contact information explosion is convenient to transform. "

Cheng Chengbin intervened little by little with people who were related to Zhenzhen, and sent him to the first machine as soon as possible, for this purpose.

Even though Zhenzhen is the avatar he simulated with mind, but he does not want to cause the apostle to react, this avatar must follow the normal trajectory life. If he wants to use this avatar of human identity to change and test something, Cheng Bin must find one. From the head, he is reasonable and reasonable into a behavioral logic that conforms to his needs and is easy to manipulate.

Shinji entered the first machine, and a wonderful chemical reaction occurred in contact with the mother's soul. The personality of the entire person changed significantly and some strange information was known ... Physically, it is completely in line with the algorithm laws of the two, although The probability of this happening is relatively small, well, it is very small ...

After a round of rapid transformation according to the preset, the consciousness of the soul incarnation 碇真嗣 is back online.

It seems that a lot of 碇真嗣 was calm and silent in the blink of an eye. Cooperating with the staff outside, he carried out several comprehensive inspections of the first machine, but eventually failed to find the cause of the previous abnormality.

Under the order of Wu Yuantang, this matter has been revealed.

However, the scheduled EVA exercise test can only be temporarily suspended. The research department is prepared to let the driver exit the first machine and stop it to check the changes of the first machine carefully.

But at this moment, the harsh alarm sounded throughout the base.

Received news along the emergency channel, people at NERV couldn't help it--

I waited for more than ten years and the apostle finally came.

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