Uplifting Journey

Chapter 247: Reincarnation memory interface and random crushing

For more than ten years, most humans have forgotten the tragic scene of the second shock.

However, the third new Tokyo city is somewhat different from the residents associated with NERV. This city, which has been basically under military control, will suddenly conduct evacuation exercises from time to time.

A very efficient evacuation system that has been run in, those residential buildings that act as defensive turrets, and a large number of troops and weapons distributed around the city ...

None of these are a reminder to the inhabitants of this city that you live in a fortress at the forefront of the war.

现在 And now, the war that has been waiting for more than ten years has finally arrived.

大量 A large number of tanks parked along the highway, rocket launcher arrays on distant plains, suspended firepower aircraft ...

的 The cutting-edge killing weapons created by countless humans have poured endless firepower into the tall figures that entered the city.

That is a black monster that is tens of meters high, with slender limbs, broad shoulders, and square, with a red spherical core in the center of the body.

Various artillery shells, rockets, and missiles intertwined together to form a dense trajectory, but smashed into a large flame on the invisible barrier of the monster's body on Monday. The aftermath wiped out all nearby buildings, but even the stagnant monster was instantaneous. Can't do it.

"Human weapons are really powerless before the AT force scene ..."

碇 Yuan Yuantang, who was sitting in the command center's own position, glanced at the other side of the military officer who was anxiously staring at the huge display screen in front.

Jain is the chief boss of the army around the fortress city. Although the establishment of NERV represents a consensus on how to fight against the apostles, and there are a lot of human research data on apostles, it is clear that many people do not believe in evil.

It is not very realistic for them to pin their hopes on the large humanoid weapon EVA, which looks like a toy, without trying the various weapons that human beings are proud of.

But ... the firepower is money. Every second of the money can renovate the NERV headquarters, but now it is doing useless work, if it is used as NERV funds ...

But in the end, it can be proven that the significance of EVA is not too bad.

After seeing the N2 mines buried on the apostle's course, they were detonated close to each other. After the main screen of the hall lost the signal due to strong electromagnetic radiation, Wu Yuantang ignored the soldiers who turned back to protest against him, but looked down. Have a look at the current combat readiness of the first aircraft.

Uh ...

In the control room of the EVA parking area, Gecheng Miri hung the phone on the console and breathed a sigh of relief: "The plan was changed, and the apostle stepped on the N2 landmine. It is said that the station is currently in a state of self-repair. Time for more preparation. "

Ryuko Aki, chief researcher who dropped the coffee cup next to him, drew his short blond hair: "Don't you chase?"

"Are you kidding me with this?" Misaki squinted at her friend. "The strength of the AT field hasn't weakened in any way. I don't think the apostle is doing repair but adaptive evolution."

"Master Gecheng."

The first EVA machine that was released from combat is inserted into the bolt, and 碇真嗣 is sitting in the driver's seat wearing a black and white tights that can adjust the body to increase the synchronization rate.

After looking at the video recording of the attack on the apostles, he recalled the thick EVA-related instructions and asked with some doubt: "Isn't the AT force field unable to be broken by conventional weapons? How did the apostles get hurt? ? "

"Yes, just call me Miri many times."

The elder young woman Gecheng Miri turned over the report and sighed: "The N2 mine was detonated directly under the apostle's feet, and it is not possible to confirm whether the apostle opened the AT force field below ...

"But in theory, enough energy can bend the space and time to break through the phase offset for AT force field defense. The energy density in the core area of ​​the N2 mine explosion should barely be able to do this, but it is only a short-term, small-scale realization. . "

Akagi Ryoko next to Misaki chuckled: "You explain relativity to a middle school student ..."

Ignoring her ridicule, Gecheng Misato glanced at the first EVA machine that moved deeper along the transportation platform to the underground, and continued to say to Shinji.

"Don't expect to defeat the apostle by N2. As far as its performance is concerned, unless the N2 equivalent is enough to blow up the NERV headquarters together with half a small island country and let the earth be shielded by the explosion dust into the Ice Age, there is no such hope We still have to rely on you, Shinji. "

"... I try my best."

I heard the calm voice from the first machine, Gecheng Misato and Ryoko Akagi looked at each other and walked towards the elevator shaft together.

"It's true that I adapt very quickly. I thought children would be awkward ..." Entering the elevator and pressing the button to the EVA experimental test layer, Miri said with emotion.

"After all, the synchronization rate was close to 100% at one time," he knew more about than Miri, and smiled at Yui's well-known Ryoko. "He and the first machine accidentally matched."

"No matter how good it fits ... letting teenagers enter the battlefield, we adults are really disqualified."

After a few words of effort, the two arrived at the expansive EVA test area on the lower level of the parking area. When they entered the experimental observation room, the first machine also descended into position along the track.

真嗣 The first time you sit on EVA, you have to face actual combat. In an emergency, many problems can only be ignored for the time being. Everyone immediately under the auspices of Ryoko started the most critical EVA experience tests.

First of all, sports.

The mechanical bolts fixed by the towering armor extended by EVA's shoulders were rotated and exited. The upper body of the EVA's first machine sinked slightly, and it had gained freedom of movement.

After connecting the senses to the motor nerves, Shinji noticed that his induction of his body was secondary, but the feeling of the other body became clear and delicate, which was the huge body of the first EVA machine.

Raised his wrist tentatively and grasped a large purple hand that could easily knead a person into a meat sauce. Shinji began to conduct targeted movements of various body parts under the command of the observation room.

The operation of EVA is not very complicated. Many steps can be replaced by "thinking" under the neural connection.

After confirming that there is no problem with free movement, the first machine stopped and walked in a circle, and began to test more critical AT force field operations.

Looking at the blurred color light curtain in the shape, range and intensity smoothly changing in front of the first machine, Rizi revealed an incredible expression of emotion and sighed:

"The synchronization rate between Shinji and No. 1 is hovering around 80%. The first actual operation can move so smoothly. It is perfect and unimaginable ... Compared to him, the second qualified person The data of the mixed prodigy are not enough ... "

"This is a good thing, isn't it?" Miri's gaze at the first machine was quite comforting.

She is the only survivor who hit the Antarctic research base for the second time. The inner scar and her father ’s last will make her full of enthusiasm for destroying the apostle to prevent the third shock. Of course she was very happy that the first machine performed so well.

He shook his head at the other side of Ryoko—good thing? The deeper Shinji synchronizes with the first machine, the greater the possibility that the body will run away or even awaken. It may not be a good thing now that the apostle attack has just begun.

Under crowds of people with different minds, the first EVA machine completed a round of testing of the core combat elements, and then a micro vibration was transmitted here.

"The apostle has begun ..." Miri took a deep breath after seeing the latest news, "... the military just launched a remote N2 projectile to try to attack, but this time the N2 projectile did not even wipe the apostle's skin. broken."

"Are there targeted measures? Apostles ... are they really wise?" Ryoko nodded, and then methodically instructed the EVA test staff to finish the work, so that the first machine returned to the transportation platform.

I glanced at the first machine that was rising obliquely upwards along the track, and Misato turned to the elevator leading to the combat command room: "Is EVA's first battle ... really, come on."

Uh ...

Along with the roar of the atmosphere, a dazzling cross beam of light rose from the ground, several buildings evaporated directly, and countless building fragments were flying around.

The apostle, who was called the Water Angel in the description of the Dead Sea instrument, blasted a cross cannon straight through eight layers of defensive armor that could theoretically withstand N2 bombs, causing a severe earthquake.

Know that NERV currently has only a dozen defense layers! This meant that the apostles only needed two or three shells to penetrate through the safety shell they used to think the defense was exaggerated to overflow.

初 The first EVA machine, which was highly anticipated by some flustered people, is now rising towards the surface city along the high-speed ejection channel.

碇 Zhen Zhen, who was lying in the driver's seat, was calm and calm, but his eyes were confused.

Since sitting on the EVA, he found that his spirit became abnormal, and many scattered pictures kept tumbling in his mind, making him often unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

这些 In these pictures, he saw a lot of unknown meanings, and also saw some information intertwined with reality——

Including the apostle who will be met later, he knows that the thing looks slender, but the limb can expand at any time to burst out a powerful force, and the substantial light gun extended from the palm can penetrate the armor of EVA ... and even explode .. .

In addition to these things that seem to have experienced him, what he saw most was his mother, the violent first machine, and one, no, many blue short-haired girls ...

碇 Shinji murmured silently: "Mom ... 绫 波丽 ..."

Cheng Bin, who was in the first machine with an unnameable attitude, looked at this scene with interest. When he used the reason of Shinji to contact Weiwei to remake the algorithm of mining Shinji's soul, he found that Shinji is really like last time. Kaoru discovered that there were some abnormal associations and similarities with him.

The concrete manifestation is that Cheng Bin discovered the hidden interface of Shinji, which is used to receive recurrent memory.

This is very interesting ... Cheng Bin checked the situation of other human beings and found that everyone else does not have this kind of thing, and the apostle soul is not good enough to touch him for the time being.

After thinking about it, Cheng Bin distorted his consciousness by designating the real pieces of information for other reincarnation, which greatly promoted the progress of the transformation.

After completing a stage of transformation, Cheng Bin couldn't help but sigh: "Even without complete relevant memories, I can still make the correct decision required ... This feeling is slightly reflected in Shinji, and it is still much more Experiment. "

初 After the first machine stopped at the end of the track through the ground isolation gate, 碇真嗣 looked at the apostle exactly like his own impression through the eyes of EVA, and his expression became a little subtle and dim.

Messy shards of memory are encircled in Shinji's mind, but he feels so incomparably awake, an inexplicable feeling fills his mind, allowing him to understand what he should do without much thought.

He mastered the first machine and left the fixed track flexibly and flexibly. He really stared at him and seemed to be watching his apostle. He turned a deaf ear to the command of Miri from the communication system and walked towards the apostle step by step.

Grab it ... eat it! In this way, he can know what the messy information that comes to mind means.

At this moment, the people in the command center suddenly noticed that the data of the first aircraft that had not yet engaged in the familiar changes, the driver synchronization rate directly topped 100%, and the depth of the plug connection exceeded the warning line.

More importantly, the plug that provided the power behind the first machine was pulled by one hand and thrown aside. A five-minute countdown flashed on the main screen of the command center-that is the maximum time limit for the first machine after losing external power .

"It's too dangerous! What are you doing !?"

碇真嗣 looked at the roaring Gecheng Misato in the driver ’s side picture, he sighed and interrupted the communication: "Sorry ..."

Wu Yuantang, Dongyue and Rizi in the command room frowned at the same time. They knew that the so-called five-minute power supply was not used to support the EVA activity. The power of EVA lies in the flesh and blood of the apostles, and the external power supply ...

In fact, is to support some of the seemingly armored EVA body, which is essentially a restraint device that suppresses the power of EVA.

Now 碇真嗣, whose synchronization rate has reached its peak, can fully exert the true power of EVA. He also unplugged the power ...

Under the absence of a clear order from Commander Wu Yuantang ~ www.readwn.com ~ The command center personnel who used to be logistics, auxiliary control, and tactical support can only watch the EVA initial machine approaching the apostle unhurriedly.

The water angel's mask-like face was aimed at the first machine, and a dazzling light flashed through the two holes in his face. A cross cannon blasted close to the body of the first machine, and the aftermath tore three blocks into a huge one. moat.

However, the first machine step out of the sea without change, the powerful AT force field obscures the space around it, leaving it unscathed.

The angel of the water raised his hands, and the elbow-like part turned into a light blade, and then suddenly contracted from the palm of the hand to the head of the first machine.

碇 Shinji's confused mind, a picture suddenly deepened-that's how he was stabbed by the water angel when he drove the first machine, his head was pierced directly.

Right eye to the back of the head seemed to have phantom pain, Shinji 嗣 right eye slightly froze, the multilayer AT force field behind the initial fuselage flashed away, and suddenly accelerated forward.

A giant tens of meters tall wrapped in a colorful light curtain smashed the air, and suddenly caused a horrible sonic boom in the city. Large pieces of cars and building fragments were torn off like paper.

The piercing light gun suddenly collapsed, and the polygonal light curtain in front of the water angel burst instantly.

I didn't have time to respond at all. The water angel was held by the EVA's first machine while holding his head and rammed into the mountain peaks outside the city. His limbs collapsed and exploded in the blink of an eye.

He grabbed his head and lifted the water angel who had lost his ability to resist. The mouth of the first machine that was sealed by armor suddenly opened, revealing his huge teeth.

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