Uplifting Journey

Chapter 262: Infinite Light and World-Class Attack

Uplifting Journey 262, Chapter 262 Infinite Light and World-Class Attack-567 When Samuel left the world not long before--

Cheng Bin sent away the soul information, which was analyzed over and over again n times by Adam or Xun Xun. Before sorting and analyzing this information, he slightly divided his thoughts and adjusted the previously recorded data of the twelve-wing demon body of the Samer demon. Come out and take a closer look.

It is not difficult for Cheng Bin at this moment to reproduce Samuel's demon body without too much technology that can be used independently. After all, the boundary between neutron star and quark star is not so obvious. The two are only numerical. There is a certain difference in quantity, not to the extent of qualitative change.

The most important difference between the neutron star battle body and the Samar demon body is that when Cheng Bin originally designed the neutron star battle body, in order to achieve its self-maintenance function from imagination, many internal and spatial complexity were built in the internal design. The functional module, and Samuel's solid body, is maintained by the rigid pinch of the interference force transformed by authority.

For Cheng Bin who now relies on mindfulness to maintain a four-dimensional state, the self-maintenance of the neutron star body from mindfulness is not so important, so after he learned the details of the construction and use of Samuel ’s body, he was divided. Some new versions of the quark warfare, which are purely supported by the four-dimensional mind, have emerged as ports for walking in three-dimensional space.

Several humanoid celestial bodies hovering around the edge of the black hole are moving around in positive and negative space, while dealing with the aftermath of world-scale ethnic warfare, while gathering small eva angels transformed by humans back into human form, coordinating their relationship with the apostles along the way.

Within the apostolic civilization, there was some controversy over the handling of defeated angels or humans.

There is no such thing as blood vengeance. The more rationalized apostles believe that the other party is just a puppet tool manipulated by Samer, and they do not intend to be angry because of past events, but this does not mean that they are willing to let humanity pass.

Some apostles believe that it can be seen in the summarized Samir related information that the existence of human beings will increase the probability that high-dimensional life related to human beings will notice this world, let alone that these humans are Saami Myrt made it, and it can be used as a standard, and I don't know if there are any hidden dangers.

So they suggested erasing all the angelic humans who lived until the end of the war, or transforming them into life forms that the apostolic civilization now ignores races, in order to avoid potential risks and possible future for Samuel.

There are also some apostles who believe that this is meaningless. Samael is deeply connected with humans, but it does not require humans to invade any world with intelligent life at any time. It is said that this genocide cannot touch Samael. Seoul's sinful authority or the sensitive nerves of a high-dimensional human.

Hearing these less intense debates within the apostles, he just rubbed out a high imitation solar system, and Cheng Bin, who settled the earth before the second impact of humankind, was a bit stunned.

If civilization and race are destroyed because of the possibility of causing high-dimensional malice, what is the difference between this behavior and the black moon that suddenly came to the earth and wiped out the blue star in the zero world?

The humans on the earth are not closed, audiovisual or ignorant. Although they lost the vacuum energy agreement, the angelic constitution left them much stronger than the original ecology. The form of living has completely changed to the appearance of the cosmic race, and they One or two of them were burned by the reincarnation memories accumulated in their souls when they regained human form, and most of them instantly got rid of low-level tastes.

A part of human beings headed by Yun Wei wanted to abandon the body and join the apostolic civilization, and a part of people represented by Xun Xun wanted to allow humans to develop freely. Because of the origin of Cheng Bin and the absence of competition for resources, the negotiation between the apostles and humans was reluctant. Fairly harmonious, without **** directly.

Coordinating Cheng Bin, who temporarily put the issue aside, turned his attention to the four-dimensional ontology, and based on the trace information obtained from Adam's soul, he pushed back the specific process of the advent of Samer.

When Adam came out of negative space, the apostle civilization only had theoretical guesses about the positive space environment and had no actual knowledge. Therefore, Adam was transformed into an information state and parasitized in a special training cabin.

However, just arrived in positive space, and still in the breeding chamber, the egg of chaotic matter, Adam, who was waiting for a logical matter structure suitable for the positive space environment to appear in a random collision, was cut off by Samuel.

At that time, Samer interfered with Adam ’s soul information, created a second personality and split the chaotic eggs, slowly lit up Lilith, guided both sides to land on the earth, and then slowly weaved his own body after constructing specific physical forms according to the spiritual body. Interference force converter.

From this whole process, we can see a problem-when Samal first entered the world, except for the scope of his own authority, he did not have the specific observation and interference capabilities of the low-dimensional material world.

Otherwise, it just finds some material transformation authority, and can it just pinch a low-dimensional advent body out of thin air? Why split a portion of Adam's incubator and slowly reshape it?

Samael's world invasion process reminded Cheng Bin of those problems when the system was originally boarded.

What did the system say at the time?

The system and the terminal behind it are clearly high-dimensional existence, but they know nothing about the laws of the low-dimensional material world as the cornerstone, and they need to learn and explore slowly.

Combined with the operation process of Samuel's authority and thoughts, we can generally describe the "normal" demon standing in the high-dimensional world, and look at the low-dimensional material world from outside the world. Picture-

That is mostly a chaotic, dark and unknowable appearance. Just like when Cheng Bin had just built a four-dimensional warfare body, only thought can bring a little light.

So for Samer at the time, even if it had experienced many similar worlds on the physical level, it had mastered some knowledge and technology, but the whole low-dimensional world was completely the same except for the thing lit by authority. Smearing Chaos.

It can do nothing until it expands the light from that point of authority into a low-dimensional perception and interference system that it controls.

The obvious fault between the low-dimensional material world and the high-dimensional life is the price of taking shortcuts to increase the dimension.

Then again, what is the authority of Nianqi?

Cheng Bin sorted out the associated memories.

The system's initial interpretation of Nian Qi was that the inner world superimposed Cheng Bin's soul on countless world lines to form a high-dimensional information body. Subsequently, in the only dominant zero-world, Cheng Bin uploaded his soul activity to his high-dimensional information body. Then, a high-dimensional information body automatically performs a high-dimensional interference based on Cheng Bin's cognition.

This high-dimensional information body sounds like he has been upgraded, but after thinking about it, Cheng Bin determined that the thing should be expanded in the world line zero of many world matrices. It is highly overlapping and currently he does not perceive it. To your own extra part.

Simply put, Cheng Bin in these extra world matrices completely synchronizes with Cheng Bin in the first world matrix, so he can gather a little power to do something, which is out of the world matrix with the subjective consciousness and interferes with the true of all low-dimensional self. There is still a big difference in high-dimensional life.

Judging from the generation and operation of this idea, the content of the authority of the idea is very complicated. The foundation is the core of thinking of Cheng Bin, the main low-dimensional individual. Whenever the low-dimensional world is illuminated by Cheng Bin ’s cognition, Thoughts can interfere at will.

If the thought is really something of the same quality as authority, Samer said that his complexity is really correct, at least Cheng Bin could not find a word that is as simple and general as Samer.

I just don't know if keeping this trend going to the high-dimensional world, can the mind full light up the entire low-dimensional world.

After sorting out a lot of information obtained along the way, after carefully studying the current four-dimensional form of the soul and mind, Cheng Bin's understanding of his next path and the new ability of mind to awaken when constructing the neutron star body. The shape has a bottom in mind.

However, if that ability is really consistent with what he expected, the risk of using it will be a bit difficult to predict, and it seems that it will continue to be put on hold for a long time.

"The next research plan still has to continue to try to go deeper into the bottom of the material and break through layers like quark gluons, until I really find out the relationship between matter and time and space and unify the four basic forces. There is no way for Qi to delve into four-dimensional space ... "

However, to explore at a deeper level, the script that can be used for reference is a bit difficult to choose. Either there is too little information or too many contradictions. The risk is difficult to estimate, and he has no clue about the hidden things behind the script and the starting point of his own research. It seems that it is not enough to rely on human fantasy scripts to match ...

Maybe, he should go and explore some worlds whose worldview is far from the norm ...

As Cheng Bin pondered the plan after his return, the lowness of disregarding the senses and language murmured in the hearts and minds of all intelligent life except him--

"... God said," Let there be light ... "

Cheng Bin did not respond at the beginning, because his four-dimensional ontology did not hear this sentence, and the quark warfare walking outside were all tools without thinking structure.

But humans, the apostles, and Bai's abnormal reactions at the same time aroused his alertness.

Cheng Bin immediately connected to the apostolic civilization's information network connecting the entire world, received their immediate feedback, and obtained whispering data in all languages ​​including human beings.

"Not good ..."

In just five words, it is the most well-known sentence in the classics of the Cross, and of course Cheng Bin knows what this means--

The "lord" behind Samaire noticed the world, but he didn't know if it was reported by Samuel or the Lord himself came to see it ...

Under the warning of Cheng Bin, the apostle civilization immediately put down everything at hand, and quickly restored the war operation system that had just ended.

Cheng Bin himself was fully alert, and the four-dimensional mindfulness filled the whole world under his control. Although the mindfulness power was not enough to pry the entire starry sky, it was no problem to keep monitoring.

After confirming that there was no problem with the retreat on the return run, Cheng Bin secretly speculated on the possible appearance of the enemy-he did not think that the guys who played in this way would come to make friends.

According to the process of whispering, most of the newcomer's authority is also lit on the level of wisdom and life spirit, which is similar to the type of Samuel, and in terms of tone, content and person, it may not necessarily be the one The Lord itself ...

However, the development of things is far more sinister than Cheng Bin's prediction.

That sentence is nothing more than a greeting, a positioning, an introduction.

After murmuring, in the tense alertness of life throughout the world, in a place far beyond the world, a ray of "light" authority extended in a country that cannot be described by low-dimensional common sense, and the world was found according to its positioning, and Infiltrated from a totally different angle from Samuel's authority.

Inexplicable changes occur simultaneously throughout the world.

Cheng Bin, who focused on observing the spiritual changes of all intelligent life, suddenly lost all of his own three-dimensional space ports—

Those quark warfare collapsed without warning, either collapsed into a black hole or exploded into a dazzling light ball.

At the same time, Cheng Bin ’s mood monitoring began to appear in the shadows of blockbusters, and soon the whole world became unfamiliar, Cheng Bin once again returned to a four-dimensional initial state where it was difficult to identify outside conditions.

Cheng Bin hesitated and quickly checked the four-dimensional warfare body without any abnormality, and determined that he was not affected. Then, what was disturbed was the idea to identify the three-dimensional space, or ... the three-dimensional space itself had a problem.

With the black screen obscuring the entire field of vision, Cheng Bin noticed the only thing left in the three-dimensional space that could be identified by thought.

It was the gravitational monsters who folded their bodies in time and space and thoughts worked in time and space. Cheng Bin ’s previous thoughts of monitoring all the changes in the spirit of intelligent life and these offspring of these imaginary forces remained in contact.

Cheng Bin asked the leader of the gravitational monster who inherited the name of Xu Li through the mind module to interfere with the gravitational monster's perception module: "What happened outside?"

After the third generation of virtual power was silent for a while, Cheng Bin heard a low echo on his gravitational wave language output module: "light ... only light ..."

Cheng Bin's heart was cold, and at the same time, various kinds of detection data were sent by the gravitational strange.

Using the data provided by Xu Li, Cheng Bin recalibrated the relevant formula for recognizing three-dimensional space in four-dimensional mind-breathing—this kind of association is changing dynamically every moment.

After adapting to the changes, Cheng Bin constructed a gravitational shell in a positive three-dimensional space, and finally saw the changes of the world with his own eyes through the gravitational detection module ~ www.readwn.com ~ The endless rays of light are constantly generated and annihilated from the void. Formed a sea of ​​electromagnetic energy filling the space.

Subtle distortions occur at the micro-scale of the deep layer of matter. All normal matter cannot maintain shape. Only abnormal materials such as electrons and photons can maintain a short-lived existence before annihilation.

Gravity detection cannot directly see the specific reaction process of microscopic matter, but through macro calculations, Cheng Bin can also detect what is happening—

The zero point of vacuum can have an endless explosion at every point in the universe, and unstable fluctuations occur based on the electromagnetic strength of matter ...

No wonder the quark terminal was completely destroyed the first time the change occurred. This heavyweight material collapsed the fastest when the foundation was shaken ...

"It's really hard to imagine," Cheng Bin's helpless sigh found the unknown excitement, "It actually distorts the physical constants ... this guy's authority is solidified on the three basic forces related to matter? And Samuel Not a level at all ... "

Under the impact of the light that has spread throughout the world, in a short period of time, in addition to the endless light, this world has only Cheng Bin who exists in the four-dimensional space, and a few who have no need to rely on matter and fortunately reluctantly survive the upheaval. Gravitational blame that keeps time and space shape from collapsing.

Either apostolic civilization, human beings, or stars have completely disappeared in this endless light.

I don't know if the other party feels that he has achieved his goal, Cheng Bin hasn't seen the second such world-class super blow.

But the positive space has begun to accelerate at a terrible speed, and the negative space has condensed to a terrible density close to the black hole.

In the case of vacuum zero can be drawn crazy, even if the opponent does not continue to shoot, the end of this world is coming.

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