Uplifting Journey

Chapter 263: Big tear and singularity collapse, terminal experiment and regression

未知 The unknown forces that distorted the physical constants of the entire world and evoked the zero-point energy of the vacuum quickly faded.

However, even though the electromagnetic strength, which is the foundation of matter, has restored stability, the world can no longer carry any natural matter.

After being pushed by the ocean of light, the process of reincarnation between positive and negative three-dimensional space suddenly jumped a lot.

The dark energy diffused in the positive space is rising exponentially every minute, and the force of space-time expansion and tear is enough to dismantle the proton structure. The entire star is becoming thinner and thinner, and it is evolving toward the real nothingness.

Negative space has crossed the limit of density. At this moment, it is completely caught in the unobservable darkness. A world-scale super black hole is merging, and everything in space and time is collapsing toward the infinitely small unique singularity.

The end of the world is here.

Before the apostles searched for a way out for civilization, although the cosmic environment became worse as the end came, there were still billions of years before the real end.

Now, the lifespan of this world has come to an end. According to the space-time scale of the subject of positive space, the remaining time may be less than seven days.

After completing the exploration and analysis of all aspects of the world, Cheng Bin maintained the stability of the gravitational monster's shell in the expansion and distortion of space and time, and found the surviving imaginary force them.

At the moment, the third generation of virtual power has led the remaining compatriots to develop a new version of the gravitational shell suitable for the current harsh environment, and has started to produce a large number of conjugate seeds, creating a legacy that is not rampant and possesses true wisdom. Offspring.

Cheng Bin looked at the little gravitational monsters who were scrambling everywhere and kept busy.

The world is about to perish ... Although these new lives depend on inheritance and do n’t have enough experience to cultivate their unique personality, they are also intelligent lives. After they are born, they face real despair. Ok?

Cheng Bin's body exudes gravitational fluctuations meaning sigh.

"Don't underestimate us," the third-generation virtual force teleported to Cheng Bin, and the extremely complicated gravitational monster communicated directly with Cheng Bin. "It's you, are you sure?"

"In this kind of rebirth, the four-dimensional framework of the world's main body has not been affected, even if it has evolved to the last juncture ... you know that I am an outsider like Samer, at least there is no problem in survival.

"That's good," Xu Zhili anchored a sub-space transfer in the vicinity, quite a little booby, "with you at least, at least our civilized heritage information and these precious experimental data can be retained in the end ... .

"If one day you can solve the threats of the so-called upper-world gods and demons, find a place to regenerate our civilization ... No, if we can resurrect our civilization on the battlefield of gods and demons, and make a way forward for intelligent life That would be great if you did your part. "

According to Skeleton, the information memorized by high-dimensional life has practical significance in the constantly expanding and expanding universe ...

Cheng Bin, who promised to go down, silently looked at the nearby subspace that gradually stabilized in the work of a lot of gravitational monsters.

Now that the world is about to collapse, the apostles have done their best to maintain such a small subspace.

Without the direct interference of the main action on the bottom of the material, they could reproduce the most advanced scientific instruments of the apostolic civilization in this artificially created stable spacetime.

Precious data used to record the end of the world.

Yes, facing the end of the world, the apostolic civilization has no hysteria, no discouragement, and no anxiety about the feelings and future of all the surviving or newcomers. They chose to continue to explore the unknown at the last moment of life and record the rare end of the world. Phenomenon data is available for research.

As the only witness and data successor in this scene, Cheng Bin's emotion management module has a very complicated mentality.

Xu Zhili, while coordinating the construction of the terminal laboratory, kept talking with Cheng Bin, and seemed to want to say everything before the end of the day:

"As soon as I was born, I joined the civil war with Samuel and the Angel Army, and was selected into the control group of the core fortress-the six-claw giant gravitational spirit control system. Only after that time did I Slightly idle to think about something out of bounds ...

"In the historical records of inheritance, when the ancestors gave up their race, identified their citizenship with the spiritual core, and used the biological warship as the shell of life, they actually had the ability to survive in the harsh high-energy ocean, but why did they still Continue to explore?

"The dangerous high-energy environment on the negative space side, after being able to adapt, also represents endless resources that are readily available. Although the citizen ontology became a soul form, but with the technology at the time, all human bodies can experience all kinds before the racial merger. There is no problem in the way of entertainment ...

"For a while, I once felt that civilization has accelerated the arrival of the material to risk burning up more than half of the space. It has also caused the malicious nature of Samuel, isn't it worth it? Looking at the data, I simply I can't imagine how the predecessors at that time unified the spiritual core of the entire civilization into the curiosity of seeking truth ... "

The imaginary power paused, and then laughed at himself: "I did not expect that when I was not fully aware, I inherited the name of the leader of this department ... Later, I became a decision-maker and commander, and assumed more responsibilities. Until now, I have become the only surviving leader, and I have a real understanding of the spiritual core in the heritage ... "

Virtual power looked at the end-time fortress that was finally completed. It began to gather a large number of newborn people and embedded them as parts into the fortress.

"Whether it is a long war before or a dying struggle now, every choice will feel compatriot sacrifice. It is really bad. I am really only suitable for being a soldier who sacrifices himself, but think about the ancestors who walked ahead. I can't just give up and stop here ...

"And those gods or something ... what the **** is outside the world, I'm really curious ..."

Finally, with a cry to Cheng Bin, Xu Li gradually embedded himself in the core of the terminal fortress.

According to the original scientific research fortress that was simplified and transformed according to the original six-claw gravitational monster template, the stumbling was officially launched.

Cheng Bin sighed and dispersed the body of the gravitational stranger. According to the negotiated steps, he began to cooperate with the terminal fortress in a four-dimensional mind to make it operate stably in an increasingly dangerous world environment.

In the increasingly fierce wind of emptiness, this solitary boat began its first and last voyage.

Although they can gain a little extra time by stretching the time scale of the fortress, as the end of the world accelerates, the difficulty of manipulating space and time such as subspace and so on is leaping every moment, and they will not last for long.

As the train representing the destruction of the world is speeding forward madly, everything comes to its end in turn.

Six days later, the entire upright space was turned into nothingness, and the tiniest matter was torn back into the material field.

One day later, the dimensions of the negative three-dimensional space began to shrink toward the singularity.

Ten minutes later, the last fort of the apostle civilization's final fort came out, and then it was forcibly smoothed out by the infinite stretch of time and space and disappeared into the world.

After one millisecond, the expansion acceleration was moving toward the infinitely positive space, and no trace of time and space could be seen. Cheng Bin's four-dimensional thoughts could no longer detect any information.

After a few more femtoseconds, Cheng Bin noticed that his pseudo four-dimensional warfare body had been affected, and some kind of unobservable reaction began to take place in the positive and negative spaces. The endless cycle of the world had already affected the overall four-dimensional space architecture.

Cheng Bin reviewed all the information that he had been synchronizing with the Nianqi panel since entering the world, and then started the regression process.

In the four-dimensional space, the wonderful life built on the thoughts disappeared out of thin air.

In a silent world that has lost its meaning of time, it is not known how long after the final confluence of the positive and negative sides has been completed in the four-dimensional space, and then the incomparable light shines in the negative space.

The dimensions of the curl are blown up, and time and space are expanding in all directions with material endlessly.

The absolute calmness of the positive space also ripples, stretching to infinitely distant space-time scales and slowly shrinking. Matters of opposite quality, such as those remaining after the big space explosion, jump out from the uniform space-time. Brings the first light to nothingness.


"Even at this point, can't you feel the process of crossing operation ..."

After a quiet moment in the dark, Cheng Bin's thinking operation gradually returned to normal.

It is also pure darkness without perceptual information, but Cheng Bin knows that he has returned to the zero world-in the form of a four-dimensional mind.

As long as he transforms the current dimensionality reduction formula developed by the current and virtual forces, he should be able to see the three-dimensional space without the drastic changes at the end of the world.

But now Cheng Bin feels a little slack, just want to sit quietly in this darkness, don't think about the road full of danger and fog, don't think about how to deal with those unbelievable gods ...


"Sammer's mental intervention is really subtle and proficient. Even I can feel it like this. Speaking of the seven deadly sins, there is laziness ..."

After manually deleting the negative emotions in the soul for various reasons, and after savoring the emotions brought about by the apostle civilization, Cheng Bin sneered: "I thought it was really afraid to innovate. I guessed my four dimensions based on the knowledge of time and space Morphology and trying to identify interference, isn't this beautiful? "

Before Samer left the world, he tried to leave some "little gifts" everywhere. This kind of random behavior of throwing nets was really thrown on Cheng Bin's body with no luck. At that time, Bin Bin temporarily suppressed the freeze. With regard to the relevant thinking part, Samuel should not have received the correct feedback from the authority to see through the form of the four-dimensional soul.

In addition to Cheng Bin's own side, Samer has left some residual effects in other places, and will have to deal with it later ...

After thinking about the future plan, Cheng Bin called the system softly on the information output port of his four-dimensional soul.

In a four-dimensional space without light and matter, the black cat in the information state responded to Cheng Bin's sensory memory module.

"System ... that guy who suspects God and destroyed a world in one word, what level is it in the so-called high-dimensional demon?"

"In essence, that guy is a layer of pseudo-high-dimensional life with Samuel. At most, the so-called authority is a little deeper," the black cat replied. "Anyway ... they can't chase into the inner domain. . "

Cheng Bin expressed doubts about the system's rhetoric: "I remember that in the zero world, human civilization originally had many things derived from Cross religion? Are you sure that guy has nothing to do with the inner world? So where does this mythical information come from? of?"

"Ah, you can think of this, and you must have some understanding of the existence of some high-dimensional life ..."

The black cat spread his paw in Cheng Bin's head and continued: "But why do you think that there is only one such name under the name 'Samel' and 'Yawei'?"

"Huh?" Cheng Bin froze.

"Think about it, the host," said the black cat, shaking his head and shaking his head. "The end unity, that is, how did the apostle civilization create offspring to increase its strength? Create a large number of seeds, throw them out and absorb energy to grow on their own ...

"You can roughly think that the master you faced before is just such a growing seed. As for Samel, that is the puppet tool for seed making ..."

"Just a seed? Is there a deeper level behind it?"

Cheng Bin snorted: "The crucian message on the earth side comes from another seed? It seems that there is no information exchange between these seeds and there is no direct connection with the parent? Samal is afraid of death because of fear of copying. It ’s so hilarious to think of its boss ... ”

"The Lord may not know that he is a seed, and he is certainly not a complete inheritor of the Father. It is more likely to be a tool for mass production, but even then, that Lord is much stronger than Samer at the same level. "

"Sammel is a tool of tools ... well, even if it is doing legendary sales ~ www.readwn.com ~ there is always an original source? That source is really under the name of God Does it exist? "

"Well ..." The black cat laughed softly. "This is a prohibited matter, meow."

"... Well, I haven't heard you for a long time."

After making sure that World Zero would not be affected for the time being, Cheng Bin stopped communicating with the system and began to seriously explore this familiar and unfamiliar world.

Unprecedented four-dimensional form and unprecedented perspective of observation, after Cheng Bin adjusted the observation method of the world's three-dimensional space, he was unable to find his home earth as soon as possible.

"Well, here is negative space ..."

Cheng Bin looked at the negative three-dimensional space that he was the first to illuminate, and found that the environment here was far worse than when the apostle civilization was established. It can be seen that the normal life span of this world is still very long.

Cheng Bin controlled the four-dimensional mind to sweep away in negative space, let alone intelligent life, and did not find even a large group of molecules with inverse entropy logic structure.

Randomly interfering with some matter, according to the negative space interference, Cheng Bin fine-tuned each module of Qi Qi to fully fit this slightly different world from eva.

After leaving the vacuum zero-energy co-working port in the negative space, Cheng Bin began to turn his attention to the positive space.

"With my current ability, there is really no improvement in Black Moon, and it is very easy to deal with ... it's a white question. It's a bit difficult to choose. Should she let her decide? Isn't Sammel doing this? Good thing? "

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