Uplifting Journey

Chapter 273: What happened with the props? No need to talk about rivers and lakes with such enemies

At a concealed entrance to the underground maze extending in all directions, Jiang Qing stretched his hand into the sunlight outside the boulder's shadow, experiencing and recording the changes he made under the sun.

"I heard that in some places with strange environments, the sun will be deflected and the shadow will be larger than the silhouette of a person. I don't know if it is true or false ..."

Looking at the pale black projection printed by the sun directly under his hand, the corner of Jiang Qing's mouth reminded slightly of some information.

In Sun Lang's mouth, this prosperous continent is called Qiankun, which seems to be a flat land that extends indefinitely in all directions, but in fact, people's eyes and the land itself have been bent under invisible forces.

If you choose to go in a random direction, people will go higher and higher without knowing it, and finally go to the top of their heads, and then go back to the place from the direction behind.

The earth is like a hollow sphere. People live on the inner side of the sphere. As the shell of the earth, it is not known how thick it is. The center of the hollow sphere is the sun and the moon that change the state of yin and yang every day.

It ’s just that this land is too vast for ordinary people to go through a corner in their lives. The practice world is a little curious senior, spending a lot of time to complete the feat of going around the world for a week.

I do n’t know why, even the introductory practitioner Sun Lang was a little bit suspicious of the common knowledge of these teachers, but the rural boy Jiang Qing heard for the first time easily accepted the abstraction beyond the understanding of ordinary people. The information, combined with some details in life experience, is even more convinced.

"Sunshine erosion has reached its limit ... This time, it is much stronger than the last experiment without active resistance. With some shielding, it should be able to move freely during the day ..."

The physical loss reached a certain level, and Jiang Qing felt unusually discomforted withdrawing his hands under the sun. Without pen and paper, his head automatically organized and archived the complex and fuzzy body changes, which served as a data basis for later analysis.

Walking towards the depths of the underground maze that was opened and trimmed on the basis of the natural cave by myself, Jiang Qing's body trembled slightly while walking, the bones and muscles sharpened each other in resonance, and the slightest excitement of the potential of the demon body .

After walking a long way in this way, he came to a clean and regular square room with a large number of bottles and cans, and Jiang Qing relaxed, and the sense of weakness caused by the sun disappeared.

The body tremor along the way, after Jiang Qing obtained the relevant basic knowledge, combines human cognition and medical health care to sort it out, a physical exercise method that can be performed at any time.

Because the qi that forms everything in this world will react with the spirit of life, it is not difficult to touch the qi that can be mobilized by the body or the mind. Like Jiang Qing, who had practiced health care techniques in a random way, he can also get a little qi. Feel it.

Because of this, the practice world in this world can be said to be full of flowers, all kinds of practice paths are taken by people, and the practice theory and method are inconsistent. There is no unified understanding at all.

Like Sun Lang, whom Jiang Qing met before, the five elements gate that Sun Lang belongs to is a staunch supporter of the theory of gasifying yin and yang.

Except for the four major practice stages of refining refined gas, refining gas, refining God, refining God, and refining asceticism, all practitioners do their own work. You practice Jin Dan Yuan Ying, and I ’ll stir up God ’s thoughts. body...

Even some extreme sects think that only their own path is correct, and the practitioners of other paths are all heretics.

Based on this environment, there are even more ways to cultivate ... The most common entry methods are guidance, qi, forgetfulness, imagination, foreign spirits, etc., or one or more of them.

Jiang Qing's wellness technique that he practiced during his lifetime belongs to the type of guidance, that is, the method of adjusting his own life state through the complex changes of breathing and body movements to obtain the vitality of life.

However, after becoming a demon, Jiang Qing's physique changed a lot, and many things could not be used anymore.

Jiang Qing, who may be curious about the decent practice of the demon's body, then gathered information around according to the current accumulated and summarized laws, used himself as an experimental product, and tossed out a new guidance method.

Anyway, demons are not as fragile as humans. No matter how complicated the injuries are in the moonlight, they will slowly and automatically recover. It is very convenient to start experiments.

In the end, he really managed to come up with a set. Although this set of guidance methods is rough and simple, anyhow, the demon can practice, and can restore physical energy, enhance strength and control the body.

And just now experiments have proved that if you keep your body in a guided state at all times, Jiang Qing can also perform a lot of activities during the day, and the sun can no longer cause obvious harm, which is pretty good as a result.

In fact, if a method of meditation is added to this exercise, the natural resentment at the time of the birth of the corpse demon will continue to grow, and the effect of cultivation and strengthening will not be much smaller than that of devouring souls.

But Jiang Qing did not want to do this, even if there was a similar method in the things he had stolen or snatched, even if the enemies that led him to become a demon still lived in his induction, he was not willing to pursue this kind of cannibalism Will lose the mental capacity.

Anyway, he doesn't lack channels to gain power now.

Jiang Qing looked at the neat but differently-shaped bottles and cans.

The vitality does not only produce drastic changes only when life participates. Flames, ice, corrosion, explosions ... and even the sun and the moon that transform the yin and yang every day overhead are the external manifestations of the vitality itself.

Inside those bottles and cans, various substances extracted from trees, minerals, oils, and other things are stored, and they can follow the fixed law to produce usable reactions.

The ability to separate and extract these things is still thanks to the knowledge that Jiang Qing learned in drug identification and the contribution of some enthusiastic bandits living in the wild.

With the help of these substances that have a wonderful reaction with each other, and the techniques recorded in the Five Elements Men's Bamboo Slips, Jiang Qing has explored some ways to use the potential forces of matter or different qualities of vitality.

Although this power is not as good as the magical powers of the practitioners after the introduction, it is far more powerful than the current power of Jiang Qing's demon body, which should be more than enough for revenge.

At least according to the previous observations, although the enemies practice each martial art, they are not really true practitioners, but they are just ordinary flesh and blood.

This hiding spot is not Jiang Qing's planing out with his claws. He knows the power of his hand.

"Nikko is no longer an obstacle ... is it time to get revenge?"

Jiang Qing sighed and began to organize the various props in her dark den, preparing for the next action.

Jiang Qing feels extremely contradictory to revenge on those soldiers who slaughtered the village where he grew up.

To be honest, even if he doesn't do anything right now, just lying there, the power he can exert will become stronger one by one with the information in his head.

If he followed the plans that came out of his spirit, continued to observe and study the law of vitality changes, and found a way to observe the vitality matter in a microscopic way, the power under his control would surely increase faster.

In that case, the success rate of revenge will become higher ...

But Jiang Qing didn't want to drag on anymore.

With more and more information in his mind, his thinking operation became wider and deeper, and the old-fashioned animosity hatred became thinner and weaker, as if revenge was becoming irrelevant. , Into something that is not worth wasting energy.

He was afraid that one day, the resentment in his heart would be replaced and replaced by another will, and he would take it as an optional task and even leave it behind him.

"But after the revenge is successful, what will happen to the last trace of me who died in my life?"

The genus of corpses is born of a grudge. If the causality is followed by the grudge, most critical changes will occur.

And in the case of his own brain, who does not know who can take care of it, this change will probably exceed imagination dramatically ...

Jiang Qing's sense of contradiction lies in this. It seems that no matter how he chooses, he cannot change his own future without being controlled by himself.

"I heard that when the practitioners reach a certain level, they will encounter heartbreak, and face the extraterrestrial demon who came from ... I don't know if the relevant experience method will be useful to me in this situation."


On a wide dirt road at the foot of low hills, a lot of dust was rising like a dragon.

Dozens of cavalrymen with guns and swords carrying crossbow were racing on the road, and the dense horseshoes trampled the ground, causing the vibration to spread far away.

The sparse pedestrians on the road heard the sound, and their expressions changed greatly, and they rushed to dodge to both sides in a hurry, for fear of being crushed by the flying army, so death would be in vain.

This army ran a bit too fast, because it was not far from the city to go. Bathing, food, beauties, etc. were waiting in front of them.

The most rushing and majestic black horses in the front run, the big red robe fluttering in the wind, and the general wearing a delicate armor is the leader of this team.

Under the half-faced helmet is a very young face, but relying on his family and martial arts, he has become a general of thousands of men under the Eight Classics. If it was not the defeat of the last battle, he would continue to rise rapidly.

The barracks are in the direction behind them. In theory, they should be stationed there for a long time. They cannot move easily without orders. However, barracks are not comfortable in the bustling city.

Therefore, he used relationships and money every 30 minutes, and used various excuses as excuses to leave the camp and enter the city with his own soldiers.

Today, this rule is cheap for his enemies. Without the various protections of barracks and cities, demons who can move during the day will not miss this opportunity.

"No one else, all familiar faces, good ..."

At the top of the hill next to the road, Jiang Qing's eyes twisted and magnified the layers of ice crystals to dissipate. He murmured and lifted the tightly sealed package next to him.

He didn't plan to fight close-to-front combat with an army that was longer than slaughter, it was time to show the true power accumulated during this time.

After checking the various fixed pieces on his body, Jiang Qing hugged a heavy large package and jumped down from the rocky mountain!

The crooked cloak behind it suddenly stretched and expanded into a huge flying wing. Some materials on the cloak and Jiang Qing scattered out, and a fierce reaction occurred under the infiltration of his vitality, stably releasing the power that could be borrowed.

The picture of power change is rolling in the same series of numerical formulas in Jiang Qing's mind, allowing him to flexibly control the change of his own qi, and use the wind and cape to transform the falling power into the speed of gliding while resisting gravity Running army.

Jiang Qing's blood fluttered wildly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't use the mental power of unknown source to control kinetic energy, he could achieve such a smooth flight only by knowing the movement of airflow and a little vitality and external force, which made him feel an unspeakable happiness.

The cavalry on the move noticed the dark shadow that slanted forward. Ordinary soldiers thought it was some kind of huge bird, but the general with strong eyes had already seen such a strange figure.

Able to fly off the ground ... where are the practitioners? No, this strange look ... is a demon? !!

The general who realized that the other party's bad intentions touched his armour, which was far lighter than he looked, then shouted loudly.

The running team slowed down, and the trained cavalry quickly changed the formation and widened the array. At the same time, they removed the one-handed crossbow that had been wound from the fixed frame, opened the fixed bolt and aimed forward.

Although this crossbow has a range of only tens of steps, it is also farther than the junior practitioner Sword Beheaded. Should it have some effect?

Some uncomfortable generals' long swords came out of the sheath and raised high, and when the demon approached the range, he slashed with a sharp slash, and suddenly a string of crossbows and three hundred crossbow vectors came together, and hundreds of sharp crossbow vectors gathered toward Jiang Qingfeng.

Jiang Qing was still able to cope with the relative rapidness, the cape was slightly deformed, and his flying height suddenly rose up, avoiding the cover and hitting a few bottles and jars.

The strands of vitality precisely acted on the fragile bottles and cans. Several types of substances mixed with the vitality caused several reactions when the container was broken. A gust of wind suddenly formed and blew towards the cavalry.

Horrible gas that was more disgusting than grain reincarnation swept across the entire team.

It smells like hell, even if it only lasts for a few breaths, it also makes everyone shout like a shout ~ www.readwn.com ~ It also owes the cavalry's elite reliance as a general to rely on them, and their training ability is extraordinary. None of them panicked and panicked because of this, even those with high skills like generals just blinked their eyes and got their breaths.

But their horses obviously did not have such a good quality. For a while, all kinds of people scrambled and turned their horses, and the whole team was in a mess.

In the chaos where the senses were stimulated and no one could respond in a timely manner, Jiang Qing, who had swept up, seized the opportunity to aim the package at hand and lost it.

After losing the burden, Jiang Qing ignored the angry whistling of the general below and the cut-off knife air, and the cloak burst into flames as he burst into the sky.

The envelope containing a large amount of material and vitality shattered in the air, and the dazzling light and flame swept away in all directions like a wave.

Circling and rising in the hot air surging at a high speed, Jiang Qing watched the struggling figures in the sea of ​​fire, and nodded his heart murmured.

Unfortunately, the technology is not good enough. It can only be turned into a fire bomb instead of a bomb. It would be better if it can be added with an explosion and shrapnel and then turned into a remote control detonation or a mine ...

Under the stimulation of the vitality, the combustion process accelerated countless times, and the specially-made incendiary bomb quickly ran out of fuel, but the high temperature that was several times higher than expected also caused far more powerful power than natural combustion.

It is theoretically impossible for ordinary creatures to survive at this temperature, but Jiang Qing frowned slightly after seeing the situation--

The general is alive.

Protected by the armor that emits a hazy light, he just rushed out of the fire field after the attack. Although he now seems to have suffered a lot of burns and breathing difficulties, he can still struggle to escape for a while and a half. .

Jiang Qing did not know whether he was happy or sighed, and fell towards the position of the general below. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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