Uplifting Journey

Chapter 274: Sage time after revenge

After leaving the suffocating area, the breathing generals finally recovered, and the pace of walking forward gradually gradually stabilized.

But the wide cloak carried a figure quickly over his head and landed in front. Who wasn't that demon?

This demon's ability to fly means that he basically has no possibility of running away, and it seems that he can only fight on the ground with his opponent.

The general who worked hard to keep calm and run at high speed throughout his body. Although he has been slack in his practice recently, at the moment of life and death, he still dug out his martial arts skills accumulated from childhood.

At the same time, he carefully observed the **** demon who lifted his hand to dismantle the cloak, and a suspicious expression appeared under the general's face armor--

Just looking at the momentum and vitality induction, the young man in front of him is clearly the weakest kind of demon. It may even be that he has not eaten any creatures since his birth, the poor strength is poor, and there is no magic weapon in his body.

Before it was replaced, he didn't look at such ordinary demons at all, even if ten were coming at the same time, it was not enough for him to chop.

But the other party is able to fly ... Commonly speaking, those who can fly without the aid of a magic weapon are all truly at the threshold of a practitioner. If it is a demon, it should be an old monster in the stage of refining gasification.

What a coincidence there must be! The opponent does not have the power to fly!

The general can only choose to believe so, because then he has the possibility of winning the battle.

As for the fire and sea spell just now ... he is not an uninformed hunk, but it is just some foreign things that foreign warlocks like to refine, and it is not that there is no fierce gunpowder in the army.

Compared to the real foreign meditation practitioner who collects the essence of all things to refine the external medicament, and consolidates the power of the heavens and earth to make the thunder pill, the thing that this demon throws out is not even a spell.

Look at the appearance of the demon, apparently there is no second thing on the body that can create that kind of fire.

The general who kept cheering himself finally recovered the momentum of leading the Qianjun before Wolverine fled. His blade shone coldly in the sun and said, "You ..."

Jiang Qing raised his hand and threw out two small bags.

The strong flashes and sharp sounds drowned the speech of the general's mouth, and he was caught by surprise when his vision was blocked by flash and hearing, and he had to move backwards along the previously remembered terrain, while holding the knife in his hands and dancing wildly. Use group battles to retreat possible surprise attacks.

He has great skill. This disgusting little way of covering up audiovisual with foreign objects can't last for long. As long as he changes his strength, he must give this demon like a demon to the broken corpse!

The general who was so angry in his heart felt that his feet suddenly stepped on something beyond description.

Feels like ... like semi-solidified oil?

The so-called soap slippery, the martial artist in the movement wipes oil under his feet, and the asynchronous acceleration suddenly twists his posture.

I have to say that the general's martial arts foundation is really good. He is not surprised elsewhere. He swings his sword with both arms in one hand, and sits on a waist to stabilize the center of gravity and balance.

But still drifting, he inevitably revealed flaws.

The power of the mortal demon Jiang Qing, who was far superior to mortals, was synchronized in three consecutive bursts of the "blindness", "sharp sound" and "greasy" spells, and kinetic energy gave him a clear vision of ignoring white light.

Although the chaos general noticed the attack in the wind pressure, it was too late. He had to spare no effort to use Jiang Qing to attack the arm on the side without a knife and punch him in the past.

In the face of this awkward posture, only one-armed force attacked, Jiang Qing sighed inwardly, and the power of the invisible mind moved to his right hand, and he pushed toward the side of the other arm.

Although he didn't really want to use this kind of power, although he already had a certain understanding of the capabilities of mortal warriors, in order to prevent night long dreams, he still chose to use this extremely powerful and powerful force to end it all quickly.

In order to avoid the risk of being hit by the opponent's internal air, Jiang Qing's power at the touch of a button is naturally weak and the angle is a bit awkward.

But the extraordinary effect of turning obstacles into forward forces is outstanding, far beyond the general's imagination.

The feeling of Jiang Qing's hand pressing on the armour of his arm was like a steel mountain leaning slowly against him.

Slow, but extremely heavy, unreasonable.

After the sharp sound and the white light subsided, the fiercely flowing blood flow sputtered far away, the collar turned white and trembled, his armor close to the magic weapon shattered like porcelain, and the left half of his body was invaded by blood. Ran, his left arm and his shoulder were torn apart by the demon.

Even Ming Guang's armor was torn ... How could this demon have such great strength? !!

Most of the skill gathered in that punch, and the general who lost a lot of blood was kneeling on the ground weakly, his trembling hands could not hold the sharp blade, and the long knife fell to the ground. He looked at the front with a certain stance.

Jiang Qing, who was able to withdraw a section, waved his hand and shook off the residue of the general's arm and armor on the palm. Then he looked at the general who seemed to be unable to resist and raised his hand to remove a solid paper from his body. package.

While infiltrating his own energy into the paper bag, Jiang Qing watched the corner of the kneeling general move, and finally opened his mouth and asked slowly, "Do you remember the Xiqu Village under the mountain?"

A blank look appeared on the general's face.

Jiang Qing took a deep breath and threw out his paper bag.

A large number of powdery substances in the broken paper bag are mixed together, and under the control of the vitality, it turns into a colorless and odorless airflow that will surround the collar.

Breathing quickly, but feeling more and more suffocated, the dizzy general smiled bitterly and looked at the sky, the residual strength gathered from his body resigned helplessly-did not even give me the last chance to fight?

Man is relying on one type of gas between heaven and earth to keep his life running, just like burning, and another type of gas will extinguish the flame and suffocate life ...

Jiang Qing felt complex feelings as he watched the suffocating gradually, finally fainting to the ground and slowly moving towards the dead general.

He wanted to ask more and say something.

I want to talk about his origins, and translate it into the post-corpse experience, describe the hatred power that supports him in the lonely wilderness, torture this guy to make him feel the anger of the Avengers ...

But ... forget it, death is the most stable end. It's not far from the human city, so don't dream too long.

Although ... from beginning to end, the other party did not show recognition, nor could they remember the name of the village that was slaughtered by him.

Yeah, how can such a small village be remembered by such a remote village, which is rare to collect taxes?

Tucun ... the other party can't even talk about what to do, it's just the anger and entertainment just defeated ...

Stepped forward and crushed the dead general's head, Jiang Qing rubbed the soles of the red and white residue in the sand and stones, and then walked towards the woodland on the side of the official road.

The resentment on which the corpse was born had a subtle change after the revenge was completed. Jiang Qing's mind flashed a lot of pictures before and after his death. For a while, he was a little confused, and I don't know where to go now ...


Not long after Jiang Qing left, a figure in the sky wrapped in a violent wind and quickly approached.

After flying on the ground for a while, the dimly-shaped guy in the twisted air fell beside the headless knight, the surrounding hurricane slowly dissipated, revealing a young man with long hair messy in the wind.

This is the five-element gate Sun Lang that was once subdued by Jiang Qing and knocked repeatedly.

Sun Lang, the practitioner of the Shuixing Jian Shuixing Banner, whose entire set of instruments was broken and broken.

"A trace of the metamorphosis of the demon breath? This guy is the enemy of that corpse?"

Sun Lang looked at the headless body that Jiang Qing had broken his head on, and then looked in the direction that Jiang Qing left.

Sun Lang waved a palm-sized emerald green banner, and suddenly he was raging in the wind, and a miniature tornado wrapped around him rushed towards the woodland.

However, after two laps in the woods, Sun Lang stopped in midair with a stun and said quietly, "This corpse demon runs fast ..."

Sun Lang naturally pursued Jiang Qing.

After planting a follow-up last time, he could not fly for a long time without a weapon. He could only walk slowly along the way, escorting the younger brother and younger sister to Zongmen.

The disciples of the Five Elements School, practitioners who are about to enter the realm of refining and gasification, are beaten down by a new and weakest kind of demon, and all the portable instruments are finished, which is really a shame and shame.

Although Sun Lang repeatedly emphasized that the other side's evil sword was demolished by hand, this did not help. Apart from being rebuked by the master, he was not ridiculed by fellow teachers and brothers.

An ordinary corpse demon who was born not long ago, a thing that can be ashes out in Zhengyang, and actually lost the helmet and armor that Sun Lang killed, a set of instruments were folded in, it was ... ...

Although the brothers did not bring much malice, Sun Lang's unwillingness was obviously stirred up.

So relying on his good popularity, he borrowed a wooden flag that had not been processed from a fellow brother who didn't go out very much, and then went out secretly and drove back to kill the wind.

Howling wind is a tree, five elements of aquatic wood, although this wooden line flag and Sun Lang's aquatic mana are not very tuned and have not been adapted to warm up for a long time, but the basic use is not much of a problem, after all, they are the same source.

Although there is no flying sword, a flag and some spells will suffice. This time, he will no longer care about it and will not give the demon any chance to attack.

But it's so hard to find ... Sun Lang reluctantly rested on the ground like a headless fly.

He remembered the feeling of the corpse devil's feminine vitality. He remembered it during long-term conversations or being questioned. He remembered along with the content of the conversation.

Relying on the spiritual consciousness of a practitioner who has not yet formed a sense of consciousness, there is no problem in sensing various vitality within a certain range. Sun Lang originally thought that it should not be difficult to find each other.

However, it seems that the corpse devil is not eating people everywhere, and it is difficult to find whereabouts while he is full of resentment. If not for a metamorphosis here, Sun Lang may not be able to sense the approximate position.

Speaking of which, this corpse devil is actually quite interesting.

There are fewer savage demons, and corpses that are born of resentment are even rarer, let alone suppress appetite in contact with humans, show strong logic in dialogue, and have strong Curiosity about the world and practice ...

Aside from the standpoints of human beings and demons, Sun Lang does not have much resentment. This time he went out mainly because he was ridiculed for his miserable defeat and wanted to get back where he was.

After all ... no matter what the other person ’s reason is, in the end, he and his brother, sister, and sister were let go of the three lives. The practitioner is very particular about causality, and he does n’t mind giving it a clear path ...

Sun Lang, returning to the site of transformation, stared at the scorched remains of the nearly 100 cavalry, shaking his head slightly.

——The premise is that the other party really does not hurt innocent people or eat people ...


Jiang Qing, who did not hurt or innocent people, returned to his old nest.

Although there is a special guidance method to resist the physical loss caused by sunlight, but during a daytime battle, even if he carefully keeps his body without vigorous activity, the inexplicable tiredness is still difficult to fade away.

This kind of tiredness is nothing but, after returning to the underground cave where the yin gathers, Jiang Qing's physical strength soon recovered.

But the subtle changes in body, vitality, and spirit are not so easy to solve.

He was killed by the enemy who caused him to become an inhuman person. He should be very excited to be revenge ...

If it was just a moment when he became a corpse devil ~ www.readwn.com ~ This kind of revenge will excite him to be mentally distorted ... saying that he would not be able to choke that guy alive.

But now?

Jiang Qing smiled slightly bitterly-now he only has a sense of ease and freedom to let go of a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, he is no longer a human ... I heard that the metamorphosis corpse is not the same life as his lifetime, after all, he is just a new demon who has inherited the memory of some healers ...

Lying casually on the dusty stony ground, Jiang Qing raised his right hand and pressed his chest. His heart was no longer beating, and his heart was gradually cooling ...

At the time of revenge, he had no particularly obvious excitement and happiness. Now he recalls the sounds and smiles of acquaintances and masters before his death, and there is not much sadness.

Is this a reflection of the demon's nature, or is it an unknown existence in the mind?

What should he do next?

He can't return to human beings anymore, but he doesn't want to become a demon devouring souls. How can he position his identity and pursuit?

Jiang Qing, in a state of emptiness after revenge, stormed again in his mind.

The severity of the storm this time is comparable to the time when I first became a corpse devil and recalled the memories of my life.

With a headache, Jiang Qing's limbs relaxed and stared at the top of the cave, too lazy to think too much, and allowed himself to wander in the sea of ​​memory and information.

Just like the "mathematics" that can gradually develop deeper formulas based on existing foundations, new knowledge and ideas are constantly combined and evolved in Jiang Qing's mind to form an increasingly rich and complete information database ...

The lazy Jiang Qing let himself go, let alone feel nothing, until an inexplicable chuckled in his mind ...

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