Uplifting Journey

Chapter 285: Regarding the world background, I have a bold conjecture

Baidi's ruby-like pupils looked at the picture scroll in her hand, and a complex emotion appeared in her heart.

This township implement created by the cooperation of the right path practitioners is to protect the invincible demon, and also to fight against the power of the Lord of the Demon Deep into the demon way.

The demon figure is the source of strength that pushes Baidi to the highest state of this world's practitioners, but at the same time it is also a compulsory bond, which makes it unable to escape the fetters of Baidi City and the demonic empire.

After sighing in secret, the human-made Baidi stepped into front of Jiang Qing with two long legs, and the scroll floated out of the air to unfold a blank in front of Jiang Qing's eyes.

"This demon map records all the known demon species in this world, from life forms to spiritual structures, and even the most subtle vitality properties are recorded in it. Through this, you can protect the life in all the demon species that have left their marks. That one directly influences.

"The kind of demon who has recorded the type generally only needs to go to the extended array of the square in the city and leave a mark, but you are the new kind of demon that you are following. The best is to use the scroll body."

Bai Di looked at Jiang Qing, who was a little hesitant, and Wen Yan reminded: "Put your hands on it and focus your spirit and a little mana on this picture. Don't resist its power."

Jiang Qing glanced at Sun Daquan and saw that he nodded to himself, so after taking a deep breath, he pressed his hand on the suspended blank scroll.

Cheng Bin, who was far away from the Five Elements Gate, suspended his observation of the experiment at hand. He was surprised to turn his attention to Jiang Qing's side, and then immediately released his interference in Jiang Qing's spirit. The changes of Jiang Qing that have been penetrated by the demon figure.

For Jiang Qing, the flood of information flowing in his heart at this moment was as difficult to see as kaleidoscope, but Cheng Bin read all the information that could be parsed.

In addition, the information and processing process that the demon figure engraved from the role object, at any rate, we can see some of the ability and mechanism of the world's refining and amalgamation.

Find out what the Lord of the Monsters and the Lord of the Deeps used to identify and intervene. Even if the monsters fail, Jiang Qing will not lose the ability to fight against this mechanism.

With this thought, carefully observing and analyzing the information he extracted, Cheng Bin suddenly reached an interesting conclusion.

"From refining refined gas to refining assimilation, it feels like we are stepping into the world's vitality system step by step, so what does the so-called" flying "mean? If we want to leave this world, would it not be Has the practice always run counter to one another?

After thinking about Cheng Bin for a while, seeing that Jiang Qing's spirit had returned to normal, he immediately re-entered and found Li Zihao in another independent space through Yufu, and asked him where the ascended people actually went. Is there any connection with this world.

"Practitioner after Ascension?"

Hearing this question raised by Cheng, Li Zihao recalled the lineage of the Five Elements that he had engraved into his Yuanshen, and then replied: "Except for those in the upper world of the Taoist legend, there are currently no ascenders. Reconnect the hard evidence of this world.

"Well, in fact, we do n’t even know how they soared. The most detailed ascension record of the last time was the success of the last lord of the Sword Sovereign. He felt that he was about to ascend, so he held an ascension conference. It is said that there were many The practitioner saw that he had disappeared out of thin air without any other abnormalities and left no information related to the ascension. "

After a pause, Li Zihao said with some uncertainty: "However, the ascendant's vitality can not be controlled by all the latecomers, let alone the promotion of the realm of virtual convergence. , It will become the same as those demons swallowed up by the Lord of the Demon Deep, so the practice community generally believes that those who have ascended have a potential connection with the world. "

"Well?" There was some strange voice from Cheng Bin, floating Yufu, "You say that, isn't there a limit to the way the world can offer people to practice virtual ascension until it soars?"

"That's right, but the dispute over the road is actually not so serious, after all, there are too many types of vitality in this world." Li Zihao sighed and shook his head—

The most in-depth practice of their five-element gate practice is the yin and yang way. When they come to the practice of reconciliation, if they do not choose to elaborate on the way of change, or change the five-element gate map, they will sooner or later grasp the upper reaches of the yin and yang energy. Moyuan and Haotian met.

Although the two have not been able to control all the changes in the vitality derived from Yin and Yang, and do not affect other practitioners' choice of a certain level of vitality promotion, if Li Zihao insists that his spiritual practice has always wanted to trace its roots, it will always be inevitable. Their.

This is also one of the important reasons that Wuxingmen finally decided to venture to cooperate with Cheng Bin.

"Oh," Cheng Bin sorted out the information he had obtained, with a faint guess in his heart, so he continued to ask, "Do you know what Mo Yuan and Haotian are pursuing? Do they want to ascend?"

Li Zihao frowned at this: "I definitely want to kill the other party to gain control of the vitality of the other pole of the world. Soaring, if you look at the historical records Haotian and Moyuan have been pursuing ascension, but after the last world war

"After mastering the power of yin and yang, they turned back and began to vigorously expand the area of ​​practice of refining and assimilation. Increasing the width of the chaos without increasing the depth. This kind of behavior will actually cause great obstacles to ascension. The practitioners of the road don't know what they found during that war. "

"I think I understand a bit." Cheng Bin controlled Yu Zi to bid farewell to Li Zihao, and moved the five-element gate array to move to the personal space where he had experimented before. Then he turned his attention to the ontology and thoughtfully analyzed it. For a while.

In this world of unknown domains, in addition to studying the temporal and spatial correlations, exploring the depth of the world is another major goal of Cheng Bin.

——The world selected by the system, no matter how simple and ordinary it seems, ninety-nine percent of it is related to certain high-dimensional things, and according to its urine, the difficulty of the world background that you experience will only change with the improvement of his strength. Getting higher and higher.

Last time I encountered a high-dimensional life like Samer, even a direct disagreement, what about this time?

Cheng Bin, who has collected some key information, has probably guessed a little behind the world.

The most important information is that the extraterrestrial demon, the many practitioners of Wuxingmen, believe that Cheng Bin's strength in Jiang Qing's soul is very similar to the extraterrestrial demon in the record, even completely consistent, but with higher strength.

And what is Cheng Bin's strength? Mindfulness-high-dimensional interference forces formed by numerous parallel self-overlaps.

If the way in which the extra-terrestrial demon interferes with the spirit of refining a virtual amalgamation is similar to the idea, then the real identity of these extra-terrestrial demon is very interesting as it is soaring through the demon.

Think about the description of the process in which the demon erodes the practitioner in the data obtained. The consciousness is distorted and the memory and temperament gradually change. Eventually the practitioner dies from the collapse of the Yuanshen or becomes another phantom. , Or to survive the calamity with little change.

After carefully looking at the various performances of all the Demon Debunkers collected by Wuxingmen, Cheng Bin felt that this situation was more like being interfered by information from many parallel world peers.

If it comes from the interference of the parallel self, the expression form will indeed be similar to the mind.

Then, if the extraterrestrial demon is essentially a parallel world peer, if the mind devil is a parallel soul fighting for the sole **** of the realm of the world, then the ascension is not the ascension?

Looking back on this basis, the practitioners have been practicing along with some vitality and become an irreplaceable part of the world system. After the ascension, they have occupied this path, and the Haotian and Moyuan who originally wanted to ascend tried to find ways The secrets of these messages are suppressed by their own ascension

"Interesting, no wonder they are so interested in Jiang Qing who has the mana of time and space. After all, time and space and material make up half of the world."

Cheng Bin, who sorted out an incredible conjecture, sighed: "If this conjecture is true, then it is really a big deal. It seems that it is necessary to accelerate the speed of intervention in the world."

The moment Jiang Qing printed his hand on the demon map, the Lord of the Demon Abyss in the Abyss of the Night suddenly lost his sense of the new demon.

But looking at the last sensed place, the Lord of the Mochi knows exactly what happened, this is not the first time.

"Did Zhengyi faction and that moon rabbit intervene?"

The Lord of the Mobuchi calmly analyzed--

Haotian's feedback was ambiguous. He didn't react practically. Even if he didn't cooperate with him, why didn't he kill the little guy? Even if it ’s in your hand, just sit and watch the other person contact the demon.

If this core interest is already involved, Baidi and Zhengyi faction will not retreat easily. Haotian wants to persuade them to capture Jiang Qing, but it is not so easy-both of them are the strongest of both sides. Yes, but Not strong enough to dominate the world.

So, if the new demon Jiang Qing involved in that matter has no time to focus on Haotian, what is he doing now?

Haotian Palace is not a serious Taoist sect, but the force that Haotian differentiated himself from the road and granted fellow practitioners to push them to the position of false refining the realm of Taoism. The Lord of the Moyuan is much stronger.

With such a large number of people, I ca n’t find time to take care of the new-born demon who has the power of the void. What is so important and tense?

The entire high depth of Moyuan gathered and compressed and vibrated for a moment, causing Moyuan's huge earth wound to instantly spread a large circle, assimilating large areas of rocky soil and erosion and assimilation, and this is just one of the natural reactions caused by the master's alert. .

——Besides that thing, Haotian is only interested in himself. After all, for that matter, gathering the power of the yin and yang is the simplest and most important step. No matter what he is planning now, Definitely not a good thing

——Do you want to break the tacit understanding of the yin and yang poles and go forward to investigate and start the world war again?

As for Jiang Qing, he is just a little guy who refines refined gas. If he wants to grow to the point that affects that matter, at least he must have the realm of refining the imagination, and the time is still long. I have a chance to catch it.

The mountain-like demon body trembled and rose from the abyss, and looked at the red one-eyed eye to the cloudy moon above his head against the ground.

Even if a war of immeasurable risk is planned, the heart of the Lord of the Mobuts is still indifferent--

Unlike the refining gods who return to the emptiness to actively control their own emotional reactions, the Lord of the Demon Demon has no such emotional setting at all.

It's not that he gave up his thinking mode as an intelligent being, but that he split up some of his memory along with the core thinking and made it an external component that can be covered at any time.

The path of spiritual practice is always full of crises, and the Lord of Moyuan also does this in order to maintain his stable existence.

On the one hand, those who practice the virtual realm and the realm of the Tao will influence their own consciousness to the greatest extent by the nature of the fused heaven and earth.

This kind of thing is generally recognized in the practice world, just like the temperament of a person who practices the practice of fire attributes, but the intangible influence of a Taoist is even more terrible. This kind of thing is inevitable.

On the other hand, it is to suppress the continuous ascension of the Tao realm and avoid the extraterrestrial demons encountered.

Come and go without a trace, ignoring all defenses and reaching out to the bottom of Xinhu, the extraterrestrial demons are indeed more terrible enemies than the spirit of assimilating thinking.

However, the Lord of Moyuan did not think that he could not defeat the extraterrestrial demons. On the contrary, he and Haotian accidentally learned the truth of the ascension in the last battle. He was worried that the extraterrestrial demons might be forced to come after the defeat.

The Lord of the Mochiz looked indifferently at the land of the sun behind the sun and moon, and once again sent an over-the-counter message across the world: "Haotian, you broke the agreement first, and then go on like this, but don't blame me for tearing you up Haotian Palace "

At the top of a huge column in the land of the polar day, immersed in the broken palace group of Chunyang's vitality, the young man sitting on the main seat in the central palace looked at the extremely delicate Taichi gossip array in his hands ~ www.readwn.com ~ couldn't help it He shook his head and sighed.

Appearing like a young boy with a dark face and a tender face, he is one of the bipolars in this world, and master of Haotian Palace, who has the pure Yang vitality and a lot of related fields.

The appearance of what it looks like is actually meaningless to his existence. The cultivator of virtual reconciliation can gradually embed the elementary spirit in a certain layer of vitality system. The ontology is essentially invisible and invisible.

However, the master of Haotian Palace and the master of Moyuan have embodied the core form of the substance, which is actually a way to suppress their ascension.

The dark-haired boy heard the threat whisper from the other side of the world, and he looked down at the trembling items in his hands, showing a helpless look—

Fighting Haotiangong members suffered a large number of deaths, and he finally suppressed the spiritual treasure at hand.

However, Haotian Palace suffered too much damage. This power far surpasses the magic weapon and possesses a self-conscious spiritual treasure. It still requires him to spend a lot of energy to suppress and cannot use it. If he is aware of the cowardice in front of the Lord of the Abyss, he will definitely ignore everything Rush over to kill yourself first.

What should I do? The teenager was thinking in distress

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