Uplifting Journey

Chapter 286: Mutant Law Array Life and Haotian Palace's Action

It is no wonder that the Lord of the Mochibuchi was suspicious. After all, they occupied the yin and yang poles and they were very entangled. As long as they started to communicate with each other, the general state was completely invisible.

Besides, when Moyuan found the matter of time and space demons before, Haotian's side even collapsed in his house. The entire Haotian palace was directly exposed to the outside world. At that time, he was still focusing on his inner energy. Coping with the temptation of Mobuchi?

Taking a look at the rapidly rotating Taiji Yin and Yang fish on the array at hand, and looking at the endless layers of gossip and hexagrams around the array, Haotian sighed with sorrow.

Although this thing seems to have a solid shell, it is essentially a two-element void array. It is something that Haotian Palace researched on the power of the void after the last world war. For the time being, the purpose is not mentioned. The shape is a bit like that of the five elements. similar.

But the biggest difference is that these legal arrays were artificially weaved with a logical system. Haotian Palace tried to give a legal array an alternative life and consciousness in the form of two instruments and four image gossip.

Creating life is not too difficult for the practitioners who practice divine retreat, but the Yuanshen based on the change of yin and yang is completely different from the ordinary soul thinking structure, and there is no precedent in the past. It is still a bit cumbersome to build.

Haotian Palace has produced a lot of similar experiments in different periods. Although the research and creation work has stumbled, it is still progressing.

However, I did not expect that this series of semi-finished products were touched by inexplicable forces for a certain period of time, either directly damaged or alienated and losing their efficacy.

In this batch of problematic experimental products, a stalled old version of the matrix method has been called a positive change, and it has become a near-finished product.

The happy practitioners in the Haotian Temple who feel glad are carefully adjusting and cultivating this surviving law formation, watching it grow up a little bit.

Then it didn't take long for them to begin to feel a little anxiety and fear--

The so-called law formation is actually a structure of vitality that rotates in accordance with a specific law, and this brand-new life of the law formation has its own body and consciousness on the pure vitality. Born is a practice of half-refining God to return to the realm. By.

And this magical matrix, the power and its complexity, have been climbing at an ever-increasing speed endlessly, and no matter what vitality changes the Haotian Palace has incorporated, it will be completely mastered and updated in a blink of an eye.

Coupled with this foundation, a lot of Haotian Palace's understanding of the world on spiritual practice is included, so its promotion speed exceeded the expectations of everyone in Haotian Palace, and it didn't take long to touch the realm of refining virtual harmony.

The foundation of Hao Tiangong's strength of this magic array includes Tai Chi, which is a combination of void and yin and yang. It is difficult to succeed in the unity, and the spread is too wide and the consequences are unpredictable. The timing is wrong and it is not consistent with the original plan. I want to temporarily restrain the growth process of this law formation, prepare to debug and modify it as an extension of my consciousness according to the plan, and then ...

He found that all the ultimate control methods embedded in the core of the French formation had all failed.

The Liangyi Void Array, which had been very obediently controlled and debugged by Haotian Palace before, immediately tore off the camouflage, desperately improved his power, and tried to escape from Haotian Palace.

Suddenly, Haotian Palace suffered heavy losses. At that time, everyone in the same isolated area with Liangyi Void Array was immediately disappeared by the cover of the French array, and then the virtual French array forcibly broke through the isolation area and began to go around. Raging ...

The end result is that Dongtian Palace, which has countless accumulations and treasures, collapsed under the blow of the void, and all except the core main hall were exiled into the void of the void.

Haotian boy's cultivation has not been affected much, but those who were attracted by the Haotian palace gods are equivalent to the practitioners of Haotian boy's power extension. They are basically dead and clean, only in the periphery and other parts of the world. Two or three kittens survived.

The boy thought that after Haotian Palace paid a huge price to suppress this thing, he could slowly refine it to make up for the previous loss.

However, after in-depth exploration of the law array at hand, Haotian found that he was a bit unintelligible. The complexity of the law array at hand was improving rapidly every moment, and the core reflected something very new. It is completely beyond the accumulated knowledge of the practice world.

The refining methods used to deal with common law instruments and matrix methods have no meaning to this self-conscious and spiritual treasure.

The Haotian boy even tried to deal with the attack of the primordial level used by intelligent creatures, but ended up in an imaginary world with a foundation that is completely different from this world, without the slightest vitality, but the structure is still perfect and self-consistent. He was immediately expelled by the spirit of the Array.

Obviously, the Array has learned something about the primordial level in this temptation. If any youngsters want to erode again, they will find it difficult to locate and capture the opponent's primordial position.

After all, the two emptiness arrays do not know how many folded and distorted voids. For some reason, they did not dare to directly touch Haotian who cultivated the power of the void. It was embarrassing to find that they now took it apart from forcibly suppressing it.

For a moment in reality, the dark-haired boy sitting on the core seat of the broken Haotian Palace has been thinking for a long time, and simply gave up the refining circle temporarily and talked with it.

After spending a lot of time explaining the problems behind the refining assimilation, some compromises were made and part of the knowledge resources were paid. The master of Haotian Palace finally reached an agreement with his refining legal array, and the two sides withdrew from the entanglement confrontation little by little. the power of.

After glancing at the Liangyi Void Array that temporarily quieted after consuming a lot of resources and classics, it felt like the Haotian teenager who was drinking and quenching his thirst reluctantly lifted up all his strength. Without the drag of the Law Array, he spent a lot of effort on the other side of the world Mobubuchi, who was so impatient, coped with the past.

Although it is more convenient for Haotian Palace to add new blood than other practice sects, after all, it takes some time, and some things can only be stepped back and agreed.

Looking complexly, he looked at the highly encrypted compression matrix floating quietly in front of him. Haotian couldn't get rid of his thoughts and entrusted one of the things discussed with Moyuan to a surviving one. A member of Haotian Palace, asked him to go over to the Zhengyi School of Demon Empire.

Anyway, there were too many people killed, Haotian simply selected the remaining palace gods and sent them to the past with the person who had a better sexual relationship, anyway, to strengthen a little strength.

The tragedy of Haotian Palace cannot be hidden. Even if others in the spiritual world do not have the magical acuity, it is estimated that it will not be long before the current situation of Haotian Palace can be detected. At that time, the lack of strength alone may not make Baidi alone. The city conceded, after all, when Haotian Palace promoted the establishment of the Demon Empire, it formed a lot of beams with the Moon Rabbit.

After the gods sensed that they had successfully integrated many of the subordinates, Haotian turned his attention back to the magic circle at hand. Anyway, as long as he can use this amazing magic circle, the following questions That's a good solution.

Depending on the situation, this thing is not wantless, but there is always hope to control it.


This spherical shell world is very wide. Ordinary practitioners who can fly, want to fly in one direction until they return to the starting point, it will take several years.

Even a powerful practitioner who can transform Hong Fei's refining gods into the realm of the world at the speed of the world, it takes at least a tea time to circle the world.

However, practitioners in the realm of refining virtual combination of Taoism, even those who are pushed up by external forces, can disperse themselves into the world by virtue of the resonance of their own strength, and then instantly condense at the target location. Shape, realize the instantaneous movement across distant distances and various obstacles in a very short time.

Over a plain under heavy rain in the demonic empire, the dark clouds suddenly flashed a dense group of dazzling electric lights, and infinite lightning gathered together to build a humanoid thunderbolt that was invisible.

Then the thunderbolt elves flickered and disappeared in place, and the thunderbolt that turned into the sky came to the sky above Baidi City in an instant.

Dark black thunderclouds emerged out of thin air and quickly spread to cover the entire sky.

Obviously unnatural phenomena, a large number of gathered Thunder energy, caused the synchronous response of the White Empire City defense system, a layer of transparent ripple barriers exposed the shape in the twisted air, and isolated the thunder naturally falling from the sky.

Jiang Qing and his party, who were still in Baidi City, looked up and saw a faint humanoid thunder among the thundering thunder, Zheng He and Moon Rabbit White Emperor who did not know when he came to the sky.

What are you afraid of ... Sun Daquan frowned: "It's the thunder **** of Haotian Temple, but this degree of control ... when did you change to a newcomer?"

The head-sized fist was squeezed, and Sun Daquan, who was trembling with muscles, shook his consciousness to Zhang Ren around him. In case of a conflict, please ask him to temporarily protect Sun Lang and Jiang Qing. Imp.


Under the dark clouds of thunder.

The soft and cute Bai Demon's figure next to him completely unfolded and surrounded it, staring at the humanoid figure in front of Thunder. It used human female voices and said in a bad tone: "Thunder has been replaced? You came to Baidi with great fanfare. City, what is Haotian Palace trying to do? "

Although the new thunder **** in front of him is a realm of refining assimilation, but like it, it is pushed by foreign objects and forces. Here is the white emperor city that has occupied the right place and time. As long as the owner of the Haotian palace does not take the initiative, the white emperor will fall. I don't feel that much pressure.

After looking at the outline of a female thunder **** who looked like a female, he looked at the white emperor in front of him and went straight without saying a word—

She came up with such a huge scene. She wanted to bring Baidi out. She didn't feel that she could get what she wanted from Baidi just by negotiation, so let it come out and develop the strongest portable device.

It is engraved with the demon pictures of the essence of all the demon species in this world. It was originally proposed by Haotian Palace. Although all the gates of the school are involved, it is difficult to enlarge the hands and feet, but it always leaves some usable one-time holes of.

The sky's thunder and light suddenly converged and turned into a huge sphere that enveloped Baidi.

Faced with this all-round attack, Baidi's subconsciously driven demon figure, a picture of a demon with a metal spiky body that cannot be seen clearly appeared on the scroll, and the corresponding demon talent was temporarily loaded on Baidi. It A spiky barrier with a cold light appeared around her, tearing apart a large number of Thunder divisions.

Sun Daquan, who flew to the ground to a certain height, nodded his head subconsciously, and analyzed it with the theory of the Five Elements-Lei Mu, the unique mana derived from the gold bank really has a restraint effect, so it seems that he can borrow the demon figure The white emperors with countless different demonic powers have taken advantage in the battle of the same realm ...

Sun Daquan, relieved in his heart, glanced around, and found that there are very few demons in Baidi City who dare to fly and stand by for support ... when I want to come, this is completely unlike the empire of the empire, which can be peaceful and loose, capable of blending It is difficult to find the existence of the practitioners of the practice of puppet imagination.

At this moment, Bai Di suddenly discovered that the demon figure that had fully released his power suddenly changed.

The thunder **** primordial fused in the thunder, activated the backhand left by Haotiangong in the demon map, and inspired all the information contained in it. The layers of images were instantly covered with an endless amount of demon scrolls, and Thor immediately I found what I wanted in it.

A corner of the picture rolls out an image that is distorted to an indescribable meaning, and the information and unique mana reproduce a copy of it ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was taken up in the air and disappeared into the gap between the thunder, and Baidi couldn't help it. A sink—that's the latest imprint, Jiang Qing's essence of this time and space demon.

Although his heart was angry, Baidi was at his whim at this moment, because the excited demon figure was disordered for a moment, and the sky-thunder had eroded into its defense circle, and he had to use his own strength to resist the light from these layers and fight for it. Reorganize the demon figure.

The minimum mission has been completed ... Thunder God glanced at the white emperor being restrained in a short time, recorded the essence of the strange power originating from Jiang Qing, and then glanced down across the entire white emperor city, locking the ground and The picture records the same teenager.

Sweeped by the sense of Yuanshen, who was united with Thunder's vitality, Jiang Qing shuddered all over. Under the shelter of the Baidi City barrier and Zhang Ren, they all had the illusion of being paralyzed by electricity.

Thunder God came to the barrier of the White Emperor City with a flash of light, and the consciousness immediately began to crack the operating mechanism of the defense layer in front of him. Although he was not familiar with the demon figure, but without the host of the White Emperor, it took no effort to invade it. Difficult, it should be possible to end the operation before Baidi escapes.

——Although it is already possible to obtain a record with the demon map record, if the strange demon Jiang Qing can be caught back, her task can be considered to be perfectly completed ...

The slight malice emitted by the thunder **** in the realm of refining and mixing together made the life in Baidi City shudder, but Sun Daquan, the pinnacle of the refining gasification god, appeared to be looking forward to the war, when other demons in Baidi City were still hesitating Just rushed up first, leaving everyone with a tall, muscular back.

——Fighting across two realms is really exciting. It's time to show Cheng Bin's research results after the Five Elements ...

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