Uplifting Journey

Chapter 298: Different World Lines, Ordinary Jiang Qing and Drought Jiang Qing

Cheng Bin originally thought that the parallel individuals who could resonate with Jiang Qing from the primitive world should be Jiang Qing after being transformed into a corpse demon. After all, the huge distortion of consciousness brought about by demonization will completely change a person's habits and thinking methods.

However, this world has been systematically confirmed to be a key worldline node with informational resonance, but Jiang Qing here has not been transformed into a corpse demon.

Cheng Bin observed the boy named Xiaocao, watched him finish his first date, bid farewell to the girl in the village, and walked home to help the old doctor Jiang surname deal with the collected herbs.

"Looking at his age, he has passed the time of being slaughtered. I didn't expect that when the world tragedy didn't happen, we talked about love. It's so young ..."

After smiling, Cheng Bin wondered a little.

"Speaking of which, the information resonance between the parallel world peers, the mechanism and the conditions are also a bit confusing ... At first, both Wenwen of the Outer World No. 2 world could have a weak resonance. It can be seen that this thing and the material after birth Continuity and ideology are not sufficient and necessary relationships. After all, the genetic similarity between Wenwen and me is not so high, and the environment and education are completely different ... "

Haven't figured out how to deal with this seemingly happy Jiang Qing peer, Cheng Bin turned his attention and looked at the field where the bottom-level apostles of the world lived. Roughly, it didn't look much different from the previous world, but Cheng Bin After careful observation and analysis, I still found some of the world that did not exist before, and completed the vitality of the process of ascension and ascension.

After recording these new puzzle pieces, Cheng Bin's eyes swept towards the bipolar world.

On the earth of the spherical shell, separated by the extreme day and night of the sun and the moon, the top of the cylindrical peak and the twisted space-time of the bottom of the dark abyss, the two powerful consciousnesses occupying the world's bipolar suddenly felt heart-wrenched, but did not wait for them Finding out what caused them to sense, their original souls that existed on the unknowable level, embedded in the world's operation, collapsed.

In the blink of an eye, Cheng Bin suppressed the world's Haotian and Moyuan. Without disturbing other practitioners, Cheng Bin stripped them of power and transferred them to the way of time and space, replacing Hongjun. White special split.

After the help of the familiar road was stabilized, Cheng Bin turned back to observe Jiang Qing again, and then sighed deeply, extracted his soul algorithm measurement into his body, and performed it with the ultra-high computing power of the four-dimensional battle body. Some simulations.

After looking at the normal development trend, Cheng Bin added some additional experiences of the primitive world Jiang Qing, spiritual adventures and other things. The test results under a variety of different conditions have clearly made Jiang Qing in this world What kind of person has completely feedbacked.

It can be said that Cheng Bin now knows his personality better than Jiang Qing himself, and can accurately predict the choices he will make when encountering various things.

In this way, you can find ways to guide him and let him embark on a path of spiritual practice that meets his expectations. As for his ordinary and happy life ...

In the case that Jiang Qing in some parallel world enters the heart and soul, a kind of Jiang Qing will always be completed in the ascension ceremony. At that time, high-dimensional Jiang Qing will inevitably resonate with the information between the peers in the parallel world and synchronize the core consciousness. To all peers.

If this consciousness comes from Jiang Qing himself, which is in line with the basic characteristics of peers, that ’s okay, then the peers are assembled and sublimated to produce a higher consciousness, but if this consciousness is eating the trap of the devil and purely washing Bai Cheng's words of irrational destructive parts ...

All peers are bound to be swallowed up by their erosion, and now Jiang Qing's life cannot be maintained anyway.

So before that, letting him embark on the right path and have a core algorithm similar to that of Jiang Qing in the primitive world, so as to unite in the soul war of the demons to gain a greater win rate, is what must be done.

"If the demons are really synchronized in the parallel worlds, in addition to guiding Jiang Qing with more key nodes on the right path, it should be effective to try to eliminate Jiang Qing who is alienated by the trap ... "

Thinking of this problem, Cheng Bin could not help but grinned bitterly, and then randomly chose one of the best batch of solutions in the deduction result, creating an incarnation to the small village and town where Jiang Qing lived ...

Guiding ordinary teenagers to follow the path of practice after the magic reform, there is nothing to elaborate on. There is no accident in accordance with Cheng Bin's deduction. There are local technologies developed by Wuxingmen that make Jiang Qing care. With him, "one person knows the way, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven" are perfectly fine.

In short, after bringing Jiang Qing on the road, Cheng Bin orchestrated some tests and experiences to carve out his temperament, and decided to let it go if he was okay. Anyway, there are alternatives in this world that occupy Hongjun, Haotian, and Moyuan. Bai is monitoring in secret, Jiang Qing should not have any problems in this regard.

Because it is necessary to solve Jiang Qing's problem first, and at the same time, he can also use Jiang Qing to observe how the existence behind this world reacts to those who resist the preset path, so Bai was not in a hurry to advance the last step of his plan. Tao also had to wait for other high-dimensional puzzles to complete before launching her special ascension ceremony.

So she and Cheng Bin agreed to spread special divisions in more worlds, and use Jiang Qing's heart-strength as a signal gun to judge the specific execution time and direction of subsequent plans.

In the ocean of waves and fields, farewell to Bai's intentionally differentiated incomplete split, Cheng Bin once again started the world line migration ability and crossed to another parallel world.

Just when he came to this world, Cheng Bin was surprised by the drastic changes in the bottom of the world. After a little observation and analysis, he found that the world is currently engaged in a world-class war, and it is a mess--

The power of a huge amount of yin and yang in the positive and negative three-dimensional space was completely mobilized. Haotian, Moyuan and a large wave of practitioners joined forces to form a breath in the spherical shell world, and surrounded by an infinite light and heat, Silhouettes like little suns collided violently.

The smoldering air that emanated from the fuzzy figure made the half of the spherical shell dry and shattered, turning the land where countless lives are rooted into the dead domain, but it gave people a weird breath of life.

With the help of many practitioners, Haotian and Moyuan can almost mobilize the vitality of the entire world. While protecting the surviving half of the world, which is still heating up, they launch various kinds of that figure that can break time and space and penetrate the continent. Powerful attack.

Although the figure was suppressed and enclosed in an area by the practitioners' coalition forces, the power remained the same. Various attacks on him not only did not cause substantial damage, but even from time to time he was reversed by inexplicable abilities and counterattacked in a more violent manner. Go back.

Cheng Bin had just seen it, and saw that the Lord of the Demon Deep once condensed into Yinyuehua's condensed light and penetrated all things and shot at the figure, but when he contacted that person, he turned into an extremely chaotic primordial spirit and was The man waved and tossed back, and the exploded practitioners fell awry.

"Huh?" Taken out the panorama record and reviewed it, Cheng Bin was surprised to find that the figure surrounded by the light turned the negative vitality into the positive vitality without any warning.

You must know that these two things can be roughly analogized to positive matter and antimatter. They have subtle commonalities and can react with each other in different ways. It is not that they cannot be transformed into each other, but in normal terms, there must be a specific process and huge energy. Consumed, but that person ...

Cheng Bin found that in the process of resisting and reversing the attack, there was no sign of normal reaction and transformation of related vitality. If you look deeper into the bottom of the world, the fields and waves corresponding to that vitality have changed abruptly in frequency range. See Going up is exactly the same as a rule that breaks through common sense and unreasonable, or ... is it a deeper or higher-dimensional interference from the world?

At this time, Cheng Bin suddenly remembered the scene of the master behind Samuel in the EVA world-a certain material rule was distorted and the physical constants fluctuated, thereby creating a huge interference force that spread to the world and easily shaken. The energy of the whole world destroys it.

"Unexpected gain ... If you dig deeper, maybe you can find a way to affect the physical constants and laws?"

Looking deeper into the internal situation of that figure, Cheng Bin was somewhat surprised to find that his consciousness was in a state of extremely superimposed and complicated superposition. If you look at the outline ... it is Jiang Qing who is in a state of mind and devil ...

Cheng Bin couldn't help sighing in his heart—what did he really think came from? It wouldn't be the system that heard him sigh on the previous world line, and deliberately chose such a world line as the landing point when assisting the crossing?

Turning his eyes to observe those practitioners who confronted Jiang Qing who did not know why he became OSS, Cheng Bin obtained a lot of information in their speech and thinking activities.

Jiang Qing of this world line should still be turned into a corpse monster after being slaughtered in the village, but without Cheng Bin's intervention, his experience seems to be a bit complicated, and he has not fully restored the spirituality of the human state, in the chaotic hatred The trend turns into a real demon.

The practice methods specially designed for demons in this world are rare, but most demons can constantly evolve and become stronger by virtue of their instincts.

And like many demon devouring creatures to strengthen their power, the talented Jiang Qing, like the protagonist of the novel, kills and swallows all the way, in a very short period of time, the realm of power soars.

In the end, not only did he complete the revenge, but also evolved from the corpse demon to the super demon in the legend of the practice world that can reverse life and death and ignite the fire of the sun in the yin, the drought, even successfully surrendered the white emperor and usurped the white emperor The city's demon scroll and the location of the demon emperor.

But then he somehow stepped into the heart and soul, completely lost his reason and became an extraterrestrial demon with strength beyond common sense.

This extraterrestrial demon, which has been changed by the drought that can achieve the cathode and yang, has a strange reversal that makes everyone in the practice world have a headache. Life and death, yin and yang, movement, rigidity and softness ... no matter what the contradictory and opposing power characteristics He is resigned and free to control.

Relying on this powerful rebellious force from the demon from outside, Jiang Qing, a drought stalk, easily gained unlimited energy, an indestructible body, and an unshakable will. As long as he was close to his body, all his offensive and defensive forces were the same as paper.

Now the practitioners are purely under the leadership of the world's bipolar, using various attacks to block their actions, trying to create opportunities to create a special cave, riding on their time and space power is not very familiar, and transferred it to the sun and the moon Go inside the hole and seal it eternally in the cliff of time and space with an unprecedented strong array.

As for killing him ... even Haotian and Moyuan did n’t have this expectation. This product is now considered to be an alternative refining ascetic, and so far I have not heard of any refining and ascetic realm in this world. Of practitioners have been killed.

Just after the severely injured practitioners finally completed the construction of the special cave sky, they were planning to launch a final offensive, but they suddenly found that the cave sky at hand was out of control, and the cave sky structure that distorted the sun and moon to the world hole had undergone subtle changes. .

Without waiting for their response, Dongtian suddenly disintegrated completely, and the invisible wave of time and space spread out in all directions, leaving everything in the world to a standstill.

Haotian and Moyuan, who have an understanding of the way of time and space, use the time and space prepared in the dark to interfere in their hands and climb up from the low space of time and space, so as not to fall into a static state like other practitioners ~ www.readwn.com ~ They were horrified to see that the drought-reversing halo that could not be broken by the forces of the world was scattered by a dark-haired young man who did not know when it appeared, and was not stopped by the vicious drought but still unable to move. Confused and angry eyes stared at the youth before him.

"Well ... there is really no reason, and there is no abnormal reaction to my appearance. It seems that it is not the worst case. At least the high-dimensional consciousness has not yet taken shape. The change in the entire world line is not caused by the influence of peer consciousness. of..."

Cheng Bin observed the reaction of Jiang Qing after seeing his own image, then raised his hand to create a split of Bai Dingban, and then turned to look at the world's bipolar state that was in a wait-and-see state due to an unknown emergency.

Haunted by unknown visitors, who were trying to adjust their power, Haotian and Moyuan were shocked, and found that their original souls had been downgraded from the state of Taoism to the current body, and the ownership that they once owned completely disappeared ... No, It was transferred to the girl in the white skirt opposite!

Stripping away the power of yin and yang, helping Bai to embed and replace Hongjun to dominate time and space. Cheng Bin is already quite familiar with it, and it is estimated that it will become more familiar in the future.

Once the bipolar world looked at the rising yin and yang power of the clever smiling Qianxi girl opposite the air, and a chill appeared in the degraded soul ...

Cheng Bin did not care much about how to deal with this world line. After he looked at Jiang Qing who was completely in a state of chaos and irrationality, he could only sigh and erase it from the bottom of the world.

"Even if we only consolidate the world line of key nodes, the total workload is huge. I don't know how many different situations will be faced in the future ..." 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school

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