Uplifting Journey

Chapter 299: Information theory at the bottom of the universe and the truth behind the world

As the crossing continues, the deviation of the world line becomes larger.

Along the way, Cheng Bin encountered a variety of Jiang Qing and saw a lot of strange developments in the world.

Not to mention a world similar to the original world.

Cheng Bin encountered the Haotian God who successfully suppressed the Moyuan and ruled the yin and yang, which integrated the path of practice in all material aspects and was at the top of the world.

I have also encountered a strong respecter who has overturned the entire practice world with a road similar to the original Jiang Qing kinetic energy sensor.

Cheng Bin even met Hong Jun, who was initially awakened by the death of the bipolar world, who controlled all changes in time, space, and vitality, and fit the world's heart.

——However, this Hongjun is still the stylized behavior pattern, from which Cheng Bin did not obtain more secrets behind these worlds.

In this journey full of sense of sight, Cheng Bin helped a lot of Jiang Qing to get on the right path, wiped out a lot of Jiang Qing turned into puppet parts, spread the white splits everywhere, and collected a lot of ascension paths The data.

In this process, Cheng Bin found that the road where the apostates soared would have an impact on the neighboring world lines, and the scope of the impact would have a great relationship with the strength of their ability.

If someone in these world lines is involved in this road, then he will be annihilated or assimilated by the demon when the ascension of the ascension. Touched and occupied by other practitioners.

From this perspective, the behavior of this series of vitality worlds in trying to assemble world-class souls in high dimensions is not so smooth-although the components of the puzzle are more or less in all world lines, they look soaring Combiners cannot pass themselves as parts through all world lines, which makes the jigsaw puzzle impossible to form, let alone the subsequent assembly.

"Hard work set up an experimental field, but neither came forward to solve the variables like me, nor maintained control in high dimensions to maintain the normal operation of the experiment. As a result, the experimental field is now in chaos and no hope of success ..."

After solving the problem of the current world, Cheng Bin, who started the crossing again, pondered.

"... Isn't the high-dimensional existence behind this series of vitality worlds not as a laboratory as I guess? It's not here at all? Or ... isn't its current state wonderful?"

These speculations Cheng Bin also has no way to confirm, can only continue to carry out his plan step by step.

However, after entering the new world, Cheng Bin was surprised to find that the state of this world is not too different from the original vitality world—you need to know the worlds he just experienced, but the development of various gods has led to beyond recognition.

The information offset represents the distance between the two world lines to some extent, which means that Cheng Bin suddenly jumped a considerable distance and came to a place very close to the original vitality world.

While very proficient in consciousness to deal with the things involved in the plan, Cheng Bin asked the system in his heart: "What's going on? My ability to travel autonomously can't move so far at once, right? System you help me Jump back? "

"Yes, the host," the system black cat bubbling in the vast ocean of data in the panorama. "At present, you have completed the traversal of most of the nodes related to the vitality world. Now you are gradually adjusting to the origin."

"Huh?" Cheng Bin froze. "That's over? Isn't this too little?"

According to Cheng Bin's initial estimation, even if he chooses a key beam-receiving node to traverse, his workload is an astronomical figure. Although he has not experienced a long time in each world after working proficiently, it should also be scary to accumulate. Correct.

Now Cheng Bin is suddenly told that the work is nearing completion. Cheng Bin, who is conscious of the work is still in the development stage, is naturally a bit surprised. It is like a hard-working office worker who works overtime every day. The same goes for a paid long vacation notice.

The system black cat does not deny Cheng Bin's doubts, but asks back: "It is very rare, but the host, do you think that there is such a vitality in the world, is it normal?"

Cheng Bin did not have any objection to this: "It looks like an experimental field, and naturally it is abnormal."

So the system continued to ask the question: "Does the host have anything in common in this series of world lines with various deviations?"

Recalling a large number of world lines that he experienced, Cheng Bin affirmed: "The basic structure of the world-the positive and negative three-dimensional space and the spherical shell geodetic subspace ... In addition, it can be counted as a half Hongjun."

The black cat of the system nodded: "Yes, the existence behind this series of worlds will not allow the world to undergo a devastating cycle of resetting in order to complete its plan. Such changes will undoubtedly destroy all vitality systems and all Kind of preset. "

"I understand that in order to maintain the world in a state of dynamic equilibrium that does not fall into the positive and negative space cycle restarts, in addition to the relevant system and regulator Hong Jun in the world, there is an additional price to be paid ..."

Cheng Bin said with some comprehension: "Because in a closed world, the entropy representing the degree of chaos is always increasing, and it will not reset until the cycle restarts. I thought that there was some kind of high dynamic balance in the vitality world. Dimensional interference to offset the increase in entropy, but now according to your system, is this actually related to the scarce world line? "

"Host you to this level, have a lot of reliable conjectures about the situation at the bottom of the world?" The black cat of the system did not answer directly, but shifted the topic. "As of now, this system can also tell you Some high-dimensional interference forces such as mindfulness, when viewed from a high-dimensional perspective, have a rough process, which should be very helpful for you to establish a theoretical model of the underlying operating principle of the low-dimensional world. "

"Oh? It's rare ..." Cheng Bin glanced at the situation in the world, determined that Jiang Qing was on the right path, and Bai returned to his full attention and said to the system, "... I listen to my ears."

The system Black Cat raised a fairly basic question: "Hosts should you know that information is powerful, right? Information is the concept of a conscious life given a specific material structure, which itself represents a special form of matter."

Cheng Bin nodded silently in his heart—this is easy to understand. Information is the state of matter. Changing this state is changing the material carrier of information. This process must accompany the transfer of energy, which can produce actual power.

Just like a virus on a USB flash drive, like other normal data, it is just binary code. At the physical level, it is just a constant change in potential. However, the unique information contained in it is enough to rely on the change of the carrier substance to drive other substances. It is so small that the computer freezes and the Internet is paralyzed. The "power" of its information is not small according to the conversion ratio.

"Everything in the high-dimensional world is related to information," the system's black cat continued, "host you should remember, this system has said before-the high-dimensional interference force of Nian Qi is essentially derived from the host you High-dimensional information body ...

"This information body naturally possesses a‘ strength ’similar to ordinary information. The power of using information to influence and change information, and finally feeding it back to the material carrier, is qi.”

"If I remember correctly the high-dimensional information body, you have said that it is the core of the overlapping of countless world lines in the inner world. Therefore, the actual carrier of this information body is actually the" I "in the matrix of countless worlds .. . "

Cheng Bin groaned for a while, remembering what the system had said-all the different worlds derived from this universe are essentially sharing the same underlying substance.

Cheng Bin, who is aware of it, said: "The essence of the process of thought is to rely on a large number of" I "to build a structure of the underlying substance of the universe with logic and information, and use this to influence other underlying substances of the universe. Constructing information to change things in the world ...

"Just like players use data to influence data in online games, the specific electromagnetic changes that occur at the Internet, server, and database levels depend entirely on the choice of the information level. You can do anything. "

"So there is a problem here," said the system's black cat. "Even if information is used to change information, the actual carrier level is accompanied by consumption, because the influence and change between such information are mutual. ...

"... You cannot change the state of other information without paying your own changes, so to maintain the logical system of your information body and the ability to change other information, you must constantly supplement the available 'change value' of your own reserves."

"So," the system black cat asked Cheng Bin, "host do you think this information body will transfer and reflect its own consumption?"

Cheng Bin suddenly remembered the original topic of this discussion-why is this series of vitality worlds derived from such a small parallel world line?

"Can it be said," Cheng Bin said with some surprise, "This consumption can be reflected in the process of the universe's division and evolution of the world line?"

"The answer is correct," said the black cat in the panorama. He raised his front paws and arched his hands in congratulations and laughed. "Instead of destroying the logic and stability of the information body, the consumption caused by the change is transferred. It is a natural thing to involve the division of the world line. As for the specific process, you need to go to the bottom of the universe to confirm for yourself. "

Cheng Bin sighed with disappointment: "Deep into the bottom of the universe shared by countless worlds ... Judging by the rules of the inner world, it must at least reach the Planck scale, and now it is completely clueless."

"The host shouldn't focus on this, right?" System Black Cat said in a subtle tone. "Aren't you curious, behind these vitality worlds, is the body that consumes the possibility of world line differentiation?"

"Uh ... I mentioned before that the purpose of consumption is to maintain the eternity of the world and not to let many worlds fall into a devastating cycle of restarting, so ..." Cheng Bin froze, thinking of a possibility, "Is this The high-dimensional existence behind the world itself is hidden in these worlds? "

"Now the system can tell you the answer to another question." The system black cat did not respond to Cheng Bin's question, but instead carried forward the style and shifted the topic. "About why it suddenly turned back to the world with a low deviation from the original vitality world. Close World Line-Because the host you go to the previous World Line goes further, it is a huge fault. "

After a pause, the system black cat slowly said: "A huge fault composed of a completely destroyed world line similar to the kind outside the edge of the inner area."

Thinking of the inconsistent statement of the system that "killed 99% of you at the level of the possibility of a high-dimensional world line", Cheng Bin frowned secretly, but soon he thought of these worlds in This aspect is similar to the meaning of faults in the inner domain.

Destroy the faults of countless world lines, the experimental field with unsatisfactory operating results, the interference of information centered on maintaining the eternity of the world, and the criteria for systematically selecting the world ... After a comprehensive analysis of various information, Cheng Bin faintly Some understand what is going on behind these vitality worlds.

With a hint of uncertainty and relaxation, Cheng Bin directly asked: "System, you mean that the high-dimensional life behind these worlds has already taken the street?"

"It depends on the host. What is your definition of flutter street ~ www.readwn.com ~ System black cat spreads its paws," From the current point of time, you can indeed think of the high-dimensional system behind the vitality system. Life is dead. "

"But Gao Wei's life is dead but not stiff, right?" Cheng Bin pondered, "Even if the skeleton of the Naruto world was completely defeated and killed, I was confident to continue the fire with the plant civilization information I remember, this vitality system. The high-dimensional life behind it ... so it is ... "

Cheng Bin suddenly realized: "This is not an experimental field at all. The world-class high-dimensional consciousness to be assembled is the high-dimensional life that created these worlds. It is not doing experiments, but trying to find a way to let itself go through alternative ways. resurrection!"

So the question comes-how strong was this high-dimensional life before his lifetime? How did it die? Why can't its resurrection progress smoothly?

These issues obviously involve unexpectedly high-dimensional dangers, but Cheng Bin is not worried about too much of these things now. On the contrary, another issue is more critical at the moment-Bai Ruo will continue to execute according to the plan and finally complete the path of vitality. High-dimensional assembly, who will finally be the world-class high-dimensional consciousness?

If the qiyuan world is really a graveyard, its remaining core consciousness obviously existed in the time and space dominating Hongjun before the completion of the puzzle, then the white that replaced a lot of Hongjun will be covered by its erosion. That really isn't right ...

Although Bai made a special split, many special changes were made to prevent similar risks. Theoretically, it was calculated that it would not directly affect her and her creator, but Cheng Bin was still very worried.

Cheng Bin, who re-activated his ability to traverse and rushed towards the original vitality world line, soon discovered that his concerns had become a reality. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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