Uplifting Journey

Chapter 300: Successful 1 and a half plan and timeline rover white

Because there is no high-dimensional senses and related abilities, and knowledge and technology have not yet penetrated the bottom of the universe, Cheng Bin is completely confused about what happened during the traversal process, and there is no way to accurately observe and locate it, so he can only rely on The assistance of the system finally returned to the vitality world that entered at the beginning.

The moment he entered the world, Cheng Bin quickly scanned the current situation in the world. After confirming that there were not too many abnormalities, he focused on the situation of Jiang Qing and Bai.

Jiang Qing, who is still in a sealed state, seems to have a better state of consciousness. Although still in a highly superimposed complex state, the level of confusion has decreased significantly. It seems that normal Jiang Qing in other parallel worlds has begun to participate in a lot. Entering this heart and soul, suppressed the negative effects behind the ascension ceremony.

After communicating with Bai, who has fully integrated and unified the operation of the entire world, it was determined that Cheng Bin was relieved during this period without outside interference.

In the next words, there is not much he can do. Now it is up to Jiang Qing himself to rely on the synergy of most of the parallel and parallel selves to overcome the difficulties before the soul is uplifted.

Observing Jiang Qing's ascension or the process of upgrading, should be able to help Cheng Bin to crack the ascension mechanisms of these worlds, and obtain knowledge about upgrading, and that the impact of Jiang Qing will affect all Cheng Bin In this parallel world, Bai will be able to use this as a signal to start the next step.

"Just, will the next step really go as smoothly as planned?"

After creating an avatar, he stayed in the Five Elements Gate for a while, exchanged ideas with various hobbies in the spiritual world, and confirmed the changes in the soul algorithm of many practitioners and the possible development direction of the world. Appears next to the hole of the world.

Silently observed the complicated operation process of the hole running through the positive and negative space in front of him. Cheng Bin found the part related to the possibility of consuming the differentiation of the world line while studying carefully while waiting for the arrival of key nodes.

However, the development of the next thing completely exceeded Cheng Bin's expectations--

A girl in a white dress and white socks suddenly appeared beside Cheng Bin's incarnation.

The girl has a look that Cheng Bin can't be more familiar with, after all, it is the human shape he imported and modeled by himself ... er, although the copyright of this shape is in the system.

Cheng Bin didn't find it strange that Bai manifested the behavior of the human shell.

Because his own current ontology is a form that ordinary humans ca n’t understand, indescribable, and can only be described in complex mathematical language, the human body shape is no longer necessary for him. He is only because of his origin in humans. Get used to some human concepts and perspectives, so often create human avatars to move.

And Bai, her basic framework structure comes from the binary intelligent program of the Matrix. The race itself is used to cover the human shell to imitate the words and deeds of its creator. When Cheng Bin designed and guided its growth, it was mixed. Some information related to humans, so she likes to separate out some parts of the human shell and it is also normal.

However, Cheng Bin, who had a consciousness and wanted to chat with Bai, quickly found something wrong.

After all, the four-dimensional war body can already cover the panorama in this world that is not very large because of maintaining eternity. What is the state of the special split that controls the time and space and vitality in the bottom of the world is under Cheng Bin's monitoring, although The complexity of her information is not low, but Cheng Bin still knows what she is doing.

The girl in front of herself was indeed revealed through Bai's power, but ... Now Bai is focusing on the adjustment of the split-soul algorithm, and this girl is not formed by Bai's normal power adjustment ...

Cheng Bin, who was alert, took back all his distracted attention at the same time, and opened up the perception and analysis capabilities of the four-dimensional war body. Some kind of high-dimensional disturbance in the body that resembles thought.

The unknown existence seems to be very familiar with the structure and operation process of the white body. With only a little disturbance, it has pried up some of the power of the white body, and precisely created a white shape in front of the Cheng Bin avatar. Virtual shadow.

Cheng Bin failed to pursue further after several investigations, so the controlling avatar cautiously asked, "Who are you?"

A ghostly girl created purely by a little change of vitality, her hands crooked and her head crooked behind her back, her eyes narrowed and smiled at Cheng Bin: "I am white, father."

In terms of mood and mood, this young girl's ghost and Bai are indistinguishable, but Cheng Bin will not be confused by this external appearance. Bai's complete program data is stored in the special memory area of ​​his body, which is slightly contrasted. He knew immediately that Bai's words and deeds were subtly different from Bai's.

Facing the alert state of Cheng Bin, it seemed that he had noticed that his four-dimensional warfare was changing into a fighting posture that was about to trigger. The young girl patted her slightly barren chest in distress, and sighed and said the answer straight: I'm really white ... But, dad, you can call me by the name 'Hongjun'. "

Cheng Bin frowned. He was stunned again and quickly scanned the world's profile again, confirming that Jiang Qing was still in a state of horror, and Bai split was still in self-tuning.

——It is clear that the relevant plan has not yet started, how can the expected results come out? Could it be that...

Realizing an incredible possibility, Cheng Bin asked the girl in front with some uncertainty: "You ... are Hong Jun who completed the world-conscious puzzle plan and successfully upgraded? You cross the timeline and cross from the future. Until now? "

The sentence said by the system now appeared in Cheng Bin's heart-"At the current point in time, you can really think that the high-dimensional life behind the vitality system is dead."

Dead at this point of time, indicating that the previous point in time, or even the later point in time, may not have died-this is already an explicit answer, when Cheng Bin didn't realize that there was the latter possibility.

The powerful high-dimensional life has the ability to roam on the time axis. This is something that Cheng Bin confirmed from the moment he first contacted the system, but he did not expect that he finally saw an example today. The birth of this instance is still very much related to him. Relationship...

"Well," the young girl nodded slightly. "Although I'm looking forward to the white title, Hong Jun can do it, and I can distinguish it from the current one."

Although I have always been curious and looking forward to an example that finally appeared in front of me, Cheng Bin resisted the research in this area and asked one of the most critical questions: "Are you more white now, or more Hongjun?"

The ghost girl Hong Jun, who is very familiar with Cheng Bin, replied without hesitation: "From the core soul algorithm of high-dimensional life, I am Hong Jun, but in terms of other memories and personality, I am white."

"So did the plan fail in the end?" Cheng Bin sighed and glanced down at the hole in the world where there was endless vitality next to it. "Sure enough, a high-dimensional life is not a good way to resurrect yourself. "

"It should be considered half successful," the ghost girl Hong Jun shook her head. "Although the road as the core has been passed down, it is just a bit of a residual obsession of the previous one, and it is very similar to my original core algorithm. Gao, although it can't be violated, it doesn't affect me much. "

Cheng Bin, who was still on alert, said nothing about this: "You can roam the timeline, presumably inherited something other than the core algorithm? Why did you come to me at this time? With this ability Then, isn't the earlier point in time the better for you? "

"First of all, we have to declare that we are not enemies, Dad ..." The young girl who bit the stress on the word "Dad" seemed to be helpless. "Please rest assured, the timeline roaming ability seems very powerful. , But you ca n’t actually do whatever you want--

"The matter at the bottom of the universe is discrete. The time as one of its information properties is also the same. Each discrete time segment can be described by the negative 43th power of 10 in the inner domain, which is Planck time."

After a pause, the ghost girl Hong Jun continued to disclose relevant information to the creator she acknowledged: "Because my upgrading is not solely dependent on me, nor does it have the knowledge and technology that penetrate the bottom of the world. I ca n’t change the specific process of the bottom of the universe. Describe for you ...

"But in terms of a single world line, if I try to interfere with the previous time segment related to myself, it will cause changes in related substances in the next time segment that it is close to. The part that I exist in the downstream segment is high. To maintain the information body, it is necessary to consume its own power to counteract the aftermath caused by this change and prevent its own logical structure from being affected. "

The subject's memory and thinking transcend time, can simultaneously perceive and interfere with high-dimensional life at plural points in time, and must confront with the power that they exert.

Just like a person who ate junk food yesterday and found that the behavior caused him to diarrhea in the toilet today, so he changed his behavior yesterday to eat a serious meal. If he did this and go directly to today ’s self , Then he will face the scene of his sudden disappearance from the toilet today.

If he doesn't change the time series from the moment of changing his diet choices to the time series every minute and every second, he will be torn to pieces in the timeline changes— -It is also a way to give up control of yourself and follow the current in the river of time, but in that case, the high-dimensional information body must be disintegrated and broken. How can you maintain your stable structure?

So the girl concluded: "In this situation, high-dimensional life is like the same train, and the subject consciousness occupies a lot of time segments independently, but the change of the trajectory of the most forward and old section will be implicated in the whole. Let the subsequent compartments change one by one ...

"If you ca n’t adapt to this point and maintain your own overall laws, you will lead to derailment, fracture, and car death. Therefore, the force I can exert at this point in time is very weak. Although you have not upgraded, you have The high-dimensional information magnitude is much stronger than mine, and this power can't even break through the thoughts, and it will not help you much. "

As for the impact of this timeline shock on others, such as Cheng Bin ... he is not even a high-dimensional life, let alone consciousness runs through the time axis. Without a high-dimensional information body of that level, naturally it will not be affected by the underlying structure. , But it also means that he has no resistance to this change, and can only follow the wave.

"So, you mean that your ability can only support you to put a weak interference force at this point in time?" Cheng Bin asked after thinking about it, "Even so, the changes brought about by contact with me will be great. Right? If your body exists downstream of the timeline, if you raise your hand and throw your feet to affect many worldlines, your behavior will change, and the distortion you need to fight will not be small. "

"First, the distortion is not so great, because Dad, you will not stay in these worlds for a long time after all. Second, ..." Xuying girl Hong Jun took a deep look at Cheng Bin, "This is a must-pay Cost-taking the risk to expand my scope and radically increasing my strength is because I represent the resurrection of the dead ...

"... This is bound to attract the attention of those who are interested. I need stronger power to fight the enemy who killed it ..." After a pause, the ghost girl Hong Jun continued slowly, "That is also the case ... our common enemy. "

Cheng Bin frowned slightly-regardless of the enemy, he would leave here anyway? To say this ...

"Yes, host," a black cat appeared next to the two, and the system looked at them. "Your current control of the ability to pass is far less than this system. You have to say that you are not in any way You have to leave this incident, naturally it has something to do with this system. "

Cheng Bin took a deep sip of high-density yin and yang, and he hesitated afterwards: "That's the case, the system you chose this world as the target ~ www.readwn.com ~ for this? Have you already discussed it?"

"Please don't feel disgusted with this, my father," a ghost girl who occasionally drew to keep her close, shook her head, "I can't do anything without you and the system, just ... "

The girl paused and hesitated, and didn't go on-you are the last hope, but you can't die here.

The black cat of the system took the conversation and persuaded: "Anyway, the host you do not have the ability to fight against powerful high-dimensional life now, even if you can defeat most of the enemies in the world with huge accumulation, you will be at the same time. It can only affect one point in time in a parallel world, which is meaningless to the overall situation ...

"It is the last word to temporarily avoid conflicts and improve yourself. If you also have the ability to roam in the timeline, you can naturally come back and participate in it at any time to continue your research."

"I'm afraid not, right?" Cheng Bin heard a sneer at the black cat. "According to your timeline roaming theory, even if I have the ability to return to this point in the future, what I see may not be the case now?" Is it possible for Hong Jun to be completely obliterated and disappear from the timeline again? "

The ghost girl Hongjun took a step forward in the volley, and said with a serious expression: "I used to just try to make a split, but now I can take one step forward to help you, I am very happy .. ... so I will keep on until my father you come here again and fight with me. "

Cheng Bin was silent for a while, and finally nodded and agreed with the two.

But before leaving, whether it is a high-dimensional timeline or an unknown enemy, there are many places that make him confused and curious. Need to ask for confirmation ... 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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