Uplifting Journey

Chapter 302: World Line Bomb and the Mystery of the Universe

Before leaving the vitality world, Cheng Bin, who finally realized the physical phenomenon associated with the crossing process, had conducted experiments on the unified field and crossing ability of the bottom layer of the world.

Although it is not possible to observe the specific details of the traversal process intuitively, Cheng Bin has been able to summarize and use the laws in a certain degree.

On the one hand, he confirmed that different worlds are sharing the same set of matter at the bottom of the universe, and the process of traversing is indeed what the system said when first crossing the outer domain. Finding all the substances that make up oneself in the unified field at the bottom of the world The existence of the temporary transformation into the information body began.

On the underlying matter that looks chaotic and broken, Cheng Bin's information is reflected from the material in this side of the current world, to another side or another probability, and then all the material waves that are discretely broken due to world differences are according to the information The structure is integrated, and the body is reconstructed to complete the crossing.

The so-called crossing is essentially just a turn around in place.

The large unified field at the bottom of the universe, which is a basic discrete unit on the Planck scale, has more complex and unpredictable curling dimensions than four-dimensional space. Moving in these dimensions can travel through different worlds and even touch different time.

In simple terms, Cheng Bin has not been able to directly observe, similar to the low-dimensional string in the universe, the underlying unit of the universe, which itself contains extremely complex attribute information, describing its different states in different worlds at different times.

Ignoring the rough analogy of the actual scale, a low-level unit in World One may be a high-energy radiation in the sun, and in World II it may be a food residue in the human stomach.

At some point in the past of World One, it may be a strong force carrier in the nucleus of a certain fusion element, and at a future point of time in World Two, it may be a molecule of a manure in the sewer.

The most basic low-level unit itself contains all its past and future in the endless world, but its dynamic complexity changes due to complex contact and interaction with each other, and its information complexity is unparalleled.

Recognizing this, Cheng Bin naturally understands where his path of upgrading is--

Because there are also changes such as associations and contacts between the underlying units, it is possible to build a logical system in this alternative movement, but because there is no more subtle unit as a medium, relying on tools without affecting the underlying units It is impossible to perform objective observation and interference based on the state.

Therefore, just as when he extended himself to the fourth dimension of space to create a four-dimensional body that cannot be understood by three-dimensional senses, Cheng Bin must find a way to implant his soul algorithm with a logical information structure at the lowest level so that he can contact and understand Interfering with the complex properties of the underlying unit.

At that time, as long as there is enough power, Cheng Bin can observe and interfere at will with all the space-time matter in the world and time range, and naturally becomes a high-dimensional life.

To build such a logical system, there must be a certain basic volume as a building block-explore more parts of it in different worlds at different times on a single unit, and gather and integrate more units associated with it.

The former requires Cheng Bin's own consciousness to exist on different levels of the same material, that is, to co-ordinate work on different world lines at the same time. The latter one tries to expand himself like the previous Hongjun Resurrection Plan in the world. The amount of underlying units involved in consciousness.

Because the inner domain itself has a lot of overlapping world lines, and it has experienced many parallel worlds in the past, Cheng Bin has a great advantage in the former. As for the latter, the four-dimensional warfare he has built on the right path Far more extensive and deeper than Hong Jun.

As long as the experimental research is concentrated for a period of time, the underlying discrete units of the unified field are touched, and the existence and form of the cognition are understood, all the conditions for Cheng Bin's preliminary upgrade are fully satisfied.

At present, the only tadpole, Cheng Bin has the best textbook in front of him-Heiyue.

After experiencing the event that Hongjun, the world of vitality, never traced back and forth, Cheng Bin had a deeper understanding of the system. The unnatural product of Heiyue was obviously inseparable from the system. Now he himself It just happened that he could get some of the most critical phenomena and data from its core, and Cheng Bin was not surprised at all.

Well ... Cheng Bin was still a little surprised.

Black Moon originally seemed to have a very high level of information complexity, but at the same time, the chaotic operation of the input and output is correct. In the eyes of Cheng Bin who can observe the entire world from the perspective of a large unified field, it is clear that some core logic Embedding a large number of different properties of the underlying unit, so it looks very confusing from a single world perspective.

To a certain extent, this is considered to be an incomplete pseudo-high-dimensional life.

Combined with Bai ’s time during his absence, he constantly cracked and analyzed a large amount of black moon data, and Cheng Bin smoothly understood the context of the black moon ’s operation.

Although time is relatively meaningless, Cheng Bin, who has gone through a lot of practice in the last world, no longer has to worry about too much, and directly uses the ability to pass through in the inner region.

Because of a certain understanding of the bottom unit of the large unified field, a lot of data comparison experiments have been done before. Cheng Bin controls the direction and distance of the crossing to a certain extent without any problems.

Therefore, in the subspace of the Sealed Black Moon, he continued to carry out small-scale and low-shift world line migration based on the current space-time base point, so as to observe and analyze the complex structure of the Black Moon from the perspective of different world lines.

To put it simply, it is to migrate between the many possible world lines that extend within one second of the current subspace. Because this migration only involves the present and the short-term future, this behavior is the overall integration of the inner domain of the currently manifested only world line. Not much impact.

From the core profile of the Black Moon at multiple time points in multiple worlds, to gradually assemble its complete outline, this work Cheng Bin immersed himself in this work for a long time, until the outside life was unified and split for two rounds, Cheng Bin gradually completed the closing.

In this process, the dark moon as an experimental object not only provided Cheng Bin with the idea of ​​deepening the underlying unit, but also reflected some of the attributes of the underlying unit, which is really an excellent textbook.

After completing the finishing work, Cheng Bin also fully understood the internal structure of the core of the Black Moon, deciphered the information contained in the part of the structure that governed his behavior, and knew the practical significance of the existence of a strange program called a prophet.

To some extent, the dark moon should be the experimental semi-finished product when the terminal of the manufacturing system tried to interfere with the low-dimensional world. It is similar to the sacred artifact pieces used as Cheng Bin's trial props. When the civilized terminal manufactures the inner area and system, it is a regulatory tool that is accidentally acquired in the change of the world line.

The Black Moon, or the prophet of the original civilization of the Black Moon, was used to obtain a large amount of future information that should have occurred in the nearby world line. At the same time, the knowledge and technology were improved, and they were slightly induced from high dimensions. Environment, while collecting a lot of information about intelligent life and civilization along the way and encrypting it across the world line, this behavior continued until the terminal annihilated the extra world line and completed the construction of the inner area.

Anyway, without the Black Moon slaughtering all the way to reduce the variables, whether humans and Cheng Bin can be born, regardless of whether this world can form an inner domain with special functions and meanings, it is really difficult to say.

At present, the only remaining functional uses of Heiyue itself, in addition to serving as a teaching material for Cheng Bin and giving a little warning information from the original world line before the birth of the inner domain, there is only "嘭 ——" left.

Yes, the current black moon is essentially a bomb, a super "variable bomb" acting on the level of the world line. The core transformation hides the information of native wisdom, life and civilization derived from countless world lines. Its special way is released at one time, which is enough to explode a large-scale world line division.

If the black moon really blows up, let alone, the highly overlapping system in the inner region is definitely going to be finished, at least it will be a lot behind.

"It's a high-dimensional attack technique that is very effective in certain situations. Without looking at the actual effect, I can't determine whether I have learned it completely, but I can't really let it explode once? "

After browsing the most critical information of Heiyue, Cheng Bin called out the black cat and asked it: "System, what do you want to put in the inner area?"

The black cat said casually: "You also know that the dark moon is an accidental product. At the beginning, the terminal did not have a host. Now you can almost run through the accumulation of high- and low-dimensional worlds, and it is good to be able to guide its actions."

Seizing the core question, Cheng Bin continued and said, "Then guide it into a bomb?"


The black cat simulated by the system in the panorama was silent for a while, then showed a highly anthropomorphic look, and said in a rather sighing tone: "Well ... to this day, the host you have come to the uplifting On the eve, many bans should now be opened for you to lift the ban ... "

Cheng Bin was a little surprised, and couldn't help but recall the doubts that were ignored by the system before and after being attached to the system, in the overlapping battlefields of Outer World II, and in many other places.

"It's not wrong to say that the black moon is a world line explosive device, but you are mistaken about one of the hosts, that is, this mechanism is not used to attack, but to delay the attack, create the fog, and perform active defense. "

The system black cat paused and shifted the topic to another direction: "If you explain it in detail, you have to start from the beginning. Do you remember the first prohibition we mentioned?"

Cheng Bin, who even had the fuzzy memories of the fetal period firmly engraved after analysis, naturally will not forget this thing: "I remember, at that time, I was asking you-why do you and the terminal exist in high dimensions, from Another creation of the pinnacle civilization of the universe will fail to try to make a cross-space communication device, but it will also need small humans in my low-dimensional world to help ... "

The black cat nodded: "Yes, some details are not suitable for mention now, but the general process is like this-

"The exploration terminal started from the universe where Yao civilization was located, successfully reached the high-dimensional information level of this universe, and then gradually stabilized its existence and began to recognize this universe. Later, when it tried to reproduce its phenomenon of crossing the universe to make a communication device, It encountered other top high-dimensional life in this universe and encountered siege after negotiations failed. "

The black cat shook his head and sighed and continued: "Because the information structure is entered in a vacuum, the terminal lacks a very important local trait. Even if the successful cross-universal experiment has acquired deeper knowledge and technology, it will not be able to resist most of those forces. The high-dimensional life that is still entangled in confrontation is ready to fight ... "

"And this key local trait, which is not available as a terminal for outsiders," Black Cat looked at Cheng Bin's incarnation in Heiyueya space a bit subtle, "is owned by the physical entities of the low-dimensional world and originated from the birth of this universe The initial timeline record. "

As soon as Cheng Bin flashed, a lot of thoughts flashed in his thoughts. Based on the current research results, the high-dimensional information level is built on the underlying unit of the universe. The basic unit does contain the origin of the universe. Related attribute information.

Interfering with the terminal of the high-dimensional information level of the universe from the air, I am afraid that like Jiang Qing, who could only rely on Jiang Qing to indirectly observe the vitality world, her senses and power are greatly restricted. Like a duckweed, it may not really reach the bottom The essence of the unit ...

However, the timeline records this trait. If it is to play a key role in high-dimensional warfare, then ...

"Host, should you think of it? The current dangerous environment of this universe ..."

The black cat said in a low tone, "For high-dimensional life, the wider the world line and timeline covered, the more powerful it is, and if the enemy can occupy the timeline upstream of the world line split and evolution, it will Achieved a considerable strategic advantage, so ... "

The system black cat once again projected a complex tree diagram representing the continuous division and evolution of the universe. It raised its claws and pointed at the source of the forefront of the constantly diverging river of time and space.

"The more powerful the more ancient ... In order to occupy a strategic advantage and to gain greater power, all powerful high-dimensional life continues to climb on the time axis toward the past until it reaches the original place of the universe."

In the presence of choked Cheng Bin, the system black cat whispered the complex situation at the forefront of the universe: "Plural top-level high-dimensional life, they are hostile and cooperate with each other. On the one hand, they kill and devour each other at the source of the universe. Power and relatives, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com tries to wipe out all new enemies that may be born downstream of the timeline.

"The terminal for new intervention in the high-dimensional world is to go to the source of the universe in the unknown situation without a timeline record, and was easily defeated by the preset traps and co-attacks, all the way to the downstream of the timeline, and finally at this distance. At a fairly remote point in time, the last power was consumed to create the inner area.

"The only good news is that the top high-dimensional life entangled in confrontation with each other, in order to reduce the pressure on the high-dimensional ontology of the timeline distortion that the source of the universe is crazy, and also to prevent the enemy from sniping on the part that is downstream of time, Both have tried to shorten their length on the time axis and concentrated their power towards the point in time when the universe was born.

"Even so, while offsetting the timeline distortion caused by the source of the war and maintaining the basic stability of themselves and the universe, they still have the strength to invest their strength and family members to spread downstream of the timeline-dividing key nodes to control future progress and creating time shock traps Kill the newcomers and spread their core message ...

"They ca n’t tell the winners and losers. They are entangled, suppressing the channel that destroys the life of the entire universe, breaking through the restrictions of the universe to a wider void, and it is impossible to talk about ... In this situation, only the equivalent of the terminal remains The inner domain can have a degree of freedom without interference in space and time, and have a little hope. "

After describing this heavy information, the system black cat seriously said to Cheng Bin: "Keep going on, the host, continuously improving and strengthening, until you have the ability to go back to the source of cosmic time ...

"There is your real battlefield. Only when you reach the source and open up a tributary of time and space similar to the remains of the terminal, the struggle of wisdom and civilization can really begin." 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school

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