Uplifting Journey

Chapter 303: Information and physical laws of the Most High Saint distort the experimental world

After Cheng Bin's cognition runs through time, space and matter, and completes the unification of the physical system of the single world, his four-dimensional warfare that originally depended on the structure of time and space also began to adjust and transform.

During the long period of studying the black moon, Cheng Bin devoted a lot of energy to researching other respective projects in the world line migration. The upgrade and modification of the four-dimensional warfare body in the Grand Unified Field was one of them, and it was the smoothest progress. Project.

After completing the information interpretation on the underlying unified field, Cheng Bin can even transform space-time and matter. The core of his thinking is also extracted from the special four-dimensional space-time structure, embedding the unified field in different worlds. What they have in common is fully integrated into the natural operation of the world itself. To a certain extent, it is a bit like the state of refining and merging in the vitality world.

However, compared with Haotian Moyuan, who did not touch time and space and did not know why, Cheng Bin's ability to mobilize and the form in which the force works are not comparable to them, and even dominated the three-dimensional space-time and material vitality. Sheng Jun's Hong Jun cannot be compared with Cheng Bin at this level.

Strictly speaking, Cheng Bin is more like a world conscious than Hong Jun at the beginning. All the phenomena and things formed from the changes in the underlying field can interfere from the bottom up, from the four-dimensional space-time positive and negative space. The gravitational pull of the gravitational force is countless times the vacuum zero energy of the existing matter. The changes in the operation of everything in the world can become a force dominated by Cheng Bin. The description of the world overturned in one thought is not an exaggeration.

However, Cheng Bin did not feel very happy about the increase in the scale and strength of this force. After all, without an adversarial contrast, the maximum strength of the four-dimensional warfare acting on three-dimensional space and matter cannot be seen. Even if he evolved into the sixth version of the world with the Grand Unified Field as the carrier of consciousness, the things in the world for him were only changed from a touch to a domination.

What Cheng Bin really cares about is to try to influence itself through the operation of this kind of world body. Even if he cannot penetrate the underlying units that form the foundation, he must find a way to affect its fundamental nature and operating laws.

In the ocean of light in which the eva world started its final reincarnation, and Jiang Qing, a drought on a certain world line in the vitality world, Cheng Bin discovered something very interesting, that is, the physical laws reflected in the operation of the world itself can be Distorted.

Originally limited by his vision, Cheng Bin was bewildered by what happened behind the distortion of the rules, but now looking back at the relevant data records, he has some clues about how this power is used.

In short, the bottom layer of the universe is still discrete. The grand unified field is just the result of the interference and interaction of a large number of superstring-like bottom layer units of the universe, and it also requires a lot of character and harsh conditions.

The complex interactions between the underlying units of the universe continue to modify and affect their respective states, so that the information complexity of the entire universe has skyrocketed all the way up. If some properties of some of the units have the same commonality, the broken and discrete They constitute something like the world.

Strictly speaking, the essence of the so-called infinite division and evolution of the world line is actually due to the soaring of information complexity caused by this interaction, not that the underlying matter of the entire universe is increasing infinitely.

Therefore, the world is actually an accidental product on the information level, just like a piece of paper scattered around just happens to have a regular pattern.

Fortunately, this coincidence also contains the timeline attribute. Life in the world will not feel the vulnerabilities of its own world in a sense, but the stable world line that can give birth to logical life is approaching infinity. There is very, very little in the underlying unit change interaction.

Back to the topic, Cheng Bin's ongoing experiment is to study the laws implied in this coincidence, to find a large unified field that is itself a way of describing the world, some commonality between the interactions of the underlying units of the universe, and then try to influence interference it.

For example, on the old physics level of three-dimensional space-time, it looks unusually magical and maintains a fixed value of the speed of light in any reference frame.

Regarding the light-speed threshold reflected in the underlying information interactions and its related series of spatiotemporal material change phenomena, Cheng Bin has studied quite deeply. He has some clues on how to affect the manipulation of this physical rule, and has improved the relevant theories. He is so impatient that he wants to start practical experiments in this area.


"Open up a ... space-time tributary similar to the terminal remains? Can you explain it in detail?"

In the sealed black moon, a planetary-sized subspace, Cheng Bin, who learns the progress of other projects from the subjective consciousness embedded in the world, temporarily pressed his impulse for new experimental projects and continued to obtain key information from the system.

The system black cat thought for a while and replied, "Did you mention it before? Those high-dimensional life competing for the source of the universe ... Well, their various names and pronouns are dangerous and the highest is holy ... Let's call them the Supreme Holy One who lives in the universe ...

"The power and relatives that these saints put down the timeline, in addition to destroying possible threats, also have the task of spreading certain information related to their masters. What do you think the host is?"

Before waiting for Cheng Bin to guess, the system black cat directly said the answer: "The vitality system, Taoist Buddhism, human beings themselves ... Generally speaking, it is a special world composition, spiritual conception algorithm, and the ethnicity of life. Similar things, the same saint has different kinds of information for different types of world, but the functions are consistent ... "

Cheng Bin frowned slightly. From his past experience, he knew that most of these things had not shallow pits, so he wasn't surprised when he heard these from the system.

"Just like the vitality world will be positioned by the existence of such a system as vitality resonance, the ultimate goal of these various aspects of information is to expand the outer realm of the saints, and let more worlds set a template that fits their strength. Enhance their ability to influence interference outside the place where the ontology is located.

"The most critical and largest variable here is the intelligent life, or a logical information body with self-analysis ability. Controlling this can greatly affect the direction of differentiation of the rare and stable world line, and even make the universe infinite. The possibility of more births in the process of division in their favor.

"This favorable possibility affects all aspects, the low will promote continuous coincidences like air luck and luck, and the high will even make the lives affected by this information become their dependents directly when they are uplifted."

The system black cat paused, and then mentioned another prohibition: "Host, do you remember the arena of World 2 in the Outland?"

Cheng Bin nodded his eyes slightly and was forced to fight with his parallel world peers. It was a really bad experience, and he would certainly not forget such impressive things.

"To be honest, choosing to host you as the core of the plan is quite a risky thing, because you are a human and the cultural environment has implanted many dangerous concepts into your thinking, all of which may cause The induction of some saints at the origin of the universe ... "

The black cat spread his paws and said helplessly: "But the dwarf picks a tall one. Those holy ones fight for me. The information spread out has almost covered all the stable world lines of the universe. There is not much choice at the terminal. Room, so ... "

Cheng Bin said expressionlessly: "So you have contributed to the overlapping world arena of the Second World in the Outland, centralizing and destroying all the danger possibilities that are not within the direct control of the Inland.? Smash? "

"That's right, so only after the host truly upgrades you will be able to resist these pervasive erosion. At that time, you can completely cover the high-dimensional ontology if you can go back in time. If you want to go back to the time when those things happened, you can make changes. Just whatever. "

The black cat of the system ended this topic, and instead answered the question originally asked by Cheng Bin: "As for what is a branch of space-time similar to the remains of the terminal, the host naturally understands what to do when you reach the source of the universe. I have never seen the source. The point system can't give you a detailed description ...

"It can only be said that it is similar to letting the complete world line that extends from the source of the universe to the infinite future, completely get rid of the status quo suppressed by other saints, and regain the freedom and infinite possibilities of the time and space like the current inner region."

After Cheng Bin nodded silently, he continued to ask the system about the saint who had doubts in his heart. The black cat in the system no longer skipped vaguely on the grounds of prohibitions as in the past, but was very patient and harmonious. Bin conducted a lot of exchanges.

When this communication was deciphered, Cheng Bin glanced at the Asian Space Center and the almost dark moon he cracked, and he was ready to start the next experimental plan, but this plan still needs the help of the system ...

"There is no life, a barren land, and a potentially dangerous safe world?" The system black cat licked his paw. "This one can be found far away, but what kind of place do you intend to go to?"

"Huh?" Cheng Bin asked strangely. "Since I have cracked my soul algorithm, haven't you been able to understand my thinking process through thought analysis? Wouldn't you know what I want to do?"

The black cat said to this system half comforted and half helpless: "Host you are now just an avatar as an external client, and your ontology ... Although I have watched you grow up all the way, but your ontology information The complexity has indeed surpassed the recognition and analysis capabilities of this system. In addition to guiding the power of the high-dimensional information body itself, it is good to add a little information to the 3D spatial data layer of your panorama ...

"After all, this system is also more limited than the high-dimensional sacrifice of Samer. Without the support of some of the forces left by the terminal, it is also deeply affected by the so-called authority. It is known how the host ’s thinking works, starting from the neutron star body stage It ’s very difficult, let alone mention it now ... "

"This way?" Cheng Bin groaned for a while and suddenly curiously said, "Speaking of which, you said you were parasitic in my high-dimensional information body, but that high-dimensional information body was superimposed by my soul, And you can mobilize the thoughts of strength that is actually generated by my soul ... I'm curious about the nature of your existence system. "

"... I always feel that you don't have good intentions," the black pupil of the system turned around. "This will naturally be understood after you have been upgraded. Anyway, all the information said by this system, you should have a little basic Do you question it? So it's better to confirm it yourself. "

He was said to have broken some thoughts, and Cheng Bin didn't have any special feelings. He turned back to the crossing and asked: "The system you started the crossing ... There was a cooling time waiting for the core of the mind to return to stability. I haven't Ask, what's going on? "

"Hosting your consciousness doesn't feel much in one layer of the world, but your high-dimensional information body in the inner area is superimposed with many layers of world lines. This system can be adjusted frame by frame before and after crossing," the system black cat complained. Then he said, "What else to ask? Let's go if not."

There are countless recent crosses in the local area. Cheng Bin has no special feeling about crossing the world line. He adjusted the relevant detection at the unified field level and tried to solidify the relative information of this avatar. Can the proportional structure be taken to other worlds.

After seeing Cheng Bin nodding, the system black cat dispersed the low-dimensional projection. Existing in the high-dimensional world, it took a look at Cheng Bin's high-dimensional information body that was undergoing rapid expansion and change, and then began to gradually guide its power. The operation is partly gathered together with the low-dimensional Cheng Bin's subjective consciousness as the core, and it is shifted to a distant place.

Except for the process of transforming into a part of the high-dimensional information body, Cheng Bin has no impression. He is familiar with the changes in the unified field of the bottom layer of the different worlds before and after the crossing ~ www.readwn.com ~ he consciously can relatively The fixed avatars are smoothly brought into a world of difference.

But the reality gave him a slap.

The ontology embedded in the commonality of the great unified field at the bottom of the world came without any obstacles, but the avatar he tried to bring to the other world with the force of the unified field was passing through the ground and the information structure was fragmented and drowned in drastic changes. Into the world.

It is completely different from the inner world, let alone a world where the material and even the structure of space and time are completely different, which made Cheng Bin suddenly lose the ability to analyze all the upper-level information except the Great Unified Field. He couldn't help but be surprised for a while.

At this time, the system black cat sent a rather scornful word in his remaining perception: "The world in this unknown domain is very similar to the birthplace of Yao civilization in the universe to which the terminal belongs. Birth of wisdom and civilization is quite difficult. You do n’t need to worry about the host at all, just do whatever experiment you want. ”

What is similar to the universe of the system and the terminal source? Cheng Bin suddenly became curious about the rules and upper structure of this world, but after thinking about it, he still sighed.

Many of his experiments were made with reference to the laws of in-field physics. Who knows that what the system says is so far away that he was thrown directly into the depths of the unknown domain? Many experiments cannot be done in this way, and the experimental project adapted to here can only be re-developed according to the current situation ...

As for other scheduled experiments, there is only a chance to try again later, but if the experiment is successful here, it is not necessary to do it, after all, the underlying principles are similar ...

Cheng Bin, thinking about this, began to study with enthusiasm, trying to analyze the world a little differently from the rule. u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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