Uplifting Journey

Chapter 304: One + thirteen Yao civilization hometown and choice of textbook world

This world of physical rules is completely different from the inner domain. After Cheng Bin, who is embedded in the grand unified field at the bottom of the world, finds out the interpretation method, he finally reveals his true meaning beyond common sense.

"It's hard to imagine, there will be such a world ..."

Looking at the world's surface scene depicted in the panorama, Cheng Bin showed a shocking emotion in his heart. He couldn't help but sigh to the system: "The hometown of Yao civilization is really similar to here? This kind of environment ... can also be born Life and civilization? "

The world picture shown in the panorama is extremely impactful. The micro-units built in this world's grand unified place will produce a short response when two or two meet, and three identical micro-units will be excited in the grand unified field. And drastically accelerate the end of the world's similar cycle of positive and negative space reincarnation.

From a general perspective at this level, this is purely a world where one plus one equals three, a world that expands matter by a thousand times every seventeen rounds of reaction and expands at a terrible rate.

Only chaos and explosions can describe everything that happens in this world. The endless stream of matter and explosions everywhere make the energy level of the entire world increase exponentially.

The endless skyrocketing in the violent reaction will be triggered to the limit as a great unified field under a quantum vacuum in a very short period of time, and then it will shrink and rise after the end of the whole world that has been zeroed out, and will restart its own burst. Reincarnation.

Hearing Cheng Bin's emotions, the system black cat manifested in the panorama said with blank eyes: "It's really difficult ... but the probability is not zero, isn't it?

"The thing of intelligent life is nothing more than an information body with a complex logical system. The carrier can be a carbon-based compound, and naturally it can be a regular explosion."

The system black cat glanced at Cheng Bin ’s progress in analyzing the world ’s surface, and slowly said, “In the endless and destructive explosion wave, a torrent of simple logic happened by chance and formed a little bit on this basis. Unique thinking ability based on explosive expansion in different directions ...

"The difficulty of the birth of Yao civilization can be imagined, but it is also because of such an extreme environment that it is possible to give birth to the existence of explosive civilization and the speed of evolution of Yao civilization."

"So ... it's quite rare, let me try it."

Cheng Bin nodded secretly in his heart, then concentrated the power of the current analysis and domination, focused on observing its operation process after the end of a world restart, and suddenly intervened after the next reincarnation to try to intervene in this chaotic and violent substance A unique local incarnation was constructed in the torrent.

Although the world has other macro structures above the violently reacting micro-units, it still has the characteristics of explosion and expansion.

Rather than suppressing and rectifying a stable environment with absolute force, simply relying on a little disturbance, trying to lead a logical system that conforms to the preset in this drastically changing environment is also quite challenging for Cheng Bin.

However, Cheng Bin's current thinking and computing ability has broken through common sense and touched the ceiling of the world. The only limitation is the information change period of the discrete basic unit of the large unified field, that is, the interaction threshold of the quantum bubble at the bottom of the universe. The rate of change with experimental observations.

In this case, Cheng Bin took a round to observe all the phenomena in this world, specially designed a special mathematical model based on 1 + 1 = 3, and analyzed and built a complete local physical building and made some The experiment, and then succeeded in creating a local avatar in the next world restart.

Of course, this incarnation cannot be the shape of a human being. After all, there is no such thing as time, space and material in the world, let alone the shape.

That avatar is essentially an intelligent programmatic life with special bases and logic that takes fierce material reactions of varying degrees as the base value. It can even shrink up and down through the rule of the Great Unified Field, ensuring itself in the original Big Bang. Transformation and rebirth will not annihilate in the cycle of end to zero.

Cheng Bin asked the system how similar the incarnation was to the initial state of Yao civilization members, but was told by the system that it knew very little about the universe of Yao civilization, and even the terminal estimates did not know the specific form of Yao civilization members and their Detailed history, it is estimated that the relevant information was deliberately deleted by Yao civilization.

After observing the incarnation in an endless explosion of chaos, after constantly interfering with the process of affecting other materials to strengthen its structure, Cheng Bin eliminated it, and then began to study and think about the true thing of coming to this universe-the experiment affects the laws of distorted physics and tried Understand it completely.

There are relevant observational data for the interference between the principal behind Samer and Dr. Jiang Qing during the rule interference. Cheng Bin's experiment direction is not problematic, and the actual process is quite smooth.

For ordinary people in the old days in the inner world, there are many things like physical rules, such as the electric field magnetic field, the constant of gravitation, the constant speed of light, and the like.

But in fact, for Cheng Bin, who visually observes the unified field, the physical rules that determine what a world looks like are actually as few as possible. After all, most of the rules that seem irrelevant are essentially shared by the lower layers. The rules are formed, like the four basic forces that could not find a connection but were eventually unified by him.

In essence, the two most important factors that determine the physical laws of the upper world are the complex frequency and multi-dimensional waveform used to construct matter when the unified field is excited, and the second is that the excited state of matter is affected by the unified field. Various field effects.

Taking the inner world as an example, the former determines the basic forms of space-time and matter, and the latter describes physical phenomena such as curvature of gravity, mass effect, and electromagnetic strength.

In addition, the physical laws of the world may also be affected by the commonness of the common unit of the bottom layer of the universe: superstrings or quantum bubbles. The common nature of this world, such as the information interaction cycle of various properties of this thing, may affect the Some of the world's extremities like the speed of light.

After figuring out these things, Cheng Bin slowly figured out how to identify and analyze those rules that he needs, and conduct directional interference.

Fortunately, Cheng Bin found a remote and empty world to conduct such experiments. If he engages in these things in the inner region, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Cheng Bin only tentatively exerted a little influence on a certain field effect of material interaction in this world, which led to the collapse of the entire world's operation directly. The material that had been continuously condensed and expanded suddenly suddenly condensed and collapsed into With a singularity, the end process began to be performed in a terrible ultra-high frequency cycle, and even Cheng Bin's ontology embedded in the bottom of the Grand Unified Field was affected by a while of discomfort.

Cheng Bin had to try to change the world back to the original state according to the records. Compared with the wind-like appearance before, the original infinitely expanding system actually felt relatively stable and comfortable.

Cheng Bin sighed reluctantly: "The rules-related technology is really not so easy to master, let's try to interfere with the experiment from the shallow rules on the surface ..."

Honestly, this is a very troublesome thing. It would be simpler if it would affect major repairs and changes around the world, but only for certain surface rules in a certain area. It will be many times more complicated.

After all ... lifting a table is far easier than micro carving.

Cheng Bin lost his mind and chose the link of microscopic material reactions in the world and stimulated more materials to study. After he figured out the idea, he tried to start to modify and adjust this 1 + 1 = 3 reaction.

However, after several experiments that collapsed the world, Cheng Bin found that his thoughts were too simple. Even a local rule phenomenon was behind it and moved the whole body, just like ordinary people playing high-order cubes. Changing the color blocks of a grid will inevitably affect a lot of other grids in the process.

After trying many times to find the problem, solve the problem, lead to the problem, and then solve the complex cycle of problems, Cheng Bin finally figured out the formula law for the modification of the world's physical laws.

After resetting the world to restore it to its original state, Cheng Bin made slight adjustments to all aspects of the entire world while a cycle was opened, and then the explosion and expansion that filled the entire world were countless times faster than the previous cycle.

After observing the world reincarnation that triggered the end process very quickly, Cheng Bin reset the world back to his original state and nodded reluctantly at the bottom of his heart—the annihilation of two microscopic substances interacting with each other stimulated the reaction process of more substances Fine-tuning is simply to change it from 1 + 1 = 3 to 1 + 1 = 4.

In order to achieve this seemingly simple modification, Cheng Bin did a lot of related work-changes in the conditions that stimulate the material in the unified field, changes in the characteristics of the microscopic material, fine-tuning of the physical coefficients of the various field effects of the material ...

The most troublesome, Cheng Bin has to manually maintain this abnormal system operation, and always solve all kinds of small bugs that emerge.

"Should I find a world with frequent and subtle local rule distortions and observe and study it? Why is it so difficult for me to change something stable?"

Cheng Bin, who had done a lot of work in order to change a phenomenon described by single-digit addition, felt that his brain, which did not actually exist, was a little bit painful.

Next, there is another important experiment related to the world line and physical rules to be done, but according to the current progress of this research, he does not know how long it will take to complete that experiment.

Although time does not make much sense for Cheng Bin, who has no life limit now, he feels that he must have made a mistake in modifying the rules.

It feels like he hasn't figured out the real trick yet—just like the expensive horror effect when he just learned to teleport at first, but only knows how to shorten the distance by distorting the three-dimensional space in disguise, but not the four-dimensional space shock to shuttle. same.

After thinking for a long time that Cheng Bin was not found, he consulted the system with little hope.

Because Cheng Bin's accumulation is going to pass through the high and low dimensions, the ontology exists in the high dimension system in the general direction, but some useful suggestions can be put forward.

However, the world's advanced knowledge and technology, the system is still learned from Cheng Bin, the specific technical details to ask it is a vain effort.

"Sure enough to find a textbook? What kind of world is more suitable?" Cheng Bin groaned for a while, and then discussed with the system about the choice of crossing targets.

Because rule-related research is required, it is best that the target world's basic rules are completely consistent with the inner domain or the current world of 1 + 1 = 3, so that Cheng Bin can make a comparative analysis based on the data previously recorded.

In addition to this, it is best for the target world to have a distortion of rules in various aspects to facilitate Cheng Bin's observation and analysis.

The system black cat has no resistance to Cheng Bin's proposal, and he has selected the crossing target according to his proposed conditions. There are many worlds that have related phenomena under the influence of high dimensions, but ... "

"But the potential danger is not small, right?"

Cheng Bin took the conversation from the stop-talk system: "If there is something that I can't do, it means that the other party must be better than me, but I know what the true outline of the universe is, There will be no phenomena beyond my comprehension ability in this universe, and there is something that can be analyzed and learned to achieve the purpose ...

"I already have a preliminary understanding of the nature of crossing. I rely on the power we put in. I am not afraid of the ability of multiple world lines or timelines. As long as you pay attention to the system, do not choose those backgrounds that are too deep. A world that will draw extra attention to the inner domain. "

"For the ability of the host, the system naturally knows it," Hearing Cheng Bin said, the system's black cat is undecided. "You don't have to worry about choosing the host of the world background. The only concern of this system is whether the host Things in other worlds are too motivated to delay the realization of the original goal ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huh? "Cheng Bin's thoughts turned a little, and he understood what the system said," So you have selected your goal .. . I will tell you that there is a poor civilization in that world? This kind of 1 + 1 = 3 world is not easy to give birth to life. The system you use is the set of rules in the inner domain to match, so the target world Human beings? "

"The guess is correct," the system black cat spread his paws. "In terms of the offset of the outer world line information with the same rules as the inner domain, the probability that there is no earth human is rather low."

"Reassured ..." Cheng Bin sighed, expressing his attitude, "After experiencing the world-line roaming of Hongjun's vitality world, and the study of crossing essence and high-dimensional contours, how much do I think? A little change ... "

After a pause, Cheng Bin inspected his personality change record and said slowly: "Before I was in the vitality world, I had no intention of interfering with the development of civilization without finding a way out, but now my perception of intelligent life is also Gradually from the point-shaped individuals in the low-dimensional world to the line mesh level of the timeline of the world line, I can still distinguish the priorities. "

"Since you said so to the host," the system black cat, who is quite familiar with the historical changes of Cheng Bin's character, is not at all critical, "then return to the internal domain and start after the integration of the high-dimensional information body."

The system that starts the large-travel traversal program, looks at the soul of its host that is so complex that it can't fully understand the analysis, and a trace of emotion emerges from the heart of the high-dimensional intelligence that operates according to a certain rule ...

So ... when the host asked you if you could revive your parents, this system would think—

When the host has that ability, can you still retain that desire?

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