Uplifting Journey

Chapter 314: Distributed Soul and Timeline Worms

Cheng Bin once touched the mystery of the rules of the world at the Grand Unification Field. Although the subject of the crossing is the body of an ordinary human, the analysis of thoughts still retains the depth of the rules.

Therefore, this seemingly ordinary human body is woven with layers of regular characteristics learned by Cheng Bin with the help of mindfulness. It can be called a super humanoid containment, and there is nothing to worry about.

However, in order to adapt to most of the learned rules, this body is still essentially the body of an ordinary human, and the perception and thinking are not as good as the body of the world where the complexity of the soul breaks through the sky. The actual observation data of the bottom layer cannot be compared with the previous crossing phenomenon.

Speaking of the previous crossing ... the thought comes from Cheng Bin ’s high-dimensional information body manufactured by the terminal. However, the terminal climbed to the root of the universe and the existence of the Supreme Holy One. How could the inner domain and high-dimensional information body created by it No time dimension?

Nian Qi can replace the core power of time machine so smoothly, it has already explained a lot of problems, system guy ...

Cheng Bin's mind was chaotic and reached a new point in the blink of an eye.

In order to reduce the risk, the span of the first time traversal was not large. When Cheng Bin stepped out of the central warehouse of his time machine, he saw a person who looked exactly like him standing outside and staring at him.

——Well, it looks like it has been crossing for ten seconds in the past, just when I planned to enter the central warehouse to open the crossing.

When I saw Cheng Bin coming out of the central warehouse, the young man in black who was far away from the time machine showed a slightly tangled expression on his face: "Isn't I the one at the top of the time series, this is not the same as what I said ... "

Timing is really important, and if you confuse it, it's skeptical.

Cheng Bin exiting the central warehouse smiled strangely at himself in the past, then closed his eyes and meditated, using a complex protocol solidified on this body and upgraded from the communication containment provided to the SCP Foundation in the past and this time The united field ontology of points is connected.

From the moment Cheng Bin arrived at this point in time, the timeline extending backwards was distorted and migrated, and the original process of walking into the central warehouse of the time machine naturally disappeared.

However, this does not affect his current existence, because in the future, he will be delivered here through the high-dimensional information body in the state of information. The transcendence of the high-dimensional information body that is not in the five elements outside the Three Realms will not be affected by a world time. Impact of line changes.

When information enters the high-dimensional information body from the future time point, it has already got rid of the implicated influence of world change. The high-dimensional information body exerts its power to interfere with the upstream of the time axis. It has nothing to do with how the world changes, and the completeness of the time paradox in the world. does not exist.

——Unfortunately, there is no real high-dimensional horizon. There is no way to visually observe the distortion of the timeline, but it should be able to make up a little after the establishment of a cross-temporal communication network.

Cheng Bin thinking so, successfully completed high-speed communication with the body of the world at this time.

As one of the important experiments before the maintenance of the dimension, Cheng Bin had previously adjusted the self-knowledge in his soul according to the time shuttle, so there was no obstacle to unify the soul consciousness with his past self. After all, he had made independence long ago. Split has tried this kind of spiritual experiment.

There is no ideological obstacle to abandon his independent self-cognition, to build a unified agreement with plural independent self, and to distinguish between primary and secondary. This kind of non-disciplined characteristic based on complete soul analysis is probably Cheng Bin and others In the contrast of pseudo-high-dimensional life, it seems the most powerful and special.

Cheng Bin, who completed the unification of the soul according to the agreement, examined the observation data of the physical phenomena before and after the time traversal of the body of the world, and then shifted his consciousness to the special avatar, and walked into the central warehouse of the time machine to start the time traversal.

This time, he went through the future. Cheng Bin also did not span too long at one time, but still moved only a few seconds.

At this point in time when Cheng Bin in the Grand Unification Field completed the unification of the soul, Cheng Bin, who has tested the theory through practice, has understood the secrets of time shuttle and self-existence.

In the past journey experience, Cheng Bin, who is moving in the world along the flow of time, did not realize his true appearance. Now ... strictly, the individual "Cheng Bin" exists in three parts— —

One is that I think I am my body. For example, those Cheng Bins made by Nian Qi based on the temporary information body after passing through in the past have left one at each point of the timeline, and they have complete self-awareness and Independent survivability, regardless of the body version is electromagnetic, white dwarf, neutron, four-dimensional, the world is almost the same.

The second is mindfulness, or Cheng Bin's only low-dimensional probe available for high-dimensional information bodies. It always marks Cheng Bin, which has the highest subjective timing, and can choose any body within the reach of the high-dimensional information body to construct an introduction. The subjective consciousness between existence and non-existence.

The third is the high-dimensional information body constructed by the overlapping self-constructed from the countless superimposed world lines in the inner domain, which the system hosts.

After figuring out this question, Cheng Bin, who confirmed his own consciousness according to the mind mark, asked the system about the historical body of the vitality world.

Then he really learned from the system that the string of shells left by the world on the time axis, along with all the traces, was taken away by the reverse sequence mark of the frame by the cooperation of Hongjun and Nianqi.

If you haven't adjusted your self-awareness, Cheng Bin feels cold-hearted as long as she thinks about her own experience at a later point in time.

The system is very euphemism, but in essence those husks are purely destroyed. For those time points, they are tantamount to being obliterated.

However, there is also this step in the process of transforming the information body itself. The taste in it is really like people knowing how to drink water.

"A communication system that spans time and space must be established. Even if consciousness cannot enter the high-dimensional information body, it is necessary to completely synchronize the timing with the thought anchor."

Cheng Bin thinking so, went on to carry out the time traversal experiment.

For a time, in the special room containing the time machine, the central core of the instrument was constantly opened and closed. Almost every time, Cheng Bin was drilling in and out. The special human incarnation kept flowing. You come and go, the highest peak. At that time, the entire containment room was filled with Cheng Bins ...

After an intensive time shuttle experiment that was only a few tens of seconds before and after, but the doomsday fault was slowly advanced for several years, Cheng Bin had a deep understanding of the specific operation process of the time machine. For yet another rule, the characteristics are fixed on the human incarnation.

He can carry out the parallel world traversal by thinking, and now Cheng Bin can complete the time traversing by thinking, and the foundation of the establishment of a cross-world and time communication network system is now established.

Then, in the constant shuttle, the process of switching the logo of the chanting probe to different shells was worked out. With the help of the system, Cheng Bin was in the chanting panel that he rarely used after the brain constantly upgraded. , Added a new communication system relying on high-dimensional information bodies.

Regardless of the difference between the world and time of the low-dimensional body shell, it is an information transmission protocol that synchronizes the latest information and distributes it at any time through high-frequency switching of the object's mind.

At this moment, a part of the body thinking circuit was embedded into this information system, and Cheng Bin, who relied on numerous body ideas to integrate the subjective consciousness, obtained the incomplete high-dimensional senses and soul full of limitations.

In fact, if Cheng Bin goes further, he will complete the ascension through mindfulness and become a high-dimensional life that takes shortcuts, but he still refrains from taking this step.

Cheng Bin, who existed at multiple points in time, observed the temporal shock effect caused by changes in the upper body of time through this pseudo-high-dimensional sense, and adjusted the phenomenon that the lower body was distorted by the timeline change to complete the final Thinking coordination.

"It's a strange sensory sense. By comparing the time points that have been lit, can ambition blur the perception of other time points that are relatively close ..."

Cheng Bin, who was registered in the communication protocol, observed the distortion of the downstream body caused by the action of the body upstream of time. He found that this distortion was closely related to the length of the body's body in the system on the time axis.

Each time the interval is increased, the extent of the distortion becomes more exaggerated. If the interval is too long, this distortion will even affect Cheng Bin's subjective consciousness at the protocol level.

"So is it the surest thing to adjust frame by frame? But then ... try it first."

After Cheng Bin has adapted to the current state, the cognitively modified mindfulness probe can freely switch to mark other bodies on the timeline without the low-dimensional body shell crossing itself, and load a new communication protocol at other points in time Cheng Bin, who knows nothing about this, urges him to wake up, just as the system used the mind to intervene in the senses.

Cheng Bin tried to wake up the body on the timeline frame by frame forward from the time point when the first startup time shuttled, but soon he found his biggest constraint at present-

Time is discrete at the bottom. Each basic unit is a Planck time. If Cheng Bin awakens his body in each Planck time to ignore the time shock caused by himself upstream, then in theory he only It can only occupy one femtosecond, which is a timeline of about one trillionth of a second.

Because he is not a high-dimensional life, he cannot exert the full power of the mind, and its roots, the high-dimensional information body constructed in the inner region, has a limited amount of high-dimensional interference.

This allows Cheng Bin to intervene at a very limited time, and the interference process involving the communication protocol also needs to consume cosmic time. Even if the high-frequency switching method is used to maximize the use of the body, too many time points cannot be included. Control range.

One femtosecond may seem short, but it is actually very scary, because each second contains 10 to the 43th Planck time, occupying one femtosecond, which means that Cheng Bin is going to unify 10,000 on the time axis. There are billions of self-body shells, not to mention, the thinking and computing capabilities that can be used at the same time will usher in the terrible increase of the Big Bang.

However, compared with the theory, the actual situation of the experiment is better. Cheng Bin can occupy about five to nine seconds in a slight time shock.

Because the body is relatively static in a single point of time, the logic system depends on movement and change, and Cheng Bin, who has not settled in the high-dimensional information body, needs a little time in the world to access the high-dimensional communication protocol.

Therefore, the basic unit in the protocol is actually a body in a very short period of time, but only one point is touched on this segment when the mind is connected.

This is because in each period of time, there is a body of the world that is extremely scary in strength and response speed to support the operation of the agreement as the basis to achieve this effect.

Cheng Bin transformed into a distributed subjective consciousness in accordance with the protocol, passed information to plural bodies through thoughts, and learned the calculation results of these bodies, so that his soul power and influence on the world skyrocketed by dozens of orders of magnitude.

After controlling this huge force to carry out various detailed experiments tentatively, after a little bit of running-in, Cheng Bin began to carry out the next plan.

"The unawakened body that is not included in the communication protocol will not only impact the current system, but also leave opportunities for other beings. Therefore, it is best to dismiss all the world bodies that are not indirectly affected by the time mark of mindfulness. , If you want to interfere with the periphery, it ’s best to use temporary energy or incomplete carriers for temporary interference ... "

In this way, Cheng Bin ~ www.readwn.com ~ in the time range under his control, at the rearmost downstream limit point, he disintegrates and destroys the body of the world into the Grand Unified Field, leaving no trace. If there is no external force to interfere, then the body in the more distant future will also be destroyed in a chain of time.

If someone in the world can see Cheng Bin's body of the world, he will find that this guy suddenly committed suicide somehow.

In this way, there will not be Cheng Bin ’s body carrier directly behind the time axis. That is to say, if Cheng Bin does not actively spread downstream, he will live permanently for a fixed period of time, no longer in a general sense. Future.

"Then those traces of the past ..." Cheng Bin gathered up the forces scattered over many time periods, compressed into a dense group of about five seconds, and then interfered with the mind to control the area closely for one second. The front-end past constantly awakens the time upstream self, and at the same time constantly manually releases the end self, so that the overall control range moves towards the past.

In this way, Cheng Bin, like a five-second timeline worm, began to slowly climb towards the past.

"After returning to the time when I entered this world, all low-dimensional hulls in this world have been brought under the control of the new agreement, but it is also necessary to cross the parallel world to integrate the hulls left by other worlds ... I do n’t In those time stores that exist, they must use the gathered thoughts to remake the body of the world as the body carrier ...

"It's really troublesome, if only the power of mindfulness can support me to interfere with a lot of world lines at the same time ... After upgrading, there should be a way to accelerate the growth of the body, but depending on the performance of the former skeleton and Hongjun, those saints are here I am afraid that a trap has been set up ... well, if the quantum bubble observation experiment is successful, it will be upgraded after returning to the inner domain, so be careful at that time ... "

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