Uplifting Journey

Chapter 315: Time oscillating and repetitive jumping between world lines

A kind of oscillating distortion that exists on the time axis. It goes down from the upstream of the river of time, and changes everything in the downstream of time precisely and swiftly.

After this shock spread at a terrible speed to the indirect sensing range, Cheng Bin, who was climbing and moving on the time axis, could not be described by common sense, stopped, and then contracted his body and distribution at different points in time. power.

For ordinary people in the world, it is just that their life trajectory has changed to another appearance unknowingly. If the change is not large, they will not lose their lives. Although the whole life is distorted and modified, it is already terrible. .

For the life that Cheng Bin is currently attached to on the time axis, this time shock is as horrible as a meat grinder. If he can't cope with it, he will be crushed frame by frame and killed.

The body hidden in the Grand Unification Field in the world is certainly okay, but the subjective consciousness and the body of time constructed through the agreement must be completely disintegrated and broken.

But this danger is not impossible, because between each time slice of the timeline, the speed of spreading the distorted world information is not infinite.

When the shock of this time touched the forefront of his time body, Cheng Bin read the specific form of the time upstream world after twisting and shaking quickly, and made his own speed at the fastest upstream time point after the twisting changes. Carrier.

Because of efficiency issues, Cheng Bin did not go directly to the bottom of the world to create the world body of the Grand Unified Field level, but just pinched a neutron star battle.

With the time shock as the limit, and upstream of the time swept by the shock, Cheng Bin included the neutron star warfare at many time points into the trans-temporal agreement, and completed the complete migration of the agreement foundation after his time body was crushed by the horrible shock. .

With the turbulence of this terrifying meat grinder sweeping along the time axis, Cheng Bin's body of the world in each time period actively disintegrated and disappeared into the shock, and then replaced directly in the original time period to appear in the world Neutron star battle body in every corner.

If the train running on the track is a simple metaphor for Cheng Bin ’s current state—

Orbit = time axis;

One carriage = basic period of agreement;

Car passenger = body at all time points in the basic time period;

Car passenger representative = dynamic anchor point of high frequency switching thoughts during this period;

A parliament composed of representatives of all train carriages and the enacted regulations = agreement and subjective consciousness.

Then Cheng Bin's entire process of dealing with time shocks can be described in general as:

A train running on the track suddenly found that the specifications of the track width and other specifications of the front track were distorted. Finally, they had to stop moving a little bit to dismantle themselves, and use the removed materials to reassemble on the new track after the breakpoint. Create new trains that meet the standards, so as to avoid the end of your destruction on the fault and continue to move forward.

Although not all passengers in each carriage can be squeezed onto the new train due to efficiency and loss issues, and the carriage representatives are not necessarily the original people, as long as the organizational structure and regulations of the train council have not changed, the car can still be considered The original car had no problems at all.

Of course, in reality, this specification-changing fault, time shock, will actively move toward the train at high speed, and the train will be destroyed by it. Therefore, it is very urgent and dangerous to stop and rebuild the car.

In the reconstructed train, the passengers also became neutron star warfare. The neutron star warfare is far inferior to the body of the world. Of course, this will cause Cheng Bin to reduce the resource strength obtained by the agreement by N grades.

But now he has not been uplifted. The time body here is only a tool no matter how powerful it is. It does not belong to the fundamental place in the inner area. It cannot affect the strength of the original power of his high-dimensional information body, so it does not matter. Already.

Anyway, now Cheng Bin has not started any large-scale research projects or conducted any combat. Compared with the operational requirements of the agreement itself, the resource strength brought by the agreement is secondary.

After passing the time-shocking fault, Cheng Bin, who checked his condition, was relieved. He was still a bit stressed when he encountered this kind of crisis for the first time—and the root of the lost thought was not in the inner region. Affected by the timeline turbulence here, otherwise it may not be able to cope so smoothly.

"So it ’s too dangerous to sacrifice on a single world line, and you must spread to multiple parallel worlds to increase the fault tolerance rate, but ... what if all the world lines of a high-dimensional life slump have time shocks? ? "

After summarizing the experience and sorting out the data, Cheng Bin, while thinking about related issues, resumed the normal length on the time axis and continued to climb to the past. At the same time, he dropped some protocol carriers to the SCP's other parallel world lines to expand his width. .

Adjusting and controlling the large network of agreements that span the world and time, perfecting and expanding a little bit, the unremarkable pseudo-high-dimensional senses allow Cheng Bin to experience a lot of novel perspectives, and various detailed experiments for the current state are also a little richer in his world and time This body of knowledge.

Due to the limitations of the high-dimensional information body, Cheng Bin was unable to expand and grow the protocol-based protocol network indefinitely. Instead, due to the expansion of the protocol in other parallel worlds, his length on the original world line shrank by a large amount. cut.

However, many new experimental world line interference methods have more than made up for this. For example-completely stripping all the carriers of the agreement on the original world line, you can use the gap between parallel world lines to achieve a leap-forward time shuttle within a certain range. .

You don't need to climb slowly on the timeline, you just need to completely break away from the world line, change the key data and then step in again-provided that that point is within the scope of the indirect induction of the protocol supported by the mind.

Using this method, it seems that Cheng Bin, who repeatedly jumps between the world lines, traces back the timeline at a much faster speed than the original-even if he wants to recover the uncontrolled inner body of the world, he can also use a small time shock to wipe it once A big drop.

Cheng Bin, who leaped forward in this way, found that an extremely weird point of time suddenly appeared in his perception.

Said that the time point is not very accurate, Cheng Bin dropped the carrier there and carefully observed it, and found out that it was purely a mess of time that disrupted the normal order of the world line.

The related universe bottom unit assembled into a world line, its time dimension attribute forms a close discrete time slice in the world.

The time slices that constitute the time axis theoretically have a fixed order, and only the world information is transmitted sequentially from front to back.

This is also the basis of Cheng Bin's current agreement and various means of world and time interference, but this foundation has been challenged in the mess of time ahead.

In that time period, the forward time slice 1 did not pass information to time slice 2, but instead jumped to the end time slice 3, and then threw it back to time slice 2.

The chaotic process similar to this transition has formed terrible chaos during this time. When the world information changes in chaos at this time, I don't know how many times it needs to go backwards, cycles, cover, and pass before it will be thrown towards Downstream of time continues.

Ordinary life in the world can't detect the mysterious process of ghost walking back and forth during this time, but this anomaly is quite striking for Cheng Bin who can compare multiple worlds and time.

"This information change feature ... is this the root cause of the previous time shock? I did not expect that there can be such operations on the timeline ..."

Just as the students who had just completed serious mathematics encountered the problem of Mathematical Olympiad, with a little excitement and curiosity, Cheng Bin carefully studied the operation mechanism of the maze during this time.

"Combined with the propagation speed of the previous time shock, the process of transmitting world information between adjacent time slices ... Is the basic unit of cosmic time also Planck time?

"No, no, the fundamental unit of the quantum bubble in the time dimension only determines the thickness of the time slice of the world, and the time required for the transmission of world information between time slices is not necessarily related ... It needs multiple research experiments to confirm, alas, It ’s not that many things in high-dimensional life cannot be studied at all ... "

Cheng Bin, immersed in research, finally figured out how to make this time maze—

There are other dimensions related to the time dimension on the quantum bubble, such as the dimensional attributes that determine the direction and speed of the transmission and inheritance of world information between time slices.

After correctly recognizing the complex interactions of these dimensions, even if you use qi, it can interfere with them. There will be no technical difficulty in creating this kind of time maze.

However, things at this level are not like contrasting objects that can be observed. Before completing the quantum bubble observation plan, Cheng Bin wanted to do this kind of thing.

"Speaking of which, in this time period ... is it that this time vortex is created ..."

Cheng Bin, who had been pondered for a while, no longer only indirectly watched this strange time maze outside, but extended the agreement directly into it-through the body that existed during this time.


Within the world related to the original SCP Foundation, in a special containment room where SCP-738 "converted with the devil", a young man in black sitting on a high-backed chair nodded:

"... I need to research and confirm the accuracy of your information, and there are other things to do ... If you are telling the truth, the monster and I are naturally enemies, and I will look at the situation Go and try to deal with it, so the deal is here for now. "

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Bin's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he looked at the silver-haired boy on the opposite side with a strange look.

"Of course, 'time in the world' is meaningless to the gods in the upper world ..." The silver-haired boy leaned on the gorgeous throne, and looked at the opposite side of the table with a smile on his mouth. Cheng Bin, "So ... Cheng Bin, how are you thinking now?"

"Well, it really is a good thing you did, Samal ..." Cheng Bin, who just obtained a lot of information through the Superspace Protocol, sighed in a slightly subtle tone, "You made it when I finished the protocol network. Is this a time maze? "

"For me in the world, these are all happening at the same time ... the advent process that I met with you created the node itself, in order to avoid interference from other beings during this time."

Samer spread his hands and said, "After all, the interesting mortal named Dr. T has already adjusted the appropriate timeline. After the changes caused by this adjustment have been extended to the time when you complete the agreement, you will naturally come from the river of time. It jumped out. Of course, the time shock caused by the manufacturing node spread slowly. "

After a pause, Samer sighed: "I didn't expect that you can trace back time so quickly, and you can survive the time shock without loss on a single world line ... why are you so strong, why not take this opportunity to achieve directly What about gods?

"If you are holding an angelic ceremony now, I dare say you will become stronger than the Lord of Heaven. At that time, you will swept the entire battlefield to harvest all the fruits, and start to take off directly on the three high-level gods ... Oh, how beautiful The situation. "

In response, Cheng Bin replied with a sneer: "Relying on the shortcuts given by others to complete the leap, have you not been awake to the bottom of your heart yet? Samer ..."

The smile on Samuel's face cooled little by little ~ www.readwn.com ~ After a moment of silence, he slowly shook his head and said lowly: "I used to think that I was a free man who betrayed heaven. There are traces of fallen angels and lords of **** left in the core message of heaven, but ... "

After sighing, Samal leaning on the magnificent throne said weakly: "I also know now because of some accidents. There is more than one paradise in heaven, and the widespread cross classics were born before I .. .My betrayal is just a fixed link of the heaven and **** system ...

"I am set to be a betrayer of freedom, the master of anger in the Seven Deadly Sins, but I have no way to betray the intended betrayal on myself. Even the words and thoughts of rebellion are the products of inherent rules. I do n’t even know what I was Is n’t it the name of Samer, Cheng Bin ... Can you understand this feeling? "

Cheng Bin was silent, he knew that taking shortcuts would inevitably pay a price, but did not expect that Samaer, who was already a high-dimensional life, would be bound so thoroughly.

"The immortal lizard and angelization are just the thoughts I am imposed on, so let's talk about the real deal ..." Samael sat upright, chaotic on the parchment on the table. All the runes disappeared, and Cheng Bin's mother tongue began to write brand-new transaction content.

Cheng Bin's eyes fell to the table, and then his pupils shrank, and he saw on the parchment paper the transaction content that was completely beyond his expectation—

"... kill Samal ..."

The quill driven by the regular characteristics quickly swept across the parchment paper, and the black ink outlined the neat square characters.

A high-dimensional **** and demon sacrificed a plan to completely detonate the battlefield to survive, slowly writing on parchment ...

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