Uplifting Journey

Chapter 316: The highest-privilege key and gradual conflict

Cheng Bin was near the time when the human avatar was made in the SCP Foundation world for the first time.

"Back to here, basically all the shells have been recovered ..."

In the huge metal room containing SCP-173, Cheng Bin stared at the reinforced concrete figure with his head rubbed against the wall. Apparently, the neutron star warfare he currently uses has not been recognized as a normal creature by this weird statue, so he Gaze's gaze cannot stop its actions, and it will not be actively attacked by him.

"The next step is the observation plan of the bottom unit of the universe, and the transaction proposed by Samuel ... The agreement with Dr. T can just happen in this transaction, is this also in its calculation?"

A large network of communication protocols across the world and time is constantly operating, connecting Cheng Bin's shells at different times in different worlds. The theoretical models of complex observation experiments and related huge calculations are continuously promoted by using idle shells.

Slightly sideways in four-dimensional space, blurring away SCP-173 moving at random high speeds, while Cheng Bin waited for Dr. T, who had agreed to meet in this world, this place, and this time, while pondering the secrets hidden by Samer.

The transaction that Cheng Bin negotiated with Samael in a later period of time, a brief overview is to pit an immortal lizard and detonate the battlefield, and take away some of the cost of three-way betting on the battlefield, so that Samael escaped from heaven Full control of the territorial system.

I won't mention the specific details and methods for the time being. From the perspective of the benefits and risks that Samal can obtain, there are many problems in it that are hidden and not stated.

Samer's abacus was good, but Cheng Bin would not believe that this former enemy would dig his own heart.

First of all, Samael is definitely not, as he said, completely aware of the reality that his mind is controlled by the heaven and **** system, thus raising the idea of ​​rebellion.

Just kidding, the guy who took the shortcut of angelization to upgrade the dimension, the real name of the soul core algorithm has fallen into the hands of others, counting on himself to break through the ideological seal and launch a real betrayal. This probability is in the high-dimensional life hand that can control the evolution and division of the world line. There doesn't exist at all.

Well, considering the content of the transaction and the current situation of the battlefield, and carefully analyzing the goals and ultimate beneficiaries of each party, Cheng Bin knows what curvy roads there are-most of the sudden change in attitude of Samaire is that infinite The master's digging was successful.

If you think about it, the high-dimensional trilateral forces have more than three high-dimensional lives. While investing in entanglement and trying to strategize the power of the opposition, it was originally the most common method in war.

The Lord of Infinite does not need Samal to turn around and put it in his arms. Just find a way to awaken him and let Samal, the deep-rooted **** core, escape from the group by himself, which is already a great advantage. .

However, although the Lord of Infinite has taken most of his stalemate, Cheng Bin has not forgotten that his fundamental purpose is to include himself and the inner area. It is Samuel who broke the deal by himself when he negotiated the deal with himself. It ’s a bit fascinating that his private behavior was still instructed by the Infinite Lord.

Just as Cheng Bin thought about it, SCP-173 flashing in the room suddenly stopped moving, but it was Dr. T with a gray-haired but strong old man who appeared in the room in a space-shifting manner.

Cheng Bin looked curiously at the old man in a white suit and white beard staring at SCP-173-as a projection of human external phenomena, Dr. T could not stop SCP-173's movements, so the old man who was new Just an ordinary human being recognized by SCP-173?

The old man with wide eyes staring at the reinforced concrete statue smiled bitterly and said, "Why do you have to meet here? Can you separate SCP-173 first? In this way, I can't move at all, it's hard to keep my eyes open, I But it won't last long. "

Dr. T smiled awkwardly, then turned his attention to Cheng Bin for help—he was not capable of dealing with such awful things as SCP-173, and this metal room had no internal mechanism reserved for operation.

Due to the current operating pressure of the main body of the agreement, as the only dynamic anchor that is left on this world line and can be cancelled at any time, Cheng Bin has basically no mood to mobilize here, nor has he made any significant progress during this period. Unify the body of the world at the bottom of the field, so destroying SCP-173 directly from the bottom is not feasible.

Now, although his neutron star warfare body was added with the rules of anti-containment rules, the ability to destroy SCP-173 was not available. The melee force to suppress it would cause the aftermath to be flattened.

But simple isolation is fine.

Cheng Bin arbitrarily raised his hand and boxed in front of the space. The vacuum zero-point energy from the old version of the co-working unit released the violent space-time distortion force through the neutron star body.

The space-time ripples of the twisted light flashed across the room, and the deformed doll whose action was only manifested in kinetic energy was drawn into a four-dimensional shock without any resistance, and sealed into a temporarily opened subspace.

Cheng Bin retracted his hand and stared down at his fist—

Speaking of which, he has n’t used energy and space-time control so easily for a long time. Because of the deliberate guidance of the system, his power level has always been improved by leaps and bounds. Often, a level of technology has not been developed and expanded. Going deeper ...

However, this new version of the neutron star warfare is quite easy to use. Although the following quark warfare and four-dimensional warfare warfare can be manufactured, those versions have much lower self-maintenance capabilities and require more energy resources. And most importantly--

In addition to the current world line, there are subtle differences in the underlying rules of the parallel worlds of other SCP foundations.

The similarity of surface matter maintained by tangled and twisted rules, the neutron star body at the proton and neutron level can still be used in various worlds after fine-tuning, but other deeper technical applications have various problems.

Only by going deep into the world body of the Grand Unified Field can the technology system be reunited regardless of the differences in physical rules. However, if each agreement carrier makes the world body, the operation efficiency will be too poor. Coping ability will also decrease, and Cheng Bin did not intend to do so before starting the observation experiment.

"Hah, thank you ..." The relieved old man in the suit raised his hand and loosened his tie, blinked a few dry eyes fiercely, and then turned around to thank Cheng Bin, "Mr. Cheng Bin, you You can call me Bright, I'm the No. 1 member of the O5 Council, the highest authority of the SCP Foundation. "

Cheng Bin looked at Bret, who was just an ordinary person except the memory system: "Bright ... I heard Dr. T said that the members of the world's O5 council have completed the inhuman transformation, are you?"

At another point in time, Cheng Bin, who has used the body of the world to deeply investigate the situation of the SCP Foundation, still knows a little about the anomaly on O5-1, but because it is too deeply involved with all SCP Foundation containment, the information is complicated. Gao didn't analyze it in depth.

"It's lucky to be able to experience the feeling of ordinary humans more," Brett said with a sigh. "I and SCP-076 Abel's battle madness is quite similar. He can rise from the coffin after death, and I. ..

"... As long as the SCP Foundation is not destroyed, ordinary people like me will disappear directly regardless of any negative anomalies, and there will be a next-generation Blatter who inherits all permissions and information in the position of O5-1. Honestly, I will not I know I'm still not the original Blatter. "

"So," Cheng Bin nodded. "Do you agree to join our plan now?"

"In fact, I still have a little instinct to resist. Compared with this plan, I am more emotionally inclined to fall completely to heaven. After all, there is a human place under the glory of God ..."

O5-1 Bright was silent for a while, then said helplessly: "I don't know if this is affected by the high-dimensional life you said ... but anyway, protecting human civilization is the mission of the SCP Foundation. With the doomsday fault continuing to spread upstream of the timeline, letting go is the wise choice. "

After speaking these words, Brett simply took a piece of delicate white paper and rough charcoal from his arms, wrote his name and a series of numbers on it, and handed them to Cheng Bin.

Cheng Bin took the paper and glanced at the elegant writing on it. He knew that this thing looked like a simple line of words, but it was really a terrible memetic container that could exist and spread only by information. This information can be embedded as a password for any period of time that the SCP Foundation exists, to obtain a portion of the SCP Foundation's highest authority.

Bly nodded his face and looked a bit uncomfortable. Cheng Bin looked at Dr. T on the side and said, "Did you improve your kung fu? This time, you got it without any surprises, which is strange ... "

"Probably the world here is more familiar to me, and the reason for the disappearance of SCP-343's biblical containment ..." Dr. T was a little uncertain, and then he discovered that Cheng Bin's expression changed slightly. ". ..what happened to you?"

"Nothing ... the 13th world line is up," Cheng Bin didn't know what to take away from the void, "you first cooperate with Bai's derivative programs left at various times, and call the co-worker to go slowly Try to adjust the timeline of the development of human civilization. I will go to other worlds for a while, so I will not create obstacles for you ... "

"The next time I return to this world, I should go directly to the meeting point of the world line upstream of time," Cheng Bin looked at Dr. T. "Just meet there, and after the success of my experiment, I will start to execute the scheduled plan. Test it now. "

After a simple farewell, the dense neutron star body with a complex space-time structure inside completely collapsed, and the physical phenomenon caused was smoothed out in the sea of ​​Dirac connected by the co-working unit. Cheng Bin's agreement carrier in this initial world line completely disappeared. .

Bright and Dr. T glanced at each other. Dr. T shrugged: "Will you consider signing me? Then I have to run back and forth on the timeline. Every time I walk back, I have to re-run Explaining it to you, it's still quite troublesome. "

Blatter shook his head helplessly, and took out a blank piece of paper again ...


The SCP Foundation related world line. Before Dr. T made his own replicas everywhere, the SCP Foundation passed various parallel world-related containments, determined the distance and numbered according to the information offset, 13 in Cheng Bin ’s mouth. World Line's statement is only inherited and adjusted from a certain Foundation file.

At this moment, the core subspace of the SCP Foundation in the 13th world has become a mess, and a large number of containment materials have breached the seal and looted everywhere, setting off a wave of blood and rain.

"World Line 1 is so smooth, but here it fought ..."

Cheng Bin, who was driving the body of the neutron star, flickered in a study room full of sword marks, and looked at the old man who was lying in a pool of blood with some confusion.

By comparing with World Line 1, he can confirm that this guy is O5-1 Bright. After all, World Line 13 is close to No. 1 and there is not much difference.

"Weird, isn't Bright saying that he will disappear and reset after death?"

Cheng Bin turned the space at his fingertips and manipulated gravity to turn the lying Bright on his back. There was a straight knife mark on the front extending from the left shoulder to the left leg, which cut off everything from the rib heart ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ is said to be a wound made by a sword, but from the marks on the house and the human body, it is more like an attack of a certain space-time fault, but it also has kinetic energy, tearing, and devouring properties.

Gravity detection ignoring material obstacles incorporated various crazy containment objects in the huge subspace base into the perception. Cheng Bin frowned and waited for a while, but did not wait for Dr. T from this world to come as promised.

Then Cheng Bin simply wiped out the body in this world, and the main body of the agreement put a little force back into it at a more upstream time, and simply squeezed out a neutron star battle body in a well-positioned place.

At the point in time when Cheng Bin traced back, the abnormalities of a large number of contained objects had not yet appeared, and Bright was living well. At this moment, the old man was turning back in amazement with the sudden appearance of a shadow next to his hand, looking out of nowhere Youth in black in the room.

Brett put down the book in his hand, and stood a little surprised. "SCP-X? Why are you here?"

From the attitude of Blatter towards himself, Cheng Bin noticed anomalies—

Although the cross-world time communication network established by Dr. T does not allow him to exchange information in real time with the unified soul, he has also constructed various world and time communication systems with various containment objects through clumsy methods.

In theory, at this point in time, some members of the O5 Council should be aware of the latest plan ... Is there something wrong with Dr. T of this world line? Subsequent negotiations with some senior members of the SCP Foundation were erased from the timeline changes?

"After all, the SCP Foundation is one of the focal points for the struggle of several high-level forces. I conduct my own research and experiments. They will not be distracted to control me, but if you intervene in this ... Well, will you start a direct conflict? Don't know how much power they can put into the low-dimensional world ... "

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