Uplifting Journey

Chapter 361: Deadlocked Elves and Vector Control Edition Throwing Stones

() The short and fierce battle has greatly consumed the magic power of the elven mage, and the large amount of this consumption basically falls on the pre-prepared string of Debuffs targeted at high magic resistance targets.

Except for the buff magic to the companions, these negative bufff are all indispensable. Without maneuvering to limit the red dragon that can fly at supersonic speed, it can't meet the prerequisites of dragon slaughter at all.

Later, depending on the situation, the banishment and summoning magic will be released, and the last magic of Dior will be consumed.

The original magic can only slowly recover itself by assimilating external elements. At this time, Dior actually envied those wizards who rely on the magic net to cast in the trunk of the world tree.

Although there are many flaws in using that magic, as long as the daily permissions are not exhausted and the heart is not exhausted, you can lose the spell as you want.

"However, the magic net constructed by imitating the system of divine spirit and divine power eventually drastically lowered the level of those masters in the plane, and fewer people pursued truth ...

"Such a convenient and popular spell-casting tool, on the contrary, most wizards will only use magic and no longer understand magic. This is the reason for the lack of follow-up guidance ... It is a pity that the civilization that created the magic net was destroyed by the gods. "

While the Red Dragon was tentatively observing the old trees of war, there were some messy elven magician Dior in his heart, and he had found his companion according to the mark made in advance.

The half-dead figure of warrior Garot and archer Velen, and the figure of Lacey, who was silently watching while holding the elven sword, reflected in Dior's eyes.

Before summoning the ancient war weapon, he used advanced stealth technology released by the magic props he carried to cover his body. The magician Dior, who did not leak the slightest sound, smell, light and shadow, leaned on the trunk of the empty land smashed by the dragon. Not far from Lacey.

Although there is little magic power left, subduing an elite warrior who has been stunned by dragon blood is not troublesome for the legendary mage. However, even if the person holding the elven sword does not move, it will have a strong dispel of harmful magic. Effect, it is almost impossible to subdue it without making too much movement.

Dior estimated the duration of the stealth spell, and then turned his head to look at the unusually striking war tree.

He wasn't sure if it would attract the attention of the Red Dragon here. After all, depending on the situation, the Red Dragon still valued the two captives and his relatives here, so it is better to wait for the Red Dragon and the ancient war tree to entangle deeply. It's better to do it when you have no time to get away.

It didn't take long for Dior to wait, and the warm-up ancient war weapon that had been warmed up went head-to-head with the Red Dragon who had explored something.

When the terrible elemental upheaval that almost covered the normal perception spread far away, Dior, who was sensitive to the elemental change, was slightly uncomfortable, and floated slowly out of the woods.

Advanced Stealth can't hide the elemental fluctuations caused by the casting of other spells, and even has a great interference with the cast. Dior simply lifted the stealth. When Lacey turned back fiercely, he raised his hand to face the holding of the Holy Sword. The elf is one finger.

Demonstration of Demonstration-Give up other abilities and focus on specializing spells that strip magic items from the spirit of life.

A faint green light swept across Lacey's body, and the simple and immortal Elf Sword suddenly burst into a dazzling colorful element.

Although the elven holy sword can use some of its power, mastering its true core power requires many secret methods. Lacey, who is not the owner of the holy sword, naturally does not know, so her connection with the holy sword can be easily lost. Split.

Feeling that the big sword in his hand was getting heavier and more trembling, and even wanted to break free of his grasp, Lacey quickly clenched the weapon with both hands and rushed towards Dior who released the spell.

At the moment when Lacey lifted his feet, Dior hit the ground with the next spell, and a large blast of dust obscured the instant vision. The small piece of soil centered on Lacey immediately deteriorated and melted. It is generally difficult to move into the glue.

However, Lacey, who had been here for a while, was not just paddling. She took a gap to study the magic power that has been significantly changed after being deeply eroded by the blood of the Dragons. Now she has explored some matches with past experience. How to use it.

The dark red silk threads slowly appear in the woods like spider webs. These traps laid by Lacey are difficult to find after reaching the inert state, and can be turned into high-temperature cutting lines or Lacey's more familiar elastic threads at any time.

Dior was quite surprised to see the vertical and horizontal lines in the open space. Lacey, dragged by the viscous gel, lifted her right leg and kicked it out sideways. A long hidden bundle of twisted woven fabrics has been buried in secret. The elastic rope, like a full bowstring, launched Lacey suddenly.

Longer and darker red hairs danced wildly in the extreme high speed. Lacey waved the holy sword obliquely from the bottom up and broke the invisible body in front of Dior with the help of the holy sword Barrier, the simple swing of the holy sword even brought up a burst of Ling Jian's sword gas, and swept through a large tree behind the avoiding Dior.

But when Lacey rushed close and let the Holy Sword approach Dior's body, Lacey saw abnormal fluctuations in the skin of the part of the clothing where the wizard approached the sword's edge-that was the phenomenon that the spell was disturbed by the Holy Sword.

"This is a mirror image! Was it when the smoke was exploded before ..."

When Lacey noticed something bad, if there was a real mirror, Dior had taken a step forward, and, ignoring the large hole that the holy sword opened in the body, reached out to Lacey's body.

The magic ring in the hand of the mirror and the preset trap on the ground where the mirror is located are triggered. Lacey feels that the magic of the body's movement is suddenly disrupted for a moment, and the elf holy sword in his hand suddenly becomes extremely heavy.

And in the short moment when her body was out of control, Dior hidden around the dead end of the vision behind the mirror, he set a spell that increased physical strength such as strength, agility and physical fitness, slender fist forward, and smashed with a dull sound. In Lacey's sword, she knocked down the elven holy sword on the spot.

Dior readily caught the ring falling from the mirrored hand, and a thick spellbook appeared in front of him. The magic spellbook gave Lacey, who had released the holy sword and resisted the magic, a fixed body action. Surgery.

Although all aspects are moving closer to the Red Dragon, Lacey's purity of the dragon veins and the control of the magical power are not enough to make her act like a red dragon with a lot of negative conditions and can do nothing. After the operation, he can only stand still temporarily.

Dior, who picked up the holy sword, glanced at this weapon that had not been in contact with the research in the past, and then looked at Leissine's swollen and cocked body with a tense posture, and quietly estimated the time it took to break away from his spell.

Determining that he could not move for a short time, Dior raised his hand and lay the sword horizontally on Lacey's shoulder. She faced her expressionlessly and said with a bit of hatred: "Lacey, look at Garlott I value yours very much, and I will not investigate your crime of helping the Elf enemies for the time being, please be honest with me, don't force me to deal with acquaintances. "

When Dior lifted his feet and wanted to walk to the two seriously injured, Lacey said silently: "In the case of your friend My Teacher Ai Wei, let me remind you ... I don't want to die Just stand still. "

Dior's footsteps, a feeling of extreme danger emerged from his heart.

The strands of dark red light appeared on the limbs of Lacey's body, and the thin red lines extended to connect with the dense and dense red lines that appeared in the woods.

The range of the tight wire network with Lacey as the core is not too large. Dior, who was caught in it for a while without looking, watched with apprehension through the thin line extending from his side to the far end. The sword moved slightly.

However, the magic sword with powerful ability to break the magic has not left Lacey's body. There is a magic line actively breaking in the distance. The highly-tight composite attribute red line flashes away at a speed that is indistinguishable to the naked eye after the node breaks. A sudden scarred bloodline appeared on the skin of the neck.

The Elvish Sword has a strong ability to dispel the demons, but the alternative magic resistance brought to the sword holder is not optimistic about the damage reduction effect of this high temperature plus kinetic energy cutting damage.

Lacey, who charged at a high speed, pulled many invisible silk threads by herself. With the advance arrangement when she was guarding the serious injury number in the past, she occupied a geographical advantage in this area.

"I don't know how many times I and I have studied, I know how difficult your mage is."

Facing Dior who was not consciously approaching because of his neck injury, Lacey said in a deep voice: "But no matter what, if you do n’t have much magic, you want to get the elf holy sword with the effect of breaking magic. This takes away. As long as you grasp this, you can control your body. "

Dior, who was standing close to Lacey, smiled helplessly--

Lacey's judgment is quite accurate, and her practice of using it as the core of the trap really made him feel very tricky, because now it is Lacey who maintains the stability of many silk traps by her own will. If she strikes her, she will be involved A large piece of wire mesh node will collapse, and the dense high-temperature cutting line rolled up will probably tear itself to pieces.

I know that his mage's reaction speed in the close-up state may not be as elite as that of Lacey. Dior is afraid to use other spells with obvious signs. He can only stand honestly and stalemate with Lacey. Think about countermeasures.

When the short battle here was deadlocked, a terrifying horror came from afar.

The shock wave that swept around made Lacey and Dior almost hit by a few dark red threads that lost their stability. Dior, with a lingering heart, disturbed the effect of Lacey's body fixation with a holy sword, allowing her to pull the silk thread. A little room for movement, lest he succumb to death in Lacey's uncontrollable slip.

Relieved, Lacey secretly adjusted the layout of the wire mesh trap, and then looked a little worriedly in the direction from which the shock wave came.

Although Laixi can feel the calmness of the young Red Dragon because of the induction between the blood, the elementary wave indirectly reflects the intensity of the battle, which is far more than when the Dragon Squad was besieged by the previous team. What the **** is going on ...

Without wide-area awareness, Lacey couldn't see the specific battle situation, but the aftermath of the shock from far away has been becoming more and more scary.

Not long after, after a large area of ​​nearby vegetation land was lifted by an invisible impact, Lacey and Dior in an stalemate could not help but stare at each other—rather than dry up here, it is better to retreat with a serious injury before reaching an agreement. The point is better, otherwise it would be too tragic to be swept up by some aftermath.

At this moment, the elven Ivy riding the Shadow Leopard finally came, and gradually approached the battlefield full of scars.


Numerous dim yellow light spots converge along the tentacle-like twisted tree roots and large swaths. Subtle changes in nature occur as they pass through the trunk of the ancient war tree, and then the virtual press of the nearly ten branches and leaves of the ancient war tree Knead together to form an irregular stone ball.

The rock ball that continually assimilated the surrounding elements gradually solidified. As all its internal and external vectors were distorted and bundled into a unified spiral, the stone ball tumbled and rotated at a faster and faster speed in the rubbing of the Shuren Giant's hands.

Seeing the ancient war tree's ability usage, the Red Dragon flying at a low altitude couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "Reminds me of the coin experiment when I first developed the ability to solidify the mind, this war Will the ancient tree really be able to accelerate this ammo indefinitely by the ability to control the space vector? "

However, the ability of the ancient war tree to dominate the space to interfere with macroscopic material movement has its power limit. The huge earth element stone in its hand has not stored power for only a few seconds, and some of the vectors between its high-speed rotations are distorted and pointed towards the red dragon. The tree's waving limbs blasted at the red dragon.

The face of the Red Dragon changed slightly-the speed of the stones significantly exceeded the speed of sound, but did not cause phenomena related to supersonic speed. It can be seen that the ability of the ancient trees of war has always played a role on the stones.

The power of the boulder, which is almost larger than its own body, is unknown. The Red Dragon does not intend to connect it, but when the high-speed boulder approaches a certain distance, the ability of the ancient war tree to interfere with the target suddenly switches from the boulder to the airspace where the red dragon is located.

The space is twisted and twisted like a Rubik's cube, and the familiar flip of the heavens and the earth is staged again. The body of the red dragon's flight avoidance turned into a welcoming boulder without any warning.

Red Dragon's ability to fight the ancient trees of the war is profound, because with advance precautions, his flying speed was suddenly reduced before being interfered, and after being twisted and folded, he did not hit the boulder directly.

But lost the space interference force maintained by the ancient trees of war ~ www.readwn.com ~ After flying for a while, the highly compressed boulder condensed by pure soil elements burst into instability before the Red Dragon made other responses. .

Turning all elemental power into kinetic energy impacted earth element stones turned into rotating diffused shotguns covering a large area of ​​space. The inevitable red dragon was blasted by a small amount of shrapnel under the collapsed limb defense, and the rest of the body was blasted. The high-speed shrapnel spread and shattered a lot of trenches on the ground while tearing the clouds, causing a severe shock.

In a deep breath, the red dragon that completely repaired the injury, looked at the headache with a headache, and the ground was full of wounds.

"After observing for so long, I haven't understood how this ancient war tree's ability to dominate the space works. It seems that I lack a lot of basic magic knowledge, and it doesn't make much sense to drag on ..."

The Red Dragon looked at Lacey and the three other elves from afar, then turned back to look at the old war tree that restarted the long-range attack on the stone ball, and the wings rushed towards it at a high speed.

"Long-range field control and attack are quite powerful. I don't know how close combat and anti-strike ability is .... It is better to end this battle as soon as possible. It would be a loss if those elves were killed by stray bullets. The knowledge is quite interesting ... "

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